My MS Story / Getting Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis

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MS Kintsugi

MS Kintsugi

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I received my Diagnosis in August 2006... While a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is different for everyone, this is simply a bit of my story. I hope that by sharing, I can bring awareness of MS and possibly help others along in their journey! Please take good care, Kara

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@justjulia8007 3 жыл бұрын
I have all those symptoms + many others.. still trying to get a neurologist to listen and actually do a thorough evaluation.. going on 5 years now. With a full year thrown away due to quarantine and lack of care. So in my opinion, although it’s not meant sarcastically, you got lucky with Doctors that were able to recognize and diagnose you so quickly. I only wish the same for all people suffering in the world of ambiguous symptoms, overlapping autoimmune diseases and MRIs that meet criteria ( yet are discounted ).. because it’s an intensely lonely journey in my case anyway.
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that you're having a hard time with the conventional medical system... and yes, I suppose I was lucky to have had major symptoms immediately (I lost the ability to walk and to see right away, which did not feel lucky to me at the time)! If you have the hunch about MS, maybe begin following an MS diet and start seeing a naturopath? Naturopaths genuinely want to. help you heal, while (IMHO) conventional doctors are more concerned with getting their big pharma kickbacks for the drugs which may or may not help the symptoms of your condition, but will never address the root cause... go for the roots! Keep the faith, you can heal if you believe you can! You body is not having symptoms because you are lacking a big pharma DMD, look into nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, there are so many options for a true healing journey! Take good care.... x
@Okie343 2 жыл бұрын
@@mskintsugi108 You should have a methylmalonic acid blood test done, which will show your tissue level B12. A normal B12 blood test won't show you the tissue level. When the tissue is low in B12 M acid will always be elevated and it dissolves the sheaths from the nerves. It's often diagnosed as MS, because the symptoms are identical. All of the things you mentioned such as optic nerve damage, numbness in feet, blurry vision, and electric shocks up the spine are all signs of a severely low B12. When the tissue gets low in B12 and the methylmalonic acid elevates, it not only eats the sheaths from the nerves, but also blocks enzymes in the urea cycle that covert ammonia to urea. When the ammonia gets high, it causes a whole other set of problems. The reason I know so much about this is because specialists misdiagnosed my brother years ago. I started doing my own research and found out what was causing his problems. The problem with the doctors today is the curriculum in medical schools is controlled by big pharma, and they are only trained to treat things with expensive drugs, but never cure anything. The doctors are not taught that problems in the body are caused by vitamin and mineral imbalances. My brother went to several specialists and not one of them ever tested his methylmalonic acid to see if a low tissue level B12 could be causing the problems. He had all the symptoms that you mentioned along with extreme thirst, incontinence, and hand tremors. When he would complain of the electrical shocks up his spine and pain, one doctor acted as if it was all in his mind. The electrical shocks are actually electricity shocking the surrounding tissue in places where the myelin sheaths have dissolved and the electrical signal is no longer contained. If it goes untreated long enough, I've read where it can eventually cause paralysis, because the nerve signals can't make it through the damaged areas. The good news is, once your B12 levels are restored, most of the myelin sheath damage will be healed in around 2 years according to research. Anyway, you still look great Kara. I grew up in the same era as you and most women in our age group don't look as good as you. I'm curious, are you a vegan?
@Okie343 2 жыл бұрын
@@mskintsugi108 I forgot to mention that if your methylmalonic acid is high due to a low B12 tissue level, oral B12 won't always correct the problem, because many people have genetic defects where their stomachs don't produce enough acid to absorb the B12 or they are lacking in intrinsic factor proteins. In my brother's case, he also has an MTHFR gene defect where he can't adequately methylate, so he takes methyl B12. It took some major high doses of B12 injections to get his methylmalonic acid levels down.
