My Top 15 Total Drama Protagonists

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Ryan Storms

Ryan Storms

10 жыл бұрын

I forgot the Enjooooooyyyyy. :I This was a requested video and yes, I am doing requested videos if anyone was wondering. I think this video is sloppy because I have not uploaded in a while. But, I hope you guys like. Comment your top 15 if you would like to.

Пікірлер: 15
@SubSpaceKing 10 жыл бұрын
Hello, You have an interesting Protagonist list. I would've never guessed some of those options in your list as protagonists. Here's my top 10 list (I think 15 is a lot to think of and KZbin limits my character count for 1 comment): This list is as of All-stars, so no one from the Pahkitew island cast is included at this time. 10. Brick- Now many people don't view him as a protagonist, but from his seven episode span on Revenge of the Island, he's shown some qualities as a protagonist; such as his code of honor an rivalry with Jo. He even volunteers to be eliminated when his team loses their first challenge which causes him to swap teams. I see that as a sign of being a protagonist. Hopefully we see more of him in future seasons and score higher positions. 9. Owen- Owen is a really funny character, and his development over the show was interesting to watch. I liked how chris and Owen had an alliance in the second half of TDA similar to that of DJ and chef which allowed Owen to be the first of 2 characters to score the top 3 for two consistent seasons. I hope we get more screentime of Owen in the future, but his cameo appearances still gave him some time in the two most recent seasons. One thing I'll always like about Owen is how he rarely makes enemies with the other members of the competition, and make the most of what he has; such as the nose milkshakes with the Jamaica peppers in the London episode of World Tour. 8. Gwen- I know people like gwen, and I do to, but I like other characters more so. Back in TDI, she wasn't one of my favorite characters but as the show progressed, I started liking her more and more. I was hoping she would win again in All-Stars, but the Total drama principle (or whatever it's called) came to play "no contestant can become a finalist for multiple seasons" but she scored 4th, which made me happy enough she got a lot of much needed screentime compared to Action and World tour. 7. Dawn- I liked her character, and like Brick, I was hoping she would get far in Revenge of the Island, but is wasn't meant to be. Her personality and love for animals and the environment (similar to my actual personality) made me like her all the more. I hope we get more screentime with dawn in future season where she gets far in the contest. 6. Leshawna- She was interesting during her time during the first three seasons of the show. I liked how she and heather were bitter enemies in TDI, and I liked how she played the game. Her elimination in TDI will always be remembered as one of the funniest ones. Another best moment from her was in the episode of World Tour where she knocks out of of Heather's teeth, causing her elimination. 5. Duncan- Duncan is one of those that jump from Protag to Antag often, but I view him as a protagonist due to his actions during his time on the show, and how he destroyed Chris's "cottage" will always be an awesome memory, but I don't know if he'll return to the show since he was "arrested" at his elimination in All-stars. He was also switched to the Heroic hamsters in All-stars, that tells me that he's a hero in there somewhere. 4. Mike- He and all of his personalities (except Mal) were heroic characters during All-Stars. I like Mike as a character and his personalities added to it allowing him to score high on the list. I enjoyed how Mike's objective during both seasons of his time so far was to win the heart of Zoey, and by defeating Mal, he wound up successful in the end. Mike will always be one of my favorites. Congrats on the win in All-Stars Mike! 3. Cameron- Cameron is super sweet and super smart. I've always liked his personality, and I was impressed he made it far in both seasons he played in so far. I at first didn't expect him to win Revenge of the Island. As both seasons played, I started to like his character more and more. I see him participating in future seasons of the show and I'm hoping he continues to do well, but the principle I stated back with Gwen, will keep him from winning again. 