My OMG Dollar General Haul & their scam

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Scents of a Busy Mommy

Scents of a Busy Mommy

11 жыл бұрын

Here are all the penny items I got today, almost 100 items and I only paid $2.74. PLease help me out and like/share/comment. I want this all over the internet tomorrow and Dollar General bombarded with phone calls!!! Thanks everyone :)

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@Despina838 10 жыл бұрын
I've worked in retail for over 6 years and I recognize your type. Rude and a huge pain in the derriere about sums it up. Ordering the cashier around like that with a snotty tone. And now creating how many more people to give those poor cashiers a hard time....God. PERSONALLY I would not find it worth the deals to cause grief for those employees and hold up the line, but that's just me.
@tristacarter2894 8 жыл бұрын
As a cashier at DG i can tell you, cashiers do what their managers tell them to do. Don't take your frustrations out on them, we can't do anything our manager says we can't.
@johnnyjackhammer695 8 жыл бұрын
me too.....aren't these people so unaware of the struggle of a cashier....we definitely deserve higher pay....
@shooterjam 8 жыл бұрын
+John Sheibs I did my time in retail. NO way would I deal with *customers* like this *lady*. For the love of gosh, most of the penny stuff is junk and you act like you are entitled to treat the staff like crap and get this stuff?
@finditandfixit2081 8 жыл бұрын
+Trista Carter People are stupid, They claim they can get away with things. Worker will not break the rules to get fire.
@johnnyjackhammer695 8 жыл бұрын
That's right Kevin....
@yodead369 8 жыл бұрын
+Trista Carter If this lady only knew what we have to do everyday... MY quote "cashiers" are not just cashiers they have to work their ass off for lower pay.. before you be rude about everything you "Know" BE nice about it, call in and wait for the DM or SM to call you back in 24hours.
@dianaflowers9570 9 жыл бұрын
Honestly, people like you are the reason I HATE working retail.
@MadroxMonoxide777 9 жыл бұрын
I work there at a cashier. It amuses me that people think I'm going to care at all that they are doing this. They bring up a whole basket full of random crap and say "this is all penny stuff blah blah blah blah gettin' such a good deal." Cool. It's not like I get a commission on the stuff that goes through the register, haha.
@MadroxMonoxide777 9 жыл бұрын
Mistie Hunter They walk up with a whole cart full of stuff, I ring it up and say "that'll be 62 cents" and they smirk and go "you're damn right it's only 62 cents. Penny shopping!" Ok, have fun. :)
@j.c.curnes 8 жыл бұрын
+MadroxMonoxide777 The DG I work for donates penny items to a local church to feed and clothe needy folks. Penny shoppers at my store are basically stealing/taking from a very needy charity. :(
@scentsofabusymommy 8 жыл бұрын
+jcurnes In my area they quit letting them donate, some of the stores started donating to me because I donate 99% of what I get to a local church, then they had to stop doing it. I provided letters from the church and everything, so here we are not "stealing/taking" from the needy. Just an FYI. Thanks for watching
@MadroxMonoxide777 8 жыл бұрын
Life of a Busy Mommy It's also amusing what exactly people will buy just because it's a penny. I had a woman buy sardines in mustard sauce and lite spam just because they were a penny. Really? Lol
@evil_juggalo_1014 8 жыл бұрын
Aren't you cashier people getting paid by the hour?, so, what's the problem with people finding great deals,? I hope they get all they can for a penny,remember the main phone number is (615)-855-4000 and call them, let them know that they should always keep the policy word!!!!!
@ShannonFord1977 9 жыл бұрын
I would hate to be an employee of Dollar General that has to deal with the mad rush of people that will head their way after watching this video, searching for the tags that markings for "Penny Items'.., geez..., you obviously have never worked in retail, it is a total disregard to inform people to trash a store looking for these items.., As a former Manager for a well known company.., I remember long nights of recovery for people coming in and trashing my store.., I don't care if you get your cheap items, more power to you and all of those that want to do it, just have some compassion for the ones who have to stay behind to clean up your mess. That is all.
@scentsofabusymommy 9 жыл бұрын
If you watched the video, I did not advise anyone to "trash" a store looking for penny items. I was a retail manager for 10+ years, and have had to clean up behind others. I am always respectful of the store employees and now all the employees know me and have absolutely no problem with me, and some of them are now really close to me.
@ShannonFord1977 9 жыл бұрын
I did watch the video, my comment was not intended to disrespect you 12:35 you say throw stuff on the floor..., while I know you probably mean pick them back up lol.. most don't look at it that way.., That is what my comment was intended for.. To anyone wanting to take advantage of the sales.. go for it.., and you as I do can agree.. show respect for the ones who have to maintain the store.., I too was one of those managers for many years with Dollar Tree that cringed when people rushed in looking for certain items.. again.. no disrespect was intended.., :)
@heffyfatman123 9 жыл бұрын
I work as an assistant manager at a retail store and there have been several times after penny videos come out that people rush the store and myself and my best stocker have to spend 5 hours recovering and facing the store after people trash the store to find the penny items that are not there because we put them all in a certain area a couple days before they penny and put them all in the receiving room the night before.
