My Landlord made me live in raw sewage

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2 ай бұрын

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has today pledged a major new drive to build “rent controlled homes” across the Capital if he is re-elected.
He says “renters are at the sharp end of the country’s housing crisis” and has pledged to pursue bad landlords who don’t follow the rules by getting up to two years of rent back.
The scheme will include £4m in new funding for a London licensing hub that will provide legal support for renters to take action against rogue landlords.
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@MrDesmondPot Ай бұрын
I’ve been renting for 20 years and have never once had a “good landlord”.
@ancaoraathasach Ай бұрын
Funnily enough, most of mine have been sound. That said, the idea that you can be middle class simply by owning a house and doing nothing whatsoever to maintain it is a perversion.
@steve11211 26 күн бұрын
Out of interest what would you define as a good landlord?
@naziphone7260 Ай бұрын
This is the inevitable consequence of leaving housing provision to the private sector
@alexritchie4586 Ай бұрын
My former letting agent charged a £75 'key handling fee'. Wouldn't release the keys unless I paid it. I paid the £75 and they took the key out a drawer and slid it over the desk 😒
@williamsulman2646 Ай бұрын
Yeah when I brought my leasehold flat that I've gotta pay my 6 month service charge on this month is 1200 pound. When I brought it I had to pay a solicitor 2 grand. Plus extras for other bits. Letting agents only exist because nightmare tenants do too.
@steve11211 26 күн бұрын
I think that is illegal as any tenant fees are now band, I am guessing that was a while ago?
@alexritchie4586 26 күн бұрын
@@steve11211 Oh yeah, making something illegal! That'll definitely stop crooks!
@steve11211 26 күн бұрын
@@alexritchie4586 All letting agents must be a member of a property redress scheme, this means if they break the rules you as a tenant can go to them free of charge and get redress.. If that happens now question it, if they still insist pay the fee but then go to the PRS and they will be forced to give you redress, its free of charge, as an agent if they fail to rectify and change their practices they can be kicked out of the PRS meaning they would be unable to be a letting agent....
@alexritchie4586 26 күн бұрын
@@steve11211 See, this is truly why the country is going to shit, because everyone seems to have this almost religious devotion to the idea that we have 'systems in place' and that 'these systems work', when in reality they're basically non-existent, and are only applied for and by people that are deemed to be 'deserving' or have social value. The police won't deal with civil matters, there is no free legal aid any more, the government has zero interest in punishing its own landlord class of members and voters, and housing charities are often very wishy-washy things who make big promises but deliver few results. Sometimes life is shitty and there's nothing we can do about it. Sometimes life is unfair and there's nothing we can do about it, and saying the right incantations, and performing the right rituals doesn't help.
@giorda77 Ай бұрын
Why not allow the private tenants have the same rights of social housing tenants? If the private rented property is in disrepair allow the tenant to make a claim and bring the landlord to justice. Seems only fair
@dekone5758 Ай бұрын
Easy legislation = no one who is a public servant ie. MP can be a landlord as its a conflict of interest. Simple
@MeiinUK Ай бұрын
They can be owners, yes. But the management, is dealt with via an agency though. And they are and have the means to be the landlord. They have the salary to back themselves up frankly !... And it provide jobs !..... Not those ones that are from abroad, and have around like 20 to 50 of them.. and make people live in bad conditions. People forget that, even though there is the laws here... many individuals in the UK, are related to one another. So yeh... how do you know that some of these renters are not the relatives of the King... And you would DARE to do THIS... and be THIS stupid.. on British soil ???... Do you ever get invited to somebody's home.... and then kick off this way ? No. Most people doesn't !!!! ... Follow through with your different suppliers to fix the issue.
@nanucit Ай бұрын
The UK us turning into a Victorian age melodrama at lightspeed 😅
@piteekay Ай бұрын
You see the same all over Europe and the USA
@not_ever Ай бұрын
This has been going on for a very long time. I haven't seen anything to say that is getting worse, just that the media is actually paying attention. When I was a baby my mother and I lived in a flat that was so damp that water ran down the walls, there was mould everywhere and in the stairwell and communal areas there were needles and junkies. When I lived in my first rental appartment as an adult the wallpaper was so damp it peeled off the wall in sheets so we stuck it back up with blutack so we wouldn't lose our deposit. Every single house I've lived in since has been a Dickensian nightmare of one sort or another.
@rockallmusic Ай бұрын
Landlords are the ultimate scroungers
@emmajoy831 Ай бұрын
This is the reality of “passive income “. It’s indirect servitude
@TheAwesomeCookielord Ай бұрын
Rentierism, it's ironically anti capitalist and kills economies as we're seeing here
@kerttuelli Ай бұрын
The sewage guy is choosing servitude! There is no barrier to exit and so he has chosen to give his power away
@BrianFace182 Ай бұрын
@@kerttuelli stop blaming the victim. Moving house is massively costly and massively inconvenient. Why are you incapable of blaming those responsible? The landlord is the one refusing to do what they're paid for, why are you blaming the victim? What is wrong with you? Are you just a nasty person?
@giorda77 Ай бұрын
one thing Adam Smith and Karl Marx would agreed. Landlords are a dead economical weight in society.
@nathanu6759 Ай бұрын
Say it once, say it twice, “landlord” is not a job
@nancyhood8395 Ай бұрын
You've never owned a property then
@Fishstickification Ай бұрын
@@nancyhood8395I own my house but wouldn’t consider maintaining it a job
@Yacobe Ай бұрын
@@nancyhood8395 Nobody is putting in anywhere close to 40 hours a week maintaining a single property, and landlords tend to hire managers to do most of the actual work for them once they own a few properties.
@NeonVisual Ай бұрын
They are home scalpers, not landlords.
@NeonVisual Ай бұрын
@jf2176 Home scalpers will be banned under Labour.
@theumarianmeme1483 Ай бұрын
Sounds like they need a trust pilot for landlords. Getting the government to continually over tax an over regulate will only leave more unfortunate people in the cold.
