my biggest tbr motivator is thinking about other series i haven’t read and definitely missing out on. my friend and i like to discuss our thoughts together so it’s a fun thing to look forward to ! thank you for making this video, it’s made me reevaluate my own collection!!! :)
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
glad you enjoyed!! and yes it is always more fun to read a series with friends or just have somebody to talk to about it!
@MadamGojira Жыл бұрын
I really think there is this stigma of having a large tbr, personally I don’t mind, I like looking at my shelves seeing all the stuff I love and have read but also happy seeing all the fun stuff I have yet to read it make me feel like I have a lot of choice! I try not to let it pressure me anymore becuse when I did I found reading to be a chore weather than something I want to do however I do try to reign things in with personal rules like if I don’t read the series within a year I get rid of it or doing weekly reading picks and goals on my journal, it keeps me motivated ❤ over the year I’ve gotten rid of a lot of shonen because it’s on the apps accept any of my sports stuff because I’m similar to you and love to collect sports manga lol thanks for sharing I think 74% is good!
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
thank you! and nice! i agree that it is very fun to have lots of options when it comes to new stuff to read at your fingertips. while i love the library and other resources, nothing beats just being able to pick something new up off your own shelf. i'm glad i've been able to find a good balance and set some rules for myself as well :)
@damonpono8337 Жыл бұрын
Caught up my tbr last year but definitely way behind now, hopefully can find time to catch up again by the end of the year
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
we got this 💪🏼
@sizzy-quinny Жыл бұрын
I love your bookshelves!!! They’re so cute
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
thank you!
@beanqueenie_324 Жыл бұрын
What I do instead of turning books over that I read/haven't read I actually just turn the spines upside down for unread volumes so that way I both know what needs to be read + I get the satisfcation of flipping them rightside up once they have been read :)
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
nice!! that actually sounds very satisfying ... maybe i'll try it out
@ultraviolet_99 Жыл бұрын
wow! such a huge collection! i started mine 4 years ago and i have almost 150 volumes!!! i love your chanel!
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
thank you! and nice! i think i've been collecting for about ... 11 years now?
@ultraviolet_99 Жыл бұрын
@@tsukkinotes damn
@bizarreindividual4026 Жыл бұрын
Our Not So Lonely Planet Travel Guide volume 4 just came out btw 😮 I can’t wait for it to finish so I can reread it all in one go
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
yes i saw that! i don’t think volume 5 is even out in japan though so … it’ll be a while for that one, the series has been about 1 volume a year so far 🥲
@bizarreindividual4026 Жыл бұрын
@@tsukkinotes not out yet wow 😯 you know how sweet it’s going to be to make a cup of coffee and read the full adventure of them :)
@beefxcake2523 Жыл бұрын
lol my collection is probably like 30% read lmaoo what keeps me is a lot of series i bought im like, i'll like this without reading it. or a whole series just feels like too much reading so i'll opt for a shorter series or one shot. also love love the qifrey standee u got ;3;
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
thank you! and that's valid, i know what you mean, sometimes i'm not in the mood to jump into an epic long series
@tonireadsmanga Жыл бұрын
I love a good tbr video haha. I’ve enjoyed having a big tbr in the past (at its peak I think it was 750 volumes) but I’m really having a ton of fun tackling all my unread manga. I’m very interested in your thoughts on Pandora Hearts and the conclusion of Beastars when you get to them.
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
yessss, it is so satisfying to check things off the tbr, i keep track with a spreadsheet but i am open to some more visual representations of that like someone mentioned flipping the unread books upside down, etc so we'll see. and i am definitely more motivated to read pandora hearts since i saw you read it recently so hopefully soon ... one thing holding me back is how expensive it was though ... i'm gonna be really sad if i don't like it but i shouldn't be putting pressure on the series like that
@papermelonworking Жыл бұрын
Wow you did such a good job!!!! Congrats and i love your shelves,,, (im such a slow reader hehe usually i play a game with myself on reading before watching in the anime form with my brother and somehow his addiction to haikyu is making me read one vol every week hehehe)
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
thank you!! and i hope you continue to enjoy haikyu :)
@Mergerie_Smithaton Жыл бұрын
I love a good manga tour vid.
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
i guess this was kind of an unintentional collection tour lol
@fluffyluffy9307 Жыл бұрын
Omg I watched Jack's TBR video too, love his content! I checked my stats after watching his video too and I'm at 91% read in my manga/light novel/danmei collection which i'm very happy with. I find having a large tbr really overwhelming so i keep my spending under control to ensure i can keep on top of my tbr as much as possible. Idk what it is but if there's too many options to choose from, i'll find that there'll be certain series i'll never get to for example, whereas when i have a small tbh, i'm able to manage it a lot better. One thing I try to do is read my preorders within the first couple days they arrive, that seems to really help.
