@@NaliNali 您真好願意聽我說。 我在專店買的。我覺得專店的職員和經理都很難溝通可能是被買的人寵壞了因為大家都怕買不到。第一次stitching issue 我拿去換。他們說沒事都一樣的。可是有給我替換一個。我叫他們幫幫忙選一個因為我眼睛不好。回家後孩子看見glazing issue 又拿回去。這回是經理。她還沒看就沒好氣的說你已經換了一次。就能換一次吧了 。我就很禮貌的說不換不要警不過I would hope that LV could put more attention into the quality of their products.她有點老了。 She seemed to not be able to see the glazing issue. 一直說沒事。I took an enlarged photo of the glazing issue and showed her.然后她才再替換一個給我但是我發覺它的lining 是cowhide ,but my original one is made of Calfskin as well as described on the LV official website.經理說都一樣的you should just use it. 我回去查了明天早上又去經理正在忙我和她說 I didn't mind waiting for her and just wanted to speak to herself about my purse. 但是經理沒來和我說而叫了一個來有她說沒我說然後和我說 Have a nice day ! 就 Walked away. 我就打電話和寫 Email去LV .