my mental health | opening up

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Cameron Cole

Cameron Cole

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@rachelelizabethschneider2974 5 жыл бұрын
Feeling like you're screwing up is part of life. You're only 19, please know that things will change. I'm 23 and I'm still socially awkward. The difference is now I've accepted that I'm not an extroverted person and instead of feeling sad about it or feeling like I'm missing out, I accept myself for who I am and celebrate that I'm unique. You're personality is so beautiful. Watching you on BB made me feel more normal. Not every teenager feels comfortable dancing and singing out in public, getting drunk and being social. That's why kids can look up to you. You make introverts feel less alone. I'm beyond thankful that you're still alive. This is such a brave video, you're a brilliant role model and I'm proud of you.
@ChristinaBarker14 5 жыл бұрын
Well done for speaking up Cameron. Mental health is a huge issue and talking about it helps. One thing that's helped me is to change my mindset. I know it's hard and at first you think it's utter bullshit and don't believe it, but if you do it daily it will help and you will believe it. Instead of telling yourself something like 'today is going to be such a shit day, there's no point getting out of bed', tell yourself 'today is going to be such a great day, let's get up and be productive'. You will feel so much better once you do that honestly. Take each day as it comes. We are all here to listen and help you as best we can. Sending love and hugs xx
@lisapappy1239 5 жыл бұрын
I can relate to this video so much 💔 the feeling disconnected, the fighting for other people, the friends who claim to be there but aren't, the confusion around just not wanting to exist. It's all too familiar. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart for sharing your experiences with bravery and honesty in the hope it will help others ♥️🙏
@strix.1 5 жыл бұрын
Surprised to get a YT disclaimer for this vid...I once felt the way you did, I had the motivation but not the drive for life. I started volunteering, helping people and animals in worse situations than I could imagine being in and I could see my impact, it made me feel better about myself because the ones I was helping appreciated it more than they could express. It was the key that made me realize my life was meaningful. It also helped that I saw a psychologist who monitored my “state of mind.” With so many resources available today for people to get help, life is a phone-call away.🤟
@andrewpotter-jones7942 5 жыл бұрын
I don't know what to say ... your words have touched Me, u need to listen to them yourself. I had watched this in tears. You are a brilliant person and you are right. Wish I could you talk to you and be there for you. For a long time I have been wondering what to do after leaving college, this has really spoken to me and I want to become a psychologist and help people with mental illnesses as it really hurts me to see people like this
@rachelelizabethschneider2974 5 жыл бұрын
I always tell myself that dark times are temporary. That's how I get through them. Sending you all the good energy in the world, hopefully one day you'll wake up (could be weeks, months, or years from now) and you feel happy to still be living. You'll have a lovely boyfriend, amazing friends, and everything you ever dreamed of...perfectly content. I really hope that you'll look back on this video one day and you'll be so glad that you never killed yourself. Good vibes, Cameron. You're a good soul. You deserve the best in life and I think you're gonna get it one day. Just keep fighting until then ❤️
@BBMacsWorld 5 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you're talking about stuff like this. I hope you feel happier soon. You're an amazing person and have helped so many people in so many ways, including me, 😊💙
@sofegrace 5 жыл бұрын
I’m proud of you for talking about how you feel because I know it’s extremely hard to. This is such a powerful video, it makes people feel like they are not alone and many people will be able to relate I hope you’re okay and remember that there are many people that are there for you. ❤️
@titusbattiscombe7715 5 жыл бұрын
Hope you feel better Cameron. Just know you have a millions of fans who all love you and want to see your happy
@karencoady9027 5 жыл бұрын
That video was heartbreaking Cameron. Well done for being so open and honest about your feelings. I truly hope you get some help and some relief from feeling so bad. Listen to your own great advice ❤️
@nicolesauceda7515 5 жыл бұрын
I just want to say to YOU the last thing you said Cameron...Don't give up on life and don't give up on yourself! I know it's easy to say and alot harder to do. I always try to tell myself that there will always be someone whose situation is worse than your own, and if they can live to fight another day then I need to do the same. Thank you for sharing your feelings because its so easy to feel alone and isolated. Your helping others more than you know and I hope you are able to find what will bring you peace and contentment so that you don't feel that everyday is a fight, but instead is a joy.