@Rawricus Ай бұрын
We have two water leaks in our rented house. The first is a constantly overflowing toilet and the second is a poorly sealed shower unit, which results in the ceiling and walls in the kitchen below becoming wet every time we use the shower. We reported the overflowing toilet on 28th January thanks to Anglian Water highlighting our usage was up. We reported the poorly sealed shower on June 7th 2023. Still waiting for these things to be fixed. Apparently it's hard to get a plumber, or so we keep being told. The kitchen walls and ceiling and now starting to crumble. We're also waiting for replacement smoke alarm in the kitchen because the previous one-for some mysterious reason-stopped worked after becoming wet. Of course, all of this is really bad, but I have no choice. I know if I complain more than I have done already, I'll be evicted. The landlady will then paint over the damage and get new tenants. I genuinely believe there are no 'good' landlords. I despise them. I despise the fact I'm buying their house for them, I despise the fact they see themselves as benevolent housing providers, and I despise the fact so many tenants are utterly powerless. The whole system needs serious reform, but that reform would cost those pulling the levers. There's no hope.
@MrDesmondPot Ай бұрын
I agree. There are no good landlords. It’s a moral failure. My advice to you dealing with the water company is to give Anglian Water the landlords contact details. You will have an incident/job number. Ring up, quote that number and ask the call handler to add those details to the job.
@Rawricus Ай бұрын
@@MrDesmondPot To be fair, Anglian Water have been great and very understanding. From what they told me, this situation is not uncommon, unsurprisingly.
@marklewis3023 25 күн бұрын
I'm a landlord, I would give them 14 days to fix the issue and then if not resolved advise you will be fixing yourself and withholding the rent to cover any costs. An overflowing toilet from a cistern costs about £20 in parts from Screwfix and less than an hour to complete. It's potentially just an adjustment on the existing fittings, so may cost nothing and take a couple of minutes to do. A poorly sealed shower is a few hours stripping off the old silicone and then re-sealing it. When I rented a property (because I was a tenant for a long time whilst I was a landlord) I just got on and did these things myself, because it was no great hardship for me and I was happy in the property that we lived in. As a landlord I of course turn up and do all this work for my tenants and in a timely manner, they shouldn't just be left because as you say it leads to much bigger problems down the line.
@sg333ify Ай бұрын
Housing is so important to reduce inequality. I really hope the new elected government makes landlording less lucrative and more regulated. Doesn't feel like we live in a first world country at the minute...
@Uliengue Ай бұрын
Housing is either a right and an essential for human dignity or it's not. Purely driven profit options for something that is tied to a person's dignity is always a recipe for suffering
@mattliamjack3293 Ай бұрын
Hedgefund landlords on the rise. Tax more than one home 50%. Make saving easier so houses are not commodities, but homes.
@anne-mariemarshall Ай бұрын
I agree that houses should be homes not commodities.
@PS-pn9rd Ай бұрын
That's right... Why does bricks and mortar and land grow exponentially in value and demand when money does not. That'll be quantitive easing. Bankers and politicians trick to give themselves more funds and devalue our hard earned cash
@foxcorporation Ай бұрын
Companies shouldn't be allowed to buy houses full stop. For personal ownership, maybe a 2 house limit (if taking care of, for example, elderly parents etc. who live in a one-bed house somewhere but they themselves need to work somewhere else).
@RocketRenton Ай бұрын
@user-ps8lc6uh7x Ай бұрын
These people are suffering because of individual landlords. The issue of renters rights has nothing to do with the type of owner
@anne-mariemarshall Ай бұрын
What we need is a return to council housing with a big increase of housing stock to rent from the council and the introduction of a new rent act to protect tenants from rouge [private] landlords. In saying this, I acknowledge that not all private landlords are bad landlords, but many are 😮😮😮
@randomblogger2474 Ай бұрын
Nailed it...Tatcher selling of all the council houses has led us here.
@MosherBear Ай бұрын
I currently live in council property, but previously rented privately. The landlord and his wife were lovely people who had passed away during (but not of) the pandemic. Their family intended to renovate the property (a house with two flats) but it was too expensive, so they sold up, which is fair enough. The letting agent, however, were a different bag of toffees. They accused me of rent arrears (my housing benefit went to them), which meant getting the council and Shelter involved. As for getting my deposit back, no chance - it was used to pay the cleaners, whilst the property was on the market.
@anne-mariemarshall Ай бұрын
@@MosherBear So sorry to hear about this and it's not really an uncommon situation (sadly) I hope that you're current tenancy with your local authority is much better (there's no guarantee that this will be the case, look only as far as Rochdale boroughwide housing and damp mold issues as a witness to that) As for your surety bond, what happened there is absolutely out of order. I rented a house in North Yorkshire for a short while and the money grabbing landlord tried the same trick on me and for issues that existed before I began the tenancy. Unfortunately for him, I had held back the final months rent and when he started his shenanigans saying he was keeping the deposit as payment, I told him that the deposit he had would pay the final months rent. He was not happy but there was nothing he could do about it. I was lucky as I knew when I would be handing the tenancy back to him. Not so easy to do this if the tenancy is also your home.
@williamsulman2646 Ай бұрын
It's never going to happen. Labour were in power they never built any either. They are never going to build council houses again. Sick of hearing this. They didn't do it in 2007 when all the builders were sat at home. I was one of them sitting at home wondering why the government does not start a construction company and build some houses. The government taxes the construction industry with health and safety laws. They can't tax themselves.
