The production of these videos totally gives me a 90s Discovery Channel Kids program and I LOVE IT.
@LGR9 жыл бұрын
Holy crap, UltraHDMI looks stellar!
@KinnyGMoney9 жыл бұрын
+Lazy Game Reviews I can't wait for it
@BLOODY__FATALITY9 жыл бұрын
Idk where I can buy it besides the badass website. it's like 160 bucks for them to install the mod and you gotta pay to ship them your system to and from your house. Its kinda dumb.
@maxcaulfield32459 жыл бұрын
+BLOODY__FATALITY Dude, do you even understand the term badass?
@KinnyGMoney9 жыл бұрын
the name of the webiste is badassconsoles
@RyDawg968 жыл бұрын
+nunya baznus Retron 5 doesn't play N64 games and it has tons of flaws.
@alienJIZ19908 жыл бұрын
It's funny, I do a lot of my own research on getting the best possible picture out of old consoles, but every time I watch your videos, you cover literally everything I've found out on my own and sometimes more. I should just stop wasting my time and watch your videos haha
@1jasper1566 жыл бұрын
Get a pc emulator ps4 controler project 64 some roms and you can upscale the internal resulation of the game to hd on a huge tv and make it look better than any consoul
@TastyLemon1236 жыл бұрын
That's true for games with good compatibility, but some games are really hard to emulator properly
@mr.clorox6 жыл бұрын
@@1jasper156 you got a link to some roms?
@ghettosteeve6 жыл бұрын
wraithlille2 kille2 except you miss out on hardware features and compatibility that many games provide. Like how I can play a Pokémon game on any Nintendo system, and then move the team I raised on any game to the newest one.
@johnmj89schannel475 жыл бұрын
U need to do more research by learning to code instead of blabbing bullshit
@Evaquiel5 жыл бұрын
My gawd, that fucking intro music always gets me. Its retro, dramatic, kinda sad and upbeat at the same time, and it sounds like a Sci-Fi movie soundtrack.
@ultimategamer26693 жыл бұрын
Makes me tear up. No joke. Truly beautiful.
@hungrybartender63883 жыл бұрын
No joke. That sh*t slaps hard AF.
@spaztekwarriorАй бұрын
It’s nostalgic to me. Sad and happy. :)
@brementer9 жыл бұрын
You guys deserve way more subscribers than what you currently have. Great work as always!
@Filsantos869 жыл бұрын
Right now, my setup is the N64 with the Expansion Pak on a flat screen CRT through official Nintendo S-Video cable. Great image quality, flawless 480i content, no mod required, no overscan, no sync problems with resolutions transitions, and very cheap. Also, none of the problems that emulators have. And for those who don't want to spent money on each game, there is an Everdrive cart available for the system. The only "problem" is that you can't play that way without scanlines, but for me it is the way it is supposed to look.
@user-rd5wj2mm8n6 жыл бұрын
Filipe Lima my console is pal and my TV hasn't s-video available, although it as a CRT. I've recently ordered the Everdrive 64 and a Scart running - so I'm told - 'correct colour adjusted s-video output'. Am I doing everything right?
@henry33976 жыл бұрын
Yeah I agree with pretty much everything you said. I don't like the idea of upscaling to 1080p, introducing lag even if it is very minor, and getting rid of the anti-aliasing. And then you have to process it even further just to get the retro look. I will go S-video for the meantime but eventually I think RGB mod with HD Retrovision cables on a component CRT is the best way to go. What do you think?
@user-rd5wj2mm8n6 жыл бұрын
I've recently upgraded to a RGB N64 running via very good shielded cables. While that vaseline still exists, more on some games than others, the upgrade for me has been noticeable and well worth it, especially running on my still hanging in there Sony Trinitron CRT.
@henry33976 жыл бұрын
Robert Higgins you’re using component input on your Sony? I have a Trinitron as well. So you’re saying you noticed a decent improvement with RGB mod over S video?
@user-rd5wj2mm8n6 жыл бұрын
Henry Cardenas not quite. Sorry, I should have been clearer. I live in the UK so it's an RGB scart input.
@wildstray929 жыл бұрын
These videos are amazing. There is so much depth and detail that satisfies me greatly. You guys definitely deserve more attention.
@DanielAyy6 жыл бұрын
This could totally be a respectable cable TV show
@Ballowax5 жыл бұрын
@@DanielAyy Oh yeah everyone these days are like " this channel needs it own TV show" and here and they haven't even broke 200k subs because you tube honors garbage over jewelry like this channel
@MisterRorschach905 жыл бұрын
The year the n64 came out I wanted it so bad. I didn’t get one for Christmas but the summer after my parents took me to sears to buy one for my birthday. I played the display consoles the entire time while I waited for them to bag everything up. When I got home I opened the bag to find a Super Nintendo with donkey Kong country and super Mario world. I was told that we didn’t have enough money for a n64 and that this was just as good. I was very upset being a bratty child. But that system gave me countless hours of fun and actually got my dad to play video games with me. I’m glad I didn’t get a n64 until dk64 came out. By then I was able to get rogue squadron and Pokémon stadium. Thank you for reading my pointless rambling comment.