@lornak72 5 жыл бұрын
Just cause you won big brother doesn’t mean you should be “happy” or “thankful” or whatever. Mental health affects anyone no matter what you’ve won or what you’ve got. God I literally saw the pain in your face as the video progressed, and I see it in mine when I talk about these things too - it’s from bottling it up for too long. Honestly we’re all just randoms on the internet but I related to this on such a level, it’s crazy. I really hope you keep going cause you’ve got such a bright head on your shoulders, no matter what you think I really believe you’re capable of achieving great things
@louteasdale2864 5 жыл бұрын
Oh Cameron, you're such a special young man. You shouldn't want to be like everyone else! Most 19 year olds are shitty examples, yet you're such a gem and a lovely role model. All those kids your age that you see going out and 'having fun' probably feel just as empty as you do on the inside. Social media IS NOT REAL, Cameron. Those people may look happy out partying from their pictures on Instagram, but they could be seconds away from suicide. Just look at Mike Thalassitis from Love Island who recently killed himself. These people living lavish life styles who seem upbeat and surrounded by friends are not always showing their true selves. Social media emphasizes the glamor, not the reality. You shouldn't feel like you're less than any of the people your age who seem like they have their life together because likely none of those people are actually happy like they pretend to be. You're NOT ALONE. So many people feel the exact same way you do, but the difference is that they aren't as BRAVE as you are because they're afraid to express how they feel. I'm a little bit older than you, Cameron, but I view you as a role model. You're so human and I love you for it. Please keep living.
@jeffern27 5 жыл бұрын
I used a book and audio book called "Hope and Help For Your Nerves" by Dr Claire Weeks. great for anxiety and depression issues. can't recommend it enough. The audio book was most helpful at the low times. It's all though she was speaking directly to me. Glad to say im in a good place now and im convinced this book/audio book was a big part of that turnaround.
@retrobabeuk 5 жыл бұрын
This is an incredible video, Cameron...and one which you should feel really proud of putting out there. I suffered with mental health issues in a big way around your age, the pain and desperation was very nearly too much. It was moving through it for others that truly kept me here, just as you point out and suggest. I think you're awesome and just want you to know that if you ever need an unbiased ear, I would be honoured to chat sometime. Proud of you and beaming you all the vibes for far better days soon x
@MultiDarren1972 5 жыл бұрын
great topic about mentel health good on you pepole can relate to it in many ways
@kwetribute3838 5 жыл бұрын
I can't say it strongly enough how open and honest you were with this video. I'm going to take the perspective that this was a snapshot in time. It's what you felt like at the very moment you recorded this. While some of what you spoke of was 'in the moment' issues with which you were dealing, I do also believe some is also long-term and hasn't likely been resolved. I'm going to concentrate on a reply that directly speaks to you and your circumstances, rather than the more general issues of people's behaviour. I can only speak for myself in reminding you not just what you've meant to me, but also to try and help you deal with the self-negativity. I believe THAT is at the heart of your sadness and what may even properly be your clinical depression. The online battle between those who remind you of how much you mean to them and those who troll clearly has an effect on you that should not be discounted. However, it's the battle from within on which to concentrate, so that it provides you with the self-confidence, the self-respect and the self-love to help you better absorb the love & understand you absolutely deserve it while also being able to repel the negativity, the snarkiness, jealousy or just outright meanness of those who'd take aim at you to make themselves feel better or, maybe, for no good reason at all. As I speak to you, I am going to acknowledge my limitations. Some of what you're dealing with is long-term and may properly require professional help. It can come in the form of the hotlines, but it also may require you to go beyond the comforts of the telephone and seek in-person, one-on-one counseling. It's possible that your sadness is just an inherent personality trait. It may have also been triggered by an early life event, one you may not even consciously remember. However, it may have quantifiable chemical causes whereby someone could point to your physiology and show how your reactions are affected by your DNA. I must concentrate