Warframe Lore - The Chimera Prologue, The Forging of the Paracesis & Ballas' downfall!

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My name is Byf

My name is Byf

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@craigkingdon4424 6 жыл бұрын
Itd be really cool to see videos on some of the more hidden lore fragments, like ordis, the ghoul khora lore, simaris scans and the poem of the twin queens
@troymorales484 6 жыл бұрын
Craig Kingdon yes that would be cool. Exploring the universe would be great.
@Theinvalidmusic 6 жыл бұрын
Really love the new format. Warframe's lore is both super dense and vague, so having straightforward explainers like you do here is great. Would really love to see you cover some Fortuna lore next and hear your thoughts on possible origins for the Orb Mothers, Business's potential connection to the Quills etc etc :)
@AlhazredsGamingGoo 6 жыл бұрын
Unless The New War goes completely off the rails of logic when it actually addresses these questions, I don't see any reason to take what Ballas says at anything close to face value. He has a very skewed view of reality and now he's gone crazypants nanners on top of it. He's rationalizing things that have gone wrong (including his own extremely poorly thought out assumptions) to absolve himself of fault, and he's *been* doing that for awhile, since we saw in The Sacrifice that he refuses to take any of the blame for Margulis' death and held the Orokin as a whole responsible for "forcing" him to go along with her execution. His rambling about the Lotus awakening the Tenno to shrewdly weaken the Grineer and the Corpus so the Sentients will face less resistance is utter babbling nonsense if viewed outside of Ballas' little personal bubble where his rationalizations make perfect sense in his head, because the Grineer and the Corpus are about as far from potential allies as anything could possibly be, being entire factions that are about as self-serving and oblivious to what's going on outside their spheres of influence as Ballas is. Even when the Sentients arrive to provide an actual common enemy, there's no way either faction is going to make nice in any meaningful way until the Sentients make significant enough gains that they can no longer pretend everything is fine. Aside from that, there have been suggestions that what's going on with the Lotus is more complicated than a heel turn (or a fakeout on her part to conveniently backstab the Sentients and say "look Tenno, I was on your side all along, what a twist!") as far back as The Second Dream. She's not human, she's a machine. The other example of her species we've met displays extremely alien properties as much as similarities to humans; they demonstrate love for family, territoriality, and self-preservation, but on the flipside, Hunhow is referred to as male but describes Natah as the last of his womb, their very shapes are bizarre by human standards, even if you consider the Orokin to be that standard, and Hunhow talks about Natah's betrayal as if it's a programming error. Hunhow's dialog is one of the main points of interest, because everyone seems to have forgotten what is probably going to be a very important line where he said, "You betrayed us. As I awake, so will *they.* They will say you are riven, *and will want to reclaim you.*" That's starting to sound a little more relevant after initially relating to nothing that happened in The Second Dream. Wouldn't it be convenient, too, if the Lotus had recently gone through a lot of psychologically taxing events that could make her more susceptible to being reprogrammed, like learning she'd missed one of her surrogate children and accidentally condemned him to centuries of madness finally ending in a mercy kill, or those surrogate children essentially growing up, no longer being in suspended animation and thus less reliant on her to take care of them, as all children eventually move on, or the lover of the person she modeled her motherly form on showing up and acting entitled to her affection because he's a narcissistic egomaniac? Not that she ever showed signs of being under strain... but then, why would she? She isn't human, how would we know what it looks like when a Sentient is vulnerable? It would be a very fitting parallel to the revelations of The Second Dream and The War Within if, in making the mistake of thinking themselves more safe than they are far away from their Warframes, the Tenno made the mistake of thinking the Lotus was just as unassailable. Another bit of this storyline everyone forgets is that she herself said that becoming the Lotus was not just a matter of deciding on an alias; when she chose to abandon the Sentients, she erased parts of her own memories to literally become a different person, effectively destroying (her word) Natah. Her insistence that Teshin not call her "Natah" may not have been shame, it may have been as simple as Natah not actually existing at the time. She doesn't have to be rescued or convinced to rejoin the good guys, she needs to literally be restored to what she was and, crucially, reminded that it was something she chose for herself originally. "Dream not of what you are, but of what you want to be."