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
nice!! that's amazing that you've found a way that works for you to manage your tbr and spending. i'm hoping to get my % up in the coming months because it is exactly like you said ... certain series get left behind for sure or i forget i have them like case study of vanitas
@ellythehuman9304 Жыл бұрын
Arslan and Yona definitely have the same vibes. I love them both for it lol. My most intimidating series on my tbr is the Rose of Versailles. I hope to read through it soon.
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
i'm ... suddenly close to catching up with yona so maybe i'll hop back on arslan soon lol and ... that is an intimidating series for sure, i always pass by it at the library
@anna74957 Жыл бұрын
i need to do this calculation but i’m scared, my manga collection probably isn’t TOO bad but i also have a lot of unread novels 😵💫 also side note volume 7 of skip and loafer ended on the biggest cliffhanger ever so honestly you’ve saved yourself some pain by not being caught up!!
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
oh i feel you on the novels too ... i don't think i've ever shown my book collection on here ... we don't talk about that lol (i'm even worse about reading books from the library instead of my own) and ooo so my procrastination was a blessing in disguise. thanks for the heads up, i'll wait until 8 comes out then
@anna74957 Жыл бұрын
i totally feel that about the library, i have an e reader so the libby app makes it SO easy to instantly download a new book and ignore my physical tbr it’s bad…..i’d love to see your book collection on the channel someday though if it’s something you’re interested in sharing!!
@I_love_dr_stone Жыл бұрын
it's been a while since I've seen a video from you... There's so much more
@I_love_dr_stone Жыл бұрын
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
@mahoupanda2639 Жыл бұрын
A pitfall for me with online reading is if I am feeling lazy I’m probably already on my iPad so it’s easier for me to read on it rather than get up and get something from my physical tbr 😂 I think I need a cart or something honestly so I can just have a stack and bookmarks next to me ready to go. I do sometimes buy physicals of things I have already read online if I really liked it especially if it’s manhwa since that is pretty new and I want to support so we get more going forward
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
this is valid lol ... tablets and phones are really convenient for on the go reading especially,, i would never take my manga out in public in fear of them getting ruined etc, but when i'm at home i try my best to reach for my physicals
@ilovepersona3 Жыл бұрын
I myself, don't have a TBR. I simply read whatever, whenever I buy it or when it gets delivered straight away. 🤷🏻♀️ Probably easier for me to read everything that I get cause I don't buy a huge amount in one order. I also usually don't buy as much as I see other mangatubers buy. This is because most mangatubers are from the U.S. where manga is hella a lot cheaper and there's great online stores who have great sales. Canada's manga market is crap. It costs way too much to ship from stores across the border, that it's just not worth it (when adding shipping costs you end up pay over retail price for manga), there's not a lot of choices on where you can purchase here, meaning that Indigo holds a monopoly on this market so there's no competition for consumers ergo no need to give out an incentive such as putting manga on sale, so its almost always full price. Basically my manga collecting is a slower process so I havent the chance to accumulate a tbr .
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
this makes sense! that is such a shame that manga is so expensive there though :/ i've been seeing a lot of new affordable shops opening up in europe recently so hopefully it will be the same in canada
@bizarreindividual4026 Жыл бұрын
Fun video! I would be way to scared to do this video 😂
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
thank you! and ehhh as long as you’re happy with the way you collect i think it’s okay
@larrythelatypus Жыл бұрын
i want to do this just to see how fucked i am i also saw Jack's video and since i really only stuck with 3 series of books until like, late college, and then i got into manga wirhin the past 2 years, i have so many unread books in my collection but luckily since getting back into reading post my english degree, I've actually made some progress on reading other authors and im so glad to be in booktube/mangatube circles. and glad that your channel touches both!!! i recently finished princess jellyfish and am on my way to collect her other works. woo!!
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
nice!! ... i don't think i've shown my book collection on here (sorry i haven't been sharing much about that reading TT) but i have many unread of those,, the audiobooks i get through the library are so convenient that i rarely touch my physical tbr. and nice!! i highly recommend blank canvas
@larrythelatypus Жыл бұрын
@@tsukkinotes I got vol 1 of blank canvas from a local comic shop 👀 definitely looking for that and Tokyo tarareba girls next
@feit2n Жыл бұрын
you should read death note >:333i don’t know if you watched it or read it already but if you haven’t you should !! i really love death note
@tsukkinotes Жыл бұрын
i have read it and watched the anime! definitely a very nostalgic series
@feit2n Жыл бұрын
@@tsukkinotes YAY i love death nite :3
@babi_rye Жыл бұрын
it would be really cool if you lived in a cave ngl