@frempy44263 жыл бұрын
It's nice when things ultimately work out and you can overwrite the bad feelings of a bad memory
@n64glennplant9 жыл бұрын
naturally i loved this :) great job !
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+N64 Glenn Plant [Try4ce] Thanks! There's a bunch of N64 videos I've got on my mind that I'd like to do, but now I feel like I gotta wait until I can upgrade to HDMI!
@jrwhrwiutrwuitwiut9 жыл бұрын
@Tretheperson4 жыл бұрын
@diegorivas1991 Жыл бұрын
That's the Game Sack moment for today's episode.
@kdkseven8 жыл бұрын
Great video, guys! It's how i discovered your most excellent show, and inspired me to dig out the N64 to send off to get modded-- i haven't been this excited to play video games in forever, and can't wait to get it back and pop in all those old favorites! I'd kind of forgotten how much i loved that console, and how many of my all time favorites i played on it back in the day. I'm also getting the GameCube modded (i've just been playing GC games on my Wii), and picking up a GameBoy Player so i can play all my GameBoy Advance favorites. All because of your videos! I'd always kind of flirted with getting into retro gaming, but now it looks like i'm going full bore. Thanks guys!
@licentioushowler34007 жыл бұрын
Personally, I think CRTs + S-video is a pretty solid combo and more than satisfactory for me, but it's nice that there are options available for people who are unsatisfied with what they've got. More power to the dedicated people who make mods like these!
@shaunydepp3665 Жыл бұрын
100%, only reason products like this exists is because modern tv can't do 240p well, hence why I still use an HD crt and a SD crt tv.
@NiGHTSaturn8 жыл бұрын
Your intro music is absolutely breathtaking... Brings me to tears (literally) full of nostalgia. The choice of the notes, holy crap. Anyway, I subscribed 2 weeks ago and you guys are doing a wonderful job! :)
@bal97177 жыл бұрын
NiGHTSaturn i feel the same! the introduction is magnificent! i shut everyone up or go somewhere quite just to watch this channels amazing videos!
@craigjuan57444 жыл бұрын
Aren't they just amazing?
@ryanpyle98229 жыл бұрын
Love your show! i can't believe you only have around 10k subs, you guys deserve a ton more
@Michirin98019 жыл бұрын
CRT TV + S-Video is my way to go, I liked that look the best
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+Ruko Michiharu It ain't bad at all! I've got a spare system that a friend gave me hooked up that way.
@JTSuter4 жыл бұрын
Your intro 100% described my own experience before and right after I had my N64.
@masterlee19888 жыл бұрын
I just got my N64 RGB far I'm really liking it!
@eyerossoreye73888 жыл бұрын
I L.O.V.E this channel... all the picture nerdiness i,ve been thinking about for years is explained in great detail.
@wrena799 жыл бұрын
Another fantastic video guys. I really do look forward to your videos and believe they are without doubt some of the very best retro gaming videos out there. Thanks for lol the hard work that goes into making these guys - most appreciated. So refreshing to watch a retro gaming video presented in an adult fashion by people that actually know what they're talking about! The amount of times I've watched other gaming channels on YT and been discouraged by said persons lack of knowledge regarding the game/subject they choose to cover and the errors that result. Keep up the great work guys looking forward to the next episode :-)
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+wrena79 [Try4ce] Thank you so much!
@thekickassozzypridefulsauc35417 жыл бұрын
My Life in Gaming we have been waiting for dreamcast
@DreambrushLPs8 жыл бұрын
EXCELLENT video comparing all of the many options for N64 image scaling. Years ago I would have LOVED to have had these options, but even after all this time, I am so amazed by the UltraHDMI! It's incredible.
@bawdydog6 жыл бұрын
Getting rid of my N64 was not one of my better choices.
@justanotheryoutubechannel5 жыл бұрын
BigV na I dunno, emulation is pretty good for N64. N64 games tend to run slowly at less than 30fps, and the only way to get 60fps or at least stable 30fps is through emulation. Of course, getting it all to work is a nightmare, but even my 7 year old PC can run the most demanding of N64 games at higher framerates and resolutions than a real N64. If you can get a good emulation setup running, it’s the best way to play many games. (Great examples are Goldeneye, and especially Perfect Dark, on original hardware they are practically unplayable, but they run great in a modified copy of 1964.) Emulation is also the only way to disable antialiasing, filtering, and blurring, allowing an almost Playstation look. Personally, I like the antialiasing and some filtering, but it’s still cheaper than getting an UltraHDMI. The best thing about emulation is by far the higher resolutions. It’s possible to get 16:9, 1080p, (Sometimes even 4K!) at 60fps! Although personally, I like to run in 640x480 on my CRT monitor, as it provides an interesting compromise between the low-res textures and low-poly models and the increased resolutions emulators provide. It looks better, allowing you to see textures in more detail from longer distances, but doesn’t give you an unfair advantage by making more of the game visible, and you still get the infamous crawling edges 240p 3D is known for, which I love. Oh, and you can turn fog rendering off. I haven’t tried it, but I imagine it would make Turok look great.
