t95 level 60 tank gameplay video
@namratakeshri57994 күн бұрын
He is so fast
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
He won tank at tournament during alpha test. Currently there are no level60 players
@namratakeshri57994 күн бұрын
@@albaniamobilegaming oh makes sense now
@DestructSean3 күн бұрын
Great video brother!! I’m loving the F-14D with Paveway II. Definitely my fave jet in-game and irl. Thank you for making this video.
@냠냠2-n7q4 күн бұрын
If you rank based on thick and good armor, what rank will kf51 be?
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
I already replyed u bro, i have no idea. I am a player how can I evaluate it?
@liamwilliam32574 күн бұрын
Probably Albania knows
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@냠냠2-n7q i will do a video tonight, showing all the armor stats and gameplay of all tier 4 tanks back to back to do survival test
@냠냠2-n7q4 күн бұрын
@@albaniamobilegaming that's crazy thank you soooo much 😘😘😘
@YoungIvDavid4 күн бұрын
KF-51 is a leopard with drone bro the back size and front plate is big it easy to hit conpare to VT4A1 low profile and small lower plate
@Draga-js1hd2 күн бұрын
Would u recommend buying this jet?😊
@albaniamobilegaming2 күн бұрын
If u can afford yes
@luonghuunhan46214 күн бұрын
Cau you review CM506kg on j20 after update? I want to know
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@luonghuunhan4621 oh a friend gave it to me some time ago. Lets see if he is still around because i didnt unlock it in my account
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@luonghuunhan4621 bro damage about the same but reload become 16s
@luonghuunhan46214 күн бұрын
@@albaniamobilegaming What about armor penetration , bro ?
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
1000mm. Damage 9500 but its a little upgrated, i dont know stock stat
@luonghuunhan46214 күн бұрын
@@albaniamobilegaming Thank you, I'm really grateful to you for what you've done, bro is great 😊
@rasheedrodriguezsilva13894 күн бұрын
Bro una pregunta.....el ka52 si trae un lancet???
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@rasheedrodriguezsilva1389 yes ka52 has lanchet
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
But not from shop, upgrade
@rasheedrodriguezsilva13894 күн бұрын
@@albaniamobilegaming sé que es un upgrade,pero quiero saber si lo has probado? Aún no he visto a nadie usarlo o mencionarlo
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@rasheedrodriguezsilva1389 it produces 3k damage per drone and replaces anti air missile.
@rasheedrodriguezsilva13893 күн бұрын
@@albaniamobilegaming hmmmm interesante
@차은우-j1n4 күн бұрын
Hi i am new subscriber i am now finally able to unlock tier 4 tank since you already have tried kf 51 and t14 152(abramX is so expensive) which tank has better armor and better weapon?
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@차은우-j1n bro what i dislike about t14 152 is longer reload. It does have 1200mm round though and drone although drone is almost useless. Kf51 if u can upgrade drones they do quite a lot of damage and cannon reload is 5.5s. I dont do extensive test with armor because fron armor are almost unpenetrable and all i am is going to back of tank. Top and back has almosy no armor. So with my playstyle a small difference in armor wont make a difference. If u like strong armor, speed and good cannon speed current bp tank can have extra durability protection installed. Its very strong armor wise, stronger than kf51
@차은우-j1n4 күн бұрын
@albaniamobilegaming thanks alot but just let you know english is not my first language so I don't understand what you mean from here. If u like strong armor, speed and good cannon speed current bp tank can have extra durability protection installed. Its very strong armor wise, stronger than kf51. Current bp tank is kf 51 but what do you mean by stronger than kf 51?
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@차은우-j1n i ment free stage 40 tank, vt4 have extra protection and more armor than kf51. I will do video soon
@차은우-j1n4 күн бұрын
@@albaniamobilegaming ok thanks I got it 👍 overall is vt4 better than kf 51? Or only armor is better and also what do you mean by armor wise?
@sdfg-yj1cm4 күн бұрын
@차은우-j1n i think maybe overall kf 51 is better i am noob so I also don't know well lol
@Randomguy-s1b15 сағат бұрын
I already got MiG-31 but should i buy F-14?
@albaniamobilegaming9 сағат бұрын
If u can afford and want to grind, sure. If not mig will do fine
@LouisNiederprum-bc7zj4 күн бұрын
how i can aktivate night wishen
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
Its a module, some vehicle have some dont. You have to unlock buy and install
@Erkingdeglihamburger4 күн бұрын
Not to be nitpicking, but the aim-54 was never made for the Yf-12, the missile than the Yf-12 would have carried was the aim-47 Falcon. Also gg for the match we had friday.
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
Hmm I can be wrong than. i remember watching in a documentary long time ago 😅. I am just confused, was this missile from yf or the avro interceptor. The one that was also scraped but russian copy to produce mig25.
@porcogalliard76424 күн бұрын
When available?
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@porcogalliard7642 u can buy now with real money or wait for it to come to shop
@Agungpemilikgunshop4 күн бұрын
MK3 is awesome, but takes a lot of time to grind, causing stress
@Ahmad229624 күн бұрын
Holy molly it’s so damn good i bet you could even use it 3 tier
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
Yes bro
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
Same weapons as tier 4
@Ahmad229624 күн бұрын
@@albaniamobilegaming yeah brother and good video like always keep it up
@sondam80454 күн бұрын
How to get this aircraft
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@sondam8045 in featured shop
@dh.cobain4 күн бұрын
Is it worth it ?
@fonderkieran4 күн бұрын
It's the best tier 2 jet but it's only tier 2 and has the same armaments as the harrier and F 4 it's going to be dollar price next month
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@dh.cobain it u can afford. thats why i made video :)
@Shiro_S134 күн бұрын
Why is the f14 more maneuverable than the f22... Thanks for video, nice SF 👍
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@Shiro_S13 mwt magic 😜. Maybe because of variable wing geometry logic :)
@Shiro_S134 күн бұрын
@@albaniamobilegaming Variable sweep wings do not have such an advantage over modern wing types, much less over fighters with thrust vector control. Why do you think all modern aircraft do not have variable sweep wings?
@Shiro_S134 күн бұрын
@@albaniamobilegamingVariable sweep wings have their advantages, but maneuverability is part of their disadvantage. This wing is not capable of withstanding high G-forces
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@Shiro_S13 yes good maybe for short runway take off, in f14 case CV
@kiritogamers3548Күн бұрын
@@Shiro_S13 Because, the F-14 is a main competitor of Su-27's family
@asipaulgatdula42864 күн бұрын
@shwanakamal24224 күн бұрын
Paveway IIs penetrations is so low not worth spending MK3 UPs.
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@shwanakamal2422 its ok because top of tanks are like paper
@shwanakamal24224 күн бұрын
@albaniamobilegaming yeah for t2 is ok but am using it in my A10 for t3 thats why am said that.
@nicholasowen13764 күн бұрын
I'm prefer cheap just mk1 gbu 84
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@nicholasowen1376 yes bro paveway not good enough
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@nicholasowen1376 the moment u can install jdam in tier 2 its useless
@nicholasowen13764 күн бұрын
@@albaniamobilegaming I love cheap
@mrs.angelson4 күн бұрын
The f18 is inferior to this. f18 should be tier 2 and f14 should be t3
@pattisfff-ik3np4 күн бұрын
İ want it
@albaniamobilegaming4 күн бұрын
@@pattisfff-ik3np tbh 25$ is not much. U can grind so much with this plane and make it more enjoyable since we overused mig