BNO 申請window will close㗎. Can u take Time Off from your studies? I would put off studying which is resolvable (eg people suddenly run out of cash; or health problem; or family crisis). U can ALWAYS resume it in UK, in YSA. Or, why not transfer to Canada at once: they welcome adult students to apply for citizenship. Canada is much better for emigration than UK in so many ways, esp job market.
Taiwan will retaliate by raining missles on PLA's installation when Xi invades. HK is a vital link in PLA 's air defence, but HK will be spared because?
車!這個年代重有種族歧視? 住了北, UK 十年以上. Racial prejudice only happens to those who have that chip on their own shoulders. HK is one of the most racially prejudiced places I hv ever lived in. 什麼阿差,什麼鬼佬鬼婆,什麼馬拉鬼, 黑鬼 (even if the 黑人 is an accomplished scholar), some hkgers use the word 鬼to貶低異族群. This kind of hkgers are the only ones who will suffer racism abroad. Well educated, well meaning hkgers will be fine. This is my collective experience of hving spent scores of years in English speaking countries. 大6五毛話外國有種族歧視. They hv never lived in elite countries, just blabbing the brainwashed version. And with their brainwashed CCP ideology, coming down to HK with their wheelable suitcases, openly unpacking on the pavement, they get sideglances from hk residents outright as they come to bring down our quality of life in hk. There is more 種族歧視 in🇭🇰 than in 🇬🇧,🇨🇦,🇺🇸 ‼️