@mskintsugi108 2 жыл бұрын
@@Okie343 thank you kindly for this really helpful insight! You asked about a vegan diet ... I'd eaten vegan for the 10 years prior to MS Dx but then began researching and realized maybe i needed to include some animal things. Traditional Chinese Medicine was helpful insofar as there is no such thing as MS there, only a set of symptoms which are treatable with nutrition and acupuncture. I knew straight off that i didn't' have MS due to a lack of big pharma and decided to build a new nervous system very early on... now shifting back into a plant based diet because i feel so strong now and wish to reduce harm for the entire planet where I may... Thanks again for your message; that's super helpful! info I hope your brother's doing well. Take good care, Kara
@Okie343 2 жыл бұрын
@@mskintsugi108 You're welcome Kara and thank you for the information about Traditional Chinese medicine, I'm gonna look into that. I'm a firm believer in plant compounds. Back when I had Covid pneumonia in March of 2020, I took hesperidin, rutin, fisetin, quercetin, luteolin, curcumin, oil of oregano, and ginger. I also took Ivermectin, doxycycline and zinc, and fully recovered from Covid pneumonia in 4 days. Today I have a supply of human Ivermectin at home, but back in March of 2020 I took the dog pills. So far I'm not barking, growling or licking my nuts so I guess it didn't hurt me LOL. Anyway, that plant based diet you mentioned is what I've been trying to do more of. I moved out on some land that I inherited from my grandfather and have started growing my own vegetables. As you know, most of the store bought produce has poison on it. I still eat some animal protein such as eggs, shrimp and chicken, but have been eating alot more vegetables. I've been trying to eat more raw vegetables since they say cooking destroys most of the nutrients. Several years ago they showed a woman on TV, that only ate raw fruits and vegetables, and she looked hot. Not as hot as you, but a close 2nd. LOL I better quit flirting, because you are probably married LOL. Getting back to that MS thing, it sounds like you have some things figured out with that Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture, because you seem to be back to normal. I always wondered, does it hurt when they stick the acupuncture needles in you?
@sockknitter4884 3 жыл бұрын
I have had MS for 24 years. Very few symptoms. Mild form. I take Aubagio. In my case no problem with health insurance. I am in Canada. It’s terrifying at first to get a MS diagnosis, but there are milder forms. 😊 Best of luck to you.
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy to hear you're doing well with Aubagio! Before it was on the market, I joined a clinical trial in Seattle to test teriflunomide, but had to abandon the trial due to a move to Belgium; always wondered how that drug would pan out! Thanks for the great news; very best wishes to you... x
@babybaby5893 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds very inspiring, this is almost the BEST comment I have ever read about MS. Thanks for sharing.
@jenniferjakeman5692 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this. I had my first relapse ever as soon as I turned 20 and received my diagnoses a couple months later in 2019. So far I haven’t had another relapse but I am so scared everyday that it’s coming. I’m in Canada also and this gives me hope that I’ll be okay. Thank you
@conscienza 3 жыл бұрын
Wow :( We are about the same age, I have no idea why this video popped up on my homepage but so happy I watched it. The US insurance system is horrible, wow. What a scary diagnosis... I admire your attitude and honesty. I feel sad watching and listening because you're crying and I can do nothing to relieve you of your pain. Except letting you know I watched and will follow your channel. Oh and I love your name "kintsugi", so beautifully and sadly appropriate.
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@Asagai Жыл бұрын
Dr. Roy Swank He was an excellent neurologist, you can find his work on youtube. I learned a lot from him about going vegan. Bernard Asagai
@Asagai Жыл бұрын
The US Insurance system is terrible, but it's terrible here in Brazil too! They're on an American System here that does not work with this sickness at all. I'm out of New York and I don't know what I would do there anymore.
@Asagai Жыл бұрын
You made a comment that I think is it very important, if I was in the states again I would join a clinical study for this. Here it's crazy. I signed up and was accepted, but I think the inflation killed it.