@Sorain1 6 жыл бұрын
As you have said, Ballas is an utterly unreliable source in terms of perspective. But then, so were all Orokin, each in their perfect little bubble of being in the right at all times, infallible, stopped from their desires only by others incompetence or malice. We know better than that, we know they made crucial mistakes that lead to their own destruction, not least of which ending Margulis. I suspect that there will come a point where Natah and Lotus can no longer coexist and while we know Sentient's can not reproduce, nothing we know prevents one from splitting into parts that operate independently and thus potentially at cross purposes. I would wager that at the crucial moment, The Man In The Wall will make a devils offer to the Tenno. To tear The Lotus from Natah, forever separating the two. But as Ballas himself put it 'All miracles require sacrifice.' What dark price might The Man In The Wall ask for this service? Who can say? But while the Sentients are a proximate threat, The Man In The Wall concerns me far more. We know that tapping the Void more directly and more deeply opens you up to his influence. How desperately will the Tenno pull for ever more power to fight the Sentients now, with no Orokin Empire to back them up? Remember what the Stalker has tried to teach us for so long 'Your actions have consequences.'
@Aeririn 6 жыл бұрын
@@Sorain1 actually, we have proof that sentients can split into parts and operate independately or even as a hive mind. For the former look to PoE where all the sentients and eidolons there are nothing but fragments of a titanic sentient Gara destroyed, and for the later we go to Hunhow again who speaks about how every sentient we fight in Lua, and up to his defeat including the war itself, is nothing more than fragments of himself he controls. So there is precedent for sentients being able to "reproduce" so to speak and still remain very much alive
@jdkem104 6 жыл бұрын
I believe that with as much speculation and clouding of the truth about what has truly happened that we won’t be able to understand until after everything is said and done.
@alyssap1881 5 жыл бұрын
This is such an underrated comment
@VallornDeathblade 6 жыл бұрын
It's surprisingly hard not to feel bad for Ballas in his broken and tortured state, I think his eye even implies he's not fully in control of his own body anymore.
@zenthedying91 6 жыл бұрын
*see's chaos sigil* I'll be informing you're treachery to the Inquisition immediately. may the god emperor protects.
@VallornDeathblade 6 жыл бұрын
@@zenthedying91 Death is nothing compared to vindication.
@thesweetbusinessfanclub7072 6 жыл бұрын
HERETIC!! Bruva, get the flamer. the HEAVY flamer.
@nikokocjan5637 6 жыл бұрын
@@thesweetbusinessfanclub7072 ignis wraith?
@isaiahhackshaw201 6 жыл бұрын
@@nikokocjan5637 He got the power of the Sun at his fingertips!
@cibi6174 5 жыл бұрын
"new war will come out next year"
@dante7302 4 жыл бұрын
Funny how that's still the status quo. Not complaining about how Heart of Deimos is looking though
@NorthernEclips3 4 жыл бұрын
lul still waiting
@kingatlanofatlantis3075 3 жыл бұрын
@@dante7302 Deimos is trash now and we’re still waiting lmao
@simoneconti7635 3 жыл бұрын
@@kingatlanofatlantis3075 Deimos Is pretty good tho
@BigChungus37_ 3 жыл бұрын
Where the hell is it
@Psycorde 6 жыл бұрын
Most people really don't seem to understand Ballas. He is a walking tragedy. And yeah, this format is great for Warframe, I love it. So, regarding Ballas. Dude is a narcissist, pure and simple. His supposedly perfect self is incapable of loving anything other than himself. His love for Margulis is a delusion, and it was never real. Otherwise he wouldn't let her die, and he knows it, although it's something he refuses to admit. For he has to be perfect, and perfect being is benevolent, it should be capable of love. Instead of saving her, he chose to avoid the conflict with other Executors, for defying their will could've cost him his position and maybe even life. And for her death he blames the Tenno, whom he thinks she loved more than him, since she chose them over him, and even made the ultimate sacrifice for their sake. Her death broke him, his own inaction revealed his imperfection and ugliness of his soul, his selfishness. The realization he was running from every since. His revenge on the Empire was an attempt to reshape the world in accordance with his delusions. That's why he ended up in the personal Hell. Only now, maimed and deformed, he is starting to accept the truth. Yet he's thinking that the only way to resolve current situation is killing Natah, showing that he still doesn't understand love, which is what will bring Lotus back. Unless DE decides to kill her off, that is.