on what I can do to help. I do believe you when you say you have suicidal thoughts. I also believe that you are not susceptible to acting on those thoughts because you are very self-aware of them and on the devastating consequences taking your own life would have. Admitting you feel this way is a tool to be used to fend off feelings. Still, what is at the heart of your vulnerability is low self-esteem. For the moment, concentrate on your youth. In general, how did others treat you? Were you popular? Ostracized? What about you got mocked? I remember you being of average height. It was only in your teen years that you had the tremendous growth spurt, so I don't see the issue as having been how tall you were. If you don't mind me saying, your voice had a slightly higher octave than average. Hard to believe, but there was a time when that was the case. Now, can you recall even a specific incident where someone said something to you that implanted the thought in your subconscious that you were ugly or clumsy or anything else you may believe is part of being who you are? It may have been someone close to you or a complete stranger. Really think hard about something that might've been said to you by a teacher, a classmate, a relative, a friend's parent, even a complete stranger who passed you on the street. Even if there is no single moment that may be a causal factor for how you see yourself, there could've easily been several smaller trigger factors. It may not have even been something people said. It might've been a specific incident where you fell on your face or said something in class that caused laughter at you. Take the time for deep reflection and see if there is anything you may have overlooked or that you've been aware about subconsciously but have never dealt with at a conscious level. Look inward and see what you remember. Aside from possible past events in your childhood & teenage years, there is also coming to terms with how you feel about yourself and how to change it. You admitted you hate the way you look and sound. Cameron, you have to find a way to love the person you are. The world can tell you that you look like a perfectly normal 19-year-old (you do) and that your voice is no more unusual than anybody else's (the accent, as it sounds to my Canadian ears, is very pleasing). You have to find a way to be comfortable with the person you are. And make no mistake, it's not necessarily something that just happens. It could take years. But, you need a starting point. Listen to the kind words people have for you and at least allow for the possibility they are right and you aren't the loathsome person you think yourself to be. Accept they may be right, even if you're not yet at a point of full agreement. Your time on Big Brother was life changing. You have new friends, some of whom have become very close to you. But, the world in which you lived was artificially created and controlled. The existence was in a bubble and, after the show concluded, the bubble burst. You didn't just want to be on Big Brother, you wanted to live as life is lived in Big Brother. I know you know it doesn't work that way, much as you'd hope. Yet you incorporated some of the elements into your life. You can actually still see Tomasz in person on an occasional basis and other housemates on an occasional basis. You've kept in touch with many by phone and it really has added a new layer to your life. Still, your life is still your life. I do get some of the underlying factors that trouble you are still there, even if you got to forget about them for awhile. The loss of your fear of death may not just be because of BB. The origins came from within and just needed others to offer stimulation, directly or indirectly. Through them, you got to live elements of life you'd never lived before. I get that the security blanket of sorts is something you miss. I also believe you're strong enough to survive without it. As for dwelling on your life, what I said to you as a throwaway comment in a tweet today I now say with conviction. Life happens while you're making other plans. It means don't think you necessarily have to make plans to be happy. They can be something to which you look forward (like concerts, the cinema, etc.), but it's the everyday life, the unexpected interactions that define your life. Draw on the kindness of chance meetings and spontaneous Insta lives and unexpected praise and let be as much a part of your life as the planned stuff. For right now, you said what keeps you going is fighting for others. Good. This is healthy, it's selfless and it's something that can have a genuine impact on your family, friends and fans. What you need to find a way to do is not only to acknowledge it but to accept it. You've earned it. Allow yourself to believe that people aren't just saying it to say it. They genuinely have