@lemonpeelangelfish 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your story Kara. I so appreciate your heart felt honesty. I understand how scary it is to be diagnosed with MS as I was diagnosed in April this year. I realise how exceptionally lucky I was that I didn’t have to worry about health insurance - I live in New Zealand. I so want to give you a hug x
@Ane127 3 ай бұрын
Get a homeopath
@sophiahenelius7305 3 жыл бұрын
Wow I love you, you are so awesome!! Laughed so hard when you said a scholarship to go to the hospital, I felt that one!
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks love, I'd forgotten about that part ;-). Please take good care! x
@rod5529 Жыл бұрын
I hear ya, I struggle as you do!! It's a lonely disease because it's so different for everyone one
@rochcharron9835 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful, authentic and courageous testimony. Merci 2 жыл бұрын
Hi there! I literally started crying (still am while I am writing this) when you talked about the fear after diagnosis. I'm 28 years old and I just got diagnosed in January and I am so scared ahaha I am waiting for have a second opinion because my first neurologist completely left me in the dark and was not listening to me and my concerns. When he did my spinal tap I kindly asked him to tell me when he was gonna put the needle in because I get ticklish in the back and I didn't want to move with a needle in my back. I had 4 lesions on my first MRIs and he says I had one marker and he still wasn't sure if it was MS because my first flair up was mild (half my body as numb but not destabilizing - but the 2nd I was so uncomfortable it felt like torture.) and didn't request a MRI of my spine - which he said at my last flair up ''oh it might be a lesion on your spine''. Like how are we a year later and you now mention spinal lesion. So I do feel scared because I now see how this doctor was not there for me. Now I am going to see in a few days a new one and is apparently one of the best in my region. I find some comfort that I know that other people feel the way I do right now. I never thought I would feel this way and no one around me can begin to understand how scary and lonely it is... I also find comfort in knowing that MS research is booming and we will soon have a cure or a better way to treat MS. I am sending you so so so much love and strength, thank you for sharing your experience. It is highly heart warming in a way because I feel less lonely...
@mskintsugi108 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Love! You're actually in a really good place, as you know there's an issue in your nervous system regardless of what nonsense any doctor may offer you... please go towards nutrition! Please believe you can reverse any damage already done. Please trust your body's ability to heal itself given the proper ingredients... funny how those white coated people can ignore a spinal MRI yet when the time comes are More then Happy to prescribe all of the meds that they get a big pharma kick back from and which still have questionable efficacy... Build up your nervous system with nutrition and trust! This is Your body, Your life, conventional USA medicine wants us to stay sick so that they can keep getting $$$$$. Forge your own path! Listen to the new doctor with a grain of salt and trust that you can heal anyway! x
@aislingconnolly5823 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful woman and so full of life.lots of love and thoughts from
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Please take really good care... x
@paulbutler349 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Kara, I hope you are keeping well, Thank you for sharing your experiences. I am getting an MRI done July 7th, I was freaked out at first about MS and did not know much about it and how it affects peoples lives..You have given heart on sleeve experienced knowledge, You are amazing, brave and strong so again thank you for sharing your story..much appreciated 😊, better than any book.
@coastalmaine 2 жыл бұрын
Best of all luck to you. I was touched that you wanted a spinal tap so you could empathize with your future patients. ❤
@ninam6206 3 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed 3 months ago with primary progressive ms- unfortunately no meds for this MS. Going through the angry stage at the moment-
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
Oh Nina, I'm so sorry... and totally get the anger! For me even with RRMS it was like 'WTF, I"m a good person, why me why is this happening' and then I abused my body further as punishment for betraying me. Maybe no meds for you, but who knows if they work anyway. Try to eat great things for your body, be in nature, imagine building a new nervous system anyway, fight back lovingly! Please take good care, my heart is with you....x
@macclift9956 2 жыл бұрын
Iron overload seems to lead to innumerable problems in people who are *not* iron deficient. It might be wise to eat a wide range of the foods one enjoys and to steer clear of supplements.