@robonerd125 6 жыл бұрын
Kill her off, i want Ordis to be my mission coordinator, not this fake, glitchy thing we have now...
@GhostEmblem 5 жыл бұрын
@@robonerd125 "It was not their force of will... not their alien darkness... they had learned a way to see inside an ugly broken thing ... and take away its pain" I think they will give us the choice of wether or not to kill her and allour choices thus far will play a role if we ever confront the man in the wall but if they give us the choice to save her, I know what I will choose.
@ninjashadow35 3 жыл бұрын
@@GhostEmblem Death.
@DarkSkies_x 4 жыл бұрын
AHHH.. its been over a year and new cinematics have come out! please do more!!!
@charlx8979 4 жыл бұрын
This format is way better, this filled in SO MANY gaps from the previous videos
@TheKythas 6 жыл бұрын
Byf doing Warframe lore!? Has this always been a thing? Man, I've been wanting this for a while. Now to see if I missed any previous videos. Edit: Sweet mother of Tenno, I've missed quite a few. Thank goodness there is a playlist of em. Second Edit: Now that I am fully caught up, I much prefer this format. The narrative is cool and all, but I love your videos for your ability to dig deep into the lore and then explain it concisely. Great work, as always, and I look forward to the next one.
@nat040496 4 жыл бұрын
Damn. Chimera was nearly TWO YEARS ago? No wonder i havent played Warframe in so long. I hadn't realized how absurdly long this content drought was
@ArloMathis 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a huge fan of this form of the content, the explanation and deep digging is why I subscribed moreso than just straight retelling of the events.
@csaki01 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, this format, I don't even know why you changed your format for Warframe, the one you used for Destiny was already tried and perfected. And this comes from someone who considers Warframe their main game over D2.
@cincinlovag4647 3 жыл бұрын
ha jól veszem ki, te magyar vagy :D Warframe, Destiny 2, játszodtam mindkettôt, most nem játszom egyiket sem. Warframe-ben meguntam a farmolást (egy életre), a Destinyben pedig nem tetszik (mint egy régimódi szóló-sztori játékosnak), hogy kivesznek régi játszható sztoriszálakat, mint pl a Red War. meg helyet keríteni is nehéz a Destinynek. de minkettônek tetszik a sztorija. megnéztem Byf összes Destiny lore videóját (szerintem :D), s most álltam neki a Warframe videóinak. multiplayerezésre nem vagyok alkalmas, de ha kell valaki akivel dumálhatsz gémer témákról, állok rendelkezésedre :D
@csaki01 3 жыл бұрын
@@cincinlovag4647 Jól veszed ki, bár ilyen ős-magyar névvel nehéz lenne tévedni XD Én is felhagytam a D2 -vel mert nincs pénzem full DLC árat fizetni azért, hogy aztán farmolhassak. Warframe -et meg pihentetm egy kicsit, hogy legyen több tartalom. Ha se D2, se Warframe akkor most mivel ölöd az idődet? Én olvasok, Genshin Impact-ezek meg játékot fejlesztek.
