----免费下载---- 白领求职:《面试必考题目:Tell me about yourself》:www.laobaixiaocui.com/cindyPDF 蓝领求职:《什么是蓝领技工》:www.laobaixiaocui.com/laobaipdf1 蓝领求职:《蓝领技工工资单揭秘》:www.laobaixiaocui.com/laobaipdf2 ----收费课程---- 《北美白领快速求职课程》:www.laobaixiaocui.com/cindy 《零基础蓝领技工入行课程》:www.laobaixiaocui.com/laobai
我觉得女博主说没有’男鬼’不对,男人的阴暗面不是女人的那种怨气,而是 lack of concern ,最让女性受不了和窒息。什么是 lack of concern? The phrase "lack of concern" refers to a situation where someone shows indifference or apathy towards a particular issue, person, or event. It indicates that the individual does not care about the consequences or implications of the situation at hand. Key Points: Indifference: A lack of concern often means that a person is not emotionally invested or affected by what is happening. Apathy: This can manifest as a general disinterest or unwillingness to engage with or address problems. Implications: In relationships or workplace settings, a lack of concern can lead to misunderstandings, conflict, or feelings of neglect.