Hi! I wanted to say that, as a begginer you played very good! I'm Impresed...
@feziur10 күн бұрын
hey nice video! im really good at the game so its nice to see new palyers
@RegularRobloxYt9 күн бұрын
Ok bro is so good if this is the first time he plays
@teaman5611 күн бұрын
Hi hello hi
@JustineJayT.Gonzaga10 күн бұрын
Tip: when you reload and the time logo shows up you can switch to any of your weapon then switch back to weapon your realoding for fast reload witch can help in a gun fight SORRY IF MY ENGLISH IS BAD ENGLISH IS NOT MY NATIVE LANGUAGE
@AliAlizada-f9f10 күн бұрын
tip press space and then c and do it over and over again
@Auraisinsane10 күн бұрын
why are you so chill
@LuxgamerBoy10 күн бұрын
Tip if you are a beginner go in beginners 1v1 if you go into beginners 1v1 it will give people who are like level 9
@ZandaD-10 күн бұрын
Sometimes after a match you cant enter shooting range so press go back to hub
@blood-wtf10 күн бұрын
you sound like dream lol
@Janet-me9tj11 күн бұрын
Rivals coo
@benesps11 күн бұрын
The level 103 is an autoshooter
@ReddAcer5009 күн бұрын
you wanna duo?
@Musavlogs14465 күн бұрын
@Musavlogs14465 күн бұрын
Please classic bundle
@ZandaD-10 күн бұрын
I will just say look at the player if it has a phone icon they have auto shoot and aim
@MarichuMontalbo-l4m10 күн бұрын
Why his first time to play rivals but he is a little good 😮😮😮😮and he not even not notice there aimbot in mobile and controler