2. Zoey- This was a rather tough choice, I like the final five in my list really well and this was a tough choice between Zoey and my #1. Zoey made it to the final three for two consistent seasons, that is impressive and I'll always like how she plays the game. Like most characters, Zoey wasn't one of those I liked at first, but when she played Commando Zoey in Revenge of the Island and kept her eye on Mal in All-Stars, those arcs for her character development made me like her and score #2 in my overall list. 1. Sierra- She is not one of my favorite characters overall, but still one of my favorite protagonists through-out her time on the series. Too some people, she is viewed as the annoying Cody-fan that I believe was made by the producers to shut up the Cody fans due to his lack of screentime during TDA during the World tour season. I did however, like Sierra as a character during her time in World Tour and All-Stars. Her strategy, whatever it was, got her AND Cody to the final four of World Tour (not to mention how she helped Cody reach the tiebreaker in the semi-final episode of World Tour). In All-Stars, I liked how she helped out Cameron before he swapped to the Villains team in episode 505 and his reaction to the situation made the conflict the more interesting to watch. I felt bad for her when she got eliminated in both season she's played in, it was not a fair elimination both times. (Now that concludes my list, but here are my predictions of the pahkitew cast being protagonist or antagonist since we're like three weeks away from the premiere date: protagonists: Dave, Ella, Sky, Jasmine, Shawn antagonists: Max, Amy, Scarlett, Sugar neither: Topher, Beardo, Sammy, Leonard, Rodney)
@ryanstorms1629 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks, they were difficult to think of because I like many of the characters in Total Drama. I was going to put a ton of other people such as: Leshawna, and Brick but, I had to overcome it and put top 15 because more than that would be way too much in my opinion. And for your top 10, I like it. It's really detailed and a cool list. Yeah, I agree with what you say about Brick. He seems like a protagonist but, I think people most see him as in the middle for some reason. He helped his team in that one challenge in the mines and I believe that's what caused him his elimination. I think when changing teams and making friends, and helping them even if your not in the same team is being a protagonist. Owen is awesome and always will be, I don't think anyone can disagree on Owen being in anyone's top 10. One of the funniest characters our there and one of the most impressive ones for making top 3 two consistent seasons in a row as you said. I love Owen as a character. Gwen, she is an amazing character. I can't lie and I'm gonna be honest, I loved Gwen in TDI, not at the beginning but as it started going on I began to like her even more, and then, she totally dropped in TDA for me for the whole Trent thing, and also Trent dropped also because of that, and that's why he's not on the list here today, not to mention that he wasn't put in any other season's after that, not even as a cameo. But, then in TDWT Gwen made me like her again and she slowly went back up on my list, then, TDAS, that's when she finally came back on my list but, there are other characters I like more than her. Dawn, I do like her like other people do but, the early elimination, the low screen-time... I just didn't see anything in her really. But, one thing that I can say is when you mentioned how she likes the animals and the environment, I thought of Ella from Pahkitew Island. Leshawna, I love her and I didn't put her on here because of the other characters I like. While I was making this video, I actually thought about switching Leshawna and Dawn but, whatever. Her elimination will go down as one of the funniest eliminations ever, might-as-well be the funniest. Leshawna's a great character, there can be no hate to her in my opinion. She's just too great of a character. She has had funny scenes with Heather and they've been great. Duncan, he's funny trying to get his reputation back as being ''Villain,'' and it's hilarious how he fails at it. Though I have to say, I think the most reason why I think Duncan was an antagonist was really because he threatened a lot and bullied Harold like crazy. But, besides that, I think he is a a protagonist but, just a hidden one. But, he is one of the best characters in my opinion. He will always go down in my top 10 characters. Mike, I love Mike. His personalities boost him up on my list like crazy. He is one of the best characters out there, even though people think he is bland, I think he can be bland sometimes but, I really don't care. He is my favorite character so far and I think he's amazing. One of the best out there. He is an amazing character. Cameron, he has been in so many of my favorite moments in TD history. That one time with the push-ups and he farted while going down. He's an awesome character and incredibly smart, sweet, and awesome. Making it to the merge two seasons in a row, and winning it the first time. He can make friends but, he makes enemies by accident lol. I love Cameron. Zoey, she will always be one of my favorites and I think Sky in TDPI will be another Zoey except, with different personality, and more screen-time. Zoey, making it to the final 3 two seasons in a row, and winning(in some countries) is amazing. I think she will go down as one of the best