@ShannonFord1977 9 жыл бұрын
I agree Heffy... some people just don't understand. :(
@lvntravels 9 жыл бұрын
YOUR pathetic. What did she do wrong? It's YOUR job to CLEAN up so stop you're bitching. She has a child obviously and a family to support who are you to make a judgement on cheap or not products if it works for her family. Get a life, seriously I mean get one fast.
@SusanBaileyAmazingEstate 10 жыл бұрын
DO NOT CALL CORPORATE If you want to know about penny shopping at Dollar General, check out Tanya Ortiz on You Tube. She puts out a video every week on what the penny items are for that week. She has a Facebook page and is starting a forum on her own website. The KZbin channel is Tanya Ortiz. That's the place to find out about penny shopping. The lady on this channel, jjscouponclub, is well-intentioned, and it's great she's sharing with everyone. But please do not take her advice on calling corporate. You're gonna mess it up for all of us who have been doing this QUIETLY for a long time.
@meagandaniels4114 10 жыл бұрын
I dont mind penny shoppers. Just be courteous. Clean up your mess if you have to take apart an aisle searching. We simply can't spend nearly as much time as you all do searching for a deal as we need to find it and pull it when we get our list. I understand the frustration on both ends here. I coupon. If I was allowed to buy penny stuff I would. We are not allowed. But we actually donate the stuff. What can you possibly do with all that stuff ? I'm sure some get donated. And im sure we have a few hoarders too. I won't coupon something I dont need. And just because it is a quarter I do not need thirteen bottles of ketchup. I know the excitement of a deal, yes. But lets be courteous to other shoppers and employees who have to clean up after you. There is no need for profanity and harsh language. This is a penny we're talking about. I know its "the principal" but come on. I dont have the time to spend alllllll day searching for this stuff and driving all around the city to different locations. Not my cup of tea. To each their own. And cashiers and managers can handle the situation more appropriately I agree. But we all get told different things. I know corporate says this and that,but if my DM tells me hey, you can only sell one, then I'm listening to that guy! I'll be polite about it. Even if your yelling at me. And when you hand me the phone and corporate says scan it I will and ill still be polite about it. I'm just doing what I am told. If it were me, id just hand it to you. But its my job on the line. And I have bills to pay. Also, please don't get mad at us when it doesn't ring up a penny and yell at me about it. We don't actually in store change the price to a penny. And we can't override it to a penny either. So really, everyone just needs to take a chill pill. There are way more important things going on in the world than to ruin someone's day or get someone fired over a penny. Really.
@rachelwhite8721 5 жыл бұрын
It sucks though because a lot of penny shoppers get the list of things that are going to penny out and hide them. So even if the employees pull those items like they're supposed to they come and get what they hid and then the store takes the loss. This stuff isn't meant to actually be sold for a penny it's just an indicator that the item needs to be pulled and is going to be removed from inventory. Unfortunately people take a lot of advantage of retail workers that later get in trouble for the sales customers like her basically force them to put through. And here she is talking about non profits and donating but instead she's buying a ton of shit she doesn't even need.
@ohiograndam 9 жыл бұрын
Are people so desperate that they have to go crying to a corporation because they are not getting their stuff for free? I am not going to lose my job over selling you an item for a penny for you to go around a illegally sell it.
@got2surf90 9 жыл бұрын
@FrankD216indaland 8 жыл бұрын
is it illegal? once you legally buy an item do as you please dummy
@LoveMeDeadML 6 жыл бұрын
you dont loose your job over penny items.. you simply get red flagged,, and just require manager authorization. And if your so worried about loosing your job, Do your job and remove the items off the shelves
@randypleiman2404 9 жыл бұрын
DG has cut hours back so far that employees can't keep up with all the discontinued products. Managers are working 70 hours a week, many hours alone. Busy Mom? You find such pleasure in blasting DG employees for being less than competent in their daily chores. Buy your $20 pillows for a penny, but do me a favor , go to the sidewalk outside that store and apologize to the single mom, making $7.25 an hour, who didn't have time to pull those pillows off the floor,
@scentsofabusymommy 9 жыл бұрын
Now why would I have to apologize to a single mom outside the store (if they have time to be outside instead of in the store pulling penny items, that is not my fault) and here in Florida if that "single mom" is making 7.25 she needs to go to the Labor Board as the minimum wage here is $7.93. You may want to get your facts straight. And some of the stores I will actually give those cashiers or managers items I got for a penny if they comment how they wish they could have one, and I even go and give them items I paid for with my couponing or got from requesting free stuff and doing reviews, if I know it is something they need (one manager that I had problems with prior to this video, now she is a good friend and I took her a $170 Breast Pump since she is pregnant because I won it in a contest and didn't need it, and she did) So you may want to know all the facts before you trash someone for being frugal and teaching others how to do the same.
@lvntravels 9 жыл бұрын
@jenniferggreer457 9 жыл бұрын
Niki Gurle I guess at your college, they didn't teach you that it is "should HAVE" not "should OF"...and that it would be "you're pathetic" not "your pathetic. come on now! I'm a nurse, but I have respect for people who make minimum wage just as much as any C.E.O. or Doctor, Judge, President, etc. Still it's just RUDE to leave a mess. I do realize the PERSON WHO MADE THIS did NOT mean for us to trash the store. I also realize some people will make a mess for others to clean. When i was in school, I worked retail and it drove me bonkers. Also, once I was burnt out in nursing, and took a break to do something else, I chose retail... You guessed it...SAME rude people making a mess. Just pick up after yourself, your mama doesn't work there!
