The person who created Sami Zayne probably doesn't even know what a helluva kick is!!
@RyanSaldana2 күн бұрын
@chrisrigby2153 күн бұрын
The fortunate thing with Bret is that the shades fix a lot of the problems - and that goes for all of his figures. The thing that is particularly good for me with the Elite 94 is that there is no hair in his face. Yes, he often had some hair falling down the front, but that wasn't always the case, particularly in his entrance. His hair was also disapearingly thin and it is just impossible to replicate in toy form, so we need more with the hair off the face entirely. I'm hoping for a really good late run Bret from 1997 or in WCW in the MNW line in 2025, or (my biggest wish) a Survivor Series 1995 in the all pink.
@Spongemonkey262 күн бұрын
I feel like a lot of times, Jakks was doing better headsculpts from scratch 25 years ago than what Mattel does today.
@bobafittness13462 күн бұрын
Agreed, Bret Hart face sculpts hold up to these days against Mattel’s. And the list goes on and on.
@ArthurKillingsworthJrКүн бұрын
right ???????????
@superstan32903 күн бұрын
I honestly can’t help but feel bad for these figures.
@Swoleseph2 күн бұрын
They should take notes from Jakks Pacifics deluxe aggression line when it comes to the pose-abilityin the legs. They were just a lot smoother back then. I know there were a lot of loose joints too, but there should’ve a balance especially after all these years. We spend way too much on these figures for them to be stiff asf
@montman1062 күн бұрын
Finn Balor is on TV every week, and his size is dead on to me. I'm just not seeing this jacked up guy that you apparently see. To me, Finn actually appears to be smaller than JD McDonagh.
@reesecat18232 күн бұрын
Finn and jd are around the same height but his physique is 10x better than jd dont google me mcdonagh
@q.h.s50512 күн бұрын
Ultimate MNW Bret would be a favorite figure of mine. Tight knees aside Brets face sculpts have always been iffy so i wasnt concerned there but the attire, jacket with swappable arms, great glasses, and the gorgeous winged eagle win it for me. I see where they were going with the heads but Bret Hart is the equivalent of Mark Hamill for Star Wars Black Series, they can never get his face right over there
@mcwhorter141mcwhorter82 күн бұрын
I want a Tiffany but that face scan is AWFUL! I would only get this one for twenty bucks or less.
@PWR_weston3 күн бұрын
Tiffany Stratton looks like she in that Smile movie 😂
@mrforrest2 күн бұрын
The Gunther thighs look like his real thighs. I love this figure
@seanharker94682 күн бұрын
Rey not having “mic holding hands” doesn’t bother me. Rey not having ROPE HOLDING hands pisses me off.
@Aaron-zf7xp2 күн бұрын
I think the way you feel about Bret Hart is the way I feel about Triple H. I don't think Mattel has gotten a good face likeness to a 99-02 era Triple H. I hope Mattel gives completely new head sculpts for the Ultimate Edition 2004 Randy Orton. I'd hate to see the same re-used elite one or the new horrible Evolution 3 Pack Orton sculpts.
@xavierdbz37443 күн бұрын
The faces of the Hitman are hideous, the Kevin ultimate it's a waste of plastic, the pinless jeans are nightmare.
@TheMrJDizzle793 күн бұрын
If you take a step back, the last 3 ultimate series were pretty bad. Hopefully Bray and Solo get the main series back on track
@NlCKACE2 күн бұрын
And I feel like next year Damian Priest could be one of greatest next year
@MyDamnToys2 күн бұрын
I said this ina video but cant remember when haha
@MarcAyoub-j4g2 күн бұрын
@@NlCKACE i Hope the rock final boss will be a banger his outfit is fucking Amazing. I really hope mattel doesn’t do shit on it
@TheMrJDizzle792 күн бұрын
Has Bret ever had a good scan? Guys like him, Benoit, rvd, jericho and Triple H have always been difficult to capture. Now suddenly, LA KNIGHT has joined that unfortunate club
@leninlara2173 күн бұрын
That Kevin Owens ultimate sucks he's too short the arms are too long , and that Gunther so skinny They totally missed 👎
@DerickTanglao2 күн бұрын
I never understood the KO ultimate hate, but after you compared the heights between him and Sami, my jaw dropped 😂
@ZacharyAllen-qr5nu3 күн бұрын
The main event RVD head sculpt is great but doesn't really look like a young but if u put in on the elites, I think u can get away with it.
@RyanSaldana2 күн бұрын
I have a good idea for a custom jey uso, first elite series 95 jimmy uso body, then the summerslam ultimate edition jey head, next a custom black shirt with the gold yeet sign, finally the rock gold glasses from the maivia 3pack. There you have a gold and black yeet jey uso 😊
The new Main Event RVD head sculpt looks good. Try that one.
