My Story - Ruby Akhtar

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Videos From The Underground

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Ruby Akhtar describes her life and the many tragedies she has had to suffer before she finally arrived in London. Her ambition now is to help others who have had similar circumstances.
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@DORKSIDE616 10 жыл бұрын
Bless you Ruby.
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
Like wise. Susan
@whotube1111 10 жыл бұрын
True Survivor... God Bless
@josh7093 7 жыл бұрын
@LunaandEmber 8 жыл бұрын
Wow what a story. Blessings to Ruby. So inspiring, such a bright soul
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
Ruby Akthar is a Pakistani Jewish woman whose exp experience is not uncommon for Jewish women from Muslim countries. She was forced to marry a man nany years older than her, raped at the age of 12 years. She hid under the protection of Christians to escape being killed in Pakistan. Her documents were forged declaring her age to be 17 years old as her parents forced her into this marriage when she was but only a child. It is beyond emotional when listening to her account. Many years went by before Ruby was able to reveal her secrets to the world. Truly a Woman of Valor as Ruby continues to explain incedents that still effect her in the present . IUFE is honored to present this incredible story of one Jewish woman's journey through heartbreak, emotional and physical abuse and and her struggle just to survive her own existence. Ruby Akthar is currently actively engaged in protecting victims of such attrocities through her NGO's based in tbe United Kingdom and Sri Lanka. Published on Mar 1, 2014 Ruby Akhtar describes her life and the many tragedies she has had to suffer before she finally arrived in London. Her ambition now is to help others who have had similar circumstances. Category News & Politics License Standard KZbin License Zemira Eli Natan Executive Director IUFE
@rubyakhtar6073 8 жыл бұрын
Goodbye Ruby Akhtar “Goodbye Ruby Akhtar” is my story. I am a victim of child trafficking. While I was born in Pakistan to a Jewish family, It was not my fate to stay in my land among my people. I was destined to become a person of the world, and as a consequence of my experiences, a world. At the age of 12, I was married off to a 34-year- old paedophile named Andrew John Hillis, who married me under false pretences. Vowing to my family that he would see that I was given an education and prospects in his native country of Ireland, he abducted me into a life of sexual and physical abuse at his hands and the hands of his fellow paedophiles. I was abducted to Northern Ireland, where I suffered repeated acts of sexual abuse over a three year period at the hands of the paedophile ring my husband belonged to. When I finally managed to escape confinement by jumping from the second floor of the house I was confined in - injuring my back and neck in the process - I somehow managed to hobble 20 miles to the nearest police station in the dead of winter in bare feet. The officer in charge acted as my champion, taking me under his wing and getting my passport back for my abductor. My misfortunes don’t end there. I would later have a child, Ryan, who would suffer the same fate at the hands of my duplicitous mother, who betrayed the trust of two As hard as it is to countenance, during my short childhood, my uncle was actually having anincestuous affair with her mother, so there is a Hamletesque element to the story. My uncle turned out to be an appalling modern day representation of King Claudius, who instead of killing my father, killed my goats, lambs, birds, and everything else I loved and cherished in a malicious attempt to tame me and force me into wedlock with my abductor. Did money exchange hands in the bargain? I am convinced to this day that that is indeed the case. At the time, my uncle also conspires to discredit me in the eyes of my father by portraying me as a wanton girl certain to bring disgrace upon the family. My father was brainwashed by my mother and uncle into believing that the only option open to the family was to seek my banishment. Satanic ritual is another element in the sordid tale as the biography of my life reveals with painful clarity. Later my uncle and mother forced me to marry the paedophile, Andrew Hillis, with added pressure from my father. My uncle locked me in a room till I finally gave in and capitulated in the face of psychological warfare. The paedophile I was forced to marry raped me when I was only 12. My mother, uncle and abductor beat me until I was forced to submit. At the time I told my father, “It’s not my land, not my food, not my language. Please don’t send me away. Please give me poison instead.” But my father wouldn’t hear reason as he had been poisoned against me in a hideous Grimm’s fairy tale-like