Joov resents being background noise, meanwhile the greatest Morrowind challenge youtuber of our time literally named his channel Just Background Noise.
@Aaron0672 ай бұрын
Speaking of whom, he literally dropped a new vid a few hrs ago
@ChadVanryn2 ай бұрын
@@Aaron067 let's go watch him instead
@sativaburns67052 ай бұрын
His new video ended and then I hear Joov say that...
@Cidia_v12 ай бұрын
Genuinelly such a awesome combination to go from a Diet Joov or reg Joov video, into a JBN video Much elder scrolls content for me to be filled with
@blanide_2 ай бұрын
Mhmmm... I fall asleep to JBM, something about the good vibes and the game series just knocks me out.
@orderglyconowАй бұрын
Count Hassildor: **Shows up to save Joov from the group trying to kill him.** Joov: **Blasts Count Hassildor in the face with a fireball.** Also Joov, literally 15 seconds later: "SAVE ME, COUNT!"
@swagdaddykushtooth81762 ай бұрын
Joov is not "background noise" He is what gets me through the days at work! A true hero!
@martoffel24762 ай бұрын
The build might be cursed, yet the vod channel remains blessed
@kyle94012 ай бұрын
Joov is my favorite noise, foreground or background, out there
@rystalvitt2 ай бұрын
I had 2 options for long form Content. I chose Joov as my "background noise" since this channel usually makes me laugh. Overall a good time. Honestly It really helps since I work night shift and it helps me fight off the loneliness that comes with it. Also amazing head bobs at the silence. 😎
@TheBRad7042 ай бұрын
9:53 that's the most realistic hydrangea flower I've ever seen
@matthewleblanc24512 ай бұрын
Diet Joov aint "background noise" Diet Joov is a companion in these trying times 🙌😂
@lemonlefleur62362 ай бұрын
If you didn’t want to be background noise, then you shouldn’t have such a soothing voice that keeps me motivated while working on dull work (I’m actually watching, but I have to tell people I’m just listening to avoid getting yapped at)
@HansWurst15692 ай бұрын
Dudee being background noise is such a bad way of looking at it. See it as a positive that people find your voice nice to listen to or that they love your jokes/rambles no matter what you're playing.
@YaboyLapris21 күн бұрын
Kisses joovs ass but is a complete asshole to strangers suggesting stuff 🤣 someone is desperate for attention and validation
@kieron392 ай бұрын
I get pretty bad anxiety attacks and joov helps me get through the worst of it.
@StefanStefan-uv4cc2 ай бұрын
Yo, same. It's like xanax, almost addictive xD
@ianmackay29762 ай бұрын
Do more of this please. Between you and Professor Boondoggle the Oblivion itch that never got scratched back in the day is getting scratched.
@mjwtruth2 ай бұрын
I've never been more pissed at a streamer than you doing this puzzle
@MichelletheJayАй бұрын
I dont Just have your videos for background noise. I focus on them the first and even on multiple rewatches. I just find your voice really soothing and enjoyable so if im having a really bad insomnia night ill put on familiar vods. Most of tbe time the last thing I remember is "Im in another ZIP CODE" before im asleep
@joshalmightyblades2 ай бұрын
I Literally sleep to Joov every night. Background....NOISE!!! MUAHAHAHA!
@Man_of_Duty2 ай бұрын
Me 2!!!😂😂
@redviolet18272 ай бұрын
Literally will wake up from nightmares, filp on Joov and then sleep like a baby lol
@tucoramirez79312 ай бұрын
Same. He thrives in my subconscious mind.
@ALoonwolfАй бұрын
Also notice the Imperial pause. Eg. "At the time it was believed there was.... (PAUSE) reason to inform you."
@darkstarfuture2 ай бұрын
Only time i use Joov as background noise is when i dont care for the particular content of a vod, but I still want to support him 👍
@slothburglar2 ай бұрын
Joov not knowing what to do for that alter quest gave me a weird kind of nostalgia - because I too was confused about wtf to do in that quest.
@adamsandora10612 ай бұрын
Makes fun of the Bethesda level puzzle. Proceeds to get stuck for a half hour when all ya gotta do is read the plaques then talk to the dipshit standing there, he basically tells you what to do 😂😂
@azeraxosu3051Ай бұрын
You're not background noise. You are fuel for my Brighter Shores grind session
@brycethompson13302 ай бұрын
Always love more Oblivion content
@brenden98302 ай бұрын
I love that Wes Johnson voices like 90% of Oblivion
@philritter90422 ай бұрын
Just commenting to say yes I remember when they remixed Seven Nations Army for the BF1 Trailer. One of the best trailers ever made imo that was just cinema
@imperialguard451Ай бұрын
putting this on bc im sleepy and was gonna go to sleep to it and immediately “i dont like being background noise” IM SORRY ITS A GOOD THING ITS SO CALMING AND COMFY
@cadence45272 ай бұрын
I really get the sense that all of this is foreshadowing what the Mages Guild in Cyrodiil will turn into. Remember what Mirabelle says in Skyrim about the Synod. Mages based out of Cyrodiil, a whole lot of politics but very little magic. Perhaps it was always that way.
