タイトルどおり、タイヤ交換に行って、ワカサギ釣りに行ったとある週末のVlogです😂2021-22シーズンのワカサギもこれで釣り納め。次シーズンも楽しみです。XF27mm F2.8 R WRは本当に軽いので、X-E4にぴったりですねえ。解像感も申し分なし! As the title says, this is a Vlog of one weekend when I went to change a tire and go Wakasagi fishing. 2021-22 fall/winter season Wakasagi fishing is over. I'm looking forward to the next season! And I took the lens, Fujifilm XF27mm f/2.8 R WR, this time. It's really light and tiny, as you know, it's perfect for the X-E4!