@anne-mariemarshall Ай бұрын
@@williamsulman2646 just a couple of quotes for you "Under Labour, housing associations and local authorities built about 251,000 homes in England. The number of social homes being built has fallen by almost 90 per cent since the Conservatives came to power in 2010, new official figures have revealed." And this one from the Independent "Just 1,409 of the lowest-cost homes were started in England in the 2017/18 financial year - down from 39,402 in 2009/10. The fall since 2010 comes after Conservative ministers decided to divert funding for social homes into more expensive types of property, namely "affordable" homes. These are rented out at up to 80 per cent of market value, whereas social rents are typically set at around 50 per cent of market rates" Given this evidence, would you like to substantiate your outlandish, dishonest statement??? You being sat home and out of work isn't enough to show who is or is not funding building projects. The whole of construction is far larger than building domestic property.
@Bevan1988 Ай бұрын
I moved out of London in 2018. Im so glad I did. Im on the housing ladder now. My rent went up 100% over the course of 7yrs there. I lived in 8 different properties in that time. The one instance that really sticks in my mind was being told by an estate agent that the rent was the landlady's only form of income when increasing it by 15%. Taking that money directly from my only income.
@marklewis3023 25 күн бұрын
Well if someone chooses to live in 1 of the most expensive cities in the World then they can expect to pay the price of admission. I'm not a fan of London, I don't see the appeal of the place, it's big, over crowded and over priced. You did the right thing in moving out if owning your own home was a priority for you. From the landlady's perspective she was holding this expensive asset and she needs to monetise it. She can do this by renting it out for monthly cash flow, or she can sell it to a landlord who will do the same thing. Alternatively she can sell it to a foreign investor who may well buy the property and leave it empty. There is no cheap option for the London tenants here, again if you want that move to Liverpool and buy a £1 house.
@andrewcarter1771 Ай бұрын
Labour won't fix it. Maybe they'll put a sticking plaster on a bullet wound though
@adammorgan1776 Ай бұрын
Exactly, though I very much doubt they'd even put a sticking plaster on it, seeing as many cosplay labour MPs have vested interests and investments in property too
@MrDesmondPot Ай бұрын
A fair few of the Labour front beach are private landlords
@r9341-tss1 Ай бұрын
Labour are class traitors, they're the new Tories and I would bet when the Tories implode next election, a lot of the right wing but not yet far-right MPs will join Labour
@kr050 Ай бұрын
The sad thing at the end is the guy who believes Labour will sort this. They won't. Well need to vote for a left party that is not the one of the two establishment parties. The Labour party have been captured by the rich, like the Conservatives.
@DavidBennell Ай бұрын
We got a s21 eviction notice 2 days after both my partner's parents died, when I phoned up saying, we were not really in a position to mentally deal with this right now, I got told I could pay 50% more and the problem would go away, which we just did as it was too much to deal with at the time.
@rjflores438 Ай бұрын
I was denied a place where I offered to put 4 months rent up front (all of my savings) which equated to £3500 for a flat of £900 per month for a 6 month tenancy because my temporary job only had 4 months left and thus I would have 4 paychecks remaining of 2 grand each for the remaining 2 months of the tenancy, which I offered to pay with my next 2 wages, leaving the remaining 4 months with no rent to pay. I informed the letting agents and landlord that I was looking for a permanent job as well at that point. Make it make sense, even basic maths doesnt compute with these people. They wanted 6 months up front.
@williamsulman2646 Ай бұрын
Supply and demand mate. It's not fair but it's how it is. I was the same till my old man died now I'm letting out my spare room. Ive had the same lodger for over a year. The bills have gone up, I won't put his rent up because he's alright and that's the point. More money or not only the real shifty landlord are gonna chase the money because 50 quid a month more ain't much good if someone moves in and refuses to pay. I've lived in this place 2 years and my bills have gone up thousands over the course of a year.
@BrianFace182 Ай бұрын
@@williamsulman2646 then markets are not fit for purpose. Seize the assets from landlords with zero compensation and redistribute.
@williamsulman2646 Ай бұрын
@@BrianFace182 how about we just all talk about fairy stories. How is that ever going to happen? Socialism has only ever worked in your imagination. There is no way in hell they are just going to start seizing property. Most property owner own the home they live in. In fact I think more people own property outright than have mortgages. In sure they are gonna start turning the pensioners out on the street. There is no reality. Just more nonsense that's been tried in plenty of places before and funnily enough if you take away any reason to have aspirations then no one has any. I know plenty of people who've done better than me. Worked harder than me.
@marklewis3023 25 күн бұрын
@@BrianFace182 Great idea, I suggest we start with your house.
@macsmiffy2197 27 күн бұрын
Living next door to a landlord can also be a nightmare trying to get them to pay up for joint maintenance costs on gutters, fencing, shared patio etc. I’ve found most of the tenants delightful. However, the last pair of tenants trashed the house, leading to major building work and 6 months off the rental market. Karma!!!
@andrewcalladine2507 Ай бұрын
Being an ex accidental landlord who rented out for a short term it's sad to see so many people having such negative experiences. Not acceptable the conditions that some landlords are letting out homes in at all. I've had a friend who was the victim of a revenge eviction and my wife used to rent so we know how bad it can be. We need much stronger legislation to protect people renting and stonger action against bad landlords, similar to what happens in France and Germany,
@anne-mariemarshall Ай бұрын
Prior to the Tories abolishing the rent act, there wasn't a significant problem with rouge greedy landlords. The problem is one of the making by Tory policy and needs new legislation introducing to make investing in property for rent less appealing to private landlords. We need a cap on rent levels, regular independent inspections of rental properties, a super tax on properties that have been used for rental income (similar to capital gains but at much higher rates), higher rates of tax on income from rental income and an end to tax relief on mortgages on houses bought for rent. The Tories will never introduce any of these measures, to many of them are private landlords themselves. We need a new government (and quickly) to sort out the mess that the Tories have created.
@naziphone7260 Ай бұрын
@@anne-mariemarshallthe Labour Party in waiting isn’t going to do that either
@samsowden Ай бұрын
​@@naziphone7260I thought that's who she meant by the Tories...
@BrianFace182 Ай бұрын
There's no such thing as a good landlord, you all exploit our most basic vulnerabilities.