@randypleiman2404 9 жыл бұрын
Ummm (oh that is not a word, opps) (oh opps isn't a word either) spelling and punctuation Nazi's are rampant! Stupid losers trying to rise above others by making fun of lesser losers!!!
@SakuraCourageSolo 9 жыл бұрын
Niki Gurle Zip it. A lot of employees working for minimum wage actually ARE college graduates, but the economy and these tight wad corporations being what they are now, its hard to find a decent job! I have a degree in business administration, yet I'm stocking shelves at Dollar General Market for minimum wage. Why? Everyone else says I'm either overqualified or underqualified for everything because of that education, which has actually hindered me from finding a better job, and Dollar General is NOT about to promote anyone from within. They always outsource for their managers. So until I can find something else, I'm stuck. Point is, don't automatically assume a cashier or stocker has no college education. One such education might be the very thing holding them there!
@zacharybelton6493 10 жыл бұрын
as an employee of dollar general i can tell you this, if we sell it we do take a loss, we would rather donate , however heres how i do it in my store, if a customer has done the research to search and find which ones are pennied and they bring them all up at the same time, i am not allowed to deny it, you got the deal , good for you, but if you see that its a penny and go to run back to grab them all and hold up my line , you better believe i wont be easy about doing it. also there is alot to do with attitiude, if someone is bitchy towards me , i will refuse to service them i am an employee of the company, not your slave. treat me with respect, and i will do the same. just some rantings from a Lead sales associate ie keyholder
@missqueenv21 10 жыл бұрын
Please never come to the DG I work at! U will have meet ur match, bet that!!
@Bellalovelola 10 жыл бұрын
agree with you
@joanmildner4921 6 жыл бұрын
Bitch is annoying Im an assistant manager at dollar general.I will let her take two items that's it she can cry and bitch she'll loose.
@MyEvolutionGaming 10 жыл бұрын
I realize this is old, and nothing in this comment is meant to be disrespectful. I have worked at Dollar General for a total of about 8 years. Started as a clerk, ended as an assistant manager. My aunt has been a DM for well over 10 years. Anyway. 3rd key is a manager; they aren't a clerk. They do run the registers, but only when there is no clerk. (Typically early mornings. To save on payroll hours, a manager will open and work hours alone.) Secondly, it has always been told to us (at least where I'm from) that in a situation like you've encountered, we're only meant to sell one item. One. Regardless if it's corporate policy or not (I truly believe it is not, but for sake of arguing, I will agree with you that it is), obviously a business does not choose to purposely lose money. If a mistake is made, we offer to compensate by allowing them to purchase one item. That is not a scam, that is smart business. So while I understand the situation was frustrating for you, I can almost guarantee the clerks had no idea themselves. That's a situation where a manager is brought in to deal with, and the clerks aren't trained to handle that. So just keep that in mind the next time -- no need to be rude to someone who doesn't know any different.
@XSn0wSt0rmX 9 жыл бұрын
Agreed. When i was told to do things by my store managers that's that...that is my job. What they told me to do. Dont be pissed at them, they're just doing what they were told to do. I'm so glad i don't have to deal with people like this anymore @_@ sure, its only like 1 out of every 500 but after awhile it all just builds up. I never knew how rude and disrespectful people could talk to one another till i worked in retail.
@jordans2298 8 жыл бұрын
+Starzeh. At the DG that I am at, a lady came up with 2 carts full of stuff and the manager herself told me that we have to sell them everything.. She was pretty upset though because we are trying so hard to get our store up to par (since the last manager didn't care and completely let the store go to crap). She had to call the DM to notify him about what happened afterwards. In conclusion, it really is corporate policy to sell them every time that they bring up to the register, even though you could get in trouble for it. It's extremely unfortunate. ):
@shialewis6994 10 жыл бұрын
First, you should understand that employees are instructed to notify a manager if an item rings a penny. The MOD is instructed to then politely explain to the customer that they may only sell one penny item per company policy. Dollar General will allow some policies to be ignored in the event that it will cost them a customer, due to the fact that they value customers and push for excellent customer service but it is very critical for an employee to make this decision wisely as it could result in termination if not deemed necessary and a loss of company assets. However employees are discouraged from selling these. Now, the reason these items are left on the shelf are sometimes possibly due to carelessness but often because of work overload and minimal hours. In order to provide excellent customer service employees are responsible for keeping shelves stocked & free of dust, rotating merchandise in order to sell fresh products, general cleaning, assisting customers to find products, helping elderly or disabled customers shop and taking bags out to their vehicles, changing plan-o-grams, setting endcaps for sales, setting sales, keeping daily logs of; transactions, invoices, CCTV reviews, sales, and much, much, more. Furthermore, it is not always clear what items may go to a penny, sometimes it is as much as a surprise to you as it is to them. I completely understand your excitement over the bargains you've stumbled upon but frankly your attitude and behavior to the employees is completely disgusting! It is your choice but I find it very sad that you choose to make a complete fool of yourself trying to disgrace a company & it's employees over a penny. I hope you do something positive with these items such as making donations but I fear if you do it's probably for your own selfish greed of receiving a tax write off.