@martinmatko6401 5 ай бұрын
What is the role of CCSVI Venous Hypertension and proper/improved Cerebrospinal Blood flow?? #CCSVI #BloodFlowMatters TY DR CCSVI is definitely one of the causes of MS. The novelty for some years is that we are certain that, after studying at the La Sapienza University of Rome, there are 3 types of CCSVI: * a 1 type with patients suffering from an obstacle to the endovacular venous discharge, i.e. due to congenital or acquired anomalies that restrict and block the drainage of the investigated veins (jugular, vertebral, azygos) * a 2nd type with patients suffering from an extra-vascular venous obstruction, i.e. due to external compression of the vessel * a 3 type with patients suffering from endo-vacular and extra-vascular venous obstruction So to simplify we can say that there is a CCSVI of the "hydraulic" type (1 type), a CCSVI of the "mechanical" type (2 type) and a "mixed" CCSVI of the two previous types (3 type), the 2 and the 3 type represent about 85% of cases. A patient with type 1 CCSVI will have a greater indication for angioplasty treatment, a patient with type 2 CCSVI will have a specific indication for specific physiotherapy decompressive treatment (RIMA Method), a patient with type 3 CCSVI it will have an indication for both an endo-vascular dilatation treatment and an extra-vascular decompression treatment. The RIMA Method devised by Dr. Domenico Ricci of Bari is able to release compressed veins throughout their course, as shown by a publication of June 2015 after a one-year study (Internal jugular Venous Compressione Syndrome: hemodynamic outcomes after cervical vertebral decompression manipulations-Pubmed). For information: Dr. Domenico Ricci cell.3393828399 MRI IN MS VASCULAR PATHOLOGY This quantification of the disease pathology will help! #CCSVI Venous Hypertension >microbleedings >iron >inflammation >free radicals >neurodegeneration #multiplesclerosis M.S. - Mystery Solved Mysterious Autoimmunity = CCSVI Neurodegeneration M.S. - Mystery Solved Mysterious Autoimmunity = CCSVI Neurodegeneration Keep in mind! Also venous hypertension ➡️ impaired CSF absorption ➡️ reduced G Lymphatic drainage ➡️ interstitial peptides accumulation ➡️ NEURO INFLAMMATION #CCSVI Eliminating cause of the Symptoms of so called Multiple Sclerosis will End MS. Apparently it is unquantifiable the length of time Symptom$ can be treated! If you hadn't noticed Who Knew?? #BloodFlowMatters What is the role of proper/improved Blood flow? #CCSVI Apparently #BloodFlowMatters Stroke common occurrence in Individuals diagnosed with Diabetes, unproven autoimmune THEORY so called MS Supplying Oxygen and Nutrients to Cell in a Body. Blood Circulation through and including activity/exercise. Building Blocks of life, having made yourself what you are functioning today! #CCSVI #Healthcare game changer when the cause The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. -THOMAS EDISON Best possiblity easing/eliminating cause of SymptoMS! You can relate! If your veins are blocked they should be opened if you have SymptoMS or not! MRI IN MS VASCULAR PATHOLOGY Who Knew?? #BloodFlowMatters What is the role of proper/improved Blood flow? #CCSVI Apparently #BloodFlowMatters Stroke is a common occurrence in Individuals diagnosed with Diabetes Neurovascular Disease Multiple Sclerosis is being referred 'slow Stroke'. What is the role of proper/improved Blood flow in both conditions as much CCSVI has been Scientifically confirmed a causative factor in Symptoms of so called MS! Supplying Oxygen and Nutrients to every Cell in a Body. Blood Circulation through and including activity/exercise. Building Blocks of life, having made yourself what you are functioning today! #CCSVI #Healthcare game changer when the cause of the Symptoms of Medical conditions are eliminated! The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. -THOMAS EDISON Best possiblity easing/eliminating cause of SymptoMS! You can relate! If your veins are blocked they should be opened if you have SymptoMS or not! A Vascular problem led to the crippling nightmare of Multiple Sclerosis The real Multiple Sclerosis nightmare started at the point of NeuroDx The disaster of diagnosis being made by general physical observation over time,. Especially when Time is something you can’t afford #CCSVI Multiple Sclerosis is strong and you often need help. Make you be worthy of this help, don't stand in a corner complaining, do your part! 💪 #Symptoms often ease/DISAPPEAR Facilitate Collaboration Neurovascular Disease Research! #CCSVI FB Group: MSS…!