nightmare. The paedophile then abducted me and took me away to County Down, Ireland. “I’ll never see you again,” I told my parents. Of course I was naturally loath to have children with my abductor, so I asked my sister-in- law to help me. She fixed things so I couldn’t have children during this period of my life. I attended college in Northern Ireland. She didn’t tell anyone at the time because I knew no one would believe me and would only think I was crazy if I opened my mouth. I confided in her husband Andrew’s nephew, James, who took my side and helped me. James and I became good friends. We would often go to the beach to sail and swim together. It was James who helped me escape and to whom I credit for saving my life. I jumped out of the window when I was only 15. I can remember the lights coming on in the house. I ran barefoot over the neighbour’s fence. I must have run 15 miles to the police station in bare feet in the The police tried to cover up the matter, but a police inspector at the home office helped me. He went to Andrew’s house and got my passport after obtaining a warrant. He threatened to search the house if my abductor didn’t hand them over. The paedophile had kept my naturalization papers from me till then, but was finally forced to hand everything over, including my passport. I later went to Northern Ireland to live.
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
Dear Sylvia Roshni.L, Thank you for having compassion and love and we need like minded women to share like wise story or comment. United we all stand to seek justice for all those suffered and suffering with such pain in the mind and soul!
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
Ruby's past life history that is told by Rabbi Rafael 2011 . Ruby Akhtar is a Pakistani-born activist. She comes from a Pakistani Jewish family. -- Yes, I was surprised too, but there were Jews in Pakistan since before it was Pakistan. The last synagogue in Karachi closed in 1984. Ruby was married to a Christian man, and lived as a Christian. I have spoken to her sisters, who are Jewish -- not frum, one of them does go to an Orthodox shul though. So you will see online references to Ruby in her "xtian period" -- and she is still strongly connected to Pakistani Christians in England and in Pakistan. But she lives now as a Jew. Again, not frum, I would like to mekarev her and her family. I have already redirected her activism into the line of shleimus haaretz, and I make no secret of it, everyone pushes their own agenda, so do I, but it is for her own good, and she agrees with it. My Story - Ruby Akhtar
@rubyakhtar6073 9 жыл бұрын
Dear Ms Akhtar, > > Thank you for contacting me about supply chains and the Modern Slavery Bill. > > I appreciate your concerns regarding this issue. I can assure you that the Government is firmly committed to eradicating all forms of slavery, including eliminating forced labour and exploitation from supply chains. > > The Government has asked retailers to lead the way on transparent supply chains, and Ministers recently hosted a round table with representatives of business organisations and individual businesses to help raise awareness of this issue to prevent people being abused and exploited. In June 2014, the Government asked the British Retail Consortium to produce recommendations that industry can take to help eradicate human rights abuses in their supply chains. This will include a framework of human rights reporting requirements and information on ethical auditing. > > However, I am sure you will be pleased to hear that the Government will go further still, and has included measures in the Modern Slavery Bill which will require big businesses to publically state each year what action they have taken to ensure their supply chains are slavery free. A consultation will be held to set the exact threshold for the size of the business to ensure the system is fair and robust. These measures mean that the Bill now goes further than any similar legislation in the world by applying to businesses regardless of the nature of the company or what it supplies. > > I firmly believe that businesses have social responsibility to ensure that those they do business with are not involved in the exploitation of others. By sharing the experiences and good practice of responsible British retailers, we can help improve human rights in supply chains, and the government will continue to talk to a range of business leaders about how we can eliminate forced labour and exploitation from their supply chains. > > Thank you again for taking the time to contact me. > > Yours sincerely, > > Nick Hurd MP > > Nick Hurd MP > Member of Parliament for Ruislip, Northwood & Pinner > W: TW:@nickhurdmp > House of Commons │London │SW1A OAA │Tel: 020 7219 6648│ Fax: 020 7219 4854 > I send out occasional bulletins updating constituents on what I am doing as their MP and I may add your name to this list unless you ask not to receive them. > > > > > > >