@iancreates2493 10 жыл бұрын
That's awesome! I just won a $50 Dollar General gift card on the Dollar General Scratch and Win sweepstakes! I can't wait to use it.
@emvilecross6947 8 жыл бұрын
you bought a whole bunch of junk .. thats what all that is.. and acted that way over it ? shhhew!
@sewforlife5728 8 жыл бұрын
I am a DG mgr and we don't get into trouble for not pulling penny items because we are not informed of the penny items. we only find out by chance. If you came into my store you would get away with buying 1 of a penny item and the rest would get pulled from the shelf. Corp will back me so call all u like.
@kuhnsiekuhns9044 7 жыл бұрын
Teresa Palmer
@laquantatubbs9257 8 жыл бұрын
Love this....I'm getting my truck ready to go SHOPPING!
@littleartist4220 9 жыл бұрын
Why ask a cashier/manager to look up the corporate # ? I think that was overkill. You should have all info in case something like this happens. Get an email from corporate validating your point and print it out. Also carry the coupon policy. If you were a customer in my line I would have been crying.
@carynmartin6053 8 жыл бұрын
why did it take her almost 20 minutes to get to the point?? I still don't understand how to do this because she showed the sticker so fast and far away. she loves to hear herself talk. annoying.
@gaylaaucoin6594 8 жыл бұрын
+caryn martin she's slow I thought when I seen the stuff she got well it was less than junk something that would have no resale about it why buy it like that I found better stuff dumpster diving and really no junk at all.
@classychic7501 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the heads up. I just hit two stores and I am curious to know why the pink pillow pet didn't rang up..overall I did great
@nvmismatico 9 жыл бұрын
Did it occur any of you guys, That complaining to corporate could potentially end the practice of pennying things out.
@jordans2298 8 жыл бұрын
+julie yeary Actually, when things go to 90% off and no one purchases them, such as seasonal things, they get discontinued and thus become a penny item. It happens automatically in the system, the employees have no control over it.
@nvmismatico 8 жыл бұрын
Yes,but they are supposed to remove them from the shelves. Mistakes might happen less if the consequences made it worth it for the employees to be more careful.
@jordans2298 8 жыл бұрын
+julie yeary except most of the time the employees have no idea about which specific items are penny items until they are rung up. only managers know which to pull and managers are busy managing the store. its difficult to understand until you're in the situation. (:
@nvmismatico 8 жыл бұрын
Your point is made. :)
@shooterjam 8 жыл бұрын
+julie yeary Exact reason I stopped couponing. Too many people breaking rules, acting like they are entitled to (mis) use the coupons because of a glitch, and being rude to staff, especially cashiers.
@thecatlady2710 9 жыл бұрын
I got quite a few Loreal cosmetics for a penny recently while they were having clearance. What is weird is Dollar General doesn't even sell Loreal!
@scentsofabusymommy 8 жыл бұрын
+Crazy Cat Lady This weekend they are having another huge clearance. Great deals to be found Thanks for watching
@scentsofabusymommy 11 жыл бұрын
Me too, good luck, hope you get you some good stuff!! thanks for watching :)
@veg3 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the heads up on these penny deals. I am going to check out my stores. You bet your bottom I will call if they give me any problems buying the penny stuff. I have had to do the same thing with Michaels with their penny items. I agree everyone needs to call corporate if they get any BS. TFS Teresa
@ataylorai1 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing, I have just started doing video about the $5 off $25 sales so I now will also go look for the penny items today.
@luvin2fly 9 жыл бұрын
All this crap isn't worth anything anyhow. I give it a year and it will all be in some landfill somewhere.
@jamesmitchell8414 9 жыл бұрын
I think part of the problem is due to a change in policy. At the beginning of the year policy was to sell one of each penny item and pull the rest. It shortly after was changed to sell all of them. Not that I'm excusing the actions of the employees in the wrong, I'm simply saying that's probably how confusion originated. There may be a regional difference but I know where I'm at the managers don't get in trouble for people buying penny items, unless its a large amount that shows the manager just isn't doing their job. Its actually viewed as free labor because the company isn't having to pay employees to search out stray items that may have been missed during the original pull. Just my 2¢ on the 1¢ topic.
@KayRoseGinaAlexanderFounder 7 жыл бұрын
WOW! I just heard about the whole "penny" shopping at DG just today. Having come across this video and reading just some of the comments, I'm a little shocked. DG SHOULD NOT put these items at a penny if they don't intend to sell them for a penny. There is sooo much hostility from both sides: those who should be able to get the items for a penny since that is the price, and the store managers & key personnel who don't want to sell them for a penny since they get penalized. NO ONE MAKES DG PUT THESE ITEMS AT A PENNY. They could just as easily leave them at the last price and just go take them off of the shelves when appropriate. So much DRAMA!!! I blame DG for all of it since they are at the bottom of causing the situation to begin with and then not controlling it appropriately. BOTTOM LINE: If you're gonna mark items for a penny, you need to sell them for a penny....ALL OF THEM & to WHOMEVER IS TRYING TO BUY THEM.
@MHyder 8 жыл бұрын
I think that it Sucks that Dollar General can't make their employees and Management follow the rules!!!