@BrianFace182 Ай бұрын
@@anne-mariemarshall labour introduced buy-to-let mortgages so don't expect anything positive from labout.
@rickreads4674 Ай бұрын
We're paying £1600 a month and our Landlady keeps all her crap in our garage attic... she get's around it because "it's in the inventory". Our garden is full of acumulated crap, railway sleepers stacked up, and chimney pots, we can't enjoy our yard fully because of it, but again "it's in the inventory".
@not_ever Ай бұрын
My landlady kept broken lamps in our living room which weren't for our use and were on the inventory as broken lamps. She wouldn't let us throw them away. They weren't antiques they were just bog standard ugly lamps you could buy in somewhere like Dunhelm. It was extremely bizzare. I think it was some kind of power trip or territorial marker.
@MeiinUK Ай бұрын
@@not_ever : Lol... That is funny... Why did you rent that place then ?! Where do you live ?! Goodness me... lol...
@not_ever Ай бұрын
@@MeiinUK Are you a landlord or a home owner? Why did you rent that place is such an ignorant question. Do you think there is an abundance of choice in the rental market? Also do you think the estate agent mentioned the landlord is attached to her broken living room lamps and you can't throw them away if you live here?
@marklewis3023 25 күн бұрын
@@not_ever Stick them in the attic and don't worry about it. Not everything in a property that comes furnished will be to your taste or in any way useful - just accept that fact and work around it.
@not_ever 25 күн бұрын
@@marklewis3023 You've really missed the point here. It was also an unfurnished house.
@satyasyasatyasya5746 Ай бұрын
*Make landlording illegal.*
@andrewcalladine2507 Ай бұрын
That will never happen, what needs to change is looking at how this works in France and Germany where people renting have much more protection and the house/flat is much more their home and not a short term let.
@yellowgreen5229 Ай бұрын
It happened before and can happen again ​@@andrewcalladine2507
@firstlast-tf3fq Ай бұрын
Make it unprofitable again, that’s far easier from a practicality perspective
@kerttuelli Ай бұрын
If you dont want to deal with landlords dont deal with them. Take responsibility for your life
@4081kieran Ай бұрын
​@kerttuelli so where are people that can't afford a mortgage going to live?
@LeornianCyng Ай бұрын
National Housing Service and ban the private rental sector. We have lots of empty buildings, properties, mansions etc… that could be repurposed and redesigned for state of art affordable, space saving and sustainable housing.
@fintamaria2429 Ай бұрын
These landlords are organized CARTELS , the landlord takes money from the workers, all the salary goes into the landlord's pocket. And the houses are a disaster full of molds,,,the fact that we work like fools for a whole month to get to the food bank 😢😢😢😢
@MrDesmondPot Ай бұрын
The landlords are also the real benefit cheats. They rent a former council property back to the council and have the overpriced rent paid directly to them from benefits.
@fintamaria2429 Ай бұрын
@@MrDesmondPot I have specified that there are CARTELS, organized, they created a system just to take the money of the workers with the minimum on the economy, Someone decided that those who have the minimum on the economy can live at the limit of human poverty.
@DesperateDan3231 Ай бұрын
It's always been this way, from medieval tenant farmers, Victorian workhouses or tenement flats. The poorest have always struggled for decent housing. The council housing schemes of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s were just a post-war blip.
@MeiinUK Ай бұрын
@@MrDesmondPot : What ? Seriously ? I think that is illegal actually..... Definitely illegal !!!! ....
@marklewis3023 25 күн бұрын
@@MrDesmondPot You're saying that the landlord rents a former council property back to the council. So the Council sold the property (probably to an existing tenant at a massive discount), that person then sold it on to a landlord/investor. The investor then rents the private house back to the council to home people for social housing. There is nothing illegal in that, it's not a cheat and it's probably the best way to utilise that property so that the most needy in society can benefit. The landlord/investor has put their money up to buy the property and having a fair return on that investment is the way the World works.
@DavidSmith-do6ji 19 күн бұрын
Where will all the people that rent go if they get rid of landlords? On the streets?
@DAHQatar Ай бұрын
Corporate landlords will raise rents to the max.
@MrDesmondPot Ай бұрын
So you agree that all second homes should be sold back to the state for the same price as purchased to help us avoid that situation, right?
@DAHQatar Ай бұрын
@@MrDesmondPot are you a simpleton??? What I say is the following: put an end to USURY (money printing not back by labour sweat or product) and there will be no incentive to driving up asset prices. Don’t let the usurious bankers put you against me. It’s us against them.
@pewpewlepepe5070 Ай бұрын
It's more than hedgefund landlords. It's getting priced out of places you've lived in for decades. My moms been evicted and its just greed. Rents around her have doubled in the last decade. What pension/wage has DOUBLED in 10 years?
@paull9901 Ай бұрын
Whaaat?! Prices have risen in a decade?! Well that's unheard-of. What is your mum doing still renting? That is what happens when your whole life is subsidised by others.
@pewpewlepepe5070 Ай бұрын
@paull9901 comments like this take idiocy to a whole new level. Gotta be Rishi's little kid to be this out of touch. People work their whole lives without being able to ever consider buying property. Rents haven't merely increased to accompany inflation and rising costs - they've DOUBLED in the space of a single decade. Also, working your whole life and then getting a pension is being subsidised? Wtf do you know aside from your privilege? Especially in this country where the rich are more subsidised than the poor on benefits. Capital gains tax is half of labour tax, loads of tax loopholes... come tell me about being subsidised LOL
@pewpewlepepe5070 Ай бұрын
@paull9901 a pension for decades of work is a subsidy??? You sounding like a landlord LOL
@paull9901 Ай бұрын
@@pewpewlepepe5070 You know what else is LOL? The fact that someone has gone through their whole life without the safety of their owned home. Have fun helping your mum to pack.