@xavilius94882 ай бұрын
Joov starting the vod about being background noise, meanwhile he's my #1 fall asleep tuber
@sotovido78082 ай бұрын
Joov is that background noise that ends up being the main noise 🤣🤣
@Fortune-ateDaughter2 ай бұрын
2:02:37 lol me here at 1:52 am listening while putting away my laundry high as fuck 😂 love you Joov
@C21H30O22 ай бұрын
Jeremy Soule at Coachella would be dope.
@longjohn8735Ай бұрын
I watch you regularly and watch your long stuff to sleep. Really enjoyed the start wars stuff though. I also enjoyed it as a child
@KnowahElliott2 ай бұрын
The beginning makes it great background noise
@lambda194617 күн бұрын
Skyblivion being more Skyrim then oblivion is why i want to play it, like i love Oblivion but i like Skyrims gameplay more, mostly because of the magic system
@dustydesertdisciple62902 ай бұрын
Dont worry brother, background noise goes straight to the subconcious. They shall dream of you.
@GodlyNix12 ай бұрын
love your content joob
@R33fth3b33f2 ай бұрын
No you're FOREground noise for my background fallout 4 gameplay
@Leviathis_Krade2 ай бұрын
in oblivion the only locks a player with level 5 security cannot pick are ones that need keys
@BodeWinsGames972 ай бұрын
the build might be cursed, but you are a good background noise NODDERS
@BillieWalker-d3q2 ай бұрын
Pls keep playing oblivion!
@TheCloudCreation2 ай бұрын
Don't worry Joov, you're more than just background noise to me. You also provide a valuable service of soothing away my chronic night terrors 👍
@gerryspringer54222 ай бұрын
0:05 whoops good night Mr background noise
@randallwilson4088Ай бұрын
God your analogy was so good that it hurt to listen to…. Your a good man mate
@matthewhall7976Ай бұрын
46:10 I am sure you said cuirass correctly Joov man.. I am English Irish and we all say it that way too.. all the UK and America can't be saying it wrong..👍
@Mareepalade2 ай бұрын
All sources I can find for Cuirass have two pronunciations listed. Kwir-ass and Cure-ass. So, language has won out one or another, and we've defeated yet another french pronunciation.
@blunt0052 ай бұрын
annoys me how wrong joov's chat was about black souls in morrowind no, there's no black soul gems, no you can't capture a black soul
@bebelin157Ай бұрын
Dude this is the first time i’ve seen your channel, and chose this video to be background noise while i sleep 😭
@jonathanv9922 күн бұрын
ram in us, pole us.
@kelev482 ай бұрын
You aren't background noise joov you're definitely in the foreground 👍
@andreasthelin98242 ай бұрын
You say that just as i’m about to turn around and sleep
@HCSR22 ай бұрын
@blooddragon535229 күн бұрын
I am just wondering what the spell to cast on the hand to hand in oblivion I want it for my first build in oblivion ( I got the game on sale off of steam)
@publius7912 ай бұрын
I'm pausing to run outside to smoke because of your shout out! Love ya Joov!
@publius7912 ай бұрын
Responsively, of course
@K-rypto2 ай бұрын
What is wrong with being background noise?
@elitereptilian200Ай бұрын
sorry Joov.. I put this on the background while I clean my bong lmao and the first thing I hear is that.. 😅
@spirit59232 ай бұрын
Ah, my favorite back ground noise! What are we doing today?
@DuenditoАй бұрын
I think it’s “coo Ross.” (cuirass)
@alexmontoya82962 ай бұрын
Last time I was this early to a joov video I still had a - insert unoriginal dad joke here -
@rocinante02932 ай бұрын
W vod
@beebarkhouse963211 күн бұрын
3:06:06 OMEGALUL
@turnbull8322 ай бұрын
Good background noise is hard to find
@Bein_IanАй бұрын
Does this mean Joov can Unlock Punch doors?
@orangeboloАй бұрын
top notch background noise
@spk81312 ай бұрын
but my other favorite vod channel is Just Background Noise why are you ashamed of this wonderful role you fulfill 😢
@redragonflamex2 ай бұрын
1:39:10 tdog RIP
@monkyk1ng2 ай бұрын
Have you heard of the high elves
@monkyk1ng2 ай бұрын
I’ve heard tell they smoke big doinks in Amish. Let me mark it on your map
@king19edgar84 күн бұрын
Clicked on the 3hr video for background and his first comment is hate being called background noise😂
@SirPotato4182 ай бұрын
Joobin time
@RCHAMPION6152 ай бұрын
KZbin God's bless this upload and give it the stroke of algorithm👀
@aetherius62212 ай бұрын
Stroke? 😏
@skeleton_craftGamingАй бұрын
2:32:30 That is like the point of that haircut, so that non-religious people like you react exactly that way 2:38:00 Yes, not the whole reason. Mind you but that is definitely part of there is
@justin918123 күн бұрын
I feel like this video was blurry ? Like when he’s in combat and etc idk just doesn’t look as crisp as it usually does ? Idk maybe just me
@thegunslinginghero2 ай бұрын
Start off with how you don't want to be background noise, meanwhile, I'm binging starfield for the first time and using this as background noise...