@pamcordell4303 8 жыл бұрын
This is so cool. Thank you for your video and tips.
@47momma 11 жыл бұрын
Fantabulous Haul !!! I'm also a penny hauler, I get my items from Michael's they have the same policy where if you find an item for a penny they have to sell it to you. I haven't had any problems with them yet. I think what Dollar General is doing is wrong if they don't want to follow their own policy they should change it !!! TFS
@lindacockrell3183 8 жыл бұрын
I have done this many times, the key is to be polite to the clerks and/or manager they may be new to the job and may not know all of the stores policies yet. Attacking with an attitudes or rude behavior will get you nowhere.What I have done in the past when speaking to corporate offices, is asked to speak to her supervisor, not another representative she works with, be specific and ask to speak to that persons supervisor. Once you get that persons supervisor verify that she is the supervisor and ask for her name. If the supervisor tells you the same thing the representative told you I would ask for the supervisor to supply her response in writing on corporate letterhead (what she told you after the representative transferred your call to her, "That corporate can not make the district representative or store manager to follow corporate policy) if they will not agree to send the policy in writing to you, then I would ask to speak to her (the supervisor) supervisor, everybody has a boss unless you own the company, then you have a board of directors or stockholders you have to account too. I have been all the way to the VP of Customer Relations department before at a couple of well known Department Stores as well as high end clothing shops. I didn't stop until I spoke with somebody at corporate that would send the policy in writing to me. (You'll find on those occasions where the person has to put what they are telling you in writing, they either stick to their story or make an about face, such as; they have mistakenly read the policy wrong) . I carry that letter (all the letters I have received in a flexible coupon pocket along with corporate phone number and name of the highest ranking person I have spoken with at the corporate office or whom ever sent the letter of policy to me.) then if I have a problem I speak to the person in charge at the store I am at and show them the letter if it pertains to the problem I am having at the time, or I request the person in charge at the store speak to the to corporate and get me an answer for what ever the problem is at that time. If the person does not want to call corporate I pull my stuff from the counter put it back in my cart and step out of line, and call corporate myself. Remember to ALWAYS, be respectful to the person you are dealing with, store personnel changes so rapidly. Believe me I still run into problems with the same stores over and over, especially if I shop there all the time it save time for me and them, they know my face they know I will not hesitate to call them on the problem (if I am sure of policy) I don't hesitate to talk to the next person up the ladder. I am sorry I wrote a book instead of a comment.
@Sugarysweetnsimple 10 жыл бұрын
I think what ever employee at corporate office that does not follow policy needs to be fired !!!
@Emortal1313 9 жыл бұрын
Corporate did come out with a new policy stating only one pennied item may be given to a customer.
@kittymervine6115 9 жыл бұрын
then they are breaking a federal law.
@heffyfatman123 9 жыл бұрын
Kitty Mervine no they are not any comany has the right to deny goods or services to any customer at any time per their policies and personal discretion .
@sueannthomason 10 жыл бұрын
Hi and I'm a new subbie. Wow do I need to learn how to do this. With hubby out of work this would save us. Will be watching and learning from you. TFS and Take Care. Smiles, Sue Ann :)
@pamelahendricks1637 10 жыл бұрын
Good for you that you got all those items plus called corporate. I went to at least 2 DGs
@lauttus 11 жыл бұрын
That's crazy! I had the same problem with Michaels when I found some penny items. They told me they could only sell me one per like item. If I wanted more of them, they had to mark them up to their previous sale price. UGH. I didn't have Michael's corporate number, but tried to tell them it was policy they sell me what I had.. the lady was like "how do you know corporate policy??" they still refused to sell it to me :( Sorry I missed your give away.. but I just found your channel! love it!
@jenniferggreer457 9 жыл бұрын
also, i notice this was this still a thing? and how often do they do the penny item things.
@JJoesphD3 10 жыл бұрын
Pennies out stuff is supposed to be off the shelves and usually donated.
@pixiefairy1974 8 жыл бұрын
Have you ever worked retail? I'm guessing not for how nasty you talk to an employee. And over worthless crap? I'm pretty sure they arent wanting to lose their job over it. Of course they are going to do as their manager says. No need to be so nasty to an individual over cheap crap.
@HarleyQuinn-uz7pq 8 жыл бұрын
but how do u know which ones to they have a special price tag??
@pattyminger9854 10 жыл бұрын
Where do you find out what's on the Penny Sale List
@QueenBeeBeautyXO 9 жыл бұрын
What made me mad was that she admitted to just trashing the store to find things and making a big scene in the store. You can tell by the way she presented herself in the vlog,that she wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box. And I don't believe that she donated the things,or she would've explained to the manager that she was going to give it to charity. And she would've said that to us in her vlog. She was out for herself. Maybe I went overboard saying the stuff about the kids but what can you predict with a crazy mother who acts that way in public,her kids will learn from her behavior. I have a feeling she acts that way,anywhere she goes and doesn't get her way. And Karma? It's not chasing me Lady,that's for sure. I have a right to my opinion.Or do you not know about the constitution?? Have a great Day ☺
@snlovesjn 11 жыл бұрын
Ive got some of the clothes and a carpet for a penny awhile it still the pink tag thts ringin up a penny.
