Loved the Unique Costumes immensly makes us a cross between a Palestinian, a Sicilian the Spanish and the greeks becoming a typical Meditteranean identity!!
@jamesjackbartolo42119 жыл бұрын
Thank you brings back lots of good memories ,we are all over the continent,Canada ,USA, Australia ,and of course my other sister in Malta Thank you
@carmenagius72268 жыл бұрын
James Jack Bartolo
@9764128215 жыл бұрын
This is brilliant,I wasn't sure if I should laugh because it's funny or cry realizing what a talented guy il Budai was,a real treasure. The paintings are also very good,still don't know who the artist was. Thank you Alfred.
@rayleri72794 жыл бұрын
I think he was the artist because I heard that he was a great painter too
@cristinatachecha14 жыл бұрын
He was one of the best ghanija ta Malta. Thank you for the memories
@MrJgrima13 жыл бұрын
So good to hear you sing again Frank. I'm so proud to have known you. You are never forgotten. John Grima
@maryannblogg69236 жыл бұрын
@maryannblogg69236 жыл бұрын
@maryannblogg69236 жыл бұрын
ry the t
@alexdan36626 жыл бұрын
Maltese is a fascinating language Some scholars in the past used to trace the Maltese to a Punic or Phoenician language. Today, however, almost all linguists agree that it is an Arabic dialect and it is however certain that it is of Semitic origin. This Arab dialect has suffered over the centuries from numerous contaminations from other languages. English has certainly left its indelible mark, but it is the Sicilian language that has had a greater weight with over 60% of Maltese words of Sicilian origin. A language that belongs to our past In short, the study of the Maltese language may seem a difficult task, but it is not so. Maltese is in the DNA of all the Mediterranean, it is the sum of all the cultures that have preceded us. Moreover, this language has the characteristic of having an almost musical rhythm. Sometimes it seems as if the words were dancing on the Maltese language, making them very pleasant to listen to
@magnuscorbin50408 ай бұрын
And they were right. Pretty much every semitic word in Maltese comes from Phoenician not Arabic. Also stop saying that the Maltese and their language are a mix of something else. Everyone and every language is. The Maltese are a unique ethnic group with their own language and they have nothing to do with any other culture.
@beadsstitcher15 жыл бұрын
@yomperone5 жыл бұрын
Love it Graze Hafna
@fabiahtp200913 жыл бұрын
So great!!!!!!
@JANDIMMIF15 жыл бұрын
very nice just post it in facebook.Jane.
@mastermaltese873118 күн бұрын
0:51 4:34
@guzepppi5 жыл бұрын
❤️😪. 🇲🇹❤️☘XIXXA
@supersilve14 жыл бұрын
Wiehed mill aqwa ghannejja li qat kellna
@frankgrima11903 ай бұрын
Talostjafrans ❤
@eastyzable6 жыл бұрын
If Maltese were an Arabic dialect, then a Maltese person could understand Arabic more or less (and vice versa) but that is not the case. That is like saying that French or Italian is a Latin dialect. The origins of the language predates Arabic occupation. It shows the influence of languages from surrounding or occupying countries but any language does that. It is more correct to say that Arabic and Maltese appear to have had a common origin and when the Arabs invaded Malta they tried to force assimilation which had a great effect on the language. But Maltese still retains its unique character as a language. I don't know about DNA but anybody who has never learnt a semitic language is going to struggle to learn Maltese.
@Karmnu6 жыл бұрын
It is precisely the exact case .. I simply used PURE Maltese ( Not Italian assimilated words Like Kcina.. I used the real Word Matbah) and I communicated with ease with Jordanian Beduin children.. Not a problem. No one could communicate with my wife because she could only use the bvastardised Maltes language with a lot of Italian and english.. Il Malti ghandu mzewwaq fih ukoll kliem ta Northern African Berbers.. where the word Ziemel comes from .. it is neither Arabic nor Aramaic and not Phoenician either.
@rebeccabonnicirebygotitall5 жыл бұрын
Naqbel maghkhom kollha! Fil-fatt l-ilsien Malti ghandu bosta kliem gejjin sahansitra mil Marokkin: fosthom tahdit bhal hut u suq. Naghti parir li taraw video fuq l-ilsien Malti mtellgha minn Langfocus ghaliex nahseb ghandu punti sbieh fuq l-ilsien taghna.
@magnuscorbin50408 ай бұрын
Well said and to be more precise, Maltese originates from Punic not Arabic. They are similar in the sense that they're both semitic but they're totally different languages.
@alexdan36626 жыл бұрын
Smajt il-kelma mafja jisimgħu l-kanzunetta. Forsi tirreferi għal Sqallija? Sqallija mhix Taljana. Il-mafja fi Sqallija ressqet lill-Piemonte fl-1860. Kun af li ma 'l-Ingliż kompliċi, Taljan u Masonic ieħor. Huma qabdu n-Nofsinhar, akkwistaw Sqallija. L-isterminazzjoni ta 'nies innoċenti kienet massakru L-Ingilterra riedu li Sqallija ssir kolonja Ingliża. Kif ġara miegħek il-Malti. L-istorja mhix dik li tgħallemlek fl-iskola. Il-veru għadu jinżamm moħbi llum.
@alexdan36626 жыл бұрын
Il-Malti huwa lingwa affaxxinanti Uħud mill-istudjużi fil-passat użaw it-traċċa tal-Malti għal lingwa Punika jew Fenika. Illum, madankollu, kważi l-lingwisti kollha jaqblu li huwa djalett Għarbi u huwa madankollu ċert li huwa ta 'oriġini Semitika. Dan id-djalett Għarbi ġarrab matul is-sekli minn bosta kontaminazzjonijiet minn lingwi oħra. L-Ingliż ċertament ħalla t-trade mark li ma titħassarx, iżda hija l-lingwa Sqallija li kellha piż akbar b'aktar minn 60% tal-kliem Malti ta 'oriġini Sqallija. Lingwa li tappartjeni għall-passat tagħna Fil-qosor, l-istudju tal-lingwa Maltija jista 'jidher kompitu diffiċli, iżda mhux hekk. Il-Malti huwa fid-DNA tal-Mediterran kollu, huwa s-somma tal-kulturi kollha li għaddewna. Barra minn hekk, din il-lingwa għandha l-karatteristika li jkollha ritmu kważi mużikali. Kultant jidher daqs li kieku l-kliem kienu qed iżidu bil-lingwa Maltija, u għamluhom pjuttost pjaċevoli li jisimgħu.