@tomjackson5815 2 жыл бұрын
I feel for you my issues was a brain hemorrhage and a really tough operation and I went through all the insurance issues and my job let me go because I used the little insurance I had paid into all your experience you talk about with drug companies and hospitals was mine to everything you talked about the seizure medication I have to take were so expensive and almost passed a number of times but learned to make funny of it because if your no laughing your crying so I pushed through and have lived a life I’m a bass player with bands in music and raced bicycles and learned to fix them I’m just like you I learned to live . I loved your story your so sweet and a beautiful human being I wish you all the best and thanks for sharing peace to all
@mskintsugi108 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you kindly, sounds like you've had a wild ride as well! Please take good care, Kara
@Asagai 2 жыл бұрын
Hard out in the gym quite regularly, but I did not see results in my body for about 4 months.
@marnierose7816 2 жыл бұрын
Wishing you all the best, hope things are improving for you🙏
@margaretfrosst575 2 жыл бұрын
So smart of you to put down your numbing feet on your form .I would of thought they were wanting more info on the eyes.
@timlittle1286 3 жыл бұрын
Keep on trying and I hope that you are getting all the support that you need. You have a wonderful positive attitude.
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! And take good care, Kara
@Asagai 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting, and I also love your humor.
@jeffgartrell5412 3 жыл бұрын
Best of luck, bless your heart😰 I am still waiting for a diagnosis when I have every symptom. I have yet to get a MRI of the cervical spine. And like you I still don’t have health insurance🤯
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
Please take good care of your nervous system! With said symptoms, you can trust that it''ll be good to begin a nutritional shift... maybe adding high quality fish oils and b-vitamins is a start?! No need to wait for the flawed health 'care' system to tell you what you already know; bring your power into your hands and body, begin to build a new nervous system with food, supplements, and Love; truly the best way anyway! x
@morganprecious51 3 жыл бұрын
Yes I have M.S. but you can get help if you get the right Doctor.
@mskintsugi108 2 жыл бұрын
(Especially if said doctor is well versed in Nutrition and is not getting kickbacks from Big Pharma! )
@Asagai 2 жыл бұрын
Signed up for a clinical trial for the medicine but it is maddening!
@larrytornetta9764 3 жыл бұрын
You are an inspiration. You should be on the show the Dr’s
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Larry.... (That's a great idea!) x
@lindaolson6108 3 жыл бұрын
I had optic neuritis first too. The optimologist mentioned MS and MRI but I too bad no insurance. I ignored him. I was diagnosed 12 years later after a lot of other symptoms came up.
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
Dear Linda, I'm sorry to learn this and truly hope that you are doing okay! I feel like early intervention was key to my present day health, 14 years post diagnosis. Completely changing the diet around, supplementing with nervous system building ingredients (like EFA's and B vitamins), and stubbornly believing that I Would Heal no matter what the doctors may have told me were all keys to this strength today... and It's never too late to get stronger! Please take good care, Kara
@TheSaroram 3 жыл бұрын
How are you now? Your symptoms ?
@mirandazapanda 3 жыл бұрын
i was diagnosed in 2020 and went blind. in and out of hospital for almost two months. my vision came back but there are still some deficits and i’m really scared. i might never be able to drive again at age 25. i don’t even know how to be happy again
@mmgurlthatshott 3 жыл бұрын
Omg I’m so sorry :-( That is horrific to imagine.
