Muslim women have to wear hijab and Muslim men don’t - How is that NOT misogynistic? Hmmm EASY…

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Veronika Edali

Veronika Edali

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@Zmungessssthefungus Жыл бұрын
Choosing to do something for modesty is very different from being forced to with fear of beatings, humiliation or even death.
@Roses_are_rosie43 Жыл бұрын
Some are forced by beating them, some are forced without beating, some aren’t at all it’s their choice. It depends on what kind of parents you have
@TheApplianceDirect Жыл бұрын
Yes and a very small percent of Muslim women in the whole world are facing those dire consequences. Fight for the women who are dying but don’t see the hijab itself as the problem, please.
@ladyfallon Жыл бұрын
Odd. . . I wear hijab and travel the world, yet I've never been forced to wear it or worn it out of fear. You must be thinking of the extremist. Why are you generalizing an ENTIRE religion based on a small percentage of extremists? It's your type of statements that cause people who know nothing about my religion to try to force me to take my hijab off, because they think I'm "oppressed." Yet, isn't forcing me to take my clothes off also a form of oppression? 🤔
@its_me573 Жыл бұрын
Ya , majority of the Muslim women we choose to wear the hijab
@marvahinspace Жыл бұрын
@@its_me573 are they? There is no fact in your statement, it's an opinion. Women wear it because they don't wanna get assaulted. Look at Iranian women. Dying for showing little hair. Dying for fighting for their right for choice.
@sarahcote4724 Жыл бұрын
the problem is that some women are indeed being murdered. MURDERED. for not being "modest". I fully support one's choice to wear the hijab. But we absolutely cannot ignore the fact that some Islamic countries don't allow that choice, and at the root it is misogyny.
@1_nana_nunu_1 Жыл бұрын
If it’s happening doesn't mean it's what Islam tells us to do... The penalty for not wearing hijab is NOT the death penalty 🙄 The people killing these women are not following the rules of Islam
@zoeforbus Жыл бұрын
​@@1_nana_nunu_1 No, but it is the misogynistic views of Islam that make this problem. As soon as a girl enters puberty, she's taught that her beauty is something to hide and nothing to be proud of. Some scholars think this means covering the HANDS. If you don't think that's ridiculous, I don't know what to tell you
@Page-wb1si Жыл бұрын
It's not everyone, like for my parents they eased me to it and taught me how to love wearing a hijab. And not everyone is 'forced' if someone does not want to wear a hijab it's their choice it's the corrupt countries and people who are forcing people to wear a hijab but in the end there are many people like wearing a hijab and we shouldn't judge them
@sabrsabrsavr Жыл бұрын
Iran is not Islam. there is no dictatorship in islam.
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
She talks about Islam please. Not that country. CAN U STOP COMPARE IT? ISLAM IS ISLAM. NOT A POLITICS. You choose to see only that example and ignore the fact that so many muslim woman choose to wear it by themselves. You ignore them?
@beautiful_sky111 Жыл бұрын
"Misogyny doesn't exist in Islam." then why does triple talaq, nikah halala, polygamy only for males is allowed in islam?
@chamberv5261 Жыл бұрын
Hahha the way she skipped your comment, she's so brainwashed fr
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
@@chamberv5261 I don’t consider her brainwashed, that’s kinda a crude way of putting it. More like she refuses to look
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
Learn Islam properly.
@Pokoph8 Жыл бұрын
What are these three thing you said are allowed and where are they written in the quran
@moon-gw7wy Жыл бұрын
4 wives was allowed to help women in war many men died during battle of uhud so the four wives rule is to help support them as single mothers it's only allowed if it's just for the woman or necessary like this situation
@ncjxbshj Жыл бұрын
No, sorry, for me no amount of "men and women are ✨just different✨" is gonna justify women having to stress over hiding their hair when men just walk around carefree. Also, I grew up in a place with relatively huge Muslim population, and I've NEVER seen Muslim men care about their own "modesty". Short sleeves, shorts, tight clothes, swimming in swimming trunks, etc. But God forbid a woman shows her hair or her arm past the wrist. Hypocrisy is all it is.
@misbahailia3345 4 ай бұрын
You made a mistake when you said, "no sorry for me". We were talking about OUR CHOICE to want to wear it. No one in this video said you have to wear it if you don't like it. Plus, the Quran said nen should cover up too. The guys who don't follow that are sinning. And Allah is all Knowing All Forgiving, Most Merciful (to men and women who repent).
@paper1893 21 күн бұрын
This isn't about you, islam actually values women and doesn't want to sexualize them in a world of sexualizing women
@truthbetold4350 4 күн бұрын
@@misbahailia3345Horse Sh*t
@rosequill7925 Жыл бұрын
I just don't really understand how women showing their hair is immodest but men showing their hair isn't.
@ifyoulikepinacolada254 Жыл бұрын
As she said, it’s about modesty with different parts of ourselves. Men have to cover up too, they also can’t sexualise a woman with their eyes or thoughts (unless married). That’s a whole level of modesty than simple clothes, if you ask me. Women shouldn’t sexualise men either but it’s just you rarely hear about men’s modesty even though it’s also important in Islam
@BMass83 Жыл бұрын
It’s different for each religion. This isn’t a one religion thing. Obviously in Muslim beliefs, but also Judaism, Roman Catholicism, and numerous different sects of Christianity. From Amish, to Quakers, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist. Almost all have head wear “laws” for lack if a better word, for women but not men.
@nesrinebk2743 Жыл бұрын
It's a proven fact that men are more sexually aroused by visual stimuli, but women are more sexually aroused by concrete, auditory, olfactory, touch and emotionally relevant sexual stimulation. So it would make sense that women would cover up more than men. And why men are required to lower their gaze when interacting with women.
@alexandrahenderson4368 Жыл бұрын
Well if you read Quran in doesn't actually tell us to cover our hair. But men could wear turbans to cover theirs and many do Alhamdulillah. I prefer men who wear a turban headscarf with left over pieces over their face. There is no reason either of us need to be flaunting our beauty if we don't want to
@lyliavix4366 Жыл бұрын
@@nesrinebk2743 erhhhhmmm no… Jewish men wear head covers garments
@semi2893 Жыл бұрын
I keep hearing that in Islam women and girls are honored and treated with respect but when I look at the Islamic world I can find little to no evidence of that...
@akahajar Жыл бұрын
What's " Islamic world " ?
@AhlamShia Жыл бұрын
It’s because of their culture not really Islam itself.
@rhyrhyrhy Жыл бұрын
You are right. Yes islamic world is worse than islam itself but islam is definetely not a religion that values men and women equally. I was a muslim for all my life and I also kept lying to myself ,like this beautiful woman here, that there is nothing misogonystic about islam. But there is, a lot.
@ageofraya Жыл бұрын
It's the way of the world now. Say uncorrected things long and lots enough, and you can convince the masses that they're true. Pretty sure it was the naz*s who perfected that technique.
@MonikaJVB Жыл бұрын
@@rhyrhyrhy can you elaborate on that a bit more? im just curious.
@_infires8543 Жыл бұрын
I think the problem isn't with the RELIGION itself, but rather how PEOPLE corrupt and use the religion as an excuse for misogyny and oppression
@LO-dm6uf Жыл бұрын
@VeronikaEdali Жыл бұрын
@VeronikaEdali Жыл бұрын
It happens when people pretend to be of certain faiths and are not actually following the teachings of the faith but because they claim to be “religious” the world perceives their actions as the representation of the faith, mostly when the individual claims to be Muslim. When it happens in Christianity people say well the person is flawed, but when it happens within the Muslim world then it’s the entire religion’s fault due to Islamophobia…
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. But peoole would not believe it, right? I mean western especially.
@beeppboopp Жыл бұрын
People really like to say "That's culture, not religion!" but these two things are so intertwined that you really can't separate them.
@stephanien2323 Жыл бұрын
You know what a Muslim man told my husband after hearing about our miscarriage? "You can get another wife." This was a guy who was supposedly a friend and rather than showing empathy, he was a complete asshole and treated me like I meant nothing.
@user-ny3nl6od2j Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry about that, but he isn't doing what Islam says. He can NOT get another wife until you agree ( a Muslim man) to it
@halleyscomet2672 Жыл бұрын
@@user-ny3nl6od2j "until you agree to it" had me in the first half. It's even sadder that I know you weren't joking
@user-ny3nl6od2j Жыл бұрын
@@halleyscomet2672 what are you saying? I said a muslim man cannot get another wife until his wife agrees to it
@halleyscomet2672 Жыл бұрын
@@user-ny3nl6od2j and it's said that you think it's fine...
@user-ny3nl6od2j Жыл бұрын
@@halleyscomet2672 what's sad? Why do you think it's sad that I think it's fine for a muslim woman to have an opinion on whether her husband can have another wife or not?
@phaeb Жыл бұрын
Is that why 90% of Iranian women are fighting to get their freedom back?
@yamik5524 Жыл бұрын
Political persecution of women has nothing to with the religion. Yes Iran's government is mysogynistic. That doesn't reflect on the faith itself. How ignorant can you get in times when the world of knowledge is at your fingertips thru a simple smart phone.
@phaeb Жыл бұрын
@@yamik5524 it's the religious leaders calling for their persecution. The islamic revolution is what stripped women of all their rights, so...
@akahajar Жыл бұрын
@@phaeb a lot of crime has been done in the name of Jesus by the church in history. That doesn't mean necessarily that it's Christianity's fault.
@ageofraya Жыл бұрын
@@akahajar cop out. We're not talking about Christians right now. Deflection is a last resort when you have no logical response.
@komo5278 Жыл бұрын
@@ageofraya He literally explained it, you can't blame the religion for what people do, just like you don't blame christianity for H1t1ers actions.
@cerenemariajoy6683 Жыл бұрын
Hijab or no hijab should be an individual choice without any consequences either way.. Period!
@leymong5182 Жыл бұрын
I love how y’all speak for us because clearly we Muslim woman love it. Stay in your lane and mind your business. Let me ask you something, Would you prefer a peeled banana or a covered banana? I’ll leave the answer to you.
@cerenemariajoy6683 Жыл бұрын
@@leymong5182 this became my business when one woman got assaulted for choosing to wear hijab to her school in Karnataka while another got killed for not wearing it properly on Iran.. So ya.. This is my business!! And btw I've no clue where you're going with the banana metaphor or what you imply with that
@leymong5182 Жыл бұрын
@@cerenemariajoy6683 again mind your business with your small mind and don’t ever speak on things you know nothing about. The most dangerous thing in the world is speaking on things you have no clue about. Again, the hypocrisy is beyond me. Don’t be mad at us because y’all are accessible to other mens and we’re not. Y’all cannot tame your desires and we can. We don’t need y’all to save us. We are good all are own. There’s a saying, diamonds are rare so as Muslim woman. The men that can see our beautiful hair and body is our husbands. We get our crown before being used and dashed away. We are queens. And point blank and a period.