@badreality24 жыл бұрын
@@justanotheryoutubechannel You would think that disabling the fog filter in Turok is great, but then you see its gaming environment pop-in, a lot. Emulating Turok, is best played, with the fog filter turned to light. This allows you to see farther, but not see pop-in. It is a happy medium. And you are wrong. Anti-aliasing, filtering, and blur, can be deactivated with Tim Worthington's RGBs mod, as well as the UltraHDMI mod, and emulation. This makes me happy, because C.R.T. owners can now play their N64's on a high-end C.R.T., without those filters on.
@johnmason24104 жыл бұрын
Get a GameCube way better
@mayday_SR4 жыл бұрын
@Ballowax4 жыл бұрын
Getting rid of my Magnovox CRT was not ine of my good life choices
@Unicron649 жыл бұрын
This was the BEST discussion of N64 output ever. Thanks guys, I really enjoyed this.
@gavin_is_gavin62929 жыл бұрын
great work guys, I can't even imagine how much work must have gone into this video!
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+Gideon S [Try4ce] I can. But only in retrospect! Sheeeesh, I did NOT expect to put THAT many hours into it, though I knew it would be big! The last 1/4 to 1/5 was edited in like a 13+ hour marathon session...
@giovannii57594 жыл бұрын
The intro/outro music gives me goosebumps in a good way, love this show 👍
@TheRenegadist7 жыл бұрын
For any Goldeneye players out there, there's an .ips patch that not only removes Anti-Aliasing from the game but in doing so it actually increases game performance on consoles to the point where it's definitely noticeable. The patch can be applied to either a retail ROM of Goldeneye or a ROM hack of the game for those who enjoy the many awesome hacks that Goldeneye Vault have to offer. Keep in mind that this patch doesn't work for Perfect Dark however they are working on one suited specifically for Perfect Dark. The link for the patch is here: Or if you want to visit the forums yourself and get the patch you can find that here (Toward the bottom):
@Nathriel5 жыл бұрын
I was excited to check out the Goldeneye Vault. Unfortunately, this page comes up along with some downloadable content "GoldenEye Vault is now closed. October 6, 2018 1:33 pm | GoldenEye Vault is permanently closed and now shutdown. Thank you for your many years of support, enjoyment, fun, and hard work over the years. Although I have mostly retired from the scene, the flame lives on with others. Be seeing you."
@2play4win105 жыл бұрын
There is a fun made hd version,check it out
@n3dd5 жыл бұрын
so would that mean if you were to get an Everdrive, you could put this patch on that ROM and get it to work on the N64?
@TheVindicitive5 жыл бұрын
@@n3dd no wtf
@justanotheryoutubechannel5 жыл бұрын
n3dd Yeah, Patch the ROM and put it on an Everdrive, it’ll work fine I expect.
@graepi54882 жыл бұрын
I run my eTim RGB modded funtastic through an ossc with scan lines, and it's the best quality I've ever seen it in. I toggle deblur on/off depending on the game. Excellent video, yet again 😀👌
@eightbitgnosis9 жыл бұрын
Yet another awesome video from you guys. I love the quality you two put into your content. More people should be seeing your stuff, so I posted this all over Reddit
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
[Try4ce] Thanks! Sharing is always very appreciated!
@peacexlove9 жыл бұрын
This video made me want to start collecting for the Nintendo 64. I do have some fond memories of the system but I was in my late teens when I had it so I don't get as nostalgic as I do with 16-Bit consoles. But, now that I see how great it can look I'm strongly considering getting one.
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+Peace X Love [Try4ce] There's some great stuff for it! To be honest, I own almost as many games for N64 as I do SNES... part of me wants for my N64 collection to pull ahead just because that would be weird. :)
@ootwii9 жыл бұрын
these guys rock...keep the videos comein...i luv to clean my n64 up...
@helswake9 жыл бұрын
Very thorough, and spot on analysis of the entire N64 RGB situation. Thanks guys!
@GigglebunsUV8 жыл бұрын
I put my s-video cables into my 50in hdtv, and since it stretched out the image, the anti-aliasing looked much better.
@HrHaakon2 жыл бұрын
Man, imagine if Try had seen the Voodoo 2 cards in SLi. He would have had his mind blown-er. XD But seriously, 1997-2007 is probably the golden age of gaming, console and PC-wise. Even if the SNES and Genesis were great leaps forward, the 3d era was just insane.
@Marc_Araujo2 жыл бұрын
Quake II with a Voodoo 2 was sweet AF!
@jmatt7819 жыл бұрын
YESSSSSSS!!!!! But please, if you can, as , much as I loved the N64, PLEASE don't forget the TG16, PC-Engine, Dreamcast and the Neo Geo. BTW, Turok 2 with the expansion pack completely blew me away, it's still one of my top favorite N64 titles to this day.
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
[Coury] Oh we'll definitely be doing those. We just didn't have access to all the systems needed to do the episode just yet.