@elizabethwalters4984 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you! But how do you knkw if they are a penny(pillow pets)
@texasoasis 9 жыл бұрын
You went to 6 stores all across town? You spent more than a penny per item once you figure in time, gasoline, car insurance and operating costs.
@susanzapolski5996 6 жыл бұрын
Wow thank you for the information being a widow this helps a lot.
@jeannierobb9989 9 жыл бұрын
It's not clear to me how to get products for $1. You are correct corp must not be too strong if they don't back there own rules!!!
@LaurenAwesomesauce1 8 жыл бұрын
its not the law that they have to sell you these things. Each store has their own "stock policy" which means that they often won't sell you more than one penny item at a time and just because it is technically corporate policy doesn't mean that they have to enforce it on every store because that means that most stores can't sell all those penny items. You're wrong here, sorry its a fact. Most discount, thrift, and dollar stores have this flexibility.
@dvoted4life 11 жыл бұрын
grabbing my change purse first thing in the morning thanks I think you are so right in spreading the word dollar general should not be able to get away with this and corp should back up there customers awesome job on standing your grounds ad thanks for sharing
@debidancemom 10 жыл бұрын
Great haul! Great advice! I think corporate should dictate to all managers the same policy and they should be required to follow the same policy. It would be easier for everyone involved. Just my penny input
@mitzidankenbring452 9 жыл бұрын
The high ticket items can be sold easily on Ebay or possibly Amazon, if it's higher quality, name-brand items, like the pillow pets. People with limited income, and possibly disabled people, use these items to make a couple hundred dollars per month of extra money to supplement their income, allowing them pay their bills at little easier. I haven't personally done anything like this, but I honestly don't see this any differently than extreme couponing, which I have done out of necessity. I never had a huge stockpile, although, at one time I had enough Glad trash bags to last over a year and laundry detergent that lasted 2 years. I am pretty proud of my hard work in getting those items, nearly free, to allow me to maybe buy my kids a few extras every month. I have never received public assistance and I believe that hard work will keep your head afloat! lol Even the more practical items that I had, can be sold at garage sales or online to make a partial income, even on a small scale. I think a lot of people's comments here are very valid, but to be downright degrading and use name-calling, when you haven't walked in this lady's shoes, is unacceptable! No matter what, bless her heart, she's SO excited in trying to help ALL of us get a deal! Please think before you type!
@AG-kr1my 9 жыл бұрын
Great video! omg though every time your child screamed I thought it was mine! lol the life of a mommy :)
@Msmec1975 11 жыл бұрын
Is this only for clearance items, or any regular items? How do you know what items to look for?
@aliceeckdahl4387 9 жыл бұрын
You rock woman, stay strong. There are always going to be haters out there tryin ta tear you down ....especially the stronger and smarter you become. Thank you for your inspiration! I'm a huge fan and i subcribed!
@gentonic349 11 жыл бұрын
i hit up two dollar generals!! thank you girls so much. I didn't find any pillow pets :/ but other great stuff!!! really excited. oh and the second dollar general gave me problems and I called customer service and I got my items just like you said!
@scentsofabusymommy 11 жыл бұрын
thanks Choly Flower!!! I hope everyone gets some great stuff! let me know! :)
@tayloroliver8164 10 жыл бұрын
What is the color on the tag for the pillow pets and the UPC??????
@michellehardin3177 9 жыл бұрын
fyi... if u call corporate and have lots of others call also..they can stop penny shopping all together. by simply not pennying items out.. they did last year in May because ppl kept calling... just take the survey.. it gets there attention more than a phone call anyway.
@ChallengerBear69 10 жыл бұрын
Being thrifty is one thing...but going on a rampage for some junk items that you don't need, simply because they are a penny?? WOW...and to label the miscommunication from corporate to the poor overworked management team at Dollar General as a scam? Lady, you are the scammer...
@bluediamond325 7 жыл бұрын
Do we have to ask for penny items? Or how do we find them?
@lizaalexis5691 8 жыл бұрын
How did I miss the Penny stuff? I see boxes for clean ace but no penny items in CT! Could the store be that new?
@lorenmg09 11 жыл бұрын
So awesome!!! You did great! So glad you fought your way and got your stuff.
@stephmejor 11 жыл бұрын
I've worked in a bunch of different retail shops and every single one of them rules were enforced. I can't believe he said they couldn't make them follow the rules. Thank you for the tips, I will be going to DG today and let you know if I find any goodies!
@dilljones9089 10 жыл бұрын
That sucks!! And, it makes you wonder what the are not doing; that they should be doing. I really dislike ignorant cashiers.
@arandacreations2286 9 жыл бұрын
hi Jenifer . I got exited of your great haul so I wanted to try. for my very first time. first I don't know much about identifying the penny items. me and my teenage daughter were looking for toys and the whole top shelf of dollar general was full of items with the fa11, fa12 and fa13 we thought they were old and shouldn't be there. filled up two carts. one of the cashiers saw and came immediately with her scanner and they scanned full price. than she said that only the yellow star was 50% off anyways I did not listen and went on to pay. all of my stuff did not rung a penny. I had to ask her about the penny deals and she said that those codes were only for them to know where to stack the merchandise.. this is not what I learned. so now I'm confused.. at that store you never know what's on sale because they do not put their sings... the other day at the same store I asked one of the employees what the little circles in different colors meant. her answer was rude. she said to me: they don't mean anything is just something they add to the sticker price. I feel bad because I wanted to save some money. I also did not know they could get fired if they sell me the items.... now is the cashier able to change the scanner to a different price, just to be safe from selling me all the toys?