@leymong5182 Жыл бұрын
@@cerenemariajoy6683 obviously, you’re not smart enough to read between the lines.
@cerenemariajoy6683 Жыл бұрын
@@leymong5182 ROFLMAO!!
@sun-hi111 Жыл бұрын
Modesty in Islam For men: clothes that cover them from their belly button to their knees For women: clothing that covers their whole body except for their hands and face The math ain't mathing
@sabrsabrsavr Жыл бұрын
Men also need to lower their gaze more, men are also expected provide for the fam whereas women can work if they wish to and keep their own money without necessarily Needing to contribute to the family bills. Your math is imbalanced. Notice how many educated women in the US lean into covering up more after all the sex crime and violence around them makes them feel unsafe.
@sun-hi111 Жыл бұрын
@@sabrsabrsavr yeah woman can work unless your husband says no which is usually the case with strict muslim men and god forbids you disobey your husband. the problem with this whole modesty concept in islam is that its forced only on women most of the time. men can literally wear short shorts with no top and go outside and no one will bat an eye, meanwhile if a woman decides to wear a tank top she will get harrassed for it.
@ariellewallian5364 Жыл бұрын
@@sun-hi111 Everything you just said is all culture. In Islam it's a woman's right to have all her education, and if the man denies it she's free to divorce him (yes, without his permission you can get a divorce with an imam). Modesty is mandated to both sexes, pious men also wear caps and sometimes scarfs over their heads. Yet people police men less but that's society's doing. One of the first unis was created by a Muslim, one of the first hospitals, surgical practice, and other things were all things women did back then and still do in Islamic countries.
@xMalaeeryx Жыл бұрын
men can't wear silk, earrings, gold, and more? its fair if women can't show naked and a men can't wear what I have just listed
@haneef4189 Жыл бұрын
Muslim men also can't wear silk, gold, and certain types of jewelery
@GolgappaUwU Жыл бұрын
That Iranian women left the chatt literally 💀
@peaches50 Жыл бұрын
Iran doesnt represent the entire muslim community. Muslims get killed everyday for simply existing but yall get so pressed when someone tries to defend their own religion. Iran is ruled by a terrible government that is oppressive and brutal, but stop acting like every muslim is responsible. The movement for freedom in Iran isnt about religion, its about their RIGHTS as human beings. Stop acting like people arent allowed to wear hijabs or talk about religion anymore
@haneef4189 Жыл бұрын
French Muslim women left the chat 💀
@whoareyou-9291 11 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@z.m4825don’t live in iran 😍 Can’t respect their laws? The door is right there :D! (This is a joke.)
@whoareyou-9291 11 ай бұрын
as a hijabi women I can tell you some of us are forced yes, but not all of us are. I wore the hijab with full conviction. In fact I had to argue with my parents so they’ll allow me to. What iran is doing has nothing to do with islam. They are using the religion to justify their wrong doings. (Even though in the religion itself, murdering is strictly prohibited. And only allowed as self defense)
@Ryochan672 5 ай бұрын
​​@@whoareyou-9291 very well said fellow hijabi sister, some of us are forced but that doesn't mean all of us. Wearing hijab to me is nothing but a blessing! I don't understand why some people think our religion is so misogynistic and unreasonable, I think Islam is absolutely wonderful
@Lovely-sv1ye Жыл бұрын
Mahsa Amini was killed for wearing the hijab in the “wrong” way... this is what happens when misogynists dictate what a woman should wear. The rules of modesty should go both ways. Women should have the same rights as men.
@zarizeartsyweeb1079 Жыл бұрын
That's the corrupt Iranian government, not Islam
@amyrai7323 Жыл бұрын
That's the government, the government of these developing countries, especially in the middle East, have known to be unhinged and extreme. Compulsion is not allowed in Islam . Can Muslims be misogynistic? Absolutely. Is Islam to blame for their misogyny? Not at all. People who want to be shitty can find any excuse to be shitty
@rochelleanderson882 Жыл бұрын
Preach! 🙌
@isratsumia9787 Жыл бұрын
Idk why you guys want equality! It's about equity! And why you guys always bring example of mahsa amini?! Did you not see how women were oppressed for wearing hijab?! I Didn't see non muslim act like this way at that time? So now one person got killed for not wearing hijab properly, max muslim women Didn't do protest cutting hair or burning hijab but non muslim people are so much eager to do this trend! Woow! Yes it is heart breaking that she died like that way. But non muslims are taking this further more!
@immortalalia Жыл бұрын
@@isratsumia9787 that is a messed up take. No one should be killed for that. And Muslim women are some of the people fighting back. This is common not just with Muslim people. Terrible treatment of women is around the world and should be fought against.
@hakichan94 Жыл бұрын
I think the misogyny comes from forcing women to wear what they don’t want to wear, with the threat of physical violence, emotional violence, or social isolation. Like how many women in Iran right now are wearing hijab because they’re afraid of their life? I support women wearing hijab if that is their free choice. But above all, I support being able to make your own choices freely, and without fear.
@bleaktripod3266 Жыл бұрын
Iran has political issues and you should know they are not following islam properly.
@HadiaaidaHadiaaidaH Жыл бұрын
If they don’t want to w ear hijab then they will still be sinning how ever u won’t get thrown into hell for it
@Dozing_Daizie Жыл бұрын
​@@bleaktripod3266 so they should be killed!? 100% no they shouldn't! It's bad to the point where some people are being killed because they're showing a few baby hairs. That isn't ok no matter the reason
@honeybloom8533 Жыл бұрын
@@Dozing_Daizie I read it as that the majority of Islam in Iran which is Shia Islam is very toxic, and to most Muslims who are Sunni Muslims disagree with the belief of Shia Muslims and don’t think that Shia is the right form of Islam because of the toxicity in it.
@mandi3891 Жыл бұрын
​@@bleaktripod3266 That's how you view them. They think they are following Islam correctly, that's why they act that way. They think harassing and killing women is the right way to act, and those actions honor God. Complaining how "they are doing Islam wrong" isn't helping Iranian women in any way. You should be defending those women instead of worrying what people think about YOUR religion.
@EmilyDickmesome Жыл бұрын
Modesty is a quality that someone has on the inside. It's not clothes.
@kaijuteeth Жыл бұрын
modesty can be used to describe personality and style dude, just respect their choices its not hard lmao
@sugarcubes7320 Жыл бұрын
Yes you can be modest in your personality but you can also be modest in you dress as well.
@mujahidhasan118 Жыл бұрын
Bruh This Comments Section Is Full Of Shit 💀. Full Of Islamophobs In This Comments Section. Btw There Is 2 billion Muslim in this world. 57 Muslim majority country not only that its fastest growing religion in the world. you should judge a religion by its scripture not by human. go visit some muslim majority country you will get you answer.🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
@Anabnormalelf Жыл бұрын
it can be both
@eepyru 8 ай бұрын
in Islam it's both, your clothes and also how you behave.
@loonemist Жыл бұрын
the more I see this bs the happier I am that I'm an atheist
@zarakhan1685 Жыл бұрын
Me too
@mell3047 11 ай бұрын
You and me both
@awimosbizzle 9 ай бұрын
Don’t do that unless u have studied. Ibn kathir says that hijab is recommended. Ibn kathir, which I am surprised no one talks about, is literally the most well known commentator of the Quran. All of the stories in the Quran that Muslims talk about of prophets are mainly explained by him. If you ask any scholar they will tell you how he is. Ibn kathir says it’s recommended to wear the hijab. Whether or not society can accept that, or it looks bad. It is what he said so. I can explain further
@loonemist 9 ай бұрын
@@awimosbizzle I literally read the Quran start to finish and that shit makes no sense and it's so so painfully obvious it's written for the personal gain of Muhammad. I'm glad to be an atheist but most of all I'm glad I'm not a muslim anymore. Idk how everyone is so blind
@awimosbizzle 9 ай бұрын
@@loonemist May Allah guide you
@Theresia66 Жыл бұрын
Men are allowed to divorce the wife, but the wife has to ask permission. How is that not mysoginistic? How about two female testimonies being equal to 1 man, because women are 'forgetfull'. How is that not mysoginistic? How about men being encouraged to hit their wife if she disobeys? How is that not mysoginistic? You are picking and choosing here. The hijab isn't the problem.
@its_me573 Жыл бұрын
Where on earth did you learn these stuff😂😂... -Muslim women can get a divorce if they wish to. - No one , literally no one is encouraged to hit their wives... do you know the meaning of the word ' encourage '...
@its_me573 Жыл бұрын
Give the sources from which you've learnt these information
@testingdefense2472 Жыл бұрын
Just where did you learn all this lol
@isabellalll3608 Жыл бұрын
​@@its_me573 How is "In case of this, do that" not an encouragment?
@TheReyViews Жыл бұрын
@@its_me573 these are all from quran
@karthigaipriya8723 Жыл бұрын
I'm not from western country. Yet will say it's a backward thinking. You didn't answer the question. Why men don't wear hijab if it's modesty? Is showing hair not modest? Seriously? There are so many other countries like India where people do dress modestly without hijab too. Get that right.
@hazellawrence2062 Жыл бұрын
So do you think that what nuns wear is oppressive?
@magnisky Жыл бұрын
Well said karthigai, I agree!
@hereweare9096 Жыл бұрын
@@hazellawrence2062 Nuns wear according to the clergy class of their faith. The female parishioners do not wear it.
@hazellawrence2062 Жыл бұрын
@@hereweare9096 still, they cover out of modesty. That’s literally all hijab is, and many Muslims I’ve spoken to agree that hijab should not be forced, and the people who force a woman to wear it are not real Muslims.
@zarizeartsyweeb1079 Жыл бұрын
@@hereweare9096 and many Muslim women also do not wear hijab
@airplanetowardsthesky3265 Жыл бұрын
I’m sure that Iranian girl was feeling respected when she was shot for showing hair
@user-ny3nl6od2j Жыл бұрын
That's not what Islam says to do.
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
@@user-ny3nl6od2j actually, it is what the quaran says to do. Doesn’t the quaran say to kill non-believers
@sabrsabrsavr Жыл бұрын
Iran is not Islam. there is no dictatorship in islam.
