Namo Lokiteshvara prayer (Bhutanese version) Prayer of Avalokiteshvara

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Happiest Bhutan

Happiest Bhutan

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#avalokiteshvara #video #bhutan #viral #buddhism #dharma #prayer

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@i_love_tibet7001 4 ай бұрын
Namo Avālokiteshvāra......🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷☸️☸️☸️☸️☸️☸️☸️ Om Mani Padme Hum...📿📿📿📿📿📿📿🌈😇❤️ So beautiful chant.........lights up my ❤🙏
@jeetrajtamang5424 4 ай бұрын
. .. ..
@jkbhuta4402 3 ай бұрын
@jkbhuta4402 3 ай бұрын
Om mani padme hum 🙏🙏🙏
@RomanoStroppetti 18 күн бұрын
I’m a Western yogi and feel immense emotional purification listening to this celestial music. It is also very inspiring while practicing my daily yoga exercises. Dashe delek.
@indiramanali3580 Ай бұрын
So beautiful 🥰❤👏
@Karnamaya-h8k Ай бұрын
@catherines4725 Ай бұрын
So beautiful ❤ Thanks
@RachanaRumba-yz4wv 3 ай бұрын
She is precoius ❤❤❤
@rajeshmalla1147 6 ай бұрын
जय श्री बुद्ध रक्षा गर मेरो मनोकामना पूरा होस् ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ
@pgalaxy Ай бұрын
I bow to Avalokiteśvara CHAB-KUEN DUE LAMA CHEN-RE-ZIG The embodiment of all, Lord of Refuge, Chenrezig, CHOE-NYING PO-YI GE-DrUG PA-LA and to the Six Syllables, the essence of all Dharma, MI-DAG SOG-GUE PE-SOEL WA-DEB I and all others devotedly supplicate. SEM-YANG DAG-CHOE LA-GYUR WAR-SHOG May our thoughts genuinely turn to the Dharma. LHA-CHEN RE-ZIG LA-CHAB SU-CHI I take refuge in you, Lord Chenrezig! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG To the Dharma of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DRO WA-KUEN May I and all mother sentient beings, OM DZOG-SANG GYE-LA CHAB-SU CHI take refuge in the awakened Buddha when reciting Oṃ, MA DAM-PAI CHOE-LA CHAB-SU CHI MA to take refuge in the Sublime Dharma, NI GE-DUEN TSHOG-LA CHAB-SU CHI NI to take refuge in the assemblage of Sangha, PAD LA-MA NAM-LA CHAB-SU CHI PAD to take refuge in the Spiritual Master (Guru), ME YI-DAM LHA-la CHAB-SU CHI ME to take refuge in the tutelary deity (Iśtadevatta), HUng KHA-DrO TSHOG-LA CHAB-SU CHI HUNG to take refuge in the retinue of Dakinis. LHA-CHEN RE-ZIG LA-SOEL WA-DEB To you Lord Chenrezig, we supplicate! CHOE-OM DANG-MA NI-PAD ME-HUNG To the Dharma of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN I and all beings, unexceptionally, OM PHAG-PAI KU-LA SOEL-WA DEB supplicate to the Body of the Noble One in the syllable OM, MA PHAG-PAI SUNG-LA SOEL-WA DEB MA to the Speech of the Noble One, NI PHAG-PAI THUG-LA SOEL-WA DEB NI to the Mind of the Noble one, PAD YOEN-TEN CHOG-LA SOEL-WA DEB PAD to the Excellent Knowledge of the Noble One, ME THrIN-LE NAM-LA SOEL-WA DEB ME to the diverse Activity of the Noble One, Avalokiteśvara. HUng THAM-CHE DUE-LA SOEL-WA DEB and, HUNG to the embodiment of all. LHA CHEN-RE ZIG WANG-KHYOED RANG-KHYEN Arya Chenrezig, you are the one and only to think of us! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the power of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN May all the unwholesome deeds committed, and defilements LE-DIG DrIB-MA LUE-JANG DU-SOEL That I and all beings possess be thoroughly cleansed. OM LUE-KYI DrIB-PA JANG-DU SOEL May reciting the OM cleanse the defilements of body, MA NGAG-GI DrIB-PA JANG-DU SOEL MA purify the defilements committed by speech NI YID-KYI DrIB-PA JANG-DU SOEL NI purify the defilements of mind PAD NYOEN-MONG DrIB-PA JANG-DU SOEL PAD dispel disturbing emotions, ME BAG-CHAG DrIB-PA JANG-DU SOEL ME dispel habitual inclination, and HUNG SHE-JAI DrIB-PA JANG-DU SOEL HUNG dispel the obscuration of knowledge. LHA CHEN-RE ZIG-WANG KHYOED-RANG KHYEN Arya Chenrezig, you are the one and only to think of us! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the power of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI DAG-DANG MA-GYUR DrO-WA KUEN May all the five inner delusions (kleśas) that NANG NYOEN-MONG DUG-NGA ZHI-WAR SHOG I and mother sentient beings possess be pacified. OM NYOEN-MONG TI-MUG ZHI-WAR SHOG May reciting Oṃ pacify the delusion of ignorance, MA NYOEN-MONG ZHE-DANG ZHI-WAR SHOG MA pacify disturbing aggression, NI NYOEN-MONG NGA-GYAL ZHI-WAR SHOG NI bring down egocentric pride, PAD NYOEN-MONG DOED-CHAG ZHI-WAR SHOG PAD calm the burning desire, ME NYOEN-MONG THrA-DOG ZHI-WAR SHOG ME pacify clinging jealousy, and HUNG DUG-NGA THAM-CHED ZHI-WAR SHOG HUNG pacify all the five poisons. LHA CHEN-RE ZIG-WANG KHYOED-RANG KHYEN May you no other than Lord Chenrezig think of us! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG May the reciting of OM MANI PAD ME HUNG, MI DAG-DANG MA-GYUR DrO-WA KUEN Relieve all beings and I from the NE-RIG DrUG-DUG NGEL-ZHI WAR-SHOG Misery of being born into the six realms of samsara OM LHA-YI DUG-NGEL ZHI-WAR SHOG May reciting OM relieve the misery of Gods, MA LHA-MIN DUG-NGEL ZHI-WAR SHOG MA relieve the suffering of demigods, NI MI-YI DUG-NGEL ZHI-WAR SHOG NI pacify the suffering of humans, PAD JEL-SONG DUG-NGEL ZHI-WAR SHOG PAD relinquish the sorrows of animals, ME YI-DAG DUG-NGEL ZHI-WAR SHOG ME pacify the anguish and pain of hungry ghosts, and HUNG NYEL-WAI DUG-NGEL ZHI-WAR SHOG HUNG relieve all the miseries of the hell realms. LHA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-KHYOED RANG-KHYEN Lord Chenrezig, you are the crown of all knowing CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the power of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI DAG-DANG MA-GYUR DrO-WA KUEN May I and all beings, LAM-PHA ROEL-CHIN DrUG-DZOG PAR-SHOG Be accomplished on the path of the Six Perfections. OM JIN-PAI PHA-ROEL CHIN-DZOG SHOG May we by reciting OM achieve the perfection of generosity, MA TSHUEL-THrIM PHA-ROEL CHIN-DZOG SHOG MA to accomplish the perfection of morality, NI ZOED-PAI PHA-ROEL CHIN-DZOG SHOG NI the perfection of patience, PAD TSUEN-DrUE PHA-ROEL CHIN-DZOG SHOG PAD the perfection of diligence, ME SAM-TEN PHA-ROEL CHIN-DZOG SHOG ME meditative accomplishment, and HUNG SHE-RAB PHA-ROEL CHIN-DZOG SHOG HUNG to reach the tip of wisdom. LHA CHEN-RE ZIG-WANG JIN-LAB KYI And by the blessings of you, Lord Chenrezig, NE DAG-PAI ZHING-DU KYE-WAR SHOG May all beings be born in the blissful pure land. GOEN-KAL PA-ZANG POI SANG-GYE TONG The lord of wondrous ages, a thousand Buddhas, LHA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-NYID KYI-TrUEL Are manifested in the Lord Chenrezig. CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the power of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, NE DOR-JE DEN-DU SANG-GYE SHOG May all be awakened. DUE NYIG-MAI DrEN-CHOG PED-MA JUNG Padma Jugney, the true guide in the times of degeneration, LHA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-SUNG LE-TrUEL Is manifested from the Speech of Lord Chenrezig. CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the power of reciting OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, NE-ZANG DOK-PEL RIR-KYE WAR-SHOG May all be Born in the copper paradise of Padmasambhava. LHA BUDDHA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-KHYEN Thus, only you are the all-knowing, compassionate Buddha Chenrezig CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the virtue of reciting OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN May all beings and I WUE-WOG MIN-TUG POR-KYE WAR-SHOG Be born in the centre of the densely arrayed Buddha-field of Akaniśtha, LHA BAZA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG KHYEN To you Lord of Vajra Chenrezig, we pray! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By reciting the mantra OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN May all beings and I SHAR-NGOEN GAI-ZHING DU-KYE WAR-SHOG Be led to the eastern paradise of Abhirati. LHA RAT-NA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-KHYEN To you Lord of all knowing Jewel Chenrezig, we pray! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PED-ME HUNG By the power of reciting OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN May I and all beings, LHO-PEL DEN-ZHING DU-KYE WAR-SHOG Be born in the southern paradise. LHA PAD-MA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-KHYEN May you be always known to us, the Lotus Chenrezig! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PED-ME HUNG By the merit of reciting the OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN May I and all beings, NUB-DE CHEN-ZHING DU-KYE WAR-SHOG Be born in the western paradise of the Pure land. LHA-KARMA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-KHYEN To you the Lord of all knowing Karma Chenrezig, we implore! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By reciting OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN May I and all beings, JANG-LE RAB-ZHING DU-KYE WAR-SHOG Be born in the northern paradise of fulfilled action, NGAR DE-PAI SANG-GYE SHEG-PAI NE The place where the past Buddhas have gone to. CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG Through the Syllable of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, DUE MA-ONG SANG-GYE JUNG-WAI KHUNG Is the source of future coming Buddhas CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG Also from OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, DUE DA-TAI SANG-GYE JEN-PAI LAM Is the path where the present Buddhas dwell CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG In the Mantra of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, ZHI-NE LUG-THA DrEL-WU MA-NYID Is the base of nature abiding in non-duality. CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG In the Mantra of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, LAM-YOED SEL-CHAG GYA-CHEN PO-YANG Is the path of luminosity in Mahāmudra. CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG The Six syllables of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, THAR-DrE BU-LHUEN DrUB-DZOG PA-CHE Are the final result of the spontaneous great perfection. CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the power of reciting OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, LHA LA-NA MED-PA CHEN-RE-ZIG Thus, may the attainment of unexcelled lord, Chenrezig, CHOE LA-NA MED-PA YI-GE DrUG The supreme Dharma of the Six Syllables, SEM LA-NA MED-PA JANG-CHUB SEM The sublime Awakening of Bodhicitta MA DrO-WA KUN-GYI THOB-PAR SHOG Be achieved by all mother sentient beings.
@frankvanmarissingsnoe2246 5 ай бұрын
Chair de poules.serenity.beatiful.
@dawatsheringsherpa8610 7 ай бұрын
🙏🙏🙏💐♥️👍👌 Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Padme Hum AryawaloketeswaraChenrezic lha Tashi Delek.
@rinzindorje5417 8 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for the lovely prayer. It became my regular morning prayer.
@i_love_tibet7001 4 ай бұрын
me too..... I have collection of Daily Mantra Playlist. ❤
@ManjuLama-s2x 16 күн бұрын
My favourite ❤️
@ashokpariyar8968 6 ай бұрын
@retaparasram5439 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this so lovely and peaceful 🌹 Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Tara Tuttare Ture Svaha 🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦🌸🌺🏵️🪔
@happiestbhutan 4 ай бұрын
Always welcome
@rupsingtamang19 7 ай бұрын
Om Namo Ratna Trayaaya Namo Aarya Gyaana Sagara Vairochan Vyuharajaya Tathagatevya Arhatevya Samyak Sambuddhevya Namo Aarya Avalokitesvaraya Bodhisvataya Mahasvataya Maha Karunikaya Taddhtha Om Dhara Dhara Dhiri Dhiri Dhuru Dhuru Itti Batte Chale Chale Prachaale Prachale Kussume Kussume Vare Illi Milli Chittijvalam Apanaye Soha
@pahalpakhrin6375 28 күн бұрын
Om mane pedme hung❤❤❤
@yeshidorji3980 14 күн бұрын
Thujay Chenpo Chenrizee Kheno...🙏🙏🙏 Om Mani Padme the power of this mantra may all sentient being get liberated from the ocean of the suffering of six realms...