@rubyakhtar6073 9 жыл бұрын
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
I fear G-d of Israel and been doing form childhood! Life is a roller coaster and bampy ride form 1978 to 2014.big health issues on going in my life with treatments from 2002. My Story - Ruby Akhtar 
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
This is a truth, fact based story and rest is history only. G-d of Israel knows our heart,time,souls,kindness,justice,date,year 2014
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
Nuneaton Prostest: THis is the speech that was not said due to editor could not be found by Ruby Akhtar on Sunday, 28 November 2010 at 22:01 This was meant to be with me but the editor could not be found at the protest. I begin by quoting the ever true glorious words of HaShem:"Behold I send you as Sheep among Wolves". And how, to this date, these sheep continue to suffer all around ...the world! Years ago we heard of religious and sexual persecutions only in the third world countries but now lives have become miserable and endangered even in 'democracies such as America, Europe & Great Britain'. The Islamic world has become incredibly more aggressive and violent in their attempt to take us back to the dark ages of medieval history. I bring to your attention that even when the British ruled over India & Pakistan, they we not there to threaten the indigenous people's freedom of speech, cultural heritage or interfere in their right to worship. The British never forcefully converted the people to Christianity or Evangelism. The Islamic persecution machine has been taking hold in several countries for centuries, and has gone unpunished and unchallenged by politicians worldwide. Why? The politicians of Europe & America have become men pleasers rather than G-d pleasers. There is a huge degree of ignorance in the political houses where they cannot understand the damnable level of these persecutions and choose to turn a blind eye to them. G-d tells us to be merciful and compassionate towards all creatures. HaShem said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." and "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34, 35). The Bible speaks of love, compassion and forgiveness. These are the three main virtues a human being may possess in order to be considered a good man, a man of god. In Leviticus 19:17 G-d says: "Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD." But Islam preaches the opposite. Islam preaches punishment for those who do not follow it. It preaches murder of homosexuals. It endorses forced female submission and even encourage domestic violence. Such belief is being shown through the actions of Muslims in all Islamic and now even western countries with even a small Muslim population. They have no knowledge that the wrath of the Almighty will never excuse them for these evil actions. They carry out brutalities like murdering innocents, raping women and children, burning their huts, houses and their souls, they strip young girls naked, and they throw acid on the faces of women who dare say NO to their advances! If you do not live in these areas you cannot even imagine what it is like for these people to live under the shackles of Islam and their tyrant's vicious lies and deceitful accusations. It is like returning to the Spanish Inquisition, and the dark and cruel middle ages. This situation is a direct result of aggression and violence linked with Arab empires who have boldly stood as the root cause for such evil. Imagine what one must do to survive under such ruthless regime! We can look at how countries such as Egypt, Persia and even Afghanistan were before these cruel Islamic invasions. These countries had human rights and were progressing economies. With the arrival of Islam, this process has stopped and these countries were catapulted back into the age of ignorance and darkness. Now these monsters have taken another form of the same version into our Great Britain. Our slackness and lack of vigilance have allowed these poisonous creepers to choke our freedom, our free society, our language, our English law & culture not excluding our well preserved heritage. This country has welcomed these people, has offered them a home when they suffered persecution in their own countries, and glorified them as full status citizens, giving them equal rights no matter their gender, colour or their beliefs, and now that their pockets are full and their freedom guaranteed, they want to take over the land because of its goodness!! On top of that they dare to demand we change our superior democratic laws to the worst laws of all Sharia. A law created not by god but by an evil man. Well i can go on & on but cutting it short let me declare today "Evil dreamers,greedy & ferocious wolves will have no place in this country". Many are awakening slowly but steadily, to uproot this