@jmatt7819 жыл бұрын
+jmatt781 ALSO... PLEASE talk about the Gamecube. Those Star Wars Rogue Squadron games on the GC were mindblowing. If you know of a way to make them look even better, please let us know!
@RealGengarTV9 жыл бұрын
+My Life in Gaming, I'm with +jmatt787. I'm super interested in an episode of the dreamcast. I bought an Kuro VGA dreamcast box but have not been able to use it yet because i have no VGA to HDMI box that can take 480p res, only 576p. However; I hear that with some mod, you can make an VGA -> RGB Scart with c-synk to the framemeister because it supports the higher Hz of the VGA colour bandwidth (or something). DO NOT USE THIS CABLE WITH OTHER TV'S THOUGH as it will most likely destroy the television
@lukasperuzovic14299 жыл бұрын
+jmatt781 For US NTSC consoles, the official GC component cable is your best bet. Unfortunately its rare, very expensive ($200+) and only certain models can support this (those console models with a labeled "digital video" out port). There no 3rd part solution as the plug going into the system uses a priority plug. There are two versions, a RCA component cable and the Japanese D-terminal component cable. Both cables can be modded to support 15khz RGB or 31khz RGB a.k.a. VGA. European models I believe have the option of RGB scart. I just happen to have a US NTSC console with the Japanese D-terminal cable connected to the XRGB2+. You still need the regular AV (composite) cables for the audio, and you the option to use the composite video as sync if you are doing the Scart mod. Here is more on the subject
@lukasperuzovic14299 жыл бұрын
There are the guide on like how to make your own "clone" solution but there is not kits that I know of that are available. Its also neatly impossible to clone the connector used so many of the guides for the clone cable makes this an internal mod.
@Andrew-McCormick5 жыл бұрын
Have I watched this before? Yes. When will I watch it again? Don’t know. Could be tomorr-NOW!
@Jouzujoe8 жыл бұрын
You guys have awesome production value! I'm sure I'll have questions for you at some point in the near future :D
@coleslawadams8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for including Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon gameplay and sound files in your videos. I loved this game growing up, and it seems to have been lost in time. It validates me to hear MN music in your videos :)
@hectoralmodovar17 жыл бұрын
i just went out and bought a tube television from a thrift store
@stromtrolli24466 жыл бұрын
yung unattractive Oh boy I hope you took Rockefeller Street
@jpesicka4926 жыл бұрын
yung unattractive nice. I got a 32" trinitron my old one was an 27" apex the color is much improved on Sony
@josh_m5 жыл бұрын
That's ... disturbing.
@badreality24 жыл бұрын
@@josh_m How so?
@josh_m4 жыл бұрын
@@badreality2 I can't imagine using a low-res TV. I need those 4k pixels!
@LeesChannel4 жыл бұрын
Now I may be mistaken, but I thought there was a way to go into the developer options and disable the blur on the console. I'm not sure if it required an Action Replay in order to do so, but I may be confusing it with the GameCube's "soft edges" blur.
@BladeBlur9 жыл бұрын
Probably the most anticipated episode for me. I was even trying to use a NOT64 emulator on my Wii to see if that will work as an alternative to play N64 games on a console, but it has a lot of issues, like disappearing textures (like Banjo lacking a face in the intro). As much as I respect the ULTRA we're still far and away from achieving the clean-PS1 look. But either way, my interest has peaked
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+BladeBlurX [Try4ce] It's interesting... it's like it creates a new look for that era. Not quite totally unfiltered, but not excessively blurry either. I REALLY like it. It's perfect for my taste, I think. Though I didn't show it, I did test Quake 64 with the filter off, PLUS the Ultra HDMI's VI De-Blur... the game is kinda butt-ugly to be honest, and is not representative of how a typical N64 game looks, but with that combination, it's probably the closest thing we can see to what an N64 would look like with a PS1 texture and filtering style.
@mwinn239 жыл бұрын
Another awesome and very informative video, thanks guys, I am from the UK and have the N64RGB Board on my N64 as I always like CRT over LCD and I think this is an excellent device with really clear and sharp picture on my Philips CM8833 CRT monitor.
@NetConsole9 жыл бұрын
Great video. I think I'll just stick with my RGB modded one on a Sony Trinitron CRT
@omegals876 жыл бұрын
What model is your Trinitron CRT?
@justanotheryoutubechannel5 жыл бұрын
omegals87 I have a Sony KV-21X5U Trinitron, which is one of, if not the best 15khz PAL CRTs ever made. Of course, a KV-25X5U or KV-28X5U would be bigger, and there are 16:9 sets if you want that, but I’m amazed by how good my CRT looks.
@KevinJohnson-xe2sd8 жыл бұрын
Very informative and fascinating, thanks for this. I've always been a huge fan of the N64 and I appreciate the fact that people are still interested even today.
@KennethKolano9 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the emulation coverage, it's something I felt was missing from your past reviews and will be relevant again if you cover GameCube.
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+Kenneth Kolano [Try4ce] Yeah, a number of people have encouraged us to cover it a bit more extensively. We always view these videos as, "what can I do with the original hardware and real carts?" but sometimes, it ends up being much more about "how can I play games for this system?" I think PS1 in particular is really going to go down that route.