you to thank for happiness they might not have ever found, be it in the moment or for all time. The more you understand that this is the person you really are and not the one you may perceive yourself as being, the more you can believe that you can also fight for yourself and what you want. You're already doing it. Speaking out against homophobia isn't just for other people's benefit. It's been cathartic for you. What an amazing persons is Cameron Cole. He HAS spoken out and HAS spoken out where others stayed silent. He IS worthy of not just what others say of him, but of self-love and self-respect because his actions represent who he is. Cameron Cole is a brave and kind human being because of what he has done. Yes, for what you have done. Once you begin to accept yourself for the good person you are, you can also continue to incorporate other traits, like being self-effacing. There is no way around the fact you're taller and thinner than most. You may also be a little clumsier than the average person. Embrace the awkwardness. If you can't dance and sing in public, then don't worry about it. Or, try something like karaoke, where everyone is bad. Social awkwardness does tend to decrease as time goes on and you meet more people on a casual level. Some of it may remain for life, which puts in you excellent company. There are far more of us (yes, 'us') than those who are social butterflies. I have taken to heart what you've said about messaging friends and how even a little note can make the difference in a person's day. It's great advice. Enough said. Finally, keep in mind what you've said about hope. Let hope guide you when all else fails. From a practical standpoint, don't worry about things at night. Sleep on stuff and gain a fresh perspective in the morning. Dreams can be off-putting, but they aren't real. They're just a manifestation of our thoughts. It's properly a subject for another time. In fact, it's one we've actually discussed a few years ago in your channel's previous incarnation. Keep hope alive, Cameron. You still really do have so much to live for. Thank you for such an important video. Sending all the love you can stand your way. It's something you very much deserve.
@Jaiymesz 5 жыл бұрын
You’re awesome. I hope you’re following the same advice you’re giving.
@yoyokim9062 5 жыл бұрын
i resonate with you. Good luck and search for beauty and distraction from your own mind and the world around you. Create and express -dont keep it in you. Yes this world is ugly, but on the other hand it is truly magical. Your a genuine character, spend time exploring your unique mind! i struggle daily, but find your escape because the only other escape is suicide, i have had friends end their life and that is the only reason i continue on, for them. You also have a capability to make so much change, look at the following you already have received, think what you can do with it! Observe! And maybe listen to alan watts lectures (they are on youtube), he has taken me out f my mind into a whole new perspective and honestly it has changed by whole outlook on life. Social media is SCUM! Has done nothing but hurt me in life! Do things that take you away from your own mind ticking on, i think you will understand. Good luck again and thank you so much for sharing, genuinely is appreciated to hear that we arent alone. And you arent either! sending all the love and light from aus
@erangabay 5 жыл бұрын
Stay strong Cameron, I’m here for you...
@bexpowers5313 5 жыл бұрын
Great video Cameron! I've been feeling a similar way for just over a year now, but I'm supposed to be starting therapy next week so things might start looking up for me. I hope things start looking up for you too! You are an amazing human Cameron and I wish you all the best.❤️
@thomasstevens2746 5 жыл бұрын
Well done for being so open
@JaxTeller123 5 жыл бұрын
I always feel disconnected in social situations x
@Elaine3764 5 жыл бұрын
Cameron respect for being so honest and open. Have you looked into CBT and also CBD oil these are things that can help you with your thoughts and your anxiety. Why don’t you get on a plane and go see Lewis in Bali he’s your good friend it will do you good talk to him again.
@elainemurphy509 5 жыл бұрын
cam you're a good person, alot of people love you as the person you are. now, I know that doesn't help as my son suffers badly too but I mean it when I say I'd like to help and be there for you whenever you need someone. I know what you're saying and how you're feeling, you are loved so much and look lovely and sound lovely. please see a doctor for some help. I live in Norfolk pm me if you want to strangers are the best people to talk to. xxxxxxx
@dmom16 5 жыл бұрын
Now that you`re back to earth and actually not that popular outside of BBUK,I hope you transition well. Hugs my favorite BB player. Gros bisoux from Quebec.