evil once & for all out of Britain. Our politicians it seems, are quite late to awaken but I am confident that our strong and loud voices will shake them up from their stupor before it's too late. We have voted for these politicians in the hope that they would be strong enough to speak for us. This is their job. They were voted to protect British people and British interests, and not to sell us out to the Islamic doctrine, which we do not want or approve of. I am a voice for the voiceless millions in the land. I speak not only for those in this country but also for those from my native Pakistan, who are persecuted and murdered daily for having a different belief other than Islam. Let the students' protest be taken as a serious warning of things to come! Theirs was a protest against the rise in education costs.Ours is a protest against the Islamization of our country. And there will be many other protests in the streets of Great Britain, as many of these issues are directly related and contributing to the bad economical situation we find ourselves in. When those entrusted with our valuable vote pretend to be deaf and blind, and refuse to listen to those who put them in power, the people will rebel and remove them from their confortable position. Great empires have fallen. Nothing lasts forever. But it is now time to hold our politicians fully accountable for taking decisions that were not authorized by the British people. We will not give away ur land as a dowry to these monsters. We will not let the lives of our soldiers go unpunished. We will not lay down our lives for nothing and betray the sacrifices of our ancestors. We request all those who are not willing to surrender our British sovereignty to join us in this trugle to get our country back. We demand our cultural heritage to be once again taught to all children in this country, whether they are immigrants or not. And lastly we demand our government to ensure that those who preach hate and terror against this country are deported immediately and/ or punished for their crimes. We will no longer tolerate this apathy! Even a dog has its day. And today is our day. A new Era has begun and we shall no longer show tolerance for evil. Those fear HaShem,will surely go forward and leave darkness behind for those do crime against G-d of Israel and mankind i.e poor,fatherless,motherless,homeless and cannot read or write. I still thinks this says it all...
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
Ladies and Gentlemen, Honourable Lord Chief Justices, Dr Aggarwala....Thank you for inviting me to talk on my chosen subject, which is Freedom of Expression - issues & challenges, in particular the failed investigation into child abuse, child marriage and child mental health. I feel that the current legislation does not allow our children to have a freedom of speech, many children in our society are forced to suffer trauma that they have experienced in silence. A high volume of children in the UK have taken their own lives because of this and others who have not are left to live with the shame of a crime that they did not even commit. In my opinion, I think that in all cases, the care of duty lies with the parents and it is their responsibility not to fail the children that they have brought into this world. In other instances it is the system that has failed these children. I know this because I was one of them. I feel that I was very much let down by the local authorities as it seemed to me that they wanted to brush everything that happened ‘under the carpet’. I was someone who had to suffer in silence up until I was a grown woman and because of this, I have been left a very sick person. Trauma affects each individual in different ways, what needs to be done is much more help offered to victims to ensure that they have ‘closure’ on their issues and offered a better way of living, better welfare needs, a better standard of education and better medical services. Child Marriage is something that is forced upon many under 18’s, boys and girls alike. This use to only be the case in countries in the Middle East; however it reached Britain and currently is affecting high numbers of children, because of my background I talk to a lot of victims that have experienced the same as me. I was what is known as a child bride, married to a much older man from Belfast when I was 12 years of age. Therefore I know first hand what these youths are going through. I suggest that social services become much more involved in investigations whenever a case becomes known as suspicious, it is their responsibility to protect children in their borough so I ask why are forced child marriages and rapes continuing to a very large scale? The final thing I would like to discuss is the matter of children being misdiagnosed. Earlier this year I suffered the consequences of this. Harrow Council conspired with teachers and a Headmaster of a