@haneef4189 Жыл бұрын
I'm sure French Muslims felt respected when the French government banned hijabs in schools
@Alxbias Жыл бұрын
​@@haneef4189 If they wanna wear it so badly they should go back to their countries. Don't expect France to adhere to oriental cultures when us occidental people get prosecuted in your countries for not being modest.
@rosegocheva3309 Жыл бұрын
Wow just wow. What you're saying is just crazy compared to what is happening in reality.
@a.hniehhus3258 Жыл бұрын
Mind elaborating?
@artemisa1523 Жыл бұрын
@@a.hniehhus3258 Iranian women are being killed for not using hijab.
@udokaonu2950 Жыл бұрын
@@artemisa1523 Are Iranian women the only hijabis?
@1_nana_nunu_1 Жыл бұрын
There are many more muslim women who want to wear hijab who are not Iranian I'm not undermining the violence Iranian women are facing But from where I'm from there are SO MANY women who absolutely love wearing their hijab and also in other parts of the world there is a lot of women who also love the hijab and choose to wear it. This person is representing the muslim women who want to cover up which is a reality
@HadiaaidaHadiaaidaH Жыл бұрын
@heaven_ly Жыл бұрын
You were privileged enough to grow up in an area where you had the choice whether you wanted to wear hijab or not. Don't assume that misogyny has nothing to do with hijab just because it has nothing to do with YOUR hijab experience. Many women are in a situation where men rule over every aspect of their lives. You are a very empathetic and open-minded individual, so that's why I mean the best when I say that you should not be dismissing other women's experiences. Especially when you assume that misogyny in Islam is unrealistic and some kind of western ideology when misogyny centered hijab mandates are all over the middle east. Always be thankful you are safe and alive right now, because men are killers.
@ishratchoudhury Жыл бұрын
Misogyny and Islam is not compatible. You are mistaking CULTURE for religion. Islam itself does not promote misogyny and the hijab therefore should not be perpetuating misogyny either! Of course misogyny and the hijab does occur but religious scripture is at fault for this! I am not Muslim but I believe that the Quran does say there is no compulsion in religion so already the compulsory hijab mandates are technically Islamically impermissible. The cultural understanding of these men who say they follow Islam is not the true portrayal of Islam. Don’t blame this innocent women for talking about her Islamically valid experience! This woman isn’t just “talking about her experience” she’s also referring to what hijab actually means. Misogyny in Islam should be unrealistic but humans don’t act according to their scripture. What I am trying to get at is that you can’t say that this woman is in the wrong for speaking about what a practice is instead of how it is incorrectly practised.
@user-zc4sx9ig6p Жыл бұрын
@@ishratchoudhury they said men are killers ignore this dumb bozo slut
@nashidragneel4980 Жыл бұрын
exactly. it's the privilege for me
@vaibhavchoubey2486 Жыл бұрын
Muslims gave one of the most illogical explanation for there religious beliefs
@heaven_ly Жыл бұрын
@@ishratchoudhury Exactly, it's not about Islam, it's about how Islam is practiced. What's unrealistic is thinking that revealing clothes can lead to rape, but Islam CAN'T lead to misogyny. This isn't an ideal world, so we shouldn't act like Islam is perfect, because it does breed misogyny, even if it shouldn't. #MahsaAmini
@jasonko2269 Жыл бұрын
Can Muslim woman unilaterally divorce her husband, just like how her husband can do? Can a rich Muslim woman marry four men and provide them with equal love just like what a rich Muslim man can do?
@Sophia-ex7fu Жыл бұрын
Wow the amount of misinformation and hatred you have towards our religion, first educate yourself about islam and then speak
@yy19u Жыл бұрын
@@Sophia-ex7fu A simple question requires a simple answer: Will the court accept a divorce when the wife initiates a divorce by saying " Talak, Talak, Talak" three times without the consent of her husband?
@magnisky Жыл бұрын
@@Sophia-ex7fu ​ what misinformation? Whatever jason ko is correct.
@Anonymous-xs7sj Жыл бұрын
@@yy19u no, there has to be a genuine reason. Allah (God) says divorce is among the things that are allowed but he hates the most. Because it causes heart break.
@Anonymous-xs7sj Жыл бұрын
And no, women BIOLOGICALLY do not have the desire to practice polygamy. You can ask majority of women and thats what they will say. Some Muslim women are fine with their husband having other wives as it gives them reassurance that they aren't cheating.
@lemon_boii1074 Жыл бұрын
She fr said Islam wasn't misogynistic but then proceeded to say men and women had to be different. Miss girl that's imposing roles. Literally gender stereotyping.
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
“This isn’t misogynistic” *Pulls out misogynistic gender roles*
@paper1893 21 күн бұрын
She's right, men and women are different we are not the same
@paper1893 21 күн бұрын
The hijab was made so women wouldn't be sexualized and its not like men don't have to cover either, the hijab is so women don't get sexualized
@lemon_boii1074 21 күн бұрын
@@paper1893 we're not the same biologically. but in a modern society I dont see why thats relevant
@paper1893 21 күн бұрын
@@lemon_boii1074 because men and women look at each other differently women don't lust as much as men plus you're on the internet so your should know how sexualized women are
@SaraRankins. Жыл бұрын
"Muslim women are honored." yeah right tell that to the little girls being kidnapped and raped amd married off in the name of Islam
@SaraRankins. Жыл бұрын
@lucy what other religion does that? They literally have "honor killings"
@notransitory1 Жыл бұрын
"how is this misogynistic" *proceeds to say misogynistic shit*
@creativeminds5405 Жыл бұрын
When you have no knowledge... It is strange to me how people with little to no knowledge about Islam wants to speak for us Muslim women. You cannot.
@Weeping_lover Жыл бұрын
@nmc8753 Жыл бұрын
Do you know what misogyny means? Lemme help you, it means dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women, so no its not mysogynistic to assign certain garments to a gender.
@mar-ui2sr Жыл бұрын
@@nmc8753 kinda is.. modesty shouldn't be just for one gender, why is it only women? because people think it's immodest for women to show skin, not men. That is what's sexist.
@TheApplianceDirect Жыл бұрын
@@mar-ui2sr modesty is for men in Islam. But the ways to be modest are different.
@Jane-ow7sr Жыл бұрын
Sooo why are they killed for having a bit of hair showing. Seen by the recent movement.
@ifyoulikepinacolada254 Жыл бұрын
It’s not allowed in Islam
@Jane-ow7sr Жыл бұрын
@@ifyoulikepinacolada254 so you confirm that you are not liberated and it isn't a choice.
@ifyoulikepinacolada254 Жыл бұрын
@@Jane-ow7sr nope, I said it’s not allowed in reply to your comment saying “why are they being killed”. In Islam, we’re not allowed to kill unless in self-defence or during a war. Otherwise, not only is it a grave sin but also its sin is equivalent to that of killing all of humanity. Not to mention the fact that governments in Islam are not allowed to force others to wear the hijab. Especially by force. What’s happening in Iran is not allowed in Islam. However, one thing I want to point out is that around the world, Muslims are banned for wearing the hijab too, some being killed for it. In China, Muslims are being put into concentration camps. It’s sad that only one narrative where Muslims are the oppressors is being pushed
@khrystynakhrystal Жыл бұрын
It's their 'culture' there 🤷‍♀️ some really fckd up culture
@KB-yw3vw Жыл бұрын
Thank you! Like if that’s the case, why are girls being beaten and killed for taking it off?
@beandal8493 Жыл бұрын
Muslims keep saying that the women are respected, valued and treasured but I never saw such example in their marriage. A lot of the women who managed to escape from such relationships or families describe hell on earth. Lots of men even cheat, smoke, drink, commit atrocious deeds and abuse and still claim they are superior and holy... while the woman is like devil on earth even though she follows teachings and tries the best for her and the family. The misoginism, abuse, inequality and hate is truly astounding.
@Page-wb1si Жыл бұрын
That's not everyone, my father always put my mother before anyone and my mother does the same, they are in love and anyone can see it.
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
I feel bad for your enviroment. I live in Islamic family. Thankfully, it was far from that. Not only my own family, but all the family trees and many of my friends family. I feel sorry that you should gone through that.
@thiresia Жыл бұрын
If a woman there doesn't cover, i know, she ll receive some type of "bullying" sooner or later. Treating a human being is a whole different story from which you live far away.
@Jinmao15 Жыл бұрын
no this isn't true
@Jinmao15 Жыл бұрын
ok listen everybody who is saying " not all some are forced " she says Muslim women Islam she is talking about the religion yes Muslim women wear it by choice the ones who are forced that's not the religion that's the culture and the country and most Muslim countrys don't and it's really weird how ​​ this Is all you care about bro nobody talked about when France banned hijab forcefully but the moment iran forces it upon thèm everyone talks about it just like some are forced to wear it some are forced to not wear it and life ain't fair + for your info people being forced get preized for it and it's a sin to force them
@RiddleTales Жыл бұрын
Remember at one point I saw a video where westerners were interviewing Muslim people. First the westerners interviewed the teenage girls in the school. The teenage girls said it was their choice and they said how happy they were to cover up. Then the Western film crew went outside and started interviewing men passing by on the street. The men passing by in the street said the young woman don't have a choice and they would force it if they tried to take off their covering. Ya, it's a "choice."
@hashtagmate Жыл бұрын
Manipulation and brainwashing exist... there are also teenage girls who say it's "their choice" to have a way older boyfriend or to not react when they are sxually harrassed... they think it's their choice but they are just kids and easy to groom/manipulate
@shahadamjad5846 Жыл бұрын
That is not Islam's fault. That's just culture. Men forcing their daughters to wear hijaab when she doesn't want to is a sin and he'll be dealt accordingly as per Allah's wish. In Islam, wearing hijaab cannot be forced upon. Forcing is strictly not allowed. Islam gives guidance and delivers messages. It's upto the person if he wants to follow it or not but not following will come with consequences as every action has a consequence. Now in Islam, it's compulsory to wear hijaab but again it can't be forced upon. It will only count if the person does it out of his own will.
@TheRavenousWolfe_27 Жыл бұрын
@@shahadamjad5846 just because you wish it was that way doesn't mean the reality is. You keep saying its "supposed to be like this", reality isn't. Denying reality isn't going to erase it because it displeases you. You keep saying that it's just the culture and not the religion, yet the culture is built around the religion and its still a reality. People do care unlike you because the reality is not the utopia you're pretending it is.