@kayleigheveritt6424 5 жыл бұрын
always here for you ❤️
@paulxinternational6616 5 жыл бұрын
Good to see you back on You Tube Cameron x
@matthewjamesiphoneipad.4405 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Cameron take care of yourself all the best wishes your a nice guy lots off love Matthew X
@manseventherunited2103 5 жыл бұрын
Mate I’m not sure if you remember me (I used to have the Manchester United grave profile picture and we’d interact quite often on here in 2015) but massive respect for you and this KZbin channel. Hope all is well
@JaxTeller123 5 жыл бұрын
I don't feel sorry for you; I feel like I'm not alone. Thank you xx
@zeborah6984 5 жыл бұрын
This comment is simple but so powerfull at the same time ❤
@stevehironimus6311 5 жыл бұрын
you're compassionate, talented communicator, good sense of humor. Find a way to use these talents to inspire.
@nathanopong1803 5 жыл бұрын
There’s absolutely nothing you’ve said on here that is weird, stupid or wrong Cameron. These are the words that so many people including myself deep down want to express but feel like they can’t. Particularly being lgbt, u can feel this overwhelming sense of isolation and disconnect at times and I think you feel more self critical, and feel you’re not worth anything. It’s such a deep rooted pain within and it inhibits your ability to do the most simplest things like having a conversation and more importantly being comfortable and content with yourself on a constant basis. You do start putting others, even those you don’t care much about ahead of you because you have such low-self worth and it’s not easy to change. However, Believe it or not but to many others we are worth it but we just can’t allow ourselves to accept or embrace any positivity towards ourselves from them. Keep being as open as you have already you’ve inspired me to take steps on my own journey that is very very identical to yours only you’ve made even more progress!. Be proud bro, you are amazing and u don’t even know it.
@derrickrendall 5 жыл бұрын
I wish I could take away your anxiety and loneliness. I feel like I'm in the same boat myself but I've got things to focus on which help relieve the effects of them. I don't know what's happening in your life as I just dip in and out of your Instagram feeds but from this video it sounds like you're putting way too much pressure on yourself. I feel you need to find something simple to work with that makes you happy and can (maybe) open doors to bigger things. Joining the rat race in London maybe isn't what you need at the moment. I may be totally wrong though (like I said, I don't have any clue about what's happening in your life). I just hope you're truly aware that people care about you. If I could I would give you a big hug and "be there" for you whenever you needed me to be. Take care of yourself. You're a young man at the very beginning of your adult adventures and life won't always feel this hard.
@PlantWorldUK 5 жыл бұрын
Be proud of who you are your amazing and seek medical advice there is help out there for you good luck
@maddierobertson903 5 жыл бұрын
Aww babyyy. I’m not gonna say I’m sorry because I know you don’t want people feeling sorry for you, but I wanna give you a hug. I love you so much xxxxxxx
@susanalger1085 5 жыл бұрын
Just carry on carrying on. How you feel now will not be how you feel in the future
@susanalger1085 5 жыл бұрын
Find stuff you enjoy to do and go do them now, don't put them off . For me at your age it was travelling, going Ibiza with my mates and having fun , watching moves, reading books, going to the seaside or countryside, things that lift your spirits .
@BrianLloyd1991 5 жыл бұрын
Everyones hate comes from lack of education and what they've been fed since a young age.
@KarlTimmins 5 жыл бұрын
Keep strong
@kathsmith4924 5 жыл бұрын
Sending love you did well x
@scott1747 5 жыл бұрын
Sending u ♥️♥️♥️
@MrMakeDo 5 жыл бұрын
Never believe what you see on social media. No one is having as much fun or enjoying themselves anywhere near as much as they portray on social media. No one publishes pics of their shit days/moments.
@sofegrace 5 жыл бұрын
@plurpee. 5 жыл бұрын
I'm here if you need me, and I will always respond--try it if you ever feel like wishes from Amsterdam.
