佐子总是能让我大开眼界!你们的赞赞是我更新的最大动力! 过5k 是时候聊聊日本皇室了🤔 参考文献 1. 「神待ち」のSNS投稿が未成年者誘拐に 新型コロナ感染拡大で女子中高生の被害が増加[DB/OL].東京新聞,2020. 2. Frederick, Sarah Anne. Housewives, modern girls, feminists: Women's magazines and modernity in Japan. [D] .2000 3. 丸山 里美.見えない女性の貧困とその構造―ホームレス女性の調査か[J].住民と自治,2017 4. Leheny, David. Think Global, Fear Local: S, Violence and Anxiety in Contemporary Japan. [M]New York: Cornell University Press, 2006. 5. Gerald Mclellan.An Examination of the Causes and Consequences of Compensated Dating(Enjo-Kosai) in Contemporary Japanese Society[J].Jstage,2013(25-37) 6. 若者行方不明3万人[DB/OL].NHK,2018.