@Whostolemymojo Жыл бұрын
@@TheRavenousWolfe_27 Christian parents do the same things, they force modesty and religion on their kids all the time. Christianity doesn't say to do that, people do. Just because a person interprets some thing in an extreme way doesn't mean the religion says that, people of all religions do crazy, or simply inconsiderate things in the name of religion and most of the time the religion itself doesn't require it, people are just extra in all cultures
@TheRavenousWolfe_27 Жыл бұрын
@@Whostolemymojo curious as to why Christianity was brought into the convo and no other religion, guessing you assumed I was Christain. I'm not but ok let's talk about it....Christians don't murder their kids or other people if they don't dress "modestly." There are no "honor killings" or acid attacks. Not saying that last bit is part of that religion or whatever but I believe that's the "extreme interpretations" you're referring to. So yea. Guess it kind of is a part of it. When you have people being killed people tend to talk negatively about it, it's kind of frowned on in the rest of the world.
@sunnyquan9540 Жыл бұрын
You didn’t answer the question what’s the male equivalent of the hijab
@sallylemon5835 Жыл бұрын
Men and women both must abstain in eyesight and private parts from adultery. But as both genders are biologically, physically and psychologically designed differently in hormonal types, levels and visual roles, this was what made it much harder for men to abstain in their eyes and private parts than for a woman to do so. So women have it easier at this part but 'harder' on the outlook, whereas men have it easier on the outlook but much harder on what we do not see on the outer. The biggest opponent and challenge is always what's inside us. In the sins of adultery, men hold bigger accountability than women, because it's always men who start first and because as men are given with more mobility and efficiency, it comes with the responsibility to protect women in the society, not to ruin them.
@swathi123vm Жыл бұрын
​@@sallylemon5835 Just curious (putting relegion/race/culte aside), doesn't your theory (men are more sexual libido than women purely due to Testosterone) hold true for other religions? So in general irrespective of any culture/race/religion, women should cover their hair at all times? Can you cite some biology research papers/journals to back up your theory (I would love to read more about it, my gynic said a different story)? Covering up as you said would guarantee to ward off evil eyes 100%? Should it be not more about comfort and choice? I don't mind people choosing to wear and practice what they like. It ticks me off when someone "gifts" me something (a cloth, jewelry, or anything) and expects me to accept it with a smile. Would saying "no thank you" be offensive?
@awimosbizzle Жыл бұрын
Look at my above comments. Hijab was culture back then for women to cover hair but it’s not something different to men. Ibn kathir says because of that it was cultural then: he would hesitate to say it’s a sin but it’s recommended (to wear headscarf) Ibn ashour believes a woman can show hair and even arms These are not modern scholars they are real scholars in Islamic jurisprudence who read and affiliate with people who analyze Hadith, and are with madhabs.
@sallylemon5835 Жыл бұрын
@@swathi123vm then go and read and listen more regarding male and female human biological and psychological topics, if you need more knowledge on more differences between male and female. Islam doesn't contradict nature because Islam isn't man-made religion. The modesty codes of ethics are more than just hair coverage of course lol, and it goes across male and female at responsibility, however just because hair coverage seem small to you doesn't mean it is not essential and obligatory in succeeding towards big goal. Something like one red light on the traffic. Just because it's a red dot in one junction among the many junctions, roads, signs and vehicles exist in the whole town, doesn't mean that one particular red dot in whole big town is not important to be followed. And when did I said 100%? You're overreacting. The thing is Islam haters will always find ways to make Islam at fault, so if you refuse to believe and look at it with hate, there's no point to explain anything to you. Good thing is just that the comment is publicly published, at least it could be read by people who matters.
@swathi123vm Жыл бұрын
@@sallylemon5835 There is a popular saying. when peoples lies get caught, they stoop down to the blame game. i never pointed or said anything bad about any religion (I hope which ever cult you follow taught you to read). I just asked a few questions, they all had a “?” At the end. It depends on how you read them! You could have answered them straight on or simply said “NO” than victimising yourself or falsely accusing someone else! smh 🤦‍♀️ Either way, you you wanna cry and whine, good luck! I will keep questioning practices that I feel are oppressive specifically when they put down abuse against a minority and reason it on “modesty” irrespective of religion or culture. If someone or something is taking away my right to fight against an abuse, I would not sit and ask for a an unknown energy to help me. God helps those who helps themselves. Questioning something is not disrespectful. Again, I repeat, I do not mind what the “preachers” of any religion propagate, but when they blame them victims and say that’s god’s destiny, (you did not dress a certain way, that’s why you were raped, or got divorced) it makes no sense to me. Also, men and women are biologically different, so are many other animal species(dogs/bitches; tom/queen), so what your point? The culture I follow says religion or practices are man made! You can have a totally different opinion. Opinions do not make up facts, proofs do. And I will still keep questioning- If they were really made by some god, would they not be dated at big-bang? Why did apes not follow the dress code, or even cave men? You believe in evolution and the fact that humans did evolve from apes, right? I m equally glad that these comments are public. maybe some psychiatrists can help those women who actually think it’s their fault when they get abuses. All I want to say is “we are there for you in all your choices and even if you decide to go back on what you said today, we will not judge you” So we expect the same thing for you, respect our opinions too!
@Mari-ow6ki Жыл бұрын
Why are people bringing Iran into this 🤦‍♀️ Iran doesnt represent the Muslim population as a whole last time I checked. The issue people should have is with the Iranian gov't, not the hijab itself. Let her wear the hijab if she wants to, why is it 'freedom to dress however u want' except when it comes to Muslim women who choose to dress modestly?
@wavez4224 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think people realize that most Muslim women in Iran wear a hijab by choice anyway. The protests are about being able to not wear one but people are acting like everyone there is being forced to wear one.
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
People love to connect religion and politics. This is world.
@Siggy1229 Жыл бұрын
Why aren’t people talking more about Iran and the human rights violations happening there, if they (the Iranian government, Mullahs) making the whole Muslim religion look like them?
@Starzig123 5 ай бұрын
Can't a woman (muslim/non muslim) be attracted to a man's abs, muscles, hairstyle even after covering navel to knee?
@Mari-ow6ki 5 ай бұрын
@@Starzig123 ? Sure, what's ur point tho
@ladynim5697 Жыл бұрын
Western standards are not universal " true words spoken 🙌
@johncorrall1739 Жыл бұрын
True. Some standards are truly primitive.
@acappellacris2134 Жыл бұрын
@phaeb Жыл бұрын
They should be, though.
@annegreengables6367 Жыл бұрын
Western standards are equality, human rights, dignity, freedom a religion, freedom from religion, fairness, transparency, freedom of expression.
@Emily-sv4bp Жыл бұрын
@@annegreengables6367 are you saying that their standards don't have that?
@ExElliexE Жыл бұрын
I do appreciate your perspective but I think it’s an interesting thing to post considering what’s going on in Iran right now
@VeronikaEdali Жыл бұрын
Women in Iran are fighting for the freedom of choice! I’ve been posting this content for three years.
@o.o4566 Жыл бұрын
I think people forget choosing misogyny doesn’t make it not misogyny. I grew up in a misogynistic Christian religion. My female family chooses the abuse based on what they were taught since childhood. They are still being abused.
@kendrakausau Жыл бұрын
All of a sudden westerners care about Iranians? So fake. People only use Iran as an example to further their hate on Islam. My ex fiancé was Iranian and his family was persecuted by the Iranian government. By the tyrannical fake “so called” Muslims that killed millions of their own people. That is haram to kill, especially your own Muslim people. Get a clue. Most Iranians hate their govt. And most outsiders hate Iranian government. This is a political issue, not a religious. Go somewhere else with your select bias opinions.
@o.o4566 Жыл бұрын
@@kendrakausau no true Scotsman fallacy. My family is evangelical Christian and they sound just like you. Claiming other Christian’s doing awful things in the name of their religion aren’t the “true christians”. People are always using religion to excuse bad things and other allow it turning a blind eye because they do not want to condemn someone who appears to be of the same group. People of all groups can be bad. We should always strive to better ourselves by ending those behaviours no matter who they come from.
@mookmeek Жыл бұрын
​@@o.o4566 They aren't though. That's the point. They aren't excusing their behavior, they're saying that their behavior is not accepted. Ostracizing the person from the group is condemning them lmao.
@Mimi-lz1cq Жыл бұрын
rip to that sweet girl that was killed
@haneef4189 Жыл бұрын
Condolences to all Muslim women who are harassed just for wearing their hijab
@jodieisnotokay Жыл бұрын
​@@haneef4189 how on earth is women being murdered for not wearing a hijab comparable to women being told they dont have to wear a hijab? No one gets harrased for choosing to wear a hijab, just educated on how the premise of one is misogynistic. Education is not harassment
@haneef4189 Жыл бұрын
@@jodieisnotokayhow is choosing to wear the hijab misogynistic? Don't you think that harassing women for wearing the hijab and trying to force them to wear uncomfortable clothes is "misogynistic"?
@jodieisnotokay Жыл бұрын
@Haneef the hijab itself is a symbol of misogyny, telling women to cover themselves from head to toe so they can be seen as modest. Also being harassed for wearing one isn't misogynistic, they shouldn't be harassed they should be educated. They people in this comment section aren't harassing and forcing people not to wear one, even if they did, it doesn't come from a place of misogyny
@haneef4189 Жыл бұрын
@@jodieisnotokay Clearly you have no idea what a hijab is. A hijab is a head covering which only covers the hair, not the face. Please do your research before commenting
@user-us1yu8gx9s Жыл бұрын
You just described misogyny. One gender is treated different than another
@marzipanmango Жыл бұрын
At the end of the day we all just need to respect other people's choices. It's wrong to tell women they have to cover up more, and it's wrong to tell women they have to take off the hijab. Just let people decide for themselves what they're going to wear.
@kendrakausau Жыл бұрын
Yep 👍 That’s all she is saying.
@HadiaaidaHadiaaidaH Жыл бұрын
Yes the ☮️
@deado6969 Жыл бұрын
@MiaMaraa Жыл бұрын
To force anyone is always wrong 😌 I'm an Indonesian muslim and never been taught to force anything to anyone. They're just corrupted people
@hattielankford4775 Жыл бұрын
Could you remind the morality police in [Iran]? 🤨😠
@rehmasiddique5084 Жыл бұрын
They don't even listen to what Allah has said, they ain't gonna listen to us either 🥲
@hattielankford4775 Жыл бұрын
@@rehmasiddique5084 Wouldn't hurt to try. 🤷‍♀️😞
@rehmasiddique5084 Жыл бұрын
@@hattielankford4775 I suppose you're right. I'm sure a lot of people are trying. I hope Allah guided us all, ameen.
@hattielankford4775 Жыл бұрын
@@rehmasiddique5084 I do not know the answer, but it feels wrong to not try.