@bowi13323 жыл бұрын
Revisiting this would be great! (Especially the emulation part.)
@LegallyBlindGamer79269 жыл бұрын
Don't forget that some of the best N64 games have been rereleased elsewhere. For example, Mario 64 was ported to the DS, and the N64 Zelda games got 3DS ports. Also, the Banjo games, Perfect Dark, Blast Corps, Killer Instinct Gold, and Conker's Bad Fur Day are available on Rare Replay.
@mjc09619 жыл бұрын
+Ryan Rardin Gotta play Body Harvest on an N64 still though, so I want that. Just hope the price is decent. And I don't know shit about soldering so I hope there are plenty of modders out there willing to do this for the rest of us.
@donhonk9 жыл бұрын
+Ryan Rardin Id say Mario 64 on DS is completely inferior due to the digital controls. The other ports you mention are quite decent though.
@Up8Y7 жыл бұрын
donhonk I know this is a year later, but the DS version of Mario 64 is still worth playing even if the controls are little off due the D-pad. It's a great remake, and the extra content is generally good.
@Halbared4 жыл бұрын
Great vid. I'm slowly working my way through these videos and enjoying them immensely. I prefer the modern HDMI look over the old scanline.
@RocketRaven9 жыл бұрын
why does my life in gaming have only 12 k subs, they should have at least 1.2 million!
@scottehm868 жыл бұрын
+lillskiten1337 Ditto! The quality of the content is great and I like the bros. It's 3 weeks later and they're almost up to 15k in subs, so it looks like it's picking up. Meanwhile Ashens can film in front of his brown-ass couch and get over a million subs. :P
@RocketRaven8 жыл бұрын
Scott Ehm hug me xD
@scottehm868 жыл бұрын
*hugs lillskiten1337 for just the right amount of time.*
@RocketRaven8 жыл бұрын
Scott Ehm wish i didnt need to save up money for a bed at the moment XD id come kick your ass in videogames
@scottehm868 жыл бұрын
S'cool. I mostly only play Monster Hunter and Out There, lately.
@michaeltaylor30789 жыл бұрын
just wanted to stop by and comment once again on how awesome you guys are! keep it up! i cant believe you dont have over a mil subs?!?! the info, presentation, and editing is top notch! truly work from two guys who love and appreciate the 8 and 16 bit era. its thanks to you guys that I own a frameister and a modded snes mini! its nostalgia central on this channel!
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+Michael Taylor [Try4ce] Thank you! We always love to hear it! It's always fun to hear about newcomers to the world of the Framemeister too!
@SuperDerek9 жыл бұрын
Excellent work guys! Very thorough, and I'm blown away by that Ultra HDMI mod! I had no idea that was even a thing! (Or will be, as the case may be.) Bravo! :)
@chstar5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info! I watched this video awhile back and decided to buy the ultrahdmi and have it modded. The N64 looks amazing on my 4K tv and as the centerpiece of my TV stand once again.
@Abel-Alvarez9 жыл бұрын
Another great RGB master class video guys,keep it up. (also for an honorable mention: make a SEGA DREAMCAST and SEGA SATURN RGB video) :D
@jrmungandr2 жыл бұрын
Been rocking an RGB-modded JP N64 with HD Retrovision YPbPr cables (nominally for the SNES) for a while and I am one happy camper, many thanks MLiG for guiding me through this *vast* jungle
@yore54 жыл бұрын
S-Video through an old Trinitron is the way to go. Whole setup can be had for about $30. No mods required.
@ESHIELDS3 жыл бұрын
Agreed 100% but cant be had for $30 since 2016 lol
@yore53 жыл бұрын
@@ESHIELDS Really? I got some nice quality svideo cables from Japan for $10. And I got a 27 inch Trinitron for $20 on OfferUp in 2020.
@ESHIELDS3 жыл бұрын
@@yore5 wish I lived near you!
@review_stooge9 жыл бұрын
You guys are great! Hands down best video dealing with N64 video resolutions, and the discussion about scan-lines was really interesting. A lot of things I wondered about were cleared up in this video, thank you!
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+Bryan Letoile [Try4ce] Thanks, glad to help!
@PizzaBillund9 жыл бұрын
i ate a whole chocolate bar while watching this video
@gingin8089 жыл бұрын
Good for you, man
@Ponyj09 жыл бұрын
+Pizza Billund LEGO Creations Conker would be so proud
@PizzaBillund9 жыл бұрын
Ponyj0 u wot who is conker
@BLOODY__FATALITY9 жыл бұрын
+Pizza Billund LEGO Creations Play Conker's Bad Fur Day on the n64 and you'll understand.
@PizzaBillund9 жыл бұрын
@pattilord234 ай бұрын
6:48 something else you can do that isn't discussed in this episode (particularly important for PAL users) is to make sure the AV cables are correct for your region. The PAL and NTSC cables are actually slightly different. Most aftermarket AV cables are designed for NTSC consoles, but if you use these on a PAL console, the image will be whitewashed. Likewise the opposite is true using PAL cables on NTSC consoles. This doesn't change the noise or other things that make composite undesirable, but it will ensure the brightness and colours being output are correct
@frombauer9 жыл бұрын
Another top notch episode guys. Any plans to do a feature on professional CRTs?
