人身難得今已得,佛法難聞今已聞;今身不向此生度,更待何生度此身。 人的一生拥有的财富或物资……只不过是:前人裁树后人程凉巴啦……人生最后面对死亡的时候都好可怜🥺活着的时候好好对自己照顾好自己是真理,人生終究要無遺憾才算真正的活過! 戒杀,放生 。修 持 五 戒,十善业道, 福德 无 量·。 The Five Precepts 五 戒 1. The rule against killing - 不 杀 生, 2. The rule against stealing - 不 偷盗, 3. The rule against impurity - 不邪 淫, 4. The rule against untruthfulness - 不妄 语, 5. The rule against intoxicating drink and drugs - 不 饮 酒。 The Ten Wholesome Ways 1. No Killing 2. No stealing 3. No sexual misconduct 4. No lying 5. No abusive speech 6. No slander 7. No enticing speech 8. No greed 9 No anger 10. No ignorance /delusion/attachment 南無阿彌陀佛🙏南無阿彌陀佛🙏南無阿彌陀佛🙏 Constantly chant : Namo Amitabha, Repentance and Dedication of Merit. 護法神, 護法神, 南無阿彌陀佛🙏南無阿彌陀佛🙏南無阿彌陀佛🙏