@cincinlovag4647 3 жыл бұрын
@@csaki01 játékot fejlesztessz? na akkor értessz valamihez :) mostanában Hollow Knightozok, de a türelmem miatt lespoilereztem a sztoriját magamnak :) amúgy meg nekem nincs pénzem egyáltalán arra, hogy megvegyek játékokat, szégyen vagy nem szégyen, egyelôre torrentgémer vagyok. közbe agyalok saját sci-fi és fantasy sztorikon, s próbálok itthonra egy kis társasjátékot csinálni. amúgy elég sok játékoy és néhány sorozatot is szeretek, s inspirációt is vettem belôlük. játékok: Mass Effect trilógia, Starcraft 1-2, Skyrim, Endless játékok, Heroes of Might and Magic csak így példának. sorozatok: Star Wars Clone Wars és Rebels, Mandalorian, Voltron a legendás védelmezô, Transformers Prime, Avatar the last airbender + Legend of Korra és a nagy kedvencem a Sárkányherceg. meg amúgy általánosan ami Star Wars azt meg szoktam nézni.
@Leuk0s 6 жыл бұрын
Glad to have you back to Warframe, Byf! We would *LOVE* a video on what we know about Ballas, Margullis, and the Lotus!
@thesaje4453 6 жыл бұрын
Ay it's great to see some warframe lore back here
@theskyrimboysxx 6 жыл бұрын
hey byf will you be doing a lore video on cetus and fortuna and such?
@lillie_trash 4 жыл бұрын
yeah it just took them a bit
@kinuik 6 жыл бұрын
As much as I love your videos, I'm still torn on whether or not to be sharing them to my friends. I'm trying to get them into playing WF with me, so they'd be great for that. But on the other hand... Man I was there for all of these revelations. The Natah quest was barely a month old when I started playing Warframe again after a year long hiatus. I want these revelations to have the same impact for tham as they did for me, even though I know that's pretty much impossible at this point. On the video itself, I preferred this way of doing it. I think it's a little easier to follow for someone who doesn't have as much time in WF as you or I.
@Falx415 6 жыл бұрын
I liked the added commentary to help make things clearer.
@timaykk 6 жыл бұрын
I'm really loving the new format for warframe lore here byf, keep up the awesome stuff
@Skooby59 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Byf. I don’t play warframe, but your explanation and lore vids really make the world seem amazing. Keep up the cool work (also the more destiny style sounds really cool cuz it makes learning about the game simpler, least for me)
@gen_li7725 5 жыл бұрын
The format where you explain things is really helpful for me, as others have already mentioned, the lore in warframe is so dense and vague that having someone like you explain it clearly is incredibly helpful. This is my first time really getting into the lore of a game, and your videos have been really helpful for me as I try to puzzle out what is going on. Thank you for your hard work!
@noregrets3925 6 жыл бұрын
I think the reason the man in the wall choose to make the lotus shades is so that we can get the idea of defeating the lotus or something along those lines
@Forcer69 6 жыл бұрын
When your favorite KZbinr uploads on your birthday ☺️ Thanks Byf!
@intellectualchicken7303 6 жыл бұрын
Forcer Happy bday and Merry Christmas
@shido6806 6 жыл бұрын
Merry birthday buddy 😂🎂🎉
@DragonKnight90001 6 жыл бұрын
God you must have one hell of a few days, happy b day
@MagatsuDiarahan 6 жыл бұрын
Have a happy birthday!
@danielpett2452 6 жыл бұрын
Great to see you back In warframe, I do hope you do get more out like vids on all the factions and two open world parts and some of the frames themselves. Take the time you need your guardians and tenno will still be here
@jdjtbgs2 6 жыл бұрын
As someone who got into your Destiny videos first, I really prefer the format where you actually go into a lot more of the hidden lore and explain a lot of the context/back stories of things that aren't so obvious in the main quest/story :) even as a huge lore fan I still miss some lore tidbits and you usually fill those in.
@theLoneCodesman 6 жыл бұрын
Much better this way, please continue!
@Hagosha 4 жыл бұрын
I sit here, rewatching these again, wondering if you'll ever come back to warframe's lore since there's a lot of it that exists outside of the cinematics and quests...
@fenrisfalcon5648 6 жыл бұрын
Hot damn, it's good to see u covering this again. Can't wait to see what u do next.
@Kamexe 6 жыл бұрын
YESSSSSS BYF perfect christmas gift. Always good to get wf content.