school which for legal reasons will remain unnamed, to falsely diagnose my 9 year old above average intelligence son Salman with ADHD and prescribe a CNS stimulant Ritalin long-term for 7 years despite contraindications against the advice of the psychiatrist. Due to this mistake, my son has suffered from a lot of anger and finds it extremely difficult to trust professionals and bond with his family; he has been left traumatised and very vulnerable. I came to the UK in 1978, as a 12 year old bride ! I WAS 12 YEARS OLD !..........................PAUSE......................NOT EVEN A TEENAGER.. PAUSE THIS SORT OF RAPE AND SLAVERY SHOULD NOT HAPPEN TO ANYONE LET ALONE A CHILD PAUSE I came to the UK in 1978, as a 12 year old bride of a 34 year old Englishman living in Ireland from Pakistan. He obtained a passport with a false age 17, 5 years more than my age. The airport authorities failed to intervene despite my informing them of my real age. The UK Police and Home Office have failed to investigate hundreds of other cases in which young girls have been abused in paedophile rings in the UK. On 14 August 1947, my grandparents were forced to convert from Hindus to Jews by the British. Their assets were seized and they were forced to change their names. My family assets of over a million pounds from a lucrative import export business with my father Nathanial Paul are still missing from our Barclays Bank account held in the UK without remedy. My father is being denied the pension owed to him by the UK Pensions despite him winning the case against the State. The problem with man-made laws or legislation is that people are being left without a remedy. The remedy lies in common laws, natural laws and our inherent unalienable rights to remedy. People in the UK who exercise their rights under the Freedom of Expression Act are being falsely arrested for demonstrating and falsely imprisoned or sectioned under the mental Health Act to deny them a Police Investigation. I have detailed why legislative laws under Freedom of Expression are not providing a remedy because they are being blocked by Police & Evidence Act, Mental Health Act, Data Protection Act or other man-made Acts I would urge Justice leaders present here today to ensure that Natural law or Common Law is always given precedence over man-made laws. I thank everyone for listening and giving me the opportunity to share my views on these complex issues from a victim and activist point of view. 70's Child Trafficked Survivor Ruby Shares Her Horrific Ordeal Raw Video- Sorry this was filmed outdoors so we had to shout to be heard above the noisy Traffic.. UK Targeted individual "Seven" Speaks to Ruby about her ho...
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
This is a new video and watch please Ruby Akhtar, Child bride age 12, now assists 50,000 child brides in the UK
@raniafzal3475 6 жыл бұрын
Very brave wish I could be that brave but it's hard to talk about what i went threw it's sad.
@rubyakhtar8006 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry for the late reply Rani . If you wish to contact me then do go to my Facebook page or email me ( Hope to hear from you soon Rani and stay blessed and safe!
@rubyakhtar8006 4 жыл бұрын
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
Shabbat Shalom to Israel,India, Srilanka, Pakistan,UK and USA. To all those keep Shabbat Day Holy and Jewish 12 tribes follow laws,G-d Torah and Israel.
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
Please watch and share world-wide to give a Awareness is my duty to save those becoming victim of rape or forced married at 12 or less can be stoped,
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
Handing 'NGO Petition' to the PM To oppose Radicalisation of Islam and uphold the cause of Integrity of British Society Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 14:17:13 +0100 This petition is to seek justice for all citizens to exercise their full rights and unlike one of the British lad got jailed for 70 days for burning a quran but a muslim got away with just a peanut fine of £50 for committing a big blunder of burning our prestigious poppy. Also those muslims who openly burnt our flag of honour and the USA FLAG AND SHOUTED "God curse the queen "British troops go to hell" Sharia will rule Britain"have escaped any legal action or punishment. They are also defended by the human rights no matter what they do. This is where 'Ruby's NGO' takes its stand to oppose such discriminations and unjust judiciary system that will ruin our country badly. This is therefore to be seriously reviewed and should be done by the public votes only. This includes "Release the lad who burnt quran and his charges be removed".How is it that channel four telecast of the 'DESPATCHES' has not brought any legal challenge against an open rebellion against the British Sovereignty. Multiculture has terribly failed in the Europe which