@chondaantoine9749 9 жыл бұрын
Mistie Hunter not true....they do get in trouble for not taking the items of the shelf
@wadesblades760 9 жыл бұрын
When do they do inventory
@jessicacortez461 8 жыл бұрын
ok so I went to the dollar general today. hoping to find some good deals. but none of the store iteams had a letter under its price tag. it only had a purple or blue and yellow circle under it... 😢😢😢😢
@tgunn2034 9 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of something I stumbled on at a WAWA convenience store here in Philly. One day i bought a small pack of oreo brownie cookies and it rang up .1cent. The cashier said he wasnt supposed to sell it too me but he did. There were 6 others left so I bought them for .1cent each. Gave them to my friends at work.. The cookies werent expired. So how do you tell at a conevience store what would be a penny item.
@lvntravels 9 жыл бұрын
How do you find the penny items? How do you know their the penny items?
@patriciabanuelos7189 9 жыл бұрын
Do u know if corporate has changed its policy since u posted this video? N are the penny items still available?
@pandabodie 10 жыл бұрын
What days do you come in for the penny days?
@puppypokadot 10 жыл бұрын
I had a questions, when you go up to the register does it automatically say its a penny or 90% off? & how do you know an item is a penny item? Does it say something. Can someone explain please
@rachelsmith3497 8 жыл бұрын
You are awesome!! Thank you!
@heffyfatman123 9 жыл бұрын
Ok what you don't realize is that the cashier that sells you the penny items could potential be terminated for selling you those items because policy says "a customer can be sold one of each penny item and the rest are meant to be pulled from the store and returned or donated via standard store operations"
@scentsofabusymommy 9 жыл бұрын
All the employees of the stores I shopped at are still there, in fact most have been promoted. And if you speak to corporate, and all managers I have talked to, most are now good friends of mine, if you make it to the register with it, you have to sell ALL ITEMS THEY HAVE, they may not go get more. Maybe you should talk to the corporate office and you will be told the same thing I was.
@whoseeswho 9 жыл бұрын
@whoseeswho 9 жыл бұрын
I am not wrong... I have heard of MANY DG "employee" stories lately, since I have been penny shopping... and ONE of them actually lost their job, although I am certain it was not because of selling penny items! the problem is, seems to be, that now, suddenly there are a lot of penny shoppers, so corporate is coming down on the DMs which come down on the GMs which come down on the cashiers... so SOME people are getting treated like SHIT for finding penny items, as well as SOME being GIVEN items FREE JUST to avoid "getting into trouble".
@whoseeswho 9 жыл бұрын
I will say that YES< maybe a month ago I was wrong, but now? nope!
@whoseeswho 9 жыл бұрын
right Donny, BUT I have heard some not so NICE instances lately, along with a couple of REALLY bad ones... just sayin!
@anitawelch5355 9 жыл бұрын
Dont hate cause she got the deal. Nasty comments arent necessary. You don't have to be hateful to Dollar General employees to be treated like crap. The managers are uneducated anyway atleast in my area. GOOD JOB GIRL.
@bellalenzo660 9 жыл бұрын
Where do you find the penny stuff is it with the rest of the stuff or is there a designated place
@tinamiller1575 10 жыл бұрын
Never knew things were like that...I'm definitely going to Dollar General today or tomorrow..What corporate said was very wrong...I would have asked for the manager or the owner themselves...Thanks for sharing this. Hope I get a big haul like you did
@randyh4500 10 жыл бұрын
stop flipping things and around and saying corporate is wrong because your wrong. corporate gets calls from customers bitching and complaining because they didn't get the deal so corporate gives them the deals to shut them up.
@zoya1232 9 жыл бұрын
idk why people gettin so mad at her she got a deal that maybe yaw cant i give her props
@JoanneMoxam 10 жыл бұрын
So I guess what I don't understand is that if these items are not suppose to be on the shelves, how do they get there in the first place? most of these have a dot or a letter, so why are these products hitting the stores at all? Guess I am confused and need a penny 101 class ..... lol
@pastordenah 9 жыл бұрын
Items that penny out start off as seasonal items that are at regular prices. If the manager does not do their job, these seasonal items will not be pulled when they are told to....I manage a DG...and you will not find many penny items...I make sure I get these items off the floor...that will not get any penny deals at my store...
@ashleysnyder3328 8 жыл бұрын
+Denah Moon Well aren't you Dg manager of the year!? I understand you are supposed to take them off the shelves but that is just effing rude. " that is why you wont find any penny items at my store!" First of all if I knew what store was "yours" I wouldn't come within two feet of it just because of your attitude, and second of all I wonder if DG would take up for you like you do them? Imma bet NOT. If this is what you pride yourself in... making sure no one get's penny items, then your have a long ways to go in life!
@heleneanderson8906 9 жыл бұрын
I feel they should enforce their rule. Why make it if you're not going to stand by it.