@AnUPSetMan 5 жыл бұрын
i actually liked the more narrative version, your writing was very well done they played almost like movies i actually sat my friends down for about and hour and watched them end to end and they were really impressed. I like this version too being that it does provide more context, but i do say i miss hearing things like "..moving at tempestuous speed..." which paired with the game play so well it was very theatrical in a good way. Perhaps maybe there's a balance of the two forms somewhere. I've also seen some requests for some of the "side missions" such as Fortuna and plains and the stories of Khora, Octavia, and the like, which I think while waiting for more content that drives the main story, would be a nice bit to have while we wait. Either, way love the content you did on Warframe, hope to see more, going to check out your destiny videos, though I haven't played much of the game I do like your content and figure I'd give those a look as well.
@chrisadkins4480 6 жыл бұрын
I know they are not your most popular videos, but thanks for continuing to do Warframe videos.
@chrisadkins4480 4 жыл бұрын
Well, nevermind I guess
@theProphetofIrony 5 жыл бұрын
Your orignal format for the warframe lore is my favorite!! It’s production value is soooo much better and I feel like being sat down for story time when I go to listen to them over and over again. This format, while still good and informative and approachable, doesn’t hold a candle to the other format in my opinion. Regardless, I love the videos! Keep up the strong work Byf!!!!!
@Argetbrisingr101 6 жыл бұрын
I like this style of video much more than your previous. In the others you really just narrated the events of the quests. Theyre nice, but if youve played the quest, they dont really say much.
@benruniko 6 жыл бұрын
Im sure you are too busy to read this, but i want to say i have enjoyed your warframe content very very much! Its great stuff thank you! I love how the story is written so far
@TheSpeedrange4 6 жыл бұрын
I love this! I loved all of your d2 lore vids and warframe is just as complex if not more. Having you explain so deeply will help so many people!
@emmanueljackson3073 6 жыл бұрын
Can't wait to hear you touch on Ordis' backstory
@Dlo2018 6 жыл бұрын
One of the most bad ass mercenary in the system turned into a bipolar AI.
@Kamexe 6 жыл бұрын
Oh god yes if he doesnt I'm gonna be so sad
@Luinta 6 жыл бұрын
@@Dlo2018 How have I completed the solar map and all of hte quests and still not heard about this?
@a.m.4654 6 жыл бұрын
@@Luinta you need to scan those blue stuff you find in missions to do have access to the ordis story
@phineas7423 6 жыл бұрын
Byf, you should do a cinematic episode for each of the main story updates, tbh they are some of my favorite videos of yours, as well as stuff like this where you see fit.
@trinsit 4 жыл бұрын
YES! Thank you for the depth. I just recently started Warframe and LOVE it, even more than Destiny 2. And the depth of your videos is what I love about your lore. When I played these missions, there were things i didn't understand until i heard your explanation. Thanks!
@BiggieTans 4 жыл бұрын
You should do another lore video about the most recent quests in the game. I absolutely love your content and have watched them several times over. I check back periodically for more warframe content but have yet to see anything new
@Puracell 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I prefer this style for Warframe content, but don't be afraid to do some the more cinematic videos from time to time, they are still fun to watch :)
@danny6769 6 жыл бұрын
So glad to see you continuing with Warframe lore! More please!
@silverback7348 6 жыл бұрын
Here is the key line, I think, that had a deeper meaning than we knew from all the way back in The Second Dream. I now believe Natah was speaking of herself as much as the Tenno: “Dream...not of what you are, but what you want to be.” If true, then Natah becoming the transcendent Lotus...making the dream a reality...will reach fruition when she no longer needs her helmet connected via wires to the transference tech she used to accomplish her father’s...and mother’s goals.
@dustydarkhorse 6 жыл бұрын
It's good to have you back buddy, i hope you are well
@Evan-ls4wq 6 жыл бұрын
God I miss your voice so much, Byf. Glad to have you back! I know this isn’t your first video since your hiatus, but this is the first on I got a notification for.