@pewpewlepepe5070 Ай бұрын
@paull9901 geez, some ppl are clearly proud of being horrible. Keep it up moron. BTW, I'm helping my mom sue her landlord - not to pack LOL You seem absolutely a miserable human being, congrats. You'll go far 🤣🤣
@Gph0367 Ай бұрын
Keep exposing the truth
@lisamackenzie9681 Ай бұрын
I never thought I'd have a reason to be grateful to be disabled by a degenerative illness, but it enabled us to qualify for a housing association property, so we now have a decent adapted flat and no longer have to deal with the private rented market. I'd been private renting for more than 20 years. We need laws for private renting that protect tenants and allow them to live long term in a decent property and not constantly have to move or deal with a market set up to benefit landlords. My husband’s cousin is German and the laws there are much more beneficial to tenants, but my understanding is landlords are trying to get them changed.
@BoredomIncarnate1 Ай бұрын
Ban ownership of more than one home, that should flood the market, crash prices and slow the upward leeching of wealth.
@David-bi6lf Ай бұрын
That would be a really bad idea. You could say you cannot buy any more and you cannot replace then when you sell but forcing 100's of houses to be sold at once would be disaster.
@simonturner1 Ай бұрын
@@David-bi6lf a disaster only for parasites.
@paull9901 Ай бұрын
That's the most idiotic idea ever. By doing that, you would make most of mortgage owners (30% of UK population) homeless, as their homes would go into massive negative equity aka impossible to remortgage aka being reposed by banks.
@not_ever Ай бұрын
It would be much better to keep house prices static in some way and stop wages from being frozen at 2005 levels as they have been for the last few years. This would avoid negative equity and eventually people would be able to afford to buy. I'm not sure of any economic mechanism to do this though.
@rainbowbroom8335 14 күн бұрын
Think this looks like communism we know how that ends
@theumarianmeme1483 Ай бұрын
🤔 They want the London Mayor to be their landlord??? 😅😅😅 I already feel sorry for these people. 😢😢😢
@DaraM73 Ай бұрын
After raw sewage flooded my London flat, and after finding expensive short term emergency housing following a period in hospital (because of the sewage), I was told the flat would be repaired to a high standard. However, when we eventually returned we found it had be re-let to a single lady and all our possessions destroyed.
@anne-mariemarshall Ай бұрын
Dara. The landlord should be forced to compensate for the lost possessions under a Tort for illegal possession of goods (this law used to, and presumably still does exist. The problem is the cost of legal action thanks to the Tories scrapped civil legal aid). 😢😢😢
@Giovanniditessitore Ай бұрын
A brilliant video.
@robsquare2622 Ай бұрын
Think about how fast they pushed out the minimum service for striking workers law. They could reform renting laws tomorrow but they wont because they lose their primary voters.
@PS-pn9rd Ай бұрын
Its not right that anybody can sit back and profit from anothers essential sheltering from the ellements. Its an insane situation
@MrDesmondPot Ай бұрын
That’s landlords for you. Parasites and benefit cheats.
@salkoharper2908 Ай бұрын
Mega Cities like London are becoming unaffordable to rent in as a normal person. I would recommend to leave London. These globalised mega cities like New York, Paris, London etc are going to only be the home of millionaires and impoverished immigrants. There is very quickly becoming no middle class in big cities anymore. Middle class professionals should move to smaller cities and towns. They are affordable and will not replace you with cheap migrant slave labourers who live 12 to a 1 bedroom flat. London will become nothing but mega rich and dirt poor, just like in Victorian England.
@BrianFace182 Ай бұрын
stop trying to move the conversation away from blaming landlords and onto blaming migrants. Yes, I see you. Stop being so racist, landlords are to blame not migrants.
@salkoharper2908 Ай бұрын
@@BrianFace182 Hahahah. Imagine trying to accuse someone of being a racist because they are advising other people to move out of very expensive mega cities. Go pull your whiney 'I'm offended' card on someone who cares mate. If you lived where I do, you would see what is really happening in London. The progressives like you all live in nice comfy bubbles though. I bet you live in a nice house, in a nice area, well away from any reality at all. Not all of us are so lucky to live in la la land mate.
@FreeFragUK Ай бұрын
Sadly if he thinks Labour will make a difference, I suspect he will be sorely disappointed and let down.
@josephrobinson6171 Ай бұрын
Yeah they all have real estate investments too. They won't do fuck all about it
@anne-mariemarshall Ай бұрын
Suspect all you like. I look forward to seeing you eat your words in the not too distant future😂😂😂
@sywilson73 Ай бұрын
left without a boiler for 5+ years I had a slam dunk case and our s-o-t council and Labour MP assured me i had nothing to worry about ..after visiting them and seeking advice many months before when it got to the court date they were a NO-show and I was made homeless they didn't get in touch with me since except for a Merry Christmas E=mail from the MP (whilst I was living on the streets) that's how much they care.
@anne-mariemarshall Ай бұрын
@@sywilson73 why would they be attending court. That isn't their role and you say that they provided you with advice which is where their involvement would and should stop. This all sounds very far fetched to me.
@Tommyleini Ай бұрын
Can you ask what politicians will do about leaseholds and service charges? What about abolishing leaseholds?
@Earthismadeoflayers Ай бұрын
This gets rife when the mp's and their family /friends own these properties.
@pugmanick Ай бұрын
Unfortunately I don't believe Starmer will be any different.
@hyperbiped9913 Ай бұрын
People farmers!
@MrDesmondPot Ай бұрын
I think the UK is way past ready for Chairman Malcolm.
@simonturner1 Ай бұрын
7:30 that dude is very naive if he thinks Starmer will do anything to change this. He doesn't care about normal people. His priority is gaining power and hobnobbing with the Establishment.
@letastycrumpet Ай бұрын
I'm currently living in my living room because the mould has got too bad in the master bedroom of our £3k a month house in Barnes. we first told the landlord 5 months ago and it's only gotten worse. Our landlord lives in Cyprus and the property manager has already agreed that it's not the right condition to live in. It's put significant stress and pressure on myself my partner and our housemate to the point we were considering leaving London.
