I didn't even know hotwheels did NFT's, that is a whole 'nother part of hotwheels. I would go broke if I got swooped into that 😅
@BathurstDiecastRacing5 ай бұрын
Let's hope non fungible tokens go off as they look sick!
@Geggy08155 ай бұрын
There are rumors that Mattel did a mistake with the Skyline. They say there should only be 2000 of the Super Rare Skyline. I bought another one with Mint Number lower than 2000. Just in case. 😄
@acediecast86705 ай бұрын
@@Geggy0815 Very interesting! I think mine has a mint number around 900-1800 I don’t remember. I might just get one low if I don’t already have it. Also did you notice that the super rare skyline says “Not Redeemable” on it!?
@Geggy08155 ай бұрын
@@acediecast8670 Oh. I didnt see it. Interesting. Maybe it is changing in October when we should claim it?