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+frombauer [Try4ce] Assuming all goes to plan, that will be our November RGB episode will be all about CRTs. :)
@truxton7017 жыл бұрын
Hello, I've just recently discovered this channel and so far I'm very impressed. Your videos are very informative and easy to understand, even when going into more technical elements. I certainly will use your videos to help get the best out of my games consoles as they're brilliant. This subscription is for you
@Kylefassbinderful3 жыл бұрын
scanlines hurt my eyes when they're not on a CRT
@PaperBanjo643 жыл бұрын
I don't like most fake scanlines on retro games when playing them on Nintendo Online, they just never look right.
@QTProductionsofUtah6 жыл бұрын
You guys make retro gaming sound so frikkin epic I LOVE IT!!
@hargcore8 жыл бұрын
Great video (as is all the RGB series). I was disappointed the French "Officiel" RGB Mod was not covered though as it's regarded as the superior RGB mod in the market using native RGB present on French consoles. It is different to both the Australian and THS7314.
N64 was my childhood. Ill never forget the day i came home from school, excited to play banjo tooie (i had the console in my room at this time, cart in console and controller not wrapped up) and found out my mother sold it and bought my sister makeup. Rarely was i able to play n64 games again, at least not the way i enjoy it. Finally, about 20 yrs later, i bought an n64 myself. Man did i miss it! Finally played banjo again! Ive got a retro tink and mclassic. Sometimes im torn between just using the retro tink, because the pixels do look sharp like that and i kind of like it. But i specifically remember the n64 looking better than everything else because of that anti aliasing filter. On those old tvs, it looks fine and when you look at a ps1 game next to n64 on the same tv, the n64 always wins.
@phonedork9 жыл бұрын
Awesome job on the video! I need to be able to do 1080p 60 fps!
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+phonedork [Try4ce] Though in this episode, F-Zero X was the only game that it really mattered for!
@thekickassozzypridefulsauc35417 жыл бұрын
My Life in Gaming dreamcast please
@Deadite85939 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear about the RGB mod availability for my jungle green console. Another great episode guys!
@BJWanlund9 жыл бұрын
Sweet Mother of Mercy... Wow. That "UltraHDMI" thing looks amazing. I wish that was kind of a thing with all the other consoles. I know, HD Retrovision is working on the HDMIzer (I'm super stoked for that, as hopefully it's a far cheaper, more native English speaker friendly alternative to the Framemeister), but I think that this unbelievable innovation is a game changer for clone consoles and native hardware alike. This innovation could, in the future, be used as a viable alternative to the Retron 5, which, let's face it, used emulator code that not only is imperfect, but it also was open source code that was used without attribution, which is a blatant violation of the GPL. There is a whole host of information on how that kind of practice hurts the open source software community, and frankly while I would like one for the translation patch implications, it means I'm going to never pay full price for the damage that Hyperkin did.
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+BJ Wanlund [Try4ce] I have to admit, now I really want to see what NES HDMI looks like in person too, though there's nothing to really "fix" with the NES as far as I can tell, once it's been RGB-modded. I initially thought that I had no need for these HDMI mods, but now I can really see the value in what such a well thought-out product for the N64 really can be... I really wonder what other systems could benefit...
@MichaelDBaker7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for another outstanding video! Based on your glowing review I purchased an UltraHDMI kit from in June and BadAss Consoles finally installed the mod last night after a two and a half month wait. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the results on my new 75 inch 4k TV next week!
@SpacePrez4 жыл бұрын
"Should 240p games even be anti-aliased?" YES! The lower the res, the MORE you need anti-aliasing. The problem isn't the resolution of 240p. The problem is the N64 hardware AA is a CHEAP bi-linear filter, which is basically just a smear. 240p content would look much much better if you ran MSAA, but of course the N64 can't do that. So the real question is, "Should you use a bilinear filter if you can't do better?" and the answer to that, I would say, is "no."
@Billchatz9 жыл бұрын
Amazing. I love the RGB series. You guys really break it down well. One day I will get every console I have in max resolution...when I can afford it. In the meantime I have s-video for most. Thanks for your work.
@adesignersperspective9 жыл бұрын
fucking brilliant! personally the n64 is my favorite console of all time, if for no other reason than it innovated moreso in more areas than any other home console ever released, and created pretty much every staple for consoles that would come after it and even its rival the playstation borrowed a lot from. anti-aliasing at the time made the n64 look a lot more arcade-like and smooth on TVs at thetime so i agree with nintendo's decision at the time. it just felt so good to play a console which, at the time, did have the most 'real' look of anything out there and didn't contain textures or graphics that looked like all jaggy and pixelated like everything in console gaming looked like up to that point. i've been intending to purchase an n64 again, probably by next year, and start collecting towards having a complete game library for it. i will absolutely be getting the ultraHDMI mod now that i know it exists. thanks for a fantastic video as always.