@MeiinUK Ай бұрын
Wow... okay.. that one is weird.... So it is a foreign owner? Have they paid for the taxes as well ?.... That is weird. Why don't they sell it ?...
@priyaakajedimindtrickdrago1193 Ай бұрын
I know it's only a little advice but get a dehumidifier if you don't have one already, they are a game changer. I also recommend HG Mould Spray, it's excellent. We have a big mould problem in our building but since myself and my neighbours have been using these it's made a massive difference.
@letastycrumpet Ай бұрын
@@priyaakajedimindtrickdrago1193 when we first noticed the mould we bought one of those big dehumidifiers. We used mould spray on one area in the room but as we wiped off the mould the paint began to chip away. As to save ourselves our deposit we informed the property manager that it was damaging the paint work and he said to leave it we have the windows open and run the dehumidifier consistently but the issue had gotten too bad to the point that it was affecting my breathing as I'm asthmatic. We are moving next week to another part of London and I intend to make this a legal matter once we have moved and our deposit is back. The landlord dragged their feet with the repairs and we have been living in an environment unfit for human habitation for too long. I personally feel action should have been taken in December of last year and I will be fighting to get my rent back for the months left in this situation plus emotional and physical damages that the landlord has caused through their negligence.
@eileencorcoran3057 Ай бұрын
It's a disgusting
@GeorgeGeorgeOnly Ай бұрын
And truly horrific!
@kerttuelli Ай бұрын
For the sewage guy he said he chose this!
@GeorgeGeorgeOnly Ай бұрын
@@kerttuelli Y'what?!
@kerttuelli Ай бұрын
@@GeorgeGeorgeOnly in the film doesn't the sewage guy say he stayed in a property in shit state for 18 months. No evidence of coercion was provided. Would you stay in these conditions?
@GeorgeGeorgeOnly Ай бұрын
@@kerttuelli He doesn't say how many other rentals he applied for while he was stuck in the shithole, and niether did he say he wanted to stay there, but accomodation is in extremely short supply, especially in London, so he would have had little or no choice. On the other hand, perhaps if the landlord would have the fault fixed then maybe the property was OK.
@user-fw5tr8ht1e Ай бұрын
I've never rented a property and hope I never have to. However, would like to own a second property for my children's inheritance. Owning another property is a good investment for people
@Jonnyicey Ай бұрын
I looked into renting out my house a year ago now but after all the taxes and fees i worked out i was better off putting my money in fixed rate bonds. Its definitely not passive income, i wasnt even factoring in damage to the property or a tenant not paying.
@anne-mariemarshall Ай бұрын
The problem in this area is that many landlords use a buy to let mortgage and get tax relief on the loan interest. They are effectively getting a small income from the rental but a free asset (paid for by the tenant) which they can subsequently sell and keep much of the profit. The area where most rental income is made is in houses of multiple occupancy and many a private landlords has grown very fat in income from this type of tenancy.
@paull9901 Ай бұрын
@@anne-mariemarshall”tax relief on mortgage interest”?😂😂Actually the problem is that there’s way too many people who have no idea on taxation or what it is to be a landlord in this country but loves to talk nonsense on the internet and get other dummies riled up. And that is the reason why you all will rent from scummy landlords for the rest of your life.
@anne-mariemarshall Ай бұрын
@@paull9901 actually smart arse, I know landlords in this exact position and as I own my own property, I do not need to rent 🤣🤣🤣
@pewpewlepepe5070 Ай бұрын
@paull9901 spoken like a privileged brat who wouldn't last a day out of his parents bubble
@JamieH98 Ай бұрын
Landlords are scum, simple as that and it’s unbelievable some people still can’t see that.
@bankylaw3745 Ай бұрын
Make sure to mention you want rights and restrictions for tennant and landlords brought forward to any MP who knock on your door
@tgillson3093 Ай бұрын
My landlord tried to make me live in his flat while all the floors were taken up and replaced due to a (continuing) soil pipe leaking into the flat. It took council, local MP letters and repeated demands before they agreed to move us out temporarily. They had the nerve to act like I was being demanding too.
@stuartcrabbe123 Ай бұрын
Rent shouldn't go up with inflation. Because how is that fair for the tenant when the home is already bought outright with no mortgage. It should be something similar to the council tax. Rent is fixed to a percentage of what the home value was at year x. Or maybe a fixed rate for the type and quality of property in the localised area.
@bernardcribbins7083 Ай бұрын
Bring back rent tribunals. Landlords had to apply to increase rent. And tenants could get rent reduced.
@MeiinUK Ай бұрын
A lot of landlords forget that, the King owns the entire UK... if he needs to flip and close the parliament and reclaim t he land, or get his Lords... reclaim back the entire land.. He could.... This is the pressure that it is being put... now... into people's.... position.... This is NOT acceptable by any means of the word as well ?..... This is purely disgusting. You cannot give your landlord prison sentences, cos then... this will make the situation even worst.... Wouldn't it ? Then, they cannot actually get finances for those housings ????..... The fact that some of the cases are from overseas' money anyway, that should've been dealt with to begin with. The entire financial centres are based on mortgages... so.. what are people doing here ??? It is these financial institutions lending, or avoiding actual legality... and fudging those areas.. and making it grey.... That are providing the loans, when those loans, should not have existed to begin with. As well. I mean.... increase or bring back legal aid. That is important. IMHO.
@claudiafigueiredo4979 Ай бұрын
And ppl want to leave human rights in uk . Good luck if that happens
@LimeyRedneck Ай бұрын
Psychopathic!!! 😡🤬
@deusex3124 Ай бұрын
Landlords can effectively do anything they want, there is no incentive at all to be a 'good' landlord. Tenants have hardly any rights and whatever legislation there is is rarely enforced. MPs should not be allowed to be landlords it's a blatant conflict of interest. The main reason things don't change is MPs benefit from the current status quo. Things are even worse if you factor in how it impacts older people, as less and less people get the chance to own homes more and more older people will be subject to the private rental sector.