@billrules8762 6 жыл бұрын
Byf, I do love your videos. It made the Destiny Lore attainable, and coherent, I can not thank you enough for that. I lore how you make your videos and I would Love it if you made more Warframe videos. You are one of my favorite Channels on KZbin. Please keep up the amazing work and I hope your channel becomes more popular.
@Mondo_117 5 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this format for the video. Thanks for doing these.
@estherneal1549 4 жыл бұрын
I started playing Warframe back mid July 2018 and stopped at the end of August 2018. I have recently gotten back into the game. I use to watch your Destiny lore videos. Thanks so much for doing these Warframe lore videos. This has helped explain a lot to me about the game. Please bring more when you can.
@brianfree9629 5 жыл бұрын
I have watched every single warframe lore video you've done and I must say thank you these are great and hope to see more when the new war drops after I play it of course
@mochablade4237 6 жыл бұрын
I didn't even know you were still making these Byf happy to see you are tho
@fenriswolf1343 6 жыл бұрын
Holding onto my faith in the Lotus, mom will come back to us. I really liked the part of this quest when Ballas speaks of his "perfect death", it links nicely to his words in the Valkyr Prime trailer.
@AutomaticOps 6 жыл бұрын
I like both formats, the storytelling style makes the video very fun to watch while this style makes it easier to figure out the lore.
@Azazel_Leviticus 6 жыл бұрын
I like the new format. Other WF lore channels like to just read off the lore. Adding to it helps capture the full meaning. Many things can be missed in lore as just background clutter or words that have impact in a whole but disregarded in the current moment due to it being nothing important. Keep it up mate.
@lambenstien5207 6 жыл бұрын
I have preffered this format with a more Indepth look because basically I didn't unstand what I saw when I played it lol thanks again byf.
@acertainjake5736 6 жыл бұрын
I dont play warframe, just showing some Byf love, all of your vids are great! Please keep filling my notifs with more vids of your glorious butter voice!
@HouseOfOuroboros 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Very good analyses. I wish the devs talked a bit more about symbolism in Warframe's lore and their own inspirations. Many biblical/psychological allusions (particularly in The Second Dream and The Sacrifice) are, imo, really well-thought-out.
@james.miller5911 6 жыл бұрын
So glad these are back
@kevinmanga117 6 жыл бұрын
Good work Byf!. Merry Christmas!
@MitchT97 3 жыл бұрын
Late to the party, but I’m refreshing myself on the lore again and I’m loving the commentary. At about 20:04 ish in the video the man in the wall mentions he’s not who you think he is and then says you wouldn’t remember as you are imprisoned as she was. Which while we know we don’t remember everything this struck me as odd. I mean I may get my answer looking into even just the next video but I gotta wonder if more was locked away from us then were led to believe. She is a master of deception. From that sentence I kinda wonder if we already knew who and what the void was but it’s been lost to us in our second dream to protect us from madness.
@Mid-lifeGamingCrisis 6 жыл бұрын
Much, much, much better than the narrative of previous videos. Learned a lot I missed in my play through and normal forum perusing.
@pineapplerr 3 жыл бұрын
“New war will come out next year”... it’s been two years if not longer omg DE.
@emberramune 6 жыл бұрын
As someone who used to only watch you for Warframe, hearing you say “Greetings Tenno” just gave me whiplash
@hallelion 4 жыл бұрын
Can't wait for your take on Erra cinematic
@joelarocho2594 5 жыл бұрын
Loved the new style of video!!
@AtlasNYC_ 6 жыл бұрын
I had absolutely NO idea what you were talking about, as I've barely scraped any of the warframe content, but this style has me hooked in much more. At least for warframe. Im hooked into destiny lore no matter what lol
@youngjdef 5 жыл бұрын
great video + yes, I like this form better. looking forward to the next one!
@jamesmanger4392 6 жыл бұрын
Love this new format, Byf. The old Warframe videos were great, (particularly the music) but they were a little confusing to a new player.