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
[Try4ce] The N64 was the first system that I got in its launch year, and this was all around the time that I started to "follow" games and get hyped up for future releases. It was a magical era for me.
@charlesanthony63687 жыл бұрын
I love this show. I've been binge watching this channel for like 2 days!
@EpicTurras8 жыл бұрын
Takes me back pretty hard. Sad that most kids will never know how amazing this was.
@average_pyro5 жыл бұрын
But I'm 12 and trying to collect N64 games because they're fun *Cough cough like 50% of AAA games now cough cough*
@ricky18redblack315 жыл бұрын
@@average_pyro I hear ya! Just means there're more games to play!
@DontWalkMonsters9 жыл бұрын
Seriously love these videos. Can't wait to get my retro consoles to look good on my HD TV. Can't wait for the next one!
@donhonk9 жыл бұрын
Seriously though, Ive been on the mailing list for the UltraHDMI mod for months. I really hope they don't sell out in seconds like most things I anticipate to buy online. UltraHDMI plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+donhonk [Try4ce] I'm a bit nervous myself! Sending the review system back was the most awful feeling. I need one ASAP!
@justanotheryoutubechannel5 жыл бұрын
My Life in Gaming I wouldn’t have sent it back until I’d placed my order. I might even have just sent the money for a new one in it’s place.
@albertsmith992 жыл бұрын
I remember playing Legend of Zelda at Walmart for hours. My neck was sore for days. I think they placed the monitors as high as possible to deter people fromn playing for hours.
@digitalblasphemy11009 жыл бұрын
why did you reverse the image at 6:36
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+digitalblasphemy1100 [Try4ce] Ha! Good eye! I just didn't like the way it cut together with the previous shots from the angle it was originally shot at. I didn't have time to shoot it from another angle, so I just flipped it.
@digitalblasphemy11009 жыл бұрын
***** ha yeah i figured i was something like that. I just discovered your channel last night and I really like it. Production quality is top notch. Thanks for dusting and cleaning your subjects before shooting. It always bothered me watching video game historian for that reason lol.
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
[Coury] looks like someone hasn't noticed that hair on the Genesis during the show open. Once you see it, you'll never unsee!
@digitalblasphemy11009 жыл бұрын
***** you're SICK! HOW COULD YOU!!!
@supermariof05218 жыл бұрын
+My Life in Gaming Can you do one on the GameCube?
@TheTraveller7779 жыл бұрын
I found the scanlines on my friends XRGB makes the image look better and makes it look basically like a CRT.
@AudioReplica20236 жыл бұрын
N64 graphics has not aged...display technology has advanced which is a completely different subject. If you play N64 on the same tv you used back in the days it will look exactly as you remember. Now for many new era gamers is completely trash graphics since their perception of "great" graphics is totally different from a 90's kid.
@nothingtoseehere1775 жыл бұрын
That booster pack really does work wonders! I noticed the most benefit on "Shadowman", it sharpened all of the textures and smoothed out some of the jaged edges however did not add cloth physics to his shirt like the PlayStation did. Still an awesome upgrade even if it is only 4 MEGABYTES!!
@GiuseppeGaetanoSabatelli8 жыл бұрын
I really want UltraHDMI but the website just says it's not ready yet. zzzz Been over a year since this video. I also noticed there's no link to retroactive in your video description - is it a dead project? EDIT: Found it, preorders all out of stock. :/
@mylifeingaming8 жыл бұрын
[Try4ce] Yeah, not sure why it says not ready yet still. It's been out just over a year. I got one for myself and love it. Note that the creator himself only sells to people who install them for business. installed mine, and most recently I heard that got a bunch, but I'm sure they're all gone by now. Unfortunately you kinda just gotta keep an eye out.
@wannab0098 жыл бұрын
neither of those places have anything
@GiuseppeGaetanoSabatelli8 жыл бұрын
I guess it's just fairly limited availability.
@PkGam6 жыл бұрын
Such a big difference using UltraHDMI! I didn't think there would be as upscaling always just enlarged pixels with an algorithm, but altering the blur is really neat! Any sort of lag introduced I'm not so keen with though. So it would be nice to see if they can work that out.
@TheEntertainmentKing9 жыл бұрын
UltraHDMI looks fantastic.... !
@petestowne9 жыл бұрын
Great channel guys, really interesting topics and good production. Between you Gamesack and Lazy game Reviews I feel most retro gaming stuff is covered. Keep it up!
@MCGChile8 жыл бұрын
I dont understand one thing, I have a sony triniton crt display and N64 looks amazing, every 90's console looks beautiful on my tv, why would someone want to play old school games in LCD screens I just dont get it.
@mylifeingaming8 жыл бұрын
[Try4ce] It's mostly a space/convenience thing. Most people trashed their old CRTs without understanding what they meant for retro games. For retro games to survive long term, people are going to have to reconcile new and old technology. We should enjoy them on CRTs for as long as we can, but that is not going to be the way forward for the vast majority of people. Just because they don't/can't/won't have a CRT doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to enjoy retro consoles too.
