明白有陣時鐘意一個人好耐,係好難抽身。可能好多人覺得佢on9, 不過如果真係有深愛過一個人都會明白佢感受。不過20 幾年都仲對人咁執著,佢係傻在放唔低啫。聽得出森美問佢,人地如果唔鐘意佢,仲隔硬同佢一齊佢係唔係仲灰,然後個女人避答,佢好想逃避現實。佢愛既都係愛一個佢自己幻想好美好既男人,佢睇到一個男人好既一面,但睇唔到或唔知道個男人唔好既另一面,先會不斷放大個幻想,越得唔到就會越想要,所以一直追求、放唔低。森美都真係好好,無打俾個男人。不過如果真係打都唔係唔好既事,個男人親口講,可能會令個女人死左條心。希望個女人真係識得move on, 識過另一個人又好,學下其他世藝都好,世界很大,係時候要為自己而轉。
@kimwong53544 жыл бұрын
@leungloksze77524 жыл бұрын
我覺得你既留言係最善良 同 理解 當事人既感受,好好
@hiuchichan36974 жыл бұрын
Leung Lok Sze 因為我覺得每個人人生入面都總有暗戀或者明戀既人,我自己都曾經有過,當然唔會好似佢咁執著啦。雖然好多人覺得佢病態,我自己都覺,但佢鐘意一個人係無錯既,起碼佢忠於自己感覺。
Love is not about possesing the other person.. Possession means controlling or owning something. You can’t really own a person, of course, but someone can try. Love means caring for someone and wanting the best for them. Love can be passionate, but it should also be kind and nurturing. Love without possession means wanting your partner to be happy even if you aren’t the one making them happy. A relationship can’t be a person’s only source of joy. You need more layers and nuances in your life. Your personal goals, hobbies and other relationships can wither when you focus all your attention on one person. Possession can feel a lot like addiction. You might come to feel like you rely on the other person for your self worth, looking to them for validation because you have no one else in your life. In reality, having many supportive people involved in your life is much healthier.