AnnChilee is one of the eloquence queen. Other plot that MUT's trainers might want to contemplating on is giving AnnChilee a "Thai Classical Dance" lesson to elevate her walking adroitness. Thai classical dance's movements are so graceful and elegant. If Ann consolidates Thai classical dance with her signature walk, her gliding on stage will be an astonishment surprise that Thai people and Ann's fans based throughout the world are awaiting to see and more likely she'll culminating her goal. Beside walking with poised, Ann can take other hidden talents(Thai Dancing) along with her Muay Thai forte to the MU pageant. Moreover, it's an opportunity for Ann to exhibit more of the Thai's cultures and increase a chance of high scores. It's a "Win Win". It'll be a triumphant punch. Goes.... "Chilee Punch" !!! 🤜 🌶 🌶 🌶 🥊