@jeninelynch2330 Ай бұрын
Its the same in Ireland. We need a complete overhaul of housing & tenancy policy in both nations
@RocketRenton Ай бұрын
Yeah so I heard that was back in 2008, no NHS, you have to pay to see a doctor etc, my old boss relocated to Dublin with his Irish wife and travelled over and told me what life was like in Ireland.
@overrunbydachshounds Ай бұрын
Please make this country wide, their is a world outside London
@thomasfraser3622 Ай бұрын
A new deal for renters will not build more homes. The problem is not enough homes. If there were enough homes, landlords would be fighting to find tenants.
@undead_corsair Ай бұрын
I hate this country.
@BainesyT Ай бұрын
Why has Sadiq Khan waited until now to make this pledge? Just do it while you've been in office....
@TCJones Ай бұрын
We need to move jobs out of london, most people dont need to be there, boss's might be but works dont.
@00Platypus00 Ай бұрын
No, they should not be imprisoned. We should have a different economic system that prevents this type of thing from happening, not a penal system that throws people in jail.
@MrDesmondPot Ай бұрын
Housing market is broken and getting much worse. Greed broke it. Landlords and letting agents exploit people and the entire market is tilted towards them. I work in utilities and a shift in these industries would be a big start. LLs are always treated with kid gloves whereas they should be treated like the bumbling business fools they are. And if they’ve hired an agent to act on their behalf that agent should also be liable.
@oscarodonnagain Ай бұрын
Day by day, I'm starting to agree with Mao more.
@Redu3 Ай бұрын
Starmer wouldn't lift a fucking finger. Let's be honest.
@leeroychang Ай бұрын
Would love a feedback system where landlords and tenants get feedback and star or percentage ratings. Unscrupulous landlords will be identified and not used, same with tenants. Clear out the bad ones.
@anne-mariemarshall Ай бұрын
There are already checks on potential tenants, which incidentally the prospective tenants get charged whether they become the tenant or not. We need a new inspectorate of rental properties with annual inspection of all rental properties (private and social) and with real powers to prosecute rouge landlords when they do not bring their housing stock up to a prescribed standard. We also need a new rent act to set the cost of rental property to 2/3 of the average income. Breaching this limit would be a criminal offence with the potential of a large fine and a prison sentence of (say) up to 5 years inside but dependant on tariff for the offence.
@leeroychang Ай бұрын
@@anne-mariemarshall these aren't reliable and I agree, shouldn't be charged for/expensive. An open and transparent system should be available. The check is a financial check only.
@fracturedlife1393 Ай бұрын
Have a look at Victoria Square apartments E: in belfast
@MegaZayd1 Ай бұрын
LMAo labour wont do shit, Sadiq cares but not labour
@dcanes5720 Ай бұрын
Please don’t be stupid enough to believe a word Sadie khan says…. He won’t do anything he says have people forgotten ulez already
@raybokor2 Ай бұрын
welcome back to the 1950s
@abumaalik9272 Ай бұрын
Gary was right
@marklewis3023 25 күн бұрын
The problem with this video is that there is no balance, which is why it's not real journalism. They should have got some landlords into the room to give their experiences and feedback into the conversation. A quick Google of the Council involved in the 1 guys story, Hammersmith and Fulham. Guess what? It's a Labour run council. The council had the powers to fine and prosecute the landlord but didn't bother, they also then denied they did anything wrong. But the National Government is then blamed for a Local Government failing in not fulfilling their mandate to ensure rented housing is up to standard. The solution then is apparently "more Labour" to fix the issue, which is pretty disingenuous. This video is also very London specific, it's a totally different ecosystem where housing is extremely hard to come by, the competition is huge and many landlords don't even live in the UK and are foreign investors. You can't determine national policies based primarily on a London issue. I agree that the rental sector should be fair, but there needs to be a balance between tenant and landlord rights which are already heavily skewed in the tenant's favour. If the landlord has no rights then the banks won't lend and properties will be left derelict and go to ruin. Many foreign investors are also happy to have their properties empty because they simply use them as a store of wealth and not a home for someone to live in.
@Simon_935 Ай бұрын
Welcoming to Kahns Gardens , a government built and controlled area for your very own peace of mind and enjoyment.
@ihsaan0611 Ай бұрын
Oliver Kahn is in social housing now?? The man's a nutter
@SK-hv3zn Ай бұрын
@stevenklavins7856 Ай бұрын
8:50 100% of rented housing needs to be controlled! We have a population exceeding 8.9 Million in London, its honestly pathetic to suggest 6000 properties will change ANYTHING.
@yassarahmed Ай бұрын
I find the estate agencies worst than landlord acting as their goons
@rice4550 Ай бұрын
This is what Mao was talking about
@stevenduncan5695 Ай бұрын
you Anglo-Saxons should have stayed in Denmark, you would have had great social housing
@kerttuelli Ай бұрын
Why does the interviewer not ask questions of these tenants. They are telling stories without any journalist asking them to explain their own behaviour? Why do these tenants behave like they are? Why pay money to live in sewage? Just leave. They are choosing to be abused. Leave!!!!
@kerttuelli Ай бұрын
If you are living in shit environment surely if you are physically able to you move to a better environment. Humans have done this for thousands of years. Take responsibility for your environment. Choose your reality. Dont be a victim mindset as it is painful
@lonevoice Ай бұрын
We need far more social housing. Thatcher's give-away must have wasted over £100bn at today's prices and we clearly need to recover most if not all of that stock. We probably need to make all property letting, apart from holiday and temporary lets, done on social housing terms. That may then see a flood of sales at reduced prices and government could use the opportunities afforded by modern monetary theory to snap them up at reduced prices.