@MrMakeDo 5 жыл бұрын
You have no idea how beautiful you really are.
@littlerose6 4 жыл бұрын
@MrMakeDo 5 жыл бұрын
Please find some therapy, Cameron. Life has value.
@zeborah6984 5 жыл бұрын
@lauloop1234 5 жыл бұрын
@queenratv115 5 жыл бұрын
I was a hot mess at 19
@rachelelizabethschneider2974 5 жыл бұрын
Same! It sucks but we got through it. I hope the same for Cameron
@hobonicolewinchester5270 5 жыл бұрын
I'm just live commenting. I suffer from passive suicide idealization. It's not about having a plan but I'd welcome anything that stopped my life. I have BPD and it's just a symptom. Have you looked into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? It changed my life, every day is a struggle but every little bit helps. I volunteer with folks or ever publicly offer to scream into the void with folks. Sometimes it's not about fixing it you just need to say things out loud and not be judged. I still think some people aren't meant to be happy. I've thought for a long time people chaise it but it's an illusion to control the masses.
@didierhakizimana9689 5 жыл бұрын
Love u bea
@sylviaconnor9078 5 жыл бұрын
What got rid of the FEAR OF DEATH for you I have it EVERY DAY ...
@terrireyes3640 5 жыл бұрын
Ask God into your life, ask Him to take over because you're feeling like this. I don't know what I would do without Him in my life. It breaks my heart that you're so young and feeling so lost. God made us in His image, He loves you.
@Silver-Sunshine 5 жыл бұрын
Terri Reyes God made men in his image, not women. When he said (to his Son and the male angels): "Let us make man in our image" he only made Adam at that point. Eve came later and was specifically made to be Adam's helper and second in command (Genesis 2:18). "God created *man* in his own image. In God's image he created *him* ,male and female he created them." - Genesis 1:27 That verse is a summary of what happened: that God created the man Adam alone in his image and the woman came later. Thousands of years later, Paul confirmed this order in the new testament: "Man is the image and glory of God. Woman is the glory of man." - 1st Corinthians 11:7
@sonnymccarrick9128 5 жыл бұрын
@Aussienewslover 5 жыл бұрын
How on earth do I pm you?
@ScollopQuack 5 жыл бұрын
Liz Jones in the bb bathtub vibes
@RossKroft96 5 жыл бұрын
Why are we the same person though??? 😒 EDIT: OK no really why are we the EXACT same person?????
@DJrukkachmed 5 жыл бұрын
bro i just want some fifa videos
@LENA1888CELTIC 5 жыл бұрын
A hav got mental health am schizophrenic
@ilovetodreamatno3 5 жыл бұрын
You need to find someone to talk to , a mother, father, doctor someone real. Its anxiety and its depression. Speak to someone and get off youtube cause its obviously not helping.
@louteasdale2864 5 жыл бұрын
He did well to put this video up though so he can help others with his words. I agree that he needs professional help though. Social media can be toxic.
@he15rgp81 5 жыл бұрын
You may not have intended to do this But You made me Feel Numb 6 to 7mins in your time, your video time line is not good the see or hear , I fell at times your actions could push people to disappear. Sir you need to step back for making these videos or you will end up crashing your world. You have the funds to plan a reasonable life being a kind good hearted man . You need to get back to your roots. Do not stay in the hektik place your in. This video is not a thing to be proud off its a sign you lost your own way in a big way Cole. Take your own advice . get off you arss and get to a better place. Edited to add This Video now opens to a Black Screen when I returned to this Video today 29-03-2019 With the Text "The following content has been identified by the KZbin community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised" It Is Not the Best thing To Have On Your CV Cameron, and nothing to do with me Sir.
@kathsmith4924 5 жыл бұрын
HE15 RGP and that statement is supposed to help someone in a bad place !
@kathsmith4924 5 жыл бұрын
HE15 RGP it certainly wasnt me that reported I commented thats it
@jackclarke5719 5 жыл бұрын
Trying to stay relevant 😂
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