@MCGChile8 жыл бұрын
I want to do a contribution, what if u do a video about best CRT TV's to play old school videogames? My TV is a Sony KV - 2500 WX I use S video and it looks amazing man I can record a video if u want, I have to say some games have issues I think it has to be something about resolution in menus, I played Mario All Stars and the menu arrow was out of place but after playing I went back to the menu and it was fine.
@henry33976 жыл бұрын
I think playing on a CRT with official S-Video cable is the best quality you can get if you want to have a fully authentic experience with no mods. Its cheap, too.
@PieAndChips6 жыл бұрын
Same thing on my 28" Panasonic Quintrix
@TheGman8586 жыл бұрын
I'm gonna laugh when crt televisions become popular again and people start paying mega bucks for them because they want to play retro consoles without control lag from hdmi glad I kept mine
@Abelovich8 жыл бұрын
Alas! There's hope! Great video, guys! Best I've seen on the subject!
@AvalancheReviews9 жыл бұрын
Dammit!!! Now I need to get an N64
@FatheredPuma814 жыл бұрын
Tbh I just view all 3D consoles as a must have to emulate. Tried out Nicktoons Unite which was a Gamecube/PS2 game I played as a kid and it was crazy how well the game holds up visually when rendered in 1080p.
@penisboy976 жыл бұрын
You should’ve test ultra hdmi with a Sony Wega that has hdmi on its own
@rotciv979 жыл бұрын
Thank you guys, so much, for doing these amazing videos!
@breakfastmachinearchive88 жыл бұрын
5:07 I can't imagine anyone would want to play Legacy of Darkness at all...
@RetroHellspawn7 жыл бұрын
~8:00 The Funtastic N64 looks oversaturated to me, but some people like that.
@krock907 жыл бұрын
Metal Jesus sent me here!
@pepemomax5 жыл бұрын
Krock Huracan Ramirez?
@AmpLid888 жыл бұрын
Definitely high quality videos here. Keep up the good work.
@BlackJohnnyCage8 жыл бұрын
Lester from GTA V can walk?
@gmmakesmehurl6 жыл бұрын
@silvergbasp13 Instead, he sounds like a fucking ridiculous cartoon character.
@spideliciousx98224 жыл бұрын
I’m not a “scanline purist” but, any console that outputs an interlace image (that my retrotink or OSSC de-interlaces) I put scanlines on. It greatly softens the effect of jitter. Unfortunately as I’m in a PAL location, all consoles displaying 480i or 576i to my eye, need the scanlines implemented. For these consoles, I don’t mind the scanline look though, actually much prefer it. Any of my consoles that produce progressive images, hi or low res, I leave as is through those devices (retrotink or OSSC) as they are crisp and silky smooth imo.
@jmac79ers3 жыл бұрын
Almost killing myself by single handedly lugging a free 32" Trinitron into my house and down a flight of stairs(with the help of some pillows) was one of the best additions to my game room to date!
@PaperBanjo643 жыл бұрын
Me and my Mom lugged a '27 inch Emerson flat screen CRT with S in the house then slid it into my room on a laundry basket.
@jmac79ers3 жыл бұрын
@@PaperBanjo64 nice! Teamwork
@avavii9 жыл бұрын
Closing statement made me choke back a tear! Thank you guys. Personally I am going with the latest Pixel Purist's 4X Framemeister profile for the N64. It outputs nice scanlines in 1080p and definitely looks better than on my CRT from Philips.
@mylifeingaming9 жыл бұрын
+Michael Wieczorek [Try4ce] All of the RGB footage in this episode was using his 4X profile! That's why he's got special thanks in the credits! I didn't use the 4S profile with scanlines for my scanlines shots, because it just wasn't showing up well enough in video... scanlines were too thin. Fun fact: the Ultra HDMI has a 4x scaling mode as well. Lining up RGB and HDMI shots for comparisons was effortless thanks to this... which is proof that the Pixel Purist profile is indeed a perfect scale. :)
@JonathanHarbour3 жыл бұрын
I'm watching this video in 240p by the way
@WhiteJarrah7 жыл бұрын
16:17 How does the UltraHDMI handle 480i with the De Blur switched off? I'm considering getting an UltraHDMI for Goldeneye, but in my current setup I have no issues with all my other N64 games which all have the 576i mode.
@mylifeingaming7 жыл бұрын
+Jarrah White [Try4ce] Interlacing is the Ultra HDMI's only real weakness in my opinion. 480i stuff had noticeable combing. I don't play a lot of 480i games though.
@WhiteJarrah7 жыл бұрын
Well, at least UltraHDMI mod keeps the Multi Out working. If I go that route I'll probably use the UltraHDMI for 288p games and my S-video scaler for 576i games. I just don't understand how 288p games could have combing artifacts when 288p PS1 games exhibit none going through the exact same scaler. BTW, I sent you an email. :)
@Nativesurvival6 жыл бұрын
crt for life haha cool vid though
@SugamSimpleGameplays8 жыл бұрын
I'm with the old original... on a Tube tv. The only thing that I feel is better to me, is playing on a Plasma TV. were the closest I could get to a good quality. Cool stuff!