先日、急遽出かけたニセコのVlogです!友人の小玉ちゃんがご両親とニセコに行くということで、スキーの部分(と行き帰り)だけ、ずうずうしくもご一緒させていただきました。今シーズン滑り納め!🎿今回の旅では最近気になっていたInsta360 ONE X2をRentioで借りてみました(ゲレンデでの機動性を考えて最新機種のRSではなく、あえてX2を選んでます◎) Here's a Travel Vlog from my recent trip to Niseko! My friend Kodama-chan was going to Niseko with her parents, so I was very gracious to accompany her only for the skiing and the drive between the airport and Niseko. This was the last skiing for this season! For this trip, I rented the Insta360 ONE X2 from Rentio, which I had been curious about recently. I chose the X2 instead of the newest model, the RS, for its mobility on the slopes.