@becauseforeverended88612 ай бұрын
Joov please post oblivion every day it keeps getting me laid
@cadence45272 ай бұрын
My private player home mod has the Oblivion theme music. It has to be private thought because I also have a few Ark Survival Evolved songs as well. I am LOVING playing Oblivion… although it does crash a lot, I have textures dropped every time I leave a building (not sure what causes that), my water was flat so I had to adjust my ini settings to fix that, the auto settings put my resolution low enough to look like an n64 era game, it took me THREE FULL FORKING DAYS to get the mods working, two more days longer than it should have because it didn’t dawn on me that I needed to launch modded Oblivion with OBSE. SKSE is just second nature to me now that I don’t even think about it. Other than all that, I really am loving Oblivion.
@wtfox13372 ай бұрын
i cant get this collection to work 😩
@AwareWolfOnWheels16 күн бұрын
Cuirass = Cure-Ass
@panda932472 ай бұрын
Literally making me feel bad seven seconds in for placing him in the background while I write lesson plans.
@partysnax19842 ай бұрын
You might be background noise, but you’re *my* background noise ❤
@ghostboyo15442 ай бұрын
I love you please don’t die king 🙏
@Ali-mv3jc2 ай бұрын
I use you like a podcast, I work in a lab and when doing anything simple and repetitive I put on the vods so i dont lose my mind doing the same thing for 3 days.
@Pancreaticdefect2 ай бұрын
The pillar puzzle isnt terrible as far as Bethesda puzzles go. I was raised on games like Wizardry 7 where every puzzle is so complicated and unintuitive that you'll tear all your hair out and then quit forever. Well, you would before everything was a simple google search away anyway. Some puzzles required items you found hundreds of hours earlier and probably dropped somewhere and completely forgot about. It
@Ortorin2 ай бұрын
I'm building a mod to add wands in the game that have "special attacks." Look out for it in the coming months. Will have my "True Flight" mod done soon. Adds a way for races that have wings to fly using fatigue, and a magic spell version. This isn't just a "reskinned levitate," there are a bunch of features and over 30 settings.
@Pixel-Lucas2 ай бұрын
Joov, to assuage your fears, I will have your video on my PRIMARY MONITOR this morning.
@sativaburns67052 ай бұрын
Just Background Noise video ends, Joov enters with worries of being background noise.
@EthanKanamusantos2 ай бұрын
White sauce nooo
@6aphomehАй бұрын
ty 4 bgn
@Man_of_Duty2 ай бұрын
But you are background noise Joov the best background noise of all time
@lex926472 ай бұрын
As I'm putting my headphones at work I hear him being insecure about being background 😳
@leam19782 ай бұрын
46:20 i pronounce it "kweer-ass" as in, "my queer ass would wear the bedizened morrowind glass cuirass everywhere"
@mojoemurphy2 ай бұрын
No, Just Background Noise does mostly Morrowind content
@kapitankrunch32 ай бұрын
literally turned this video on for background noise.... i'm so sorry
@Pancreaticdefect2 ай бұрын
I cant believe Joov didnt go with the obvious sports analogy for why that guys wife left him. "Because you couldnt get past first base."
@blacklight-RIOT2 ай бұрын
bro why couldnt wes johnson like. throw on a fake accent or something ffghjjgfdsdtbni
@ChadVanryn2 ай бұрын
Bro really fell off after Skyrim
@adamblue12202 ай бұрын
Make a video joooovvv
@supermelon9282 ай бұрын
@starchimes2 ай бұрын
are you a zionist or zionist sympathizer? i would like to continue to support you as you are one of my favorite creators but silence on the situation in gaza has me worried that your values aren't in the right place. i will continue to comment on your vods until i get a response. all the best.
@dustydesertdisciple62902 ай бұрын
Stfu nobody cares about that shitehole.
@sativaburns67052 ай бұрын
Free Palistine! That said, can't bro just be a Bethesda streamer? Will Joovs opinion end the occupation?
@GRAIVE_2 ай бұрын
Go to political channels if you need someone to affirm your stance on politics. This is a gaming channel, and people who are not educated on the topic won't comment on it because no matter what you say, you can't win or are never fully right. Why would he risk negative publicity on something that has nothing to do with his content or his internet presence? Also why do you give a fuck about his political stance? He streams video games. Enjoy the content, or if you don't, find someone else who meets your stupid standards.
@starchimes2 ай бұрын
@@sativaburns6705 no, and i don't expect him to, but i don't personally feel comfortable actively supporting someone who is complacent in the genocide. i want to know for me, as a consumer.