I liked it more when we where in the same tax bracket 😂
@Gilmore3043 ай бұрын
Me to broski me to! I guess we should start giving away stuff on KZbin 😂
@spyder-cq2by3 ай бұрын
He is just out here busting his ass to live the life he wants to live
@JustinSchooler-f2j3 ай бұрын
@@spyder-cq2by Busting his ass ? Lol
@rodneysessions74632 ай бұрын
I have had my 2025 Pro S 4 Ultimate for about a month, 400 miles on it and I love it. I put 5800 miles on a 2022 Turbo R 4 Ultimate and loved it as well. The refinements on the Pro S are worth it, the seats are amazing NO PRP seats for me (PRP seats are overrated, had them in my Turbo R and did not think they were worth the coin). The doors are great, the front-end has the best visibility in the business now! I put 33" Tensor Regulator 2's on mine, and it just flies. Never again 35" tires, I had 35" KM3's on my Turbo R -- they are so heavy that it takes its toll on performance from all sides. I did not give up much in ground clearance ether with the Tensor's. Very happy with the Pro S for sure.
@faultless182 ай бұрын
So you would say the Pro S is definitely an upgrade over the turbo r! Nice! Did you have any problems or issues at all with your 2022 Turbo R? Also what made you choose Turbo over the 4 cylinder?
@rodneysessions74632 ай бұрын
@@faultless18 No issues with my 2022 Turbo R, it ran flawlessly. The Pro S is an upgrade over Turbo R for sure. The frontend has been redesigned, visibility is better over the front. You now have full doors, the dash and storage boxes have all been redesigned. The seats have been upgraded and are very comfortable, the gauge cluster is all new, and the side body panels have all been redesigned. There is now two cold air intake vents in the front to help keep the cab cooler in warmer weather. It helps dissipate the heat from the radiator. The powertrain is the same as Turbo R. The Pro R with the bigger engine, is not for me. The fuel mileage is poor compared to the Turbo R/ Pro S, it is noisier as well and does not ride as smooth. I am talking all 4 seaters here, Turbor R, Pro S, and Pro R.
@faultless182 ай бұрын
@@rodneysessions7463 I really appreciate the reply. I’m looking into buying one and I was really leaning towards the Can Am x3 maverick XRS RR (not the maverick R) I test drove both at a dirt track with whoops. can am smart shox and razr turbo r ultimate dynamics. Wow was it a difference. The razr just felt better overall. Feels better built and I was really impressed. I go to mostly Glamis (sand dunes) and dirt areas. I’ve been doing my research on reliability on the Razr turbo R. Because I have a heavy foot and I like to push things to the limit 😅
@thestoneforestchannel2 ай бұрын
Congratulations on this tremendous device! Greetings from Barcelona.
@GregWalden40353Ай бұрын
When you are ready to hit the trails you should take a little trip to knott county Ky. Mine Made Adventure park. Great place to ride. Thousands of acres and miles of trails. From mild to wild.
@emofogwire3 ай бұрын
2 seater. Greg u got a fam!
@TuckerC2703 ай бұрын
Man!!! I honestly havnt watched much from you in a few years. Back when the 1st gen was popping and the Dually was starting to get upgrades. But now, I may have to start again. Who knows, maybe we will run into eachother at Blue Holler!!
@crazygeneral54203 ай бұрын
Ayyy I was there that day you were filming that video, picked up a pro r that day 🤘
@timgrimes85023 ай бұрын
Lights, ditch lights smoked tails, bead locks unless your not crawling then you’re good were you’re at. And smoke more black smoke heads. Smoked light bar lenses etc. keep up the great work been watching since Jersey 🤘🏼✌🏼
@caseybarr12783 ай бұрын
I got my pro s in 2 weeks ago and love it!!
@budandbrittanyable3 ай бұрын
So when is the 4BT sxs build gonna start?
@steverapp81693 ай бұрын
That looks badass. Nice rzr.
@devynburkeybile58893 ай бұрын
Weule fab! 35” zillas minimum, HCR if you wanna go crazy on the suspension. Looks great Greg! Would love to go ride with you all sometime
@jeffreyhoughland27153 ай бұрын
Hawk taw put a cummins in that thing... lmfao 😂❤
@alandillon64693 ай бұрын
Greg do a gold wrench works like the 05 after you remove the stock decals!
@Pa_rzr3 ай бұрын
that gold is fire!!
@CZ-kz7ug3 ай бұрын
Something different! Very cool fun build. Would enjoy seeing a F1X put on Mikes Corvette.
@Deckers_fab3 ай бұрын
Batcave customs for cage an ORB for ur control arms an radius rods in rear an bumpers
@pete17353 ай бұрын
If i was doing a cage i would get with Jesse from the canam crew is the best in the business
@copperhead_tj3 ай бұрын
Need to get some custom prp seats and their gold harnesses for this unit!