@rehmasiddique5084 Жыл бұрын
@@hattielankford4775 yeah, it does. It is wrong not to try. It saddens me to see what this world is coming to.
@agentbeauty7516 Жыл бұрын
One of my best memories as a child was being on holiday Malaysia, I found a gorgeous hijab (cloth, square?). Next day I wore it to a department store, it was not quite right, all the sales women covered me and redid it correctly. It was so nice and I felt kinda special. It was just a lovely moment that I still treasure.
@colourful7070 Жыл бұрын
it's a lovely memory for you but u don't think about the muslim women who have had this done to them since they were kids. YOU get to walk away from that holiday and take it off but as kids once u put that hijab on there's no taking it off. Think about it
@aninditadas4391 Жыл бұрын
Modesty doesn't come through clothing. You can be immodest even when you cover head to toe and vice versa. Character is what defines people. Character is not a physical thing but a characteristic. The aim of life is to reach a higher level of consciousness and not always see everything through the physical eyes.
@kavita344 Жыл бұрын
She wouldn’t understand it. Too complicated for her.
@annegreengables6367 Жыл бұрын
Here in Georgia, we had different laws and different standards for black people versus white people. That was wrong. Please explain how this is different?
@zarizeartsyweeb1079 Жыл бұрын
That's racism, that's different, Islam just has separate rules and rights for each gender, just as every other religion, but as soon as a Muslim does it it's a problem for everyone.
@annegreengables6367 Жыл бұрын
@@zarizeartsyweeb1079 You just confirmed what I said: one set of laws that are harsher for females, while males enjoy more freedom and liberty. It's exactly the same thing. Women enter the mosque from a separate entrance. (Segregation) They get the "back of the bus" treatment in the mosque.(discrimination) It's called segregation, discrimination and Jim Crow. It's wrong when it's done based on skin color. It's wrong when it's done based on gender.
@00jyjsarang Жыл бұрын
@@zarizeartsyweeb1079 Except that's not true of "every other religion."
@theearthisnotflat4398 Жыл бұрын
@@zarizeartsyweeb1079 hear me out. It's wrong no matter the religion
@Jojob.5176 Жыл бұрын
@@zarizeartsyweeb1079 but people criticize other religions for the exact same thing. The double standard doesn't exist
@SamuelSamuelSamuel1 Жыл бұрын
Mahsa amini watching this from heaven rn like: 🗿
@sallylemon5835 Жыл бұрын
And mahsa amini is the only women who died from murder in this whole entire world. How many hindu women have been gang raped and murdered in India anyway?
@creativeminds5405 Жыл бұрын
And 1 million Iraqis watching from heaven rn and thinking who is talking about fake justice
@HadiaaidaHadiaaidaH Жыл бұрын
Me knowing If Masha survived she’d had full right to kill the morality police:🗿
@vaibhavchoubey2486 Жыл бұрын
Muslims gave one of the most illogical explanation for there religious beliefs
@_mel_rose Жыл бұрын
You do know that was the governments fault and not Islam's? Those shitty police don't listen to one thing Allah says, so how can you blame Islam here?
@ank1809 Жыл бұрын
The best way to keep a prisoner is to never let him or her know that he or she is in prison. - By someone i don't remember Edit - a reply on this comment by a lady has proved my point of view . Thank you 🙃 And yes i respect all religions , those who can understand my point of view can also understand this . Edit 2 - I never personally replied any comment here nor i spread hate about anyone. But let me say one thing yes many people are slaves for many reasons ( maybe even i am one of them ) yes many people are adding fake body parts and all ( which was said by someone and that is absolutely true ) , And these things are wrong and sick and sad . But this doesn't prove that i am wrong. Sorry if i let someone feel insulted which was not my intention at all . ( My mother tongue is not English so , if there is anything wrong in my writing, please forgive me for that too . ) ☺️☺️☺️
@creativeminds5405 Жыл бұрын
Well let me tell you the whole world is in prison. And lets take a look at western/ south asian society where women are getting surgeries done to be accepted. Fake body parts, fake face parts Just to accept themselves or to be accepted. How sad and sick is that?
@tahurakhan3788 Жыл бұрын
You think you can teach people about their own religion, your stupidity and superiority complex is quite obvious. Commenting on a post of someone who is clearly aware of what she's doing and you're making it seem like she's manipulated funny isn't it. We muslim women wear a hijab to follow god's command, other reasons are secondary and yes a lot of women are forced or might be manipulated to wear hijab i'm not denying this but to say all muslim women are manipulated is such a stupid thing to assume or to say. A person who has studied their religion would not fall for such manipulations.
@trishya501 Жыл бұрын
Her case is an example of being born in a free country not knowing or understanding the struggles of women who are actually suffering. She has just got too much freedom and choice all her life. PS: I do know know many women choose to wear the hijab but not all of them.
@tahurakhan3788 Жыл бұрын
Man you can't understand others perspectives can you? Such a dumb comment and on top of that you're saying that I proved your point right lmao I clearly said that there are women who are forced but your comment has generalized my entire community now who more ignorant you or me lol. People think there own morals and values are correct and they force it on people they can force it on, you're no different from them trying so hard to bring other people down to feel a sense of superiority. People like you can never accept that they're wrong smh. Hijab is not the only thing that people force on others several things in our life is forced on us, like to behave in a way that pleases society or to follow society or you'll be considered old fashioned or to follow your parents dreams now ofcourse not everyone lives like this but most people do. Everyone in their life manipulates other consciously or unconsciously so saying only muslims do this is ignorance. I know people specifically choose to hate on hijab and make it seem like were the only one suffering when in reality everyone is a slave to something let it be their emotions, the people they love , their desires or anything that they value. And at the end of day its our culture so people are gonna say that wearing a hijab is better or some parents might force it too and that obviously wrong thing to do but parents usually want their child to listen to them most parent want that quality in theri child. And besides your point of view is biased and manipulative. Ironic isn't it!
@ally-22 Жыл бұрын
@@trishya501 there are some women in the comments replies saying they were forced by their families to wear hijab, that just shows us the privilege op has that she doesn't see
@jenxie_7755 Жыл бұрын
It’s so sad how our world has to come to the point when you tell people wearing your hijab was your right, they wouldn’t believe it. I feel bad for any women out their struggling because of hijab rights, may Allah SWT be with you all🤲🏻
@Optimisticnihilistic9999 Жыл бұрын
my mom is forcing me to wear hijab next year , I've already told her Im not really sure if I'm ready to wear it yet and she refused I understand me and my mom don't have a good relationship and I won't be able to change her mind but I already hate my body and myself for being a woman she shames me so much for it and I feel like the comments she might make while I'm wearing hijab can lead to something worse is there a way I could bring myself to accept the hijab and somewhat like Islam I love my religion but whenever my mom talks about it I feel like I want to die sorry this is long and please give genuine advice
@josephjohn907 Жыл бұрын
Don't wear hijap.
@itsapotatofow5621 Жыл бұрын
I think your family is toxic, i'm not muslim but I come from a not exactly healty family. From experience, if you don't react they think they can do anything. Psychological abuse become wrost. But if you react, like i do two years ago, the abuse can become physical. You need to have a place where you can go (NOT some not-recommendable-people, if they can abuse you put yourself in a even wrost situation). I have my grandma; if something at home go bad, i can escape and go to her. Found something similar, try to not make your mom mad and when you adult go away from home. That is if your mom is like my dad; maybe she can be a good parent instead, i don't know her. I think you should, whitout get angry o make it a discussion, talk to her about why she can't accept she don't have the choise over your body, and what hijab is for you. If she is a good person and a good mom is gonna accept it. If not, read another time the frist part of my comment. She is like my dad, her abuse can become physical. (Sorry for my bad English, I am a begginer in the language). If you need anything you can ask me, I want to help you as much as I can
@madeofbaraka Жыл бұрын
Tell your family the rulings of the hijab and how it’s haram to force
@user-je2qk4yr5c Жыл бұрын
And this is exactly why I just faked and pretended to be what they wanted and dissociated through my life so I wouldn’t kill myself from the emotional turmoil it caused and then ran away when I had the chance and finally got to live and represent myself the way I believe to be best at 22 ✌🏻
@maheknadeem1193 Жыл бұрын
I’m a hijabi but remember hijab should be worn for the right reasons not forced upon someone. Take your time. If it is too much then no one can force you to wear it. There’s no compulsion in Islam. I’d say start off by wearing the hijab in a way that you feel most comfortable
@brittanyv6594 Жыл бұрын
ARE they valued and honoured though? Cuz it seems like theyre being beaten and murdered for the pettiest of reasons on the daily...
@HadiaaidaHadiaaidaH Жыл бұрын
They have full right to kill their abusers
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
Yeah it "seems" like it. Wish you can experience Islam so you will not only say "seems"
@juuuuulyy Жыл бұрын
Women wanting to dress modestly is not misogynistic. What it is misogynistic is when they get killed because they don't want to cover up.
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
It can be misogynistic sometimes. Dressing slutty can also be misogynistic. It’s about intent
@juuuuulyy Жыл бұрын
@@Milkythefawn I get what you're trying to say, but it's different because women don't get killed for dressing modestly/not wanting to dress slutty. I think it's cool people dress whatever they like, but when they defend the system instead of the women's right to dress whatever way they like, that's when I can't agree.
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
@@juuuuulyy I agree
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
@@juuuuulyy I’m just saying that with purity culture, some of the intent is “I have to cover myself so men don’t sexualize me” which is misogynistic
@Tastykake83 Жыл бұрын
I couldn't do it. Mostly because I get hot so easily. Looking at all that clothing makes me break out in a rash lol
@zohaasim7725 Жыл бұрын does that relevant to the video? Are you going to say the hijab is oppressing because it makes people hot?
@Tastykake83 Жыл бұрын
@@zohaasim7725 it's relevant to me because wearing so much clothing even on hot days would make me sick. Why do ppl always wanna be offended lol I was clearly speaking for myself 🤣
@haneef4189 Жыл бұрын
Some hijabs are made of light fabrics that let air through
@Tastykake83 Жыл бұрын
@@haneef4189 yeah I'm sure that helps. I've seen some very pretty light flowy ones before ❤️I get so hot it's hard for me to imagine not being able to have my skin breathe and be uncovered. It's a personal statement about me. Not one made against the practice itself.
