感谢分享,我身边人包括父母也都有过出轨,自己也是能理解人性的复杂性,对出轨没有什么judgement,基本同意你分享的几点原因。 但是有一点我很想说,我觉得你和之前的ex一样是自私的人。我听你的描述,会让我觉得,你认为他更自私,因为自己来报复伤害你,而你是为了“我们”。但,“为了我们好”并不能justify your selfishness,就如同父母也会打着为了你好,为了这个家庭好,而且“自以为是”的做一些孩子并不想、不需要、甚至伤害孩子的事情。其实并不是“为了我们”,还是为了自己,只不过这样的excuse或者前置条件,会让自己在做这件事情的时候减少对对方的愧疚感而已。
很有意思的视角和观点。有个事情想讨论一下。 up 主分享当时要一个 date 来 distract 自己在关系中的压力,初衷是挺好的,以及你的出发点肯定是为了关系不至于立马断开,也不是自私,是所谓为了“我们“的存续。 不过有没有过于单方面的去想了,因为毕竟为了”我们”的决定肯定需要两个人做坦诚布公沟通后一起做的决定,才是吧?尤其这种涉及到两人信任的关键决定,非常可能引起对方的猜忌。并且你后来也发现,男方察觉后不是第一时间沟通,而是直接报复你,去真的出轨了。这是对“我们”的伤害吧? 所以我感觉构建亲密关系,最不容易做到但做到后,能帮助两人关系层层深入的是,极度坦诚,一起决定。
If his wife also try to maintain their relationship, and go and cheat with another man or men (3some or 4some), can he accept? If not then he is jus BS...
There is a major difference between men's and women's infidelity. Most men do it because of sex, and most women do it because something is missing in their marriage. Most women will have emotions with their lovers, and most men will not. This is why women's infidelity is very difficult to come back to the family, most of them will end up in a divorce, while men's infidelity will not. Also, gender difference plays a huge role in the view of infidelity, men will feel divorce is the only option because they cannot accept a cheating wife, while women will more likely to accept a cheating husband to save the family. And, women tend to think about infidelity for a long time before making the move, while men do not, women understand and accept the worst outcome of infidelity and plan accordingly. If a woman really loves her husband, cheating on him is unthinkable and she will never do it to "save" the marriage, the act of infidelity is the worst thing you can do to a marriage, so your excuse for saving a marriage cannot be established.