@jolie chou 不是,是多伦多市的前市长。他说"Those Oriental people work like dogs ... they sleep beside their machines. The Oriental people, they're slowly taking over ... they're hard, hard workers.'' 无独有偶,美国某老板这么说 “The French workforce gets paid high wages but works only three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three,” “I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that’s the French way!” “How stupid do you think we are?” “Titan is going to buy a Chinese tire company or an Indian one, pay less than one Euro per hour wage and ship all the tires France needs. You can keep the so-called workers.” 再联系到我知道我们这里一家知名大学的教授说科学是殖民主义的产物,原住民对大树祈祷应该同样受到尊重。(我曾经写过一篇短文驳斥他这种说法)所以我得出这个结论。我们很富,因为我们以非常少量的人口,占据了大量的资源,资本和科技。但这个优势正在逐渐失去。如果公平竞争的话,我们绝对不是亚洲国家的对手。事实也是如此。顺便说一句,跟我所在的国家相比,单纯从人文上来说,美国都是一个落后野蛮的国家。没有公费医疗,种族主义横行,枪械泛滥,贫富差距巨大。但也是一个更具竞争力的国家。所以竞争力和人文没有绝对的关系。