@lorrainemckeegan3435 3 жыл бұрын
She is also enlisting participants on her website for further expand her research and further prove it works and can be participated from your own home (I think) ...a must community for you
@julesjorgensen9925 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this Kara
@Asagai 2 жыл бұрын
Also I have a crazy heat sensitivity. I only can take 1 minute showers.
@mskintsugi108 Жыл бұрын
Yes, that was profound for me too! I'd become so weak after a shower, it really sucked and i hate cold showers! Over time, that did go away though, and i was able to practice hot yoga after a few years of diagnosis...wishing you all the very best! xo
@Asagai Жыл бұрын
@@mskintsugi108 You are better than me, I cannot do hot showers. I only can take one minute showers because I am very heat sensitive. I cannot eat anything hot and I certainly cannot take hot. showers.
@commonsense82 2 жыл бұрын
Too bad you didn't live in Canada, we all have health insurance regardless of your status, it is a right as a Canadian.
@swaziswimmer 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks 👍 great job!
@Asagai 2 жыл бұрын
I just found out is that you and I have the same condition. I am American but I live in Brazil with my wife and health insurance is a problem. I want to pick in my prescribed DMT but I cannot pay for it. Here Ocrevus is crazy.
@mskintsugi108 Жыл бұрын
Over time, you can do wonders with your diet... imagine building a new nervous system. The docs won't really tell you much that's unrelated to big pharma drugs, but you do have more agency thank you may realize! Be patient and Know that your body can heal, especially given the proper ingredients...
@dermlover1 Жыл бұрын
Do you actually mean numbness or more pins and needles ? A lot of people say numbness but they really mean tingling or pins and needles.
@mskintsugi108 Жыл бұрын
Good question! When I first had numb feet they were like these heavy lumps of seemingly useless flesh that had zero feeling... the first years were the worst, i couldn't drive (couldn't feel the pedals) , walking became laborious, breaking plates washing dishes cause i couldn't feel my hands then cutting my feet on the glass, as i also couldn't feel pain in them. Over time, when a relapse was coming on for me, it would feel like a tight glove or something was constricting things from the inside, my thighs and calves down to the feet... more of a dull gripping sensation, if that makes sense? Not really pins and needles at all (that may have been helpful during the dish breaking phase...) Please take good care! Kara
@paulbutler349 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Kara👋, I got some good news with a normal MRI scan and retina scan results last month👍. I still symptoms of dropping things, some numbness in fingers, I get regular pins and needles in hands and feet, stings in fingers, heel, some numbness and pins and needles mid way up the spine. Would you recommend a spinal tap or neurologist ? could be from Diabetes, I got type 2 january, then coeliac disease by March. I get weakness in heat also and alot of fatigue. I would love to hear from you
@elizabethconroy7665 3 жыл бұрын
Pretty Lady Lovely to meet you Admire your positive attitude It must be difficult to be going through this Hugs Elizabeth from Amman Jordan
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
Dear Elizabeth from Amman, thank you kindly. (Always love learning where in the world people are from!) Wishing you all the very best of everything... x
@sallyrichardson6078 3 жыл бұрын
Best wishes. From Australia 🇦🇺
@DamianSieradzki 3 жыл бұрын
2:50 well that actually makes sense. Paying to insurance companies is like an investment. You pay the fee to be then covered if something happens to you. Imagine a newly open insurance company and first 10 people to register ale already sick and need financial support from the company. How are they supposed to pay for your treatment if they have no money in "the bank"? Insurance companies are no charity organizations. Still much health to you and your family.