@meyaomeyao Жыл бұрын
I feel bad for Muslim women who are abused if they choose not to cover their hair 😔
@creativeminds5405 Жыл бұрын
I feel bad for Nonmuslim women who are being raped for money 😞
@its_me573 Жыл бұрын
You don't have to... we're more that happy to be the Muslim we are🥳💁‍♀️
@creativeminds5405 Жыл бұрын
@I Wonder Why Prejudices. I dont know a single young girl that is being forced wearing her head scarf and i know a lot of Muslims 👍 please judge based on facts and not fiction.
@creativeminds5405 Жыл бұрын
@I Wonder Why My comment was about prostitution. It is insane to me how women have been brain washed to an extent that they only feel valuable when they have a big butt or big breasts and a perfect naked body. Isnt it insane? Instead of being judged by your character your value is defined by the size of certain body parts. And this is freedom? Women getting surgeries to be accepted and to fit in. But women who are judges by their character are oppressed and abused?
@creativeminds5405 Жыл бұрын
@I Wonder Why Why dont you point to Europe where women are forced to take off their hijab? How about that? Media got you good. Iran has completely different issues for centuries all of a sudden you guys see the women there but somehow you guys dont. Do you really care for Muslim women or is it pure islamophia that is leading you? If you care for Muslim women, stand up for them in the west where they are forced to stop practice their religion.
@sree1680 Жыл бұрын
A woman's dressing should be her choice❤️ But when it comes to Muslim men, they don't act accordingly and use religion as a tool to control women.
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
Nah I find a coment why Islam and culture is different thing. I saw other comment that they believe there is no such thing as "true Islam". They tired when people say "Killed woman is not Islam". They forgot. Islam is Islam. Culture is culture. Many people use religion as an excuse in political agenda or to benefit man. They just say "it is Islam" while it is not.
@claracatlady9844 Жыл бұрын
“Misogyny does not belong in Islam” I mean *ideally* misogyny doesn’t belong anywhere. Doesn’t mean that’s working
@sabrsabrsavr Жыл бұрын
People aren't just going to throw away their belief in god and a higher power just because of some bad egg dudes who want to keep power.
@moe-yn8xh Жыл бұрын
My issue is just that by this logic, women choosing not to follow the “gender-specific rules of modesty” by showing their hair, are considered “immodest”.
@classyart5322 Жыл бұрын
Yes, and according to their religion they will go to hell
@vanessaissa3577 Жыл бұрын
Im arab, this is not true 😅 women are not honored in Islam.
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
Men can take multiple women. Women can’t take multiple husbands Men and women are held to different standards. At the beach, men will go shirtless, but women are expected to cover from head to toe
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
Just because women don’t have to work, doesn’t mean your religion isn’t misogynistic
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
No one dresscodes boys. No one tells men that they’re distracting. No one tells men that their clothes are too tight, or that they’re wearing hijab wrong
@rebellefleur2993 Жыл бұрын
Wow An arab who for the first time spoke of the absurdities of their religion. When will you explain that your religion is not real. Billions of women and children are victims because of Arab tales
@sabrsabrsavr Жыл бұрын
@@Milkythefawn they should, doing so would be islamic. Islam says that the same rules apply to men and boys with modesty (covering specific parts). And they do get called out but youre not in the islamic community are you-- non muslims love to spread this misinformation.
@beijosparavoce Жыл бұрын
And no...they aren't loving and living life just the way they want to if they are being murdered by the moral police. Gross
@HadiaaidaHadiaaidaH Жыл бұрын
@_infires8543 Жыл бұрын
Although I totally agree that western cultures shouldn't use their values to judge your culture, I think this is a different matter when women are literally abused and killed for not wearing a hijab. We are not judging the hijab, we are judging THE LACK OF FREE CHOICE. If a woman wants to wear it, great. But if she doesn't, she should not be treated differently. That's where misogyny steps in
@LO-dm6uf Жыл бұрын
And what does that have to do with Islam???? Woman in the video is talking about what Islam tells us, why should Islam be affiliated with corrupt and misogynistic leaders being extremists???
@_infires8543 Жыл бұрын
@@LO-dm6uf not sure if you are asking a rhetorical question, but to answer: because unfortunately, those corrupt leaders are Islamic and use Islam as an excuse to perpetuate misogyny. I'm not saying that there aren't corrupt leaders of other religions and cultures, because obviously there are far too many. But you're absolutely right, Islam should NOT be affiliated with such leaders. It's just sad that it is the case
@LO-dm6uf Жыл бұрын
@@_infires8543 great, then stop mentioning corrupt Islamic leaders when someone is finally trying to educate people about what Islam truly is about, everyone knows what's happening in Iran is wrong on every level, but bringing it up in informative discussions about islam is not only irrelevant, but overshadows everything else that's been said and reinforces the relation between Muslim extremist and TRUE islam, making it way more difficult for people learning about Islam to know what Islam is or isn't....we can have lengthy conversations about iran and its application of Islam, but not here because that's a totally different conversation
@_infires8543 Жыл бұрын
@@LO-dm6uf i'm sorry but they literally go together imo because the leaders are literally USING the religion as an excuse to corrupt. but not only in Iran, there are misogynist ideas that are deeply rooted in other countries too, just read some of the other comments here. of course it doesnt take away from the beauty of TRUE islam and indeed we should learn about that, but what this young lady is saying in her video simply seems to dismiss all the sufferings of other people. we must address all perspectives when talking about such issues, not just focus on "what the religion says" and ignore "how the people act upon it." I'm immensely happy that the girl in the video feels happy to wear a hijab and that it's her own choice; however that does NOT apply to everyone and it's foolish to pretend it does
@VeronikaEdali Жыл бұрын
You are not listening! Please sit back, listen and learn.
@hajaranouar739 Жыл бұрын
I am a muslim woman from morocco and i just want to tell you that you are soo beautiful❤🥰
@Lana_w Жыл бұрын
I just think it’s sad that that’s a thing. I’m non religious and respect everyone’s views but I’m so tired of hearing “women are different” “women have to be modest to men” and etc. like okay maybe in your religion but don’t ever give that impression to me or young girls who don’t know anything about anything yet .
@HadiaaidaHadiaaidaH Жыл бұрын
Well men also have to cover but no one pays attention to that anymore The prophet PBUH covers his face hair and body So did Khadijah RA
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
You have to be modest TO MANNN? Who said to you girl. Dont ever dress for man. If you are a muslim dress modest is your character. Oya, people seems to forget also. That man in islam have their way of modesty also.
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
​@@HadiaaidaHadiaaidaH Exactly. People seems only focus on woman. Sadly.
@itsnotme321 Жыл бұрын
see the reason why women wear a hijab or cover up is because when men(in general) see a woman thats not modest some will have sexual intentions and some will take women as something to look at. So its not really for men its for you to feel protected and to not get uncomfortable from weird stares
@marianataliasaezsampson1021 Жыл бұрын
Love your videos and I am not Muslim, but I would still rock that outfit! I like dressing modestly to a certain extent as well and all of your outfits have such beautiful pieces!!!
@Hifraaz_Vloggers-Goa Жыл бұрын
@acappellacris2134 Жыл бұрын
@sallylemon5835 Жыл бұрын
Those who matter dont mind and those who mind don't matter. Thank you
@GravyGoodbread Жыл бұрын
Are you serious she looks like a bag lady? Modest doesn’t mean dowdy.
@Barakath123 Жыл бұрын
Ma Sha Allah a genuine lady 🥰
@asianpotato2 Жыл бұрын
✨Western standard are not universal✨👏👏
@dheanabila2162 Жыл бұрын
I just want to say to my sisters: We KNOW why we wear it. That's enough. You don't have to explain everything to people who wouldn't even listen.
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
Yeahh. Why should we. Let them barking.
@Crazyconfedy Жыл бұрын
Wait wasn’t it this year that Amini was killed because she wasn’t wearing her hijab tight enough??
@fatherlouiswilliamssugaada1095 Жыл бұрын
Yes and many others after her #woman_life_freedom
@haneef4189 Жыл бұрын
"As part of the ‘anti-separatism’ bill, the French Senate has voted for outlawing the headscarf for minors in public." How is this fair?
@char1211 Жыл бұрын
Why can't you admit there's misogyny in your religion? Saying Islam or an Islamic practice is misogynistic doesn't mean everything within the religion is bad. Religion is created and practiced by humans so of course there's going to be parts that are questionable or bad, especially in such an old religion. Surely you don't think society had everything figured out 1400 years ago? If you "follow the Quran and Sunnah to a t" you _won't_ end up treating everyone equally. There are misogynist passages in there and you're right to ignore them but you can't deny their existence. An no, it's not a matter of interpretation; Surah 4:11 and 12 dictate that a female should inherit half of what a male does, even though they have the same relationship to the deceased. Yes, there's a historical context for this but it's clearly a product of misogyny. I'm a Christian myself and while I believe the Bible is the word of God I think it's extremely important to remember that God isn't the one who wrote the words down, humans did; humans who lived in a very different time. Recognizing their flaws and criticizing what they wrote isn't the same thing as saying the Bible is wrong or that all of Christianity has those flaws and I think the same goes for any religion. You're doing yourself and your community a disservice by ignoring things like misogyny because denying it exists keeps you from ever improving.
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
Well, atleast you’re acknowledging the misogyny in Christianity
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
I think this is a wonderful take, I agree completely
@thebohemianserb2114 Жыл бұрын
After what happened to the women in Iran, that claim about “only western people think it’s sexist” really didn’t age well
@kiarapedreros7632 Жыл бұрын
It's her choice to wear it. That other women don't get that choice is just sad reality and you can't say it doesn't happen.
@lamp7536 Жыл бұрын
Her describing Islam as a non-misogynistic and equal is really rich. The Quran is full of sexism and not to mention, violence. These people are delusional.
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
Almost all religions are like this, and I agree
@saik1.s1mp71 Жыл бұрын
Have u even read Quran?
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
@@saik1.s1mp71 have you ever read the GLB? (Gothic Lolita Bible) 🤨
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
@@saik1.s1mp71 bro it’s so easy to look up. There’s passages about beating your wife
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
@@saik1.s1mp71 “well, you see, god telling you to beat your wives for disobeying you is actually metaphorical 🤪”
@cneer17 Жыл бұрын
My English prof made us read Persepolis which was written by an Iranian woman about the revolution but saying how “the Arabs” were extremely misogynistic.. I hope that’s no longer the case but it’s not fair to say it never was/is the case for anybody in any situation
@chicks_before_dicks Жыл бұрын
Persepolis is the best graphic novel I've ever read. 10/10 English teacher.
@peejees5946 Жыл бұрын
Let’s just say Iranians were not originally Muslim, they were colonized for hundreds of years to practice the religion.