TD characters ever, not only for girls but, in general. Zoey is an amazing character. Sierra, she is funny. Getting herself and Cody to the final 4 is amazing. She's different from all the characters. And, to be honest, I did not think she would make it that far into the merge and Cody would have to handle it on his own. But, when she kept moving on, I hoped that her and Cody would make the finale and eliminate Heather or Alejandro. But, that was too good to be true. I love Sierra as a character and hope to see more of her. And, you are right, she was eliminated unfairly both times. I mean, well, I can understand blowing up the airplane thing but, in TDAS I was sad because I thought that she would make the merge and I wanted her to make the merge. I wanted her to go to the finale with Mal and win even though Mike is my favorite character. Well, that was in my prediction before my old TDAS prediction. But, besides that, I like Sierra and hope to see more of her. For me it's: Protagonists: Dave, Sky, Shawn, Ella, Jasmine, Scarlett, and Samey Antagonists: Amy, Topher, and Max(I think Scarlett will just be his friend). Threatening characters(Like Duncan): Sugar Neither of the three: Leonard, Beardo, and Rodney.
@SubSpaceKing 10 жыл бұрын
Ryan Storms I have to thank YOU for taking the time into reading my long comment and have something of interest to point out in a response. I will agree that it was a really tough choice making my top 10 list since I like a good chunk of the characters already. There are other things I can say about a majority of these characters, I am just looking forward to TDPI and at the end of the season giving my thoughts of the 3rd generation cast as a whole and their individual traits. I made changes from a couple videos ago to the last comment here with my suggestions of protagonists and antagonists by watching the english trailers for the Pahkitew cast. Do you plan on doing video reviews of the Pahkitew Island episodes as they come and go with the US release? I'm learning how to do a proper review for episodes so I can do such come the premiere real soon.
@ryanstorms1629 10 жыл бұрын
***** Yeah, it's no problem. I like answering comments. It was interesting and I liked the people that you chose. I'm looking forward to TDPI also. Same here, after trailers, openings, and two episodes, I made a ton of changes but not in videos. I made my 3rd prediction but haven't uploaded it yet because I'm changing it after all that I've seen. And, doing reviews isn't really my type of thing, but, I might. I don't really know how to do reviews but, I can try to learn. And, if you do reviews, I'd love to see them.
@ryanstorms1629 10 жыл бұрын
+David Blea I wanted to see more of Dawn but since that happened there was really nothing I could say about her. I thought she would knew Scott was the evil one before her elimination and I thought she was gonna make the merge. But, the Duncan thing, yeah I guess you're right. He seems like a guy in the middle. Also, to be honest. Even though Mike is my favorite character right now in the whole thing(not including TDPI) I have to say he is kinda bland. I'm not saying he's totally bland, but he kinda is. But, I do believe what you say, they are also underrated, especially Zoey. So, even if they're both bland, their both in my top 5 characters in the whole thing.
@davidmansour1414 10 жыл бұрын
Yay your a bridgette fan as we'll! :D
@ryanstorms1629 10 жыл бұрын
Mhm. :D
@davidmansour1414 10 жыл бұрын
@ryanstorms1629 10 жыл бұрын
*Sorry for the bad quality. :U Idk what's happening with my uploadings! lel*
@cmacayla6762 9 жыл бұрын
Mike is himself with his personalities they gave him personality.
@erica5212 10 жыл бұрын
I was kinda sad dawn got vote off so early. In episode 5 Scott was framing brick instead of dawn at first. I thought she would figure out Scott was evil by episode 2 or 3. If she knew, she would have kept quiet and let brick get elimination. Also I think Duncan is in the middle. He is a criminal but he doesn't do illegal or mean things much. (Not saying that he didn't anything illegal at all on the show). He's done good things and bad things so he's just in the middle. About the list, was good. I like all the character on your list. Zoey and Mike I somehow find underrated characters. I'm might be wrong but lot's people think those two are bland.
@CushPesaro 10 жыл бұрын
i personally thought that heather is the best potagonist before people ask when she was one she was one in world tour
@CushPesaro 10 жыл бұрын
most of the people on this list arent even potagonist there just others in the middle who are involved but not in the good vs evil like dj
@tudor-liviurotariu3732 10 жыл бұрын
What?! Why is Dawn in TDWT? In Team Chris is reallyx4 hot???!!!
@ryanstorms1629 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah... I wasn't paying attention when putting the pictures together. So... :D
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