@joniquakerri9175 8 жыл бұрын
She is just sharing something new with people and how to get stuff for cheap. If you didn't find it helpful or useful keep it moving. Why the hell something always gotta get negative with you people.
@amandadavis665 9 жыл бұрын
can you check out theirwebsite and print off the corporate policy or ask them via email and print that out....i would try but for sure have corporate on the line while i was cashing out...ive been known to make them sell items to me one at a considered seperate transactions....(canada dollarama store)
@Wrenasaurusrexxitall 7 жыл бұрын
idk I was told if something rings up a penny they aren't allowed to sell it to yoy because that means it's a recall etc
@MariselaFrancoo 9 жыл бұрын
When can you shop for these "penny deals" ? Is there a specific time of the year or what?
@yerochan 8 жыл бұрын
I work as a cashier at DG. We don't have penny sales. When discontinued items are no longer on clearence after 90% they get pennied out. Discontinued items that are pennied out have papers sent on what items to pull. It's just sometimes the luck of the draw if you find a pennied out items. Some stores don't always pull everything that needs to be.
@cap8820 6 жыл бұрын
Mari Franco EVERYDAY
@playfully.puzzled.porcupin4786 11 жыл бұрын
This is Amazing! I watched your video and went straight to the Dollar General a few days ago. I went in and politely asked the associate about the video. Her reply was that it was actually AGAINST corporate policy to sell any item that rings up that way. I left the store and called corporate and he told me no ma'am they have to sell you the item. Later I went back to the same store after researching "penny items" and found Pillow Pets.....(To Be Continued)
@gladysAVON 10 жыл бұрын
Wow this is great information!!
@michellejackson7417 10 жыл бұрын
The policy actually states that if a customer has a penny item in their cart and was unaware of the price intending to buy it regardless the price, it as to be honored and sold with no problems. There is no "you can only buy one" policy. And coming straight from cooperate employees have been notified if customers have prior knowledge of what's a penny and come up with buggies full of pennied out merchandise the employee is to politely refuse the sale. Advertising company merchandise without a proper license or authority is absolutely illegal. You should all know that. Stores have ad books for said purpose. Not trying to offend anyone.. just getting the proper information out there.
@ConnieB4325 10 жыл бұрын
I live 20 miles from the nearest Dollar General but I'm heading there in the morning!! I hate it that they don't follow corporate rules and I hate it that corporate won't make them follow the rules!! How stupid is that??
@kskerrysmiles 11 жыл бұрын
Yay! Thank's for the video! I followed you & Brianna, and got a bunch of things also! Thank you again! :)
@ourcountrylife8095 8 жыл бұрын
How can u find the current deals like these. Just found this and it's 2 years
@tiffany7138 8 жыл бұрын
It's each individual DG's fault for not taking the items off the shelf in my opinion. If you leave it out on a shelf in STORE where people BUY things, how can you tell them at the last minute never mind you can't buy that. Sounds like bad business that doesn't have their sh*t together.
@andrearamirez9737 8 жыл бұрын
Are these items still a penny? I need christmas gifts! Let me know what items are plz.
@AllurBeautifulCourag 11 жыл бұрын
Oh wow talk about crazy awesome haul I willl try and go tomorrow I am not sure if i will be able to but will try thanks for sharing all the details on it.
@felicityhayes3157 10 жыл бұрын
You are amazing!!!! I went to Dollar General right after watching this, (well, the next day xD) And this worked! You know how much stuff I got from there for like 3.98 total! You Ma'am, are awesome :D
@squirrel_of_mistri8565 9 жыл бұрын
maritza De la garza What...the...fuck...??
@maritzadelagarza1664 9 жыл бұрын
Wat is that cuz i didn't put that thats awesome u got great deals
@squirrel_of_mistri8565 9 жыл бұрын
maritza De la garza I was replying to your original reply that you deleted. You can try to pretend you didn't reply to this post previously...but how would I know to reply to your name if you hadn't, and what motivation would I have? Good job deleting your response...and making it obvious that you did so.
@maritzadelagarza1664 9 жыл бұрын
First of all i didn't put that so calm down i don't even get on here!!!
@kimmi10111 11 жыл бұрын
That's awesome gonna check it out!
@yodead369 8 жыл бұрын
HEY DOLLAR GENERAL employees want to know how to never have penny items on the sales floor?????? move your seasonal off the floor a week before the tuesday Task of the week it pennys out.. also make sure you condense and keep it recovered.. that way when you need to penny it out you will have it all ready to move off the floor.. I am a sm and they have yet to find penny items in my store.. WHY because the "Policy" says to moved form sales floor :D that easy!
@tf3615 8 жыл бұрын
since this is from 2013, does anyone know if the labeling system for the penny items has changed, if I can find cheap craft supplies or rewards for kids I'm all for that.
@pinky2389 8 жыл бұрын
everything is the same pennypuss on facebook posts list with skus
@tammyleehutson9676 8 жыл бұрын
how do do you know you can get it for .01 it says 1 dollar on it
@msova03 11 жыл бұрын
Ok, so I sent my mom whos in Ohio to get this stuff, she just called me back and said they took a black marker over the letters. Can she still get the items for a penny? Or how do you tell if they fall under the a b c or d if they are blackening them out?
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