the PM also confirmed in his speech in Munich. So why is nothing done about it further. It seems the PM is a double faced man who uses different tactics inside out and upholds double standards. It is time for everyone to vote here for what I am fighting for and anyone above 16 can vote and do it soon! Before 19th of June. I am also a UKIP member and future candidate for north London. Now to do the above we need many cheerful volunteers to take over many responsibilities and join hands for this glorious moment of history. Any contributions of any size for the covering up of the various cost is welcome. You can always find out about the things we need to organise this event. Pls.E-mail/telecall Ms.Ruby Akhtar for any clarifications. Petition: Pakistan is in a mess that the whole world can see. On top of it the Brutality is increasing Day by Day by Killing every Christian/Jews and others. Who do not Share the same faith as them. This is not Democracy and the time is now come to the World Leaders must address it Here is the body of complete NGO. You could include the aims and objectives of mine not neglecting the Minorities (Hindus, Sikhs and non-believers) and you could add some of your own that fits appropriate for the NGO. Mr.Moaz Ghanni is a young man from Pakistan, a muslim who wants to convert to Christianity and never wants to go back to Pakistan any more. Could you also put him somewhere he can fit into our NGO. One of the objectives women and girls who are bondage of the muslim world,we want justice to be offered to them and right to live as equal citizens of the country. Also Farooq you cant amend the objectives but use what it is saying it.Second objective the NGO is standing fore west as well like Britain, Austria and USA they dont have the human rights so we will take up the cause for them too. They have been robbed their rights since 61 NGO's across the world and they all have got their label as pro-islam but Ruby's NGO don't want that label. One of the case is they don't have any human rights for any non muslims in this country because when one of them burnt a quran got 70 day in prison but when they burnt a poppy he was only fined and left uncharged. So we want equal rights as the muslims in the west. The same rule applies to everyone irrespective of their religions. Ruby's NGO is a pro-humanitarian for jews christians, hindus sikhs buddhists and atheists and who ever is the victim of faith ie; muslims. West is the victim of islam and there are none to defend them. We are the voice for the voiceless no matter where they they belong worldwide. This makes us different from all other 61 NGO's. Whoever goes to other countries must obey their rules and remain under their sovereignty. No funds should be given to do or build anything that overrides the tradition of the country as the Arab world is doing. So Farooq pls. concentrate on the NGO and get the work done quickly because time is short and we have a lot to do. We need contributions in whatever form it is. Ex-muslims must be given the freedom to exercise their freedom and not to be intimidated by their fellow muslims. Middle east policy for Israel is open to debate. If you have any doubts feel free to contact me any time.
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
My reward is a whitin tomorrow children to be safe world-wide and important for all those victim never got voice and Ruby 2014 can lead to freedom
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
Rafael V. Rabinovich When people look you up on Google, the Wikipedia article should be the first thing to show up. Also: a website with your name would be the best way to promote you. We have the URL name, just need to funds to develop the website. Ruby's past life history that is told by Rabbi Rafael 2011
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
All those friends,best,soulmates i.e leave true based opinions only and have met with myself face to on KZbin?
@rubyakhtar6073 10 жыл бұрын
Ruby's past life history that is told by Rabbi Rafael 2011 . Ruby Akhtar is a Pakistani-born activist. She comes from a Pakistani Jewish family. -- Yes, I was surprised too, but there were Jews in Pakistan since before it was Pakistan. The last synagogue in Karachi closed in 1984. Ruby was married to a Christian man, and lived as a Christian. I have spoken to her sisters, who are Jewish -- not frum, one of them does go to an Orthodox shul though. So you will see online references to Ruby in her "xtian period" -- and she is still strongly connected to Pakistani Christians in England and in Pakistan. But she lives now as a Jew. Again, not frum, I would like to mekarev her and her family. I have already redirected her activism into the line of shleimus haaretz, and I make no secret of it, everyone pushes their own agenda, so do I, but it is for her own good, and she agrees with it.
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