@supernovamcr2 күн бұрын
It’s a great head sculpt and would look good on those figures but it really is a mid 00s RVD and the 2 in this video are from the mid to late 90s in ECW.
@MarcAyoub-j4g3 күн бұрын
For the Monday night war ultimate Bret hart I don’t agree. Okay the headscans are horrible but honestly if you pout the glasses the figure is fucking Amazing
@supernovamcr2 күн бұрын
I love the figure- there’s no way I’d ever display him without the shades and jacket on anyway so to me it’s a fantastic figure. That attire is my all my time favourite look for Bret.
@Stopmotives2 күн бұрын
Tiffany’s headscan actually looks like Izzy Dame from NXT more than Tiffany. Why I have no clue but if anyone wants a custom Izzy I’d grab Tacky Time….oops I mean Tiffy Time (Chelsea Green on my mind, the rising of a goat.
@epicpotato89662 күн бұрын
4:17 Jesus Christ…that Trish is tiny as hell! Hornswoggle is taller than it 8:05 I really hate they release so many Roman Reigns and Brock elite figures,but they’re all the same attire,which is really not necessary,even they’re a draw 11:57 Really sad they chose very boring attire for their first UE figures…we got so many choices! I missed right before 2020,when Sami’s attire was still good,not just long black pants,they might be a little different each part,but it’s really not getting my attention
@ga313Күн бұрын
Excellent list! Bret Hart's head sculpts have been so bad 😭. Those young RVD head are also terrible. I really hate the new Carlito head as well. I feel like that looks nothing like him.
@beeferwazoolow3 күн бұрын
On top of the Owens scaling, he literally has zero muscle definition - however the figure has him with muscles all over. That’s one (personal) hope I have with Mattel is that they focus more on the bodies when there’s a clear difference, Owens for example. Popular wrestler, numerous figures, the body has to be right.
@beeferwazoolow3 күн бұрын
Nail on the head about Bret, too. His head sculpts are so disrespectful. One of the greatest, most legendary wrestlers of all time. His figures need to be so, so much better. I don’t know how or why the ball was dropped here (several times).
@supernovamcr2 күн бұрын
The Scott Hall is a tragedy 😭 One of THE figures I had wanted for years and it’s absolutely dog breath. Not one redeeming quality about it, just poor.
@TheMattPaoliniEra3 күн бұрын
Awesome Video This Was Really Great MDT
@WWEfiguregod2 күн бұрын
I agree with you with all of them besides the ultimate Sami and elite 107 and elite 111 Finn Balor In my opinion, they are three great figures
@supernovamcr2 күн бұрын
Sami looks massive to me- or is that just because Owens is that small? I do feel like they made Sami too tall? Doesn’t bother me as he isn’t (and won’t be) in my collection but I don’t think the figure looks good.
@soulblue2222 күн бұрын
Don’t know why Mattel has issues with these dang legs not being able to move without feeling like it’s gonna break off the peg or barely moving at all!
@UndisputedFigureCollector973 күн бұрын
The Cody Rhodes legs remind me of the old Rey Mysterio elite legs
@joshuasweeney78642 күн бұрын
That LA Knight head would be great for a Bearded Chris Evans
@robertmusgrove45372 күн бұрын
I think the ultimate rey Mysterio might be taller then the Kevin Owens, which is a shame because I planned on getting the ko until I seen how bad the height was
@tygoodridge99722 күн бұрын
Can use that Tiffany for future Halloween/horror set ups. She is giving a joker/ “here’s Johnny” kinda face😅🤣
@DDontaeDegraffenreid3 күн бұрын
Yeah that rubber band legs so fucked up I spend 35or 23on figures all should be right and I keep getting them I hope it gets better 🙏🏽kid vandam I love all my brets 😅🙏🏽
@JannyLW2 күн бұрын
That Tiffany looks more like Brooke Hogan 😂
@tygoodridge99722 күн бұрын
Still think Gunther’s legs look like uncooked hot dogs
@TheJManOrRiot2 күн бұрын
I just realized the Tiffany figure face scan looks like Brooke hogan
@AdamFowler-g7g2 күн бұрын
That Tiffany head sculpt could be a Brooke Hogan head lol
@Sephorian_Queen2 күн бұрын
The Tiffany figure was hideous
@Jeffelangelo2 күн бұрын
The ultimate Bret is one of the biggest disappointments ever. Should have just used the head from the Target exclusive ultimate edition
@r.hewlin83282 күн бұрын
Lmao at Tiffany "Brooke Hogan" Stratton
@bradleyhenderson79152 күн бұрын
Tiffany i love attire but i agree needs new formula and headsculpt and balor needs unique torso and bigger legs
@BaohJoestar2 күн бұрын
Still waiting for the AEW top worst figures of 2024. MDT: No, AEW Action Figures are 💯 % perfection
@itsrobert27422 күн бұрын
Your action figures looks insane
@FiendishFrank3 күн бұрын
He mentions the Tiffany Stratton basic figure, did anyone actually get that figure? I pre-ordered it from 2 different websites and they both got cancelled. I've never seen a review on KZbin for it, what happened to that figure?!