@sarahnovella4971 Жыл бұрын
read Orientalism also since you're at it
@Therealbatman380 Жыл бұрын
This video got recommended to the wrong people 💀 Stop talking about Iran.. Good muslims, and the quran, say that forcing the hijab on another is forbidden. In the religion it's compulsory but you aren't supposed to be pressured by others either. In the end it's your choice if you want to follow the rule or not.
@kaeya666 Жыл бұрын
people in the comments acting like they know so much about islam when they only see it from how the media potrays it
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
They act like they know everything. Again, they think they are the centre of universe.
@Kisozriel Жыл бұрын
Excuse me ma’am, that purse is AMAZING~ 🍃
@tuwuesday Жыл бұрын
it seems so silly to me that anyone's natural state is considered immodest, especially considering that the texts from the big three religions (judaism, christianity, islam) all claim that their god created humans in his image. when you really think about the origins of these three religions, it's clear that the rules about modesty are less about some deity wanting us to be prudes, and more about people living in a desert region and needing to protect themselves from the elements. since it was a good idea for safety, it was added as law, just like "don't unalive others" was added.
@lilac_turnip4767 Жыл бұрын
So using your logic, do you think it's okay for people to walk around naked. Since that is their "natural state"?
@tuwuesday Жыл бұрын
@@lilac_turnip4767 yes, we should all be walking around naked. i know it's not socially acceptable to be nude in most places, but we're all born naked. clothes can help shield us from the elements, which is probably the main/only reason humans started wearing them in the first place, and it should be the only reason we ever need to wear clothes. but religions pervert the idea about the natural state of our bodies into being this unclean, purely sexual, sinful thing that must be hidden away, and with the massive influence religions have on societies, being naked anywhere but in one's own home is seen as taboo in most places, even among non-religious people.
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
@@lilac_turnip4767 Modesty contributes to sexualization, because it’s treating the body like a super-sexual thing that needs to be covered. For example: upper leg used to be considered very sexual. That’s because the upper leg was covered. Nowadays, nobody bats an eye in most places if you’re wearing mid-thigh shorts.
@tuwuesday Жыл бұрын
@Vongola Atzi how am i hypocritical or "forcing my views" onto anyone? the human body isn't inherently moral or immoral, it's amoral. religion has forced its backwards views of human life (including the human body) into both our past and modern cultures over centuries of brainwashing, torture, threat of death, actual death, hindering progression (scientific, mathematic, artistic, social, etc), social conditioning, religions holding political power in our laws through the people who don't respect people's right to religious freedom (in the US and likely many other countries with heavily religious cultures). islam is not beautiful, no matter how many people believe it's true, because no religion is true or beautiful imo. but of course you can feel however you want to about it, just don't pretend to have all the answers when your religion and its followers consistently deny reality and push falsehoods to promote a deity that likely isn't real and values that are harmful to society.
@tuwuesday Жыл бұрын
@Vongola Atzi stop having love for allah. your feelings don't make your deity true or fake, no matter how strongly you believe. that's your logic turned back on you. it's sound logic i suppose, but it's a silly argument that makes your entire worldview seem laughable. you're arguement is "just ignore your feelings, even though i use my feelings and only my feelings to justify believing in something with no evidence." vs beel saying "this is my opinion/theory about one specific topic"
@hiparifu6889 Жыл бұрын
Seeing how this got popular, the woman in this video didn't seem to clarify a lot of things which made a lot of yall non Muslims jump to conclusions. 1. Men do indeed have a hijab to wear. Hijab is not the garment which women wear on their heads. It is merely a piece of cloth which we call a scarf. It is just commonly called the hijab. The actual definition of hijab in Arabic is "barrier" or "partition". When a woman wears a scarf on her head, she creates a barrier of modesty so that others do not see her hair and bosom. The hijab which men must "wear" is not commonly seen through the naked eyes of others, as they must guard their own vision (eg, they must lower their gaze; such is the beauty of a woman, that they aren't deserving of looking at them unless it is their own wife or female relatives). Side note, the fact that women have to cover up more does not mean that their efforts are in vain; in fact, the reward which they receive for going through with the act of worship and choosing to stay modest is so high that it is beyond comprehension. We just have more patience than all of yall combined lol (incoming, "what if it's not real??" arguments) 2. These so called "Islamic" countries are a joke. I'm telling you rn, if you take any of their bullshit of an excuse for following the quran, it's a complete lie. They're an embarrassment. Also, if you're gonna be all high and mighty and cry about the misogyny these countries practice, please support non profit organisations in giving these fortunate women alongside their families who had been able to flee from their dictatorship and provide them a home and safe place to stay. It's the least you could do when we're all in this together. 3. It isn't stated directly anywhere, but evidence gathered from the *reliable* hadeeths and several verses from the quran suggest that God created women to be on a status unequal to men; in the sense that their position is in fact much higher than a man's (hah, did I get ya there?) One such example is the reliability a man's existence has on women. When a girl is born, it opens the gates of paradise for her parents. A man is reliant on his wife in the sense that she alone makes up half of HIS faith, meaning that whatever she does, either puts him in a good or bad spot. He only has half of his faith to himself. Paradise is at the feet of a mother. The feet is usually associated with disrespect in various cultures, but the fact that paradise itself rests by her feet shows the utmost respect she is given for bearing children, and raising them. She *is* paradise. Also it is compulsory that a child loves their mother 3 times more than the father (unless ofc, various unavoidable issues and situations occur that this cannot be followed through with). 4. Going back to point one, as I said, the beauty of a woman is so highly regarded that she is encouraged to remain modest because strangers just arent deserving of seeing her beauty. It's a reason why women pray behind men in congregational prayers. Anymore questions to ask, feel free to pop in to your local mosque, the sheikhs there will welcome visitors, Muslim or non Muslim with open arms and answer any questions within their knowledge capacities to help you :) I say this because me just telling you from across a screen wouldn't do much would it.
@imstarsz__ Жыл бұрын
Tbh, it’s the beautiful ladies like yourself that make me want to go hijabi 😭❤️ Al hamdulila
@OhMightyWeirdOne Жыл бұрын
Women who want to wear hijab and respect their modesty are amazing and have every right to do so. My only concerns are for the women who do not want to wear hijab and how they are treated. My concern isn't specific to Islam, but any place, religion, culture, etc where a person's appearance or manner of dress invites ridicule or even violence to them. Male or female.
@eltheducc5576 Жыл бұрын
I’m aware this is a deep philosophical subject but I couldn’t help looking at how ur hijab matches w/ ur pants. Amazing.
@sarahy5801 Жыл бұрын
This comment section is not it🤢🤢 Everyone here keeps bringing up Iran and though yes, i agree that they have taken the hijab too far, you also have to remind yourself that EVERY religion and CERTAIN countries will always have those who take it it TOO FAR. It’s unfortunate but that’s not what it’s like for EVERYONE ELSE. It warms my heart to know that people from all over the world care but to generalise a whole religion because of what you see on the media? Without doing actual research on the hijab and what it’s meant to actually be?? When that isn’t the truth for the rest of us muslim women?? Idk, it seems a lil ignorant to me lol. Sincerely, a muslim gal from asia✌🏻
@erendiraolsen4843 Жыл бұрын
I can tell you in real life some good women are oppressed,not valued and honoured
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
But not in this videos. That for another room or table of discussion.
@magnisky Жыл бұрын
Tell that Iranian women, oh sorry they are being censored, subjugated, and killed right now. As for both men and women being modest in Islam, you kidding me, there plenty of Muslim men, who wear tight clothing to show off their muscles and abs. No one says anything to them. Double standard much.
@zarizeartsyweeb1079 Жыл бұрын
That's between them and Allah, they will be judged, she's talking about women who do choose to wear hijab, not those forced to by the corrupt trashy Iranian government
@fatherlouiswilliamssugaada1095 Жыл бұрын
​@@zarizeartsyweeb1079 Islamic republic not Iran , they're not Iran
@cemuminah6818 Жыл бұрын
I’m a Chinese convert and I choose to wear hijab, my parents give me so much hard time even it’s not western standard, may Allah guide all of our family and loved ones and make the journey easy for us, to install understanding for all people😢
@sachisas Жыл бұрын
seeing the comments, people are overlooking muslim girls are getting discriminated for wearing hijab. Y'all only seeing some parts like Iran, as if Islam is only Iran and Arabs
@andreaperschbacher254 Жыл бұрын
I freaking love your purse!!!
@agastyaplays8445 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand why a pious muslim women is posting videos of hers . This is not being modest. She should stay away from the evilness of social media.
@zarizeartsyweeb1079 Жыл бұрын
You too buddy
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
I swear, the men who say this 100% use social media themselves
@raa111 Жыл бұрын
Did they cover your brain too? Righteous men?!?!?! My foot!
@HadiaaidaHadiaaidaH Жыл бұрын
@ayeshatahira5825 Жыл бұрын
the people in the comments are so ignorant it's no longer funny. Islam is such a beautiful religion. Please stop using extreme examples that do not apply to almost 90% of muslims
@cutecake56 Жыл бұрын
MashaaAllah you are slaying the outfits 😍😍❤️❤️
@djdjdhsnshkwuddgsgsj3512 Жыл бұрын
what is not modest about hair and about body? i think world would be much better without any religion. yes, it makes some people feel comfort. but it cannot erase so many things that religion is damaging.
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
I agree completely
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
In the west, we have Christian purity culture, which is almost just as bad
@TheLazyDumpling Жыл бұрын
People in the comments section talk about wanting freedoms for women and yet they disrespect a woman’s choice just because she chooses modesty or a faith that commands women to dress as such even if the woman is following the faith out of her own free will, but will defend a woman dressed in anything less than modest because it’s her “freedom”. Hypocrites.
@VeronikaEdali Жыл бұрын
Well said! Thank you!!
