So tough but u got over Covid. Congratulations!! Interesting question - do u wear some special braces for your inner teeth? It can be seen when you laugh. What's the purpose of these "braces"?
真的,如果全球能合作一點早點清零早就殺光了⋯外國一直出文獻研究不同長新冠的症狀,研究為什麼>40-50%的人會得長新冠,有的是發現腦萎縮,有的血含氧量一直偏低差點s,但他們mainstream新聞是不會報出來的,因為這不合符他們的政策,會被罵是製造恐慌。英國之前不斷訪問醫院裡的covid前線醫生幫助呼籲民眾,現在都停了。長者及長期病患者對他們來說是社會負擔,所以s了他們就當少了一個economic expenditure罷了。那些認為自己不會突然變成chronically ill的人之所以要求躺平,是因為根本沒有意識到chronic illnesses很多不是日積月纍所造成的,the next one can literally be any of us.
Thank GOD that both of you are recovered. Thank you for sharing your COVID-19 experience in detail. Thank GOD you are in Germany , not in Shanghai. Lockdown and quarantine in China is not pleasant at all.