@rudinightwood437 5 жыл бұрын
Byf, I would like to say that I enjoyed the cinematic format more, but Including this more in depth Analysis to it in your awesome Cinematic way. 🤩 The reason I prefer the cinematic format is more specifically so that my friends and siblings who claimed Warframe to be boring can now watch these videos and enjoy the amazing Warframe story without actually playing it for over 50+ hours to even reach the second dream. I hope you read this feedback and think about it🙏🏻☺️
@CamTimProductions 6 жыл бұрын
Really looking to get into this game! Is it worth it?
@rezsa8780 6 жыл бұрын
I’m on Xbox mr 12 and at this point there’s really nothing for me to do I mean there’s a lot of stuff I can do i just don’t want to do it
@WheresHouseKey 6 жыл бұрын
Community is awesome, learning the mechanics is tough but fun. Game is amazing.
@N.aattee 6 жыл бұрын
Mr.Nubbletoes hell yes I love it
@hizpanicGam3r 6 жыл бұрын
Mr.Nubbletoes I mean it’s free, but in all seriousness yea it’s worth it
@trickstersatyr6255 6 жыл бұрын
Its pay to progress faster. Its a grind hard game. There are times that you spit blood in order to get a part for a weapon you want. If you are there for the story ican guarantee its absolutely great but not complete yet. It has nice mechanics and ita fastpased pve game. It has ton of guns but it doesnt have raids and generaly endgame so if you plan at staying there youll get disappointed. Thats what i have to say as a guy with 3k hours in it.
@bady252 6 жыл бұрын
where is book of sorrows pt 4 byf????
@exigentspr.4899 6 жыл бұрын
Wait is that why the Lotus abandoned Rell, since he was possessed by Man in The Wall, A void entity antagonistic to the Sentients
@Aeririn 6 жыл бұрын
She didn't so much abandon him as she didn't even know he existed. Margulis abandoned him in favour of the other Tenno, but the Lotus herself, who only adopted the Tenno shortly before Marguilis' execution, was never aware of him and even seems shocked during the quest to see a Tenno she wasn't even aware existed all this time outside cryosleep (indicating she was under the assumption all Tenno were either dead or in cryosleep on Lua)
@krandeloy 6 жыл бұрын
Yay! I love Byf Lore! I got to watching you from D1 lore, but D2 lost my attention over time leading up to the Forsaken, and while I did buy the expac I never actually found myself playing it. I'm super happy you're doing my current favorite, Warframe!, specially if you do it like the Destiny Lore extrapolation!
@Antidon1 5 жыл бұрын
I like previous "game-movie" storyteller style more. You have a talent to feel character, and share your feelings through your videos with others. And IMHO you don't need to waste that talent, because It was beautiful
@atishpuran1262 6 жыл бұрын
ok Merry christmas and happy new year to u byf
@zottestudios 6 жыл бұрын
I liked this a lot. Thank you for the analysis.
@billyjackson4318 6 жыл бұрын
Just watched all of Warframe videos loved all of them you should do more Warframe videos
@kengaskins6482 5 жыл бұрын
Lore video idea, you could look into the creation of the factions like what you did in destiny. Cause you did touch on red vale in the chains quest but I'm sure you can cover loka with the silver grove mission
@Kukukuchew1123 6 жыл бұрын
I like this video format more, but I think the narrative format is really cool for when there are bigger content releases like the sacrifice.
@stiner2829 3 жыл бұрын
"Should be available next year" looks at the calander ... lol
@RadicalPlasma 6 жыл бұрын
Much of an improvement from cinematic, not to say they are bad just this is really good
@Onry_Old_Lady 6 жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas to you and your family. I pray for blessings to you and your family during the holidays and the year to come.
@deadshadow2076 6 жыл бұрын
Byf doing warfare lore. Acceptable only cause I used to play warfare until forsaken came out but don't call me tenno, call me a retired frame. I plan on playing the game more but I'm so busy that I almost cant until I'm done with everything
@Peter-rc9qy 4 жыл бұрын
"The New War expansion, that should be arriving next year" Get a load of this guy
@brandonheath6713 5 жыл бұрын
I really liked this a lot more than the previous videos. Don't get me wrong. I love all your content but having played the quest what I'm really thirsty for is more information, more insight. You provide a lot of that so i appreciate that.