@ginalys364 Жыл бұрын
I’m a Muslim women and I have husband and 3 kids. I don’t cover my head or wear modest my husband never forced me to do something, but I want to wear hijab soon I told him and he’s really happy and almost cried. There is nothing forced in Islam because everyone lives own lives
@luna13moth Жыл бұрын
You have a right to make your own choices but this new marketing strategy that’s being peddled ain’t it sis you can preach to the west all you want but us yonder in the motherlands who have seen the horrors because we haven’t been fortunate enough to live in lenient circumstances or just witnessed it constantly due to that aren’t so impressed lol If someone wishes to say “well I’m doin alright” well you lucked out but the fact that there is no uniformity in that is an issue within itself Also, no this isn’t a hate comment, take the criticism and maybe address the disadvantaged without sweeping them under the rug and ascribing it to “culture” otherwise your whole argument of “western culture” completely falls apart You don’t have to hate the system to point out it’s hypocrisy I’d say ascribing the birth of equality to it is also a long shot without understanding the history of tribal culture and matriarchal patterns that could still be traced but sadly got abolished A woman getting sub-standard inheritance rights! Try a woman ruling a tribe and wielding a sword in battle And this style of dress specifically can be traced to not too long ago as well if you look at the politics of the region but sure “western standards” Rip to us man you have the freedom to do whatever you want and I respect that but some of us don’t and romanticizing it ain’t doin no one no favors
@azhrayharris8 Жыл бұрын
Yes! You just said everything I was thinking. Being able to practice your religion the way YOU want to is a beautiful thing that should be respected, but deny the fact that others are being killed for not practicing Islam (or any other religion) in the "correct" way is disingenuous and dangerous. Misogyny exists in Islam. Instead gaslighting people into believing that everything is fine, and that all women are treated equally, because SHE is treated equally, I hope she will stand up for the women who are fighting for their lives and call out the hypocrisy within her community. It sounds like you are from a Muslim majority country. Please stay safe, and continue to stand up for what you believe in. ❤
@1_nana_nunu_1 Жыл бұрын
Just because you don't see women who want to wear hijab doesn't mean they don't exist I'm happy she is representing us because the anti hijab media is suffocating She is speaking about Islamic rules The modern "Islamic world" doesn't follow all the rules of the religion because it is not said in islam that women who don't wear hijab must be abused/killed It's mostly people making up their own rules or abiding by culture instead of Islam
@1_nana_nunu_1 Жыл бұрын
Also it's not sweeping it under the rug People attack Islam THE RELIGION but not the culture What she's doing is clear up the misunderstanding No Islam doesn't opress women But people do Yes she is not clearing up everything but it's ok just to defend what you believe in and show the world that no my religion isn't oppressive and I love it
@luna13moth Жыл бұрын
@@1_nana_nunu_1 it’s swept under the rug by the community itself and the whole culture argument doesn’t work for everything some things are scripture based and having a choice in whatever is important That point seemed to be missed If it’s culture based, appreciate western culture that gives you the freedom to choose, cause hate crimes exist everywhere, but the east does it to other side a bit worse
@luna13moth Жыл бұрын
@@1_nana_nunu_1 a choice matters. Don’t romanticize something to conceal something else. I don’t think you’d like the “old” Islamic world (whatever that means) or it’s culture either. The poets of the time and their antics even in Mecca speak enough about how adherence back then is such an overblown fantasy that people like to peddle today. You think the golden era was that of the faith or of the region? And even going before that era, women where still treated like shit lol. You wanna talk about pagan times, women where leaders and warriors in some tribes. True Arab culture is dead anyways, so push the culture thing as much as you want, but maybe prohibiting the messed up ideologies (that are still permitted) and having the community cleanse itself would be a better approach than “focus on the side that suits me best”. Cause the other side is hurting more people than should be conceived of all genders, so what’s the point? Self righteousness? Instead of concealing to improve the image, speak up and reject so the only thing that is left is this romantic life we all dream of.
@erendiraolsen4843 Жыл бұрын
If all women were treated with utmost respect the divorce figures would show this that's hard true evidence that it's close minded to believe all of us are treated properly
@laeahnavi2119 Жыл бұрын
And also to the people that say Muslim doesn't has any freedom, you know, Islam shouldn't be forced onto other people which is what is thought to us but there are "people" that forces it . Why are you saying that Islam has no freedom? Shouldn't you have said that the leader of that country is forcing Islam? Please remember that there are Muslim from a peaceful country and just love being a Muslim.
@rileighwelsh2847 Жыл бұрын
Ok I hear you and your point, but with what’s going on in recent events I don’t think that’s the main idea. It’s not about stopping people who want to wear a hijab, it’s about some people forcing everyone to wear a hijab and punishing them when it’s not worn up to there standards
@constancesmoothpiee1286 Жыл бұрын
Why does modesty has to do with hair tho
@azhrayharris8 Жыл бұрын
Because a woman's exposed hair might seduce a man and /force/ him to have immoral thoughts, or take immoral actions. Its the same reason other religions demand women dress modestly. All because the men who wrote the book didn't want to take responsibility for their own thoughts and actions.
@constancesmoothpiee1286 Жыл бұрын
@@azhrayharris8 um look I dont think that's the reason why. I even saw somewhere that women used to cover up for protection against the desert and thieves. But I dont see the religous reason u know. I understand body parts as modesty but hair?
@azhrayharris8 Жыл бұрын
@@constancesmoothpiee1286 While there are some practical reasons like to two you mentioned, at the end of the day it is a control tactic disguised as worship. The society that the practice of hijab was born out of was (and still is) highly patriarchal. When trying to find the roots of these practices one must not simply read the Quran and take it at face value, but also understand the society which created these texts. Women were, and still are in many places, seen as a man's property. One must also understand how these religious and societal pressures affect a person's mental well-being. When a high control society meets a high control religion, even the smallest thing like a woman's hair can be used to oppress a group of people. The men who wrote these texts felt aroused by the women around them, and so instead of working on their own impulse control, they used the opportunity to shame and control the women they desired. It was easier for them to blame the woman than take responsibility. It also gave them another tool to retain their "supiority" over women. I don't know if that made sense to you. There are dozens of books and papers out there detailing the roots and reasons behind these practices. Trying to fit all the nuance and history into a single KZbin comment is unreasonable, so here's my shitty synopsis. If you really want to understand, I suggest going to your local library and asking the librarian to help you find the relevant texts. They have a wealth of knowledge and excellent research skills.
@constancesmoothpiee1286 Жыл бұрын
@@azhrayharris8 I'm actually a theology student so it's easy for me to search those things up. Thanks tho
@Pokoph8 Жыл бұрын
@@azhrayharris8 it’s not that,men should lower their gaze and should not look at women thinking some perverting stuff
@puppilull7830 Жыл бұрын
Differences are one thing. I just get surprised when I see a family at the beach and the men/boys wearing banana hammocks and the women/girls look fully dressed. Perhaps not misogyny, but to me it seems like a double standard.
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
That’s misogyny, just more low-key misogyny
@Milkythefawn Жыл бұрын
To realise why it’s misogynistic, you have to think of WHY the women are dressed modestly while the men aren’t. It’s because of sexualization. Women are being treated as inherently sexual therefore have to cover up
@adaynasmile Жыл бұрын
But only women who wear the hijab and follow the Islam rules. Women who do not in Muslim countries are most definitely not treated well or with respect. Heck even in many Western countries (see the UK) there is a lot of abuse by Muslim men who say it is okay because the woman was not "modest" by not participating in hijab.
@nala8219 Жыл бұрын
I knew most of the comments will be hateful and ignorant. You don't have to understand it, you just have to accept and respect others for what they believe in. And for those giving Iran as an example, that's not a reflection of our faith, that is a messed up government. Y'all tend to forget that Christianity as well as other religions also preach the same things Islam preach.
@jessidurmis Жыл бұрын
I adore and respect Muslim women so much! I am not religious and do not want to be but I really enjoy the idea of being modest all the time. It’s not my thing, at least not yet, I still enjoy short clothing and to show off my skin sometimes but it’s very beautiful to think about all of me, being just for me (of course religiously it’s for Allah as well)….. P.S dope outfit ⚡️⚡️
@ifyoulikepinacolada254 Жыл бұрын
Im glad you like modesty! And ofc no pressure, since everything takes time and small steps. I am Muslim but I like modesty, aside from religious reasons, for being in control of my own sexuality - random people on the street don’t deserve to judge me or the way I look, you know? I like the fact that I can be comfortable, as well as it being a physical representation of my faith. That simply wearing a piece of clothing is actually granting me rewards with God! It’s pretty cool to me. Anyways, if you do want to look deeper into Islam any time soon, I say try reading the Quran. Even one page or one surah is soo much better than nothing at all. Hope you have a wonderful day 💞
@ashleyhoman2592 Жыл бұрын
I have a question. I live in Arizona and in the summertime it easily gets up to 107, 110°. Do you get uncomfortable in the heat wearing pants or skirt, long sleeve shirt and head covered too? Obviously depends where you live. But if so what ya do?
@ifyoulikepinacolada254 Жыл бұрын
For me, it’s much easier to be fully clothed in the heat, as wearing a crop top and shorts makes you feel uncomfortable and sweaty while wearing a long, flowy dress helps the breeze to cool you down as well as grants you a little comfort in a sea of sweaty bodies (and as a woman living in Britain, i unfortunately have to see a LOT of sweaty bodies in the summer 😭😭😭)
@PawsitivelyQuestionable Жыл бұрын
You'll find that a lot of people in extremely hot places on Earth are often covered head to toe because it keeps their skin out of the sun. They also wear looser garments that are more flowy and allow for more air to pass through. I personally prefer being covered head to toe when I'm out in the sun rather than something with a lot of skin exposed because it protects my skin better
@LlamaLlamaMamaJama Жыл бұрын
Masha’allah THANK YOU!! I find it patronizing as 💩 … I once had a coworker inform me that I was being forced to wear “that.” ALHAMDOULILAH…. I NEVER WOULD HAVE KNOWN IF HE DIDN’T TELL ME!! 😒🤔🤦🏻‍♀️😡 In all seriousness though, I ask: are you suggesting that I be forced to show you my hair/body? That it is not MY RIGHT TO CHOOSE WHO SEES MY BODY AND WHO DOES NOT?? No? Ok. So: If you’re concerned about women’s rights YOU WILL STFU and respect THIS WOMAN’s RIGHTS. Shukran for coming to my TED talk.
@VeronikaEdali Жыл бұрын
I thoroughly enjoyed your TED talk 🙌
@highesteem2778 Жыл бұрын
Muslim men refuse to ever lower gaze ,leave alone dress modestly
@Oliverslittlegayplace Жыл бұрын
yes this, as long as they want to wear it and feel good doing so it isn't causing any harm!
@norealname8697 Жыл бұрын
Islam is not misogynistic???? Lmao what islam did you learn cause i wanna learn it too
@akahajar Жыл бұрын
Yeah You probably should
@irenegyu7949 Жыл бұрын
Yeah you should. Learn it with the proper teacher. So you dont lost yourself with your own imagination or assumption when learn it. Please be patient also. Cuz, it is not something that you can learn one night.
@norealname8697 Жыл бұрын
@@irenegyu7949 trust me i grew up in a muslim country where islamic subjects are mandatory to learn in school, i know exactly what kind of religion this is. Unless you’re talking about another islam I don’t know about or you’re delusional or maybe you should learn it properly.
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