You are very matured in politics analysis as such a young person. I have been following your video for the past couple of months, and you guys are much better and more objective compare to the rest of ‘wash floor’ gang. Keep up the good work ! 🎉
No. Make everyone who are 3rd generation bumiputra. Easy! Nenek, atuk - non bumi Baba, mama - non bumi Cucu - bumi I think its okay wor. 3 generations liao
我只想說 1)這不是一個容易治理的國家 而且在此之前一黨統治了60年 首先我們是多元宗教與種族 國家 多數群體分别有极端宗教的 ,有看開明的,開明的可以說亲西方 反俄國。接下來我們華人有的亲美,亲台反中 ,還有的要國家模仿新國 真的超级複雜 我還没分析其他友族嘞 😅。這時代誰做首相都吃力不淘好 2)我一開始就不是安華的支持者 有時他做的决定未必我喜歡的。但看得出他的努力 so from me its 58% , its ok ... 加油吧!
You are very matured in politics analysis as such a young person. I have been following your video for the past couple of months, and you guys are much better and more objective compare to the rest of ‘wash floor’ gang. Keep up the good work ! 🎉