Good replied comments…. South eastAsian Chinese should not patronise communist China. We should only practice cultural affiliation.. being Chinese is a race but not nationality, most of the Chinese in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand they are citizens of the respective countries, I said this is without prejudice and offence to my mainland Chinese friends ✌️😙
@yuyujulinАй бұрын
@@kwekkelvin 最后一句标榜 without prejudice and offence, 其实前面都充满了 prejudice and offence。 China就是China,什么 communist China? 你应该不是马来华人,你很大可能是新加坡华人。
@@kwekkelvin However, if the tradition is not good, why you keep? In our Mainland China, girls even over 30, won't be asked to go to kitchen, she will always be the princess of their parents. Our race is powerful because we learn good values from others.
我也是第7代的槟城娘惹后裔,家里也是说福建话、英文、泰国话和娘惹马来方言、因家里长辈没有一个会讲和写中文所以当时就让我读华小和独中🤣 Emily姐完完全全说出了我们娘惹的心声!但槟城这里的娘惹后裔很多都不会说中文了,全部几乎都是ang mo sai(香蕉人)都是念英校受英文教育的,而且在槟城的娘惹后裔也越来越少了,90-00年就有一批槟城娘惹搬去泰国生活(我的亲戚也都在泰国)而我认识的娘惹朋友都是去澳洲英国加拿大生活了🥲
Singapore nonya here too. I have the same sentiments. I am forced to cook and do housework plus prepare my bother stuff. Even until today my brother wasn't even allowed to wash his own used mug. My brother can wake me up at late night to cook for him if he is hungry. Regarding pee, my mum taught me to turn on the tap when i pee. We have a big jar in the toilet to collect water when we pee. Basically once enter bathroom we turn the tap to make noise of water dripping.
Very similar to japanese female toilets where girls will actually turn on the flushing sound or ask the guy or partner to go far far from the toilet before they use them.
I am born in Singapore but my mum is from Malacca. Both my grandparents are half malay and chinese mix. Ancestors also include Indian and Portuguese mixed together with us. My grandfather have 2 wives because my biological grandmother fled to Singapore after giving birth to my mum. He didn't look for her but marry a new women to look after his children. 2nd grandmother also fled to kelantan and refused to even see her own daughters. My grandmother reunited with my grandpa at old age because of my mum's marriage to Singapore. My grandmother claim she fled because she cannot give birth to son so was bullied but my grandpa didn't defend her. As both wives only give birth to 5 daughters, my grand uncle's son was credited to my grandpa to pass the family line.
So, if I don’t understand it wrong, peranakan is equivalent to baba-nyonya, they may or may not have Malaysian blood, but especially means for those who came to South Eastern in 16 or 17 century and their children were born in local countries (not in China anymore). I knew some overseas Chinese since I have been doing shoe business in Indonesia, my family dialect is Fuzhou (福州話), I even met a coworker he can speak Fuqing (福清話), then we found we can communicate each other with our own dialect, that’s interesting. By the way, if their ancestors came to Indonesia in late 19 century, can they be called as baba-nyonya as well?
baba nyonya其实不只是有福建话,还有其他方言(潮州/客家/广东/广西等等,古代中国南方地区的)。还有餐桌礼仪也保留了古代摆放的方式,座位是长幼排序,当年普及的是方桌(也包括长方形的桌子),方桌的历史要比圆桌更久,更方便使用,更容易容纳更多的东西和人,祖辈们比较偏向使用主义,方桌他们最爱,尊贵人士则是一个人独占一桌。baba和nyonya其实他们有各自都要学习的生存技能,有没有重男轻女的问题,主要还是要看家主如何领导这个家族,大家比较熟悉nyonya,baba就很少,毕竟影视剧很少有关于baba的故事,哈哈哈。我也是baba nyonya的后代,但我家族从来不说自己就是baba nyonya,哦,对了,就是煮的东西偏甜的问题,不是收到印尼影响,而是这些早期华人把这个填甜的文化带过来的哦,如果有关注中国古代的食谱,其实,都超甜齁,古代那个年代,糖是金贵的东西...比如我们熟悉的年糕,糖很多的哈...还有月子餐,糖是少不了的。
感覺娘惹應該是指文化(馬來+華/印 or 華人捨中就英 or 處在周遭都是馬來人區域)融合而非血統或婚姻(馬+華 or 當地人+移民),然而娘惹文化多數還是華人+馬來人婚姻產生文化融合造成的, Emily說外來移民和當地人混血就是娘惹這定義會有問題,因為當地人(華人早期移民)若一直遵循華人習俗,那(後來華人移民 or Emily長輩)和其結婚也不會產生娘惹文化。 所以娘惹應該不是當地和外地婚姻而是指兩種文化融合,而之所以能融合和移民文化被淡化有關(不同族群結合/語言弱化、沒傳承/環境影響等等 本地文化強勢取而代之)
One thing my mum always tells me is the skill we learnt in the kitchen and household won't let us die so since a young age i never got any toy but learn to play in the kitchen. My grandmother fled to Singapore and with her cooking skills she open a successful hawker stall for more than 40 years. At the beginning her boss take her in and give her a place to stay solely because she cook some food to convince him to Recuit her upon arrival to Singapore.