@williamsulman2646 Ай бұрын
Anything that actually gonna happen in a million years? I've worked in construction my whole life. Ive worked for housing associations doing maintenance. It's never going to happen! Why do you waste your time keep saying the same thing everyome knows they should. They are never going to again.
@lonevoice Ай бұрын
@@williamsulman2646 The dynamics are changing albeit slowly. The younger generation have been screwed big time, not just with property costs but also things like student loans and the increasing burden of an aging population etc.
@williamsulman2646 Ай бұрын
@@lonevoice and what are the younger generations going to do? It's all luck, my old man brought a house in London. He died of cancer and not dementia. Now both my sister and I are mortgage and rent free. His aunt left us money because she owned a house. My mum owns her house. My grandparents, all three of their children own property. This is gonna be the experience of some millennials. Others are not going to be as lucky. So what's going to change? Some of us end up with assets and become more conservative now we have something worth conserving. The stats show young men are getting more right wing and women more left. They built council houses and established the welfare state after we had sent thousands of young men to die in wars. The upper classes owed a debt to the serf class that sent their sons to die in pointless misery. That ain't never going to happen again. It's quite obvious that the age of normal people being able to own property is over again. The internet is where the young are going to be able to have their dream house and car and perfect family. It's plugging into the matrix that's the future. The younger generations for now at least are completely passive. The only way I could see a revolution happening is if the internet went off for some reason. Otherwise smartphones are gonna keep getting closer to people's faces until they are Elon musks nurolink or mark Zuckerbergs meta verse.
@lonevoice Ай бұрын
@@williamsulman2646 There is a growing trend of wealth inequality which is economically damaging and will lead to more and more increases in house prices. The ability of the young to buy will diminish further and inheritance will become the default means of ownership. This will lead to a polarisation where tens of millions lead sh*t lies and the rest live in absolute luxury. The other problem of course then is that it inhibits the starting of families so the UK will rely increasingly on immigration. Not a very politically stable scenario.
@samsowden Ай бұрын
​@@williamsulman2646oh don't you worry that war is coming
@robbie609 Ай бұрын
What peasant can't buy their own place. if you don't like it move to a cheaper place or earn more!
@robbie609 Ай бұрын
if you own something and rent it out, your not serving the community, your just allowing some else to rent it!
@wesleymorley Ай бұрын
they are not landlords they are brick owners you cannot own land ask god it belongs to all beings.
@hayestimmy Ай бұрын
These situations are disturbingly common across every city in the United Kingdom. Even Scotland which has more stringent protections for tenants suffers the same in its densely populated areas. It's neo-feudalism through and through. Shelter is a human is a human right and our housing stock shouldn't be limited nor used as a commodity. I consider it so significant to the that I would gladly vote for a single-issue party that addresses the problem.
@SassyTheSasquatch96 Ай бұрын
As someone who has lived on the streets and struggled with homelessness and anti-social behavior once housed i must point out every human is entitled to a home and shelter, however, there are undeniable failings in other services that mean once certain individuals are housed if said other issues are not addressed they will either become homeless again like some of my acquaintances or simply be housed in an area then proceed to either be cucooked by criminals or themselves enact such predatory behavior on other members of the community to support their own lifestyle. Its very difficult to claim shelter is a human right if many people are not in a state where such rights can be upheld.
@octarinehk Ай бұрын
Terrible stories and don’t even get to mention HMOs where you pay 800 quid a month to live in a four bed family home with 6 strangers.
@cipherhex Ай бұрын
English Sam Seder?
@sjf29 Ай бұрын
8:50 - So about 0.002% of London housing will be rent controlled. Dude, you need to get closer to 50%.
@anne-mariemarshall Ай бұрын
Not closer to 50%. It should be 100%, no if's, not buts.
@DesperateDan3231 Ай бұрын
Sadiq Khan's sales pitch is a little cringe worthy.Why did he not build these rent control homes years ago. The Labour front bench also comprises of many Landlords too, it's not just a Conservative thing. It's a middle class thing.
@Qlair2632 Ай бұрын
More regulation = less supply, less supply = higher rent. Making the rental market a profitable and competitive market again is the only real way to fix this problem (however unpalatable that reality maybe from a moral or fairness perspective)
@sonneundperlen Ай бұрын
Despite all the financial struggles i and my family faced, everything is finally falling into place! $47,000 weekly profit and riches I'll always praise the Lord.
@jamesliamedward5915 Ай бұрын
Same here, with my current portfolio made from my investments with my personal financial advisor I totally agree with you
@SarahDirck Ай бұрын
Wow! Kind of in shock you mentioned expert,elizabeth ann graney.What a coincidence!!!
@AntonioRebeiro-vm6fq Ай бұрын
Elizabeth Ann has really set the standard for others to follow, we love her here in the UK as she has been really helpful and changed lots of life's
@StultzJack Ай бұрын
Life is easier when the cash keeps popping in,thanks to Elizabeth Ann graney services.Glad she's getting the recognition she deserves
@DanSawyer184 Ай бұрын
I use to work 3 jobs,full time at Walmart,a server at night and Lyft on the weekend,until Elizabeth Ann graney change my story.
@peterlindop4491 Ай бұрын
Vote Reform and we will see a huge difference.
@ceili Ай бұрын
Clickbait sensationalist title yet again.
@kerttuelli Ай бұрын
Dear joe. Regarding your video title. Your interview did not establish how the sewage victim was forced to live in sewage. Why did your reporter not establish the facts?
@MrDesmondPot Ай бұрын
It was quite clear
@kerttuelli Ай бұрын
@MrDesmondPot how was he made to live in sewage? He lives in west London. He picks up his bags and moves to South or east London within a few weeks. Who forced him to stay?
@kerttuelli Ай бұрын
Some landlords are shit. Some tenants are shit. Housing associations are shit.
@tarscase7653 Ай бұрын
@xdgamesCoUk Ай бұрын
The woman in the background on her phone in the cream/white suit is hot 🔥
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