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
Indeed! Insurance companies need to make money. That is their primary concern... After being denied health insurance (pre Affordable Care Act) multiple times due to my Multiple Sclerosis, I had to find another way to become and stay healthy! Now, I can take or leave insurance. Sometimes it's helpful, I'm grateful when it's there, but I won't base my entire existence around a desperation to stay insured... personal choice! x
@Katie-vy5rd 2 жыл бұрын
Hi there , just curious, how often do you get Llermittes sign ? I havevhad something like that about 10 times in the last 10 years so not often but when I have had it... its severe!! I remember 1st time, what i was wearing, who i was with ... etc.. I have had some many parasthesias in the last year.. and one more question was the cost free MRI a study or through a MS society program? Thanks so much!!
@mskintsugi108 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Katie, thanks for the note! I must say that I haven't had L'ermittes in at least a decade... for me, everything came on real quickly and L'ermittes was right there with my inability to walk and see, all lasting about 6 months until I did a round of IV steroids. Then all symptoms would come and go but I don't remember l'ermittes being horrible, just confusing! Eventually all symptoms left me after I stopped the big pharma meds... For the MRI , the first one was organized through the Ophthalmologist office who knew of free MRI's for people in need. Then for the following ones, I inquired directly through the hospital. Their program was called Charity Care (Financial Assistance) and I filled out paperwork a month or two beforehand (you do need to plan ahead) in order to be approved based on income. I bet most (all?) hospitals have a program like that! Wishing you all the very best, please hang in there and truly believe in your body's ability to recover! x
@mehdis812 2 жыл бұрын
Know that only brave BRAVE brave souls pick this challenge! Brain and spinal cord! If you do this, you can do anything! Till then hang tight and bon courage!
@marie-josecoppens4728 2 жыл бұрын
thank you very much beautifull Kara, yeah pretty scary all these stange sympomes
@Asagai 2 жыл бұрын
If you're not vegan I know it's hard but it really got rid of the fatigue.
@mskintsugi108 Жыл бұрын
I'd personally been vegan for about 6 years before diagnosis... i was not a healthy vegan and did not pay attention to getting enough healthy fats! After using some fish and 1 serving weekly of red meat to build up my blood ( look into TCM?), then really trusting that my body and blood are solid strong, I've returned to veganism... it's best for the planet and animals are my friends! Take good care xoxo
@Asagai Жыл бұрын
@@mskintsugi108 I have l known for about a year.
@sandhya431 2 жыл бұрын
Did mri with or without contrast help in finding lesion on brain?
@mskintsugi108 2 жыл бұрын
They do it with contrast in order to see if there are active lesions present in your brain; spinal cord MRI with contrast is super important too!! x
@Asagai 2 жыл бұрын
Also would helped profoundly is that I went vegan 2 years ago.
@kellencarreker4608 2 жыл бұрын
@lorrainemckeegan3435 3 жыл бұрын
KZbin DR. Terry Wahls - DOCTOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH... HAS BEEN GIVEN GRANT FROM M.S. SOCIETY FOR FURTHER RESEARCH - R E V E R S E D. M.S. was in wheel chair unable to sit up - now riding a bike...she had a spinal tap and Brain MRI and all latest heavy medication...she has a scientifically proven proctor completely affordable. On he way for a Nobel Prize. Love and Blessings to you all
@lemonpeelangelfish 3 жыл бұрын
Lorraine the grant is to research whether the diet reduces fatigue in MS.
@Huntress_Hannah 3 жыл бұрын
I might have MS, I’m waiting for a neurologist to confirm. But I just wanna say you are literally the only person to ever actively WANT a spinal tap 😂
@mskintsugi108 3 жыл бұрын
Hang in there Love; you never know what other people will tell you, but you can choose within yourself how you will respond to what is being said... I hope you know that whatever 'diagnosis' or label you are offered you can always choose to fight the good fight and stand up for what you believe! (I believe in the possibility of genuine healing, true health in our body/ mind/ spirit, but we must trust that we can truly heal... conventional medicine will not offer you this truth.). Take good care, Kara
@jazzyannaliesarose 2 жыл бұрын
@chadwick283 3 жыл бұрын
@Ane127 3 ай бұрын
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