@@flora7688 I think @epper0031 trying to say, need to disclose this group's specific name, so no one will join again, as if one doing so, could end up get killed. And that group organzier is a very selfish and non cooperating indiv, have no moral std at all. She is NOT trying to say ban yoga exercise.
This is double standard. Accuse others for no reason. She is an adult. Don’t blame others when something she did wrong. The whole family has the issue.
@@lisazhang5617you are right! I totally agree with you ! 这就是缺乏常识造成的死亡!夏天即使外面温度有二十多度,水中温度也就是15度左右,体温达27度四分钟?肯定要死人的!我曾经学过滑板,号称“水上蛟龙”也摔了五次,怎么爬都爬不上那么平整的滑板,如果不是在教练在旁边指导,十有八九早就冻死了! 不帮你们泼点冷水?还会死更多的人! 尤其300米深的湖也敢去游泳?(肯定被其他人劝阻过?否则不可能只有一个人留下来陪她?)还指望陌生人来救你?指望陌生人在陌生的国度、治安最不好的地方去报案?想都不用想! 这个女的是被自己蠢死的!在加拿大划独木舟是必须拿专门牌照的,要培训整整三天!因为危险系数超大!瑜伽课上七天?绝对不可能花三天时间去参加独木舟的培训!(被培训的人必须12岁以上,能游50米的距离,否则没有资格上课)
@@pattihugo5425人的本能在这种大事突然发生的时候是一致的,不会因为地域改变而改变!在美国会选择第一时间报警,在危地马拉就选择不报警赶紧退房回国?还九个人一起这么整齐划一的做?你觉得可能吗?就像你在中国受到惊吓时脱口而出的是:我的妈呀!刚到美国没几天你会立马改口成:oh my god? 第一本能的反应都是一样的!所以这个南希必定是被这个团体集体所害无疑!
No one brought this up, but part of the problem in there having a very cursory investigation is that this happened overseas in Guatemala. The police in the US can’t investigate there because they have no authority or jurisdiction, and Guatemala police just can’t be trusted to do a good job at investigation or search and rescue, being a poor country with limited resources and the key witnesses having ALL fled the country. It’s possible that they fled not just because they didn’t want to get involved or really didn’t know or see what happened to Nancy, but also because Guatemala’s government (not just the police) in the past had a very bad reputation. Their military junta killed hundreds of thousands of its own people using death squads, and was known for being brutal and corrupt. If you get stuck there in an investigation, you may be imprisoned or have to buy (bribe) your way out even if you were really innocent. There just isn’t enough info here to make any type of semi-educated guesses, let alone responsible speculation. Social media is a very scary place, with all kinds of people hiding in anonymity willing to spread false rumors or make threats just for their entertainment and to gain notoriety. It happened here to the last person who saw Nancy and apparently tried to dissuade her from swimming in the lake. From what we can tell, Nancy probably had an accident in the water, perhaps had cramps or experienced shock from the very cold mountain lake water. There could be undercurrent down below the surface that swept her far away. There isn’t any info she had any enemies or an argument with anyone, so there’s no motive of foul play or indeed any suspect. Mystery (lack of info) alone isn’t evidence that any conspiracy took place.