@reesecat18232 күн бұрын
Found her once in Walmart at the beginning of the year
@FiendishFrank2 күн бұрын
@reesecat1823 interesting. I wasn't sure if it got cancelled or something, I was just so confused! The fact that it got cancelled on me from 2 different websites, I thought that couldn't have been a coincidence, but I guess it was!
@@KylePeterson1980 hey Kyle, didn't realize you reviewed this one! I'm assuming you got her from Ringside?
@danielruski56943 күн бұрын
I will say the Bret hart ultimate head sculpt was terrible but if you throw the glasses on I love that figure.
@heatherforrest43782 күн бұрын
That Ultimate KO is the most disappointing for me, at least yours has decent heads, 2 out of the 3 heads of mine have misprinted eyes, the derpy one is the only good one, hope they do another KO soon bc I was lookin forward to it 😢 🤦🏻♂️
@1320_For_LifeКүн бұрын
I disagree with all the elites except scott brock and eddie also disagree with gunther and rey
@GnarlyPopКүн бұрын
So Guerrero looks like Bradshaw and is about the same height... Razor Ramon is shorter than LA Knight... who is like 5 - 6" taller than RVD... who is Cody's height. Arggh!
@Stopmotives2 күн бұрын
Praying the Finn ultimate is God Tier because they messed my guy up
@oldskoolrasleingfan3 күн бұрын
Great video
@riverturtle28552 күн бұрын
It that LaKinght is on clearance I might grab him I don’t like any of his yet but clearance talks to me yeah
@jakeburkmar11042 күн бұрын
Mattel really dropped the ball with rvd I know it's supposed to be young rvd but the face is not the best if he had a bit of facial hair I would have bought it but alas Mattel really had to drop the ball with rvd
@IDFK_leave3 күн бұрын
0:49 the Eddie Guerrero was not that bad it's just the articulation
@reesecat18232 күн бұрын
The height is bad too but they got his skin tone right so that’s a W
@supernovamcr2 күн бұрын
I don’t think it looks anything like Eddie
@j.jdouglas10 сағат бұрын
To fix the Cody let’s get hot water put the water in a bowl in the microwave and put the part of the figure that is messed up and put it in the water for 10 to 15 mins
@dylanbryant35472 күн бұрын
They needs to update wwe elite figures
@brianross83662 күн бұрын
Natalya Greatest Hits might be the worse of the year imo because they have here single jointed knees in the year 2024 on an elite and the headscan looked nothing like her.
@LAKNightmareMashupsYEAH2 күн бұрын
Trish doesn't have the greatest figures
@alejandror25712 күн бұрын
Sami Zayn is way too tall.
@Nuggetstoys2 күн бұрын
The picture of cena was old look at him at wrestlemania 40
@MasonK-z1w3 күн бұрын
is that Elite113 Tiffany stratus
@Aesthetic6262 күн бұрын
So are these figures you regret buying ? Even tho you make you money back
@michellelydon57433 күн бұрын
Hi 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋
@밀초일상2 күн бұрын
Please give me the Ultimate Edition Ultimate Warrior Papa Shango figure🙏🙏🙏🙏
@SebWolfe2 күн бұрын
Love watching your videos, but i dont understand why tight joints are such an issue with you lol. You do so many fix ups , you know as well as anyone that a little heat will fix those kicking problems. Ive done it to all my figures this year with that issue and their leg kicking is fine again. Yes, we shouldnt have to do that. But if you're already a fix up guy, what's the real issue? Also, your Tiffany has one of the worst face apps ive seen. Mine looks a lot better in person and i actually dont mind it that much
@Trw_4573 күн бұрын
First also love the vids ❤
@galacticbreakdown28043 күн бұрын
I'm not sure why your Sami can't do a Helluva kick, it's pretty easy with the drop down hips. It's impossible to do with his OOB Elites with these legs without damaging the pockets
@JustinSane_5553 күн бұрын
@JUANTurkeyWrestling-gj1ff3 күн бұрын
@mooretoys942 күн бұрын
Pinless joints ruined figures
@Gwc_Wrestling3 күн бұрын
12 min
@Bazzasmithy3 күн бұрын
I am very very early
@Uncommonrealist2 күн бұрын
Elites are better than ultimates. Ultimates have no ab crunch ffs. How is that better articulated, oh wow ultimates have toe articulation! Who gives a shish about toe articulation lmao
@francispotoza3463 күн бұрын
Been a fan of yours since early 2017 and i still watch your vids in my spare time cus it just entertains me keep it up sir🫡