@mathewnunez3 ай бұрын
Engine: EVP. Wheels n Tires: Hostile wheels. CAGE: S3 power sports
@caydenwhitt8273 ай бұрын
Tree kickers and Cage with tied in bumpers from John weule and 35” roxzillas with beadlocks
@lyndonhamby74323 ай бұрын
Get extended warranty. You’re going to need it 😂😂😂
@pete17353 ай бұрын
That would be on all machines 😅😅😅
@jeffphillips6242 ай бұрын
Show us how the rzr handles thru a big woop section with the full compression red x button on!
@shanestansberry84383 ай бұрын
What headlight bulbs/switchbacks would you recommend?
@vancetaylor61913 ай бұрын
Rsk cage is the only way to go
@FrederickFiveNine3 ай бұрын
Get with evolution powersports
@spyder-cq2by3 ай бұрын
Would be cool to see you work with the side by side blog guys out of michigan
@freddydelgadoguzman77083 ай бұрын
Hola amigo cómo estás saludos acá de de Austin Texas Freddy Delgado nice video saludos y bendiciones ánimo
@clanceywyman49513 ай бұрын
You want to see something pretty scary start looking at some of the welds on the cage definitely upgrade that
@HeritageSpringer2024Ай бұрын
I hope the 2025 Pro S is a upgrade over the 2024 Turbo R because I got a 2024 Turbo R and we hate it! #1 its hot in the cab #2 Electronic Power Steering is not for us the car feel unstable. Wish i would of kelp my 2024 XP for us the XP was more fun to drive.
@codywalters32853 ай бұрын
Weule welding and fab
@atctraveler62183 ай бұрын
Greg,,send it. You don't need to worry about that break in.. it has warranty..
@swolespeed32823 ай бұрын
Dumbest comment of the year award goes to you.
@Tank_Z333 ай бұрын
Greg has a dyno and is wondering how to put 50 miles on this thing in low without losing his mind😂
@1noremak743 ай бұрын
So one if these is gonna be included in the next giveaway right?
@MLGtroll3653 ай бұрын
Id upgrade to beefier cv axles. 😂😮
@MK-ng5fp3 ай бұрын
Why dont you repalce that RZR engine with 4BT....put a little diesel in it and make it a craw monster
@anthonysprouse77933 ай бұрын
Hit up evo performance for all of your upgrades best in the business from everything I’ve seen
@dakotaroeder67933 ай бұрын
change all the red stickers to gold! that would look sick
@alandillon64693 ай бұрын
take off the stock and put gold wrench works like the 05
@jdougie643 ай бұрын
No exhaust??
@xBANGINx3 ай бұрын
Nice buggy but I’m surprised you didn’t get the pro r.
@Tysmopars693 ай бұрын
Shiiiiiitttttt Boiiiiiiii You Best put some fatty wheels and tires just not as big as the ranger obviously because you need it to be trail rideable 😅
@sfleminghd3 ай бұрын
Dying Breed for custom roll cages. John Weule is his name
@codyshreve97963 ай бұрын
90k in 2 sxs
@nathanbailey49503 ай бұрын
RAD ACCESSORIES tinted windshield
@WilliamBullard-ej1kh3 ай бұрын
It looks like a Kalaxaci krx
@JeffRigney2 ай бұрын
Sell me the wheels and tires when you upgrade.
@jeremystanford92543 ай бұрын
ADS shocks
@rickmitchell54153 ай бұрын
@calebsjunkremovalservice75933 ай бұрын
Blake said it ain’t that deep
@MLGtroll3653 ай бұрын
Let me guess, $100k price tag 😂😂😂 ridiculous
@swolespeed32823 ай бұрын
Google is free
@MLGtroll3653 ай бұрын
@@swolespeed3282 i was being sarcasmistic
@wesworley15253 ай бұрын
Nxt give away watch and see.
@Unspoken63 ай бұрын
Bikeman performance
@builtbyme3 ай бұрын
@cameronbryant67213 ай бұрын
@Bentley-oq8qk3 ай бұрын
@Deckers_fab3 ай бұрын
Personal opinion u messed up the same way I did I just sold my 2 seater cause I have two kids now and I need a 4 seater so I’m looking to buy one now I have two kids u should have bought a 4 seater my kids love riding so we’re stuck in the jeep until I get another 4 seater
@abcdefgWakaWaka3 ай бұрын
Does Greg sell drugs or something?
@builtbyme3 ай бұрын
Hes content farming. That's where all the bots come from. You would think 😂 but it's probably other investments making him money
@musicsavesxlives3 ай бұрын
East Coast 😂guy’s are just different! You must be a Cali guy!
@builtbyme3 ай бұрын
@@musicsavesxlivesI'm from Philly and live in NJ.
@AudreyDay-k5x3 ай бұрын
Gonzalez Donald Perez Karen Jackson Jeffrey
@benderbnychesterton6933 ай бұрын
Anderson Jeffrey Brown Lisa Young Sarah
@Jaydan-l1y3 ай бұрын
15 view
@JustinSchooler-f2j3 ай бұрын
This channel sucks anymore, it's all about look at my stuff now