@aceofgames4410 6 жыл бұрын
I did like the older style of Warframe lore videos with narrative in mind, but having a more informative take is also really appreciated. Overall if you could mix narrative and informative it would be spot on.
@ryanmaxwell7816 6 жыл бұрын
Definitely preferred the explanation version although that's mainly due to my lack of knowledge on Warframe, looking forward to next year's videos.
@gassedupsubuwu 4 ай бұрын
I played through every available quest in a 1-2 month blitz and completely missed the name "Man in the Wall" and the link to Chains of Harrow.
@drezz1686 3 жыл бұрын
Oh boy oh boy here we are one year later
@woffelman2891 6 жыл бұрын
love your vids man
@Kamexe 6 жыл бұрын
I really like this format, more depth is always good in lore like warframe's because its super complex and deep.
@LeoUdechukwu 6 жыл бұрын
much better. i meant i come here for that smooth byf vibe after all.
@McLeod917 6 жыл бұрын
Fun video I enjoyed this format a bit more but the more cenimatic can be fun for tales with less deep lore and definative ends.
@DonavenM10 6 жыл бұрын
Byf, I'm glad you're doing what makes you happy. Just dont forget about us guardians. 😁
@richardwolfe2089 5 жыл бұрын
I know this is (kind of) old now, but I just played through this quest last night :P finally caught up! but I wanted to point out that most of the (rocks? tunnels?) in the background of the platform where Ballas is, are shaped like the lotus helmet.
@fadedlegi0n 6 жыл бұрын
Warframe's story is insane!
@clearsky4049 6 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this video format more than the narrative focused kind.
@HomieChriss 6 жыл бұрын
Intro ends at 2:48
@AvidgamerZ 6 жыл бұрын
I watched the video... And (I don't know what possessed me but) I read through some of the comments... And I suddenly had this thought pop up in my mind... What if? You see, I remember reading about some older events (stuff that happened before I joined the game) that had the entire player base choose sides and the side that won the most would have their chosen side's reward given to the entire community. Now, imagine the new expansion being an event like that... On one side you have (as some speculated in the comment section here) a deal given to you by the Man in the Wall that lets you save the Lotus by separating her from Natah at a cost while on the flip side is joining either of the existing factions/syndicates or (with the introduction of Cetus and Fortuna) bringing several of the syndicates (or all of them) under the Tenno's banner in a all out war against the sentient and killing Natah while doing so. The whole community will then have to live with whichever side had most Tenno joining it once the event ended... So, wanted to save Lotus even if it meant dealing with the Man in the Wall? Too bad, the majority elected to go on all out war. Wanted to take out Natah and the sentients for good? Too bad, the majority wanted to save Lotus. Then there will be the purely reward driven Tenno who will choose whichever side gives best lootz, irrespective of the story... So, the question is - Will DE go down that rabbit hole? Or will they see my comment and go like - Yeah... NO! That is one dystopia we are staying away from. Who knows? ^_^
@dustydarkhorse 6 жыл бұрын
Love it! thanks for switching formats! can we get a video on Fortuna????
@atishpuran1262 3 жыл бұрын
The sentinels proberbly had a laugh when he found out he became fused qitha dead sentient.
@LtDavidB312 6 жыл бұрын
I hadn't really given the Man in the Wall much thought in relation to Chimera Prologue. To this point, I've thought of him as being more like the Outsider from Dishonored than as any other more invested extra-corporeal figure. Whether or not he has a stake in this particular conflict might not even be hinted at in the next expansion. When you think about how DE has stated they could go on indefinitely in regards to making expansions altogether, one could speculate on whether they have fully determined how deep this rabbit hole goes or if they might have contingencies in place whereby they can designate a cutoff and build in a different direction without a sense of abruptness if they so choose.
@thedankpapyrus4779 6 жыл бұрын
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