@sonamtamang4039 11 ай бұрын
Om Mani Padme Hung 🌹🙏🌹🙏🌹🙏
@kajimanyonjan7952 10 ай бұрын
Om Mani Padme Hum ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🌻🌻🌻💐💐💐🌼🌼🌼🌸🌸🌸🌷🌷🌷🌹🌹🌹
@nilimadandale1971 2 ай бұрын
I Love Prear ❤🎉😊
@ongmitlepcha971 Ай бұрын
So emotional, I missing my Dad and Mom.please make lyrics also.
@dorjiphuntsho5162 6 ай бұрын
Om mani padme hung. 🙏🙏🙏
@ugyendema2775 10 ай бұрын
@pgalaxy Ай бұрын
I bow to Avalokiteśvara CHAB-KUEN DUE LAMA CHEN-RE-ZIG The embodiment of all, Lord of Refuge, Chenrezig, CHOE-NYING PO-YI GE-DrUG PA-LA and to the Six Syllables, the essence of all Dharma, MI-DAG SOG-GUE PE-SOEL WA-DEB I and all others devotedly supplicate. SEM-YANG DAG-CHOE LA-GYUR WAR-SHOG May our thoughts genuinely turn to the Dharma. LHA-CHEN RE-ZIG LA-CHAB SU-CHI I take refuge in you, Lord Chenrezig! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG To the Dharma of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DRO WA-KUEN May I and all mother sentient beings, OM DZOG-SANG GYE-LA CHAB-SU CHI take refuge in the awakened Buddha when reciting Oṃ, MA DAM-PAI CHOE-LA CHAB-SU CHI MA to take refuge in the Sublime Dharma, NI GE-DUEN TSHOG-LA CHAB-SU CHI NI to take refuge in the assemblage of Sangha, PAD LA-MA NAM-LA CHAB-SU CHI PAD to take refuge in the Spiritual Master (Guru), ME YI-DAM LHA-la CHAB-SU CHI ME to take refuge in the tutelary deity (Iśtadevatta), HUng KHA-DrO TSHOG-LA CHAB-SU CHI HUNG to take refuge in the retinue of Dakinis. LHA-CHEN RE-ZIG LA-SOEL WA-DEB To you Lord Chenrezig, we supplicate! CHOE-OM DANG-MA NI-PAD ME-HUNG To the Dharma of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN I and all beings, unexceptionally, OM PHAG-PAI KU-LA SOEL-WA DEB supplicate to the Body of the Noble One in the syllable OM, MA PHAG-PAI SUNG-LA SOEL-WA DEB MA to the Speech of the Noble One, NI PHAG-PAI THUG-LA SOEL-WA DEB NI to the Mind of the Noble one, PAD YOEN-TEN CHOG-LA SOEL-WA DEB PAD to the Excellent Knowledge of the Noble One, ME THrIN-LE NAM-LA SOEL-WA DEB ME to the diverse Activity of the Noble One, Avalokiteśvara. HUng THAM-CHE DUE-LA SOEL-WA DEB and, HUNG to the embodiment of all. LHA CHEN-RE ZIG WANG-KHYOED RANG-KHYEN Arya Chenrezig, you are the one and only to think of us! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the power of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN May all the unwholesome deeds committed, and defilements LE-DIG DrIB-MA LUE-JANG DU-SOEL That I and all beings possess be thoroughly cleansed. OM LUE-KYI DrIB-PA JANG-DU SOEL May reciting the OM cleanse the defilements of body, MA NGAG-GI DrIB-PA JANG-DU SOEL MA purify the defilements committed by speech NI YID-KYI DrIB-PA JANG-DU SOEL NI purify the defilements of mind PAD NYOEN-MONG DrIB-PA JANG-DU SOEL PAD dispel disturbing emotions, ME BAG-CHAG DrIB-PA JANG-DU SOEL ME dispel habitual inclination, and HUNG SHE-JAI DrIB-PA JANG-DU SOEL HUNG dispel the obscuration of knowledge. LHA CHEN-RE ZIG-WANG KHYOED-RANG KHYEN Arya Chenrezig, you are the one and only to think of us! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the power of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI DAG-DANG MA-GYUR DrO-WA KUEN May all the five inner delusions (kleśas) that NANG NYOEN-MONG DUG-NGA ZHI-WAR SHOG I and mother sentient beings possess be pacified. OM NYOEN-MONG TI-MUG ZHI-WAR SHOG May reciting Oṃ pacify the delusion of ignorance, MA NYOEN-MONG ZHE-DANG ZHI-WAR SHOG MA pacify disturbing aggression, NI NYOEN-MONG NGA-GYAL ZHI-WAR SHOG NI bring down egocentric pride, PAD NYOEN-MONG DOED-CHAG ZHI-WAR SHOG PAD calm the burning desire, ME NYOEN-MONG THrA-DOG ZHI-WAR SHOG ME pacify clinging jealousy, and HUNG DUG-NGA THAM-CHED ZHI-WAR SHOG HUNG pacify all the five poisons. LHA CHEN-RE ZIG-WANG KHYOED-RANG KHYEN May you no other than Lord Chenrezig think of us! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG May the reciting of OM MANI PAD ME HUNG, MI DAG-DANG MA-GYUR DrO-WA KUEN Relieve all beings and I from the NE-RIG DrUG-DUG NGEL-ZHI WAR-SHOG Misery of being born into the six realms of samsara OM LHA-YI DUG-NGEL ZHI-WAR SHOG May reciting OM relieve the misery of Gods, MA LHA-MIN DUG-NGEL ZHI-WAR SHOG MA relieve the suffering of demigods, NI MI-YI DUG-NGEL ZHI-WAR SHOG NI pacify the suffering of humans, PAD JEL-SONG DUG-NGEL ZHI-WAR SHOG PAD relinquish the sorrows of animals, ME YI-DAG DUG-NGEL ZHI-WAR SHOG ME pacify the anguish and pain of hungry ghosts, and HUNG NYEL-WAI DUG-NGEL ZHI-WAR SHOG HUNG relieve all the miseries of the hell realms. LHA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-KHYOED RANG-KHYEN Lord Chenrezig, you are the crown of all knowing CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the power of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI DAG-DANG MA-GYUR DrO-WA KUEN May I and all beings, LAM-PHA ROEL-CHIN DrUG-DZOG PAR-SHOG Be accomplished on the path of the Six Perfections. OM JIN-PAI PHA-ROEL CHIN-DZOG SHOG May we by reciting OM achieve the perfection of generosity, MA TSHUEL-THrIM PHA-ROEL CHIN-DZOG SHOG MA to accomplish the perfection of morality, NI ZOED-PAI PHA-ROEL CHIN-DZOG SHOG NI the perfection of patience, PAD TSUEN-DrUE PHA-ROEL CHIN-DZOG SHOG PAD the perfection of diligence, ME SAM-TEN PHA-ROEL CHIN-DZOG SHOG ME meditative accomplishment, and HUNG SHE-RAB PHA-ROEL CHIN-DZOG SHOG HUNG to reach the tip of wisdom. LHA CHEN-RE ZIG-WANG JIN-LAB KYI And by the blessings of you, Lord Chenrezig, NE DAG-PAI ZHING-DU KYE-WAR SHOG May all beings be born in the blissful pure land. GOEN-KAL PA-ZANG POI SANG-GYE TONG The lord of wondrous ages, a thousand Buddhas, LHA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-NYID KYI-TrUEL Are manifested in the Lord Chenrezig. CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the power of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, NE DOR-JE DEN-DU SANG-GYE SHOG May all be awakened. DUE NYIG-MAI DrEN-CHOG PED-MA JUNG Padma Jugney, the true guide in the times of degeneration, LHA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-SUNG LE-TrUEL Is manifested from the Speech of Lord Chenrezig. CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the power of reciting OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, NE-ZANG DOK-PEL RIR-KYE WAR-SHOG May all be Born in the copper paradise of Padmasambhava. LHA BUDDHA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-KHYEN Thus, only you are the all-knowing, compassionate Buddha Chenrezig CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the virtue of reciting OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN May all beings and I WUE-WOG MIN-TUG POR-KYE WAR-SHOG Be born in the centre of the densely arrayed Buddha-field of Akaniśtha, LHA BAZA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG KHYEN To you Lord of Vajra Chenrezig, we pray! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By reciting the mantra OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN May all beings and I SHAR-NGOEN GAI-ZHING DU-KYE WAR-SHOG Be led to the eastern paradise of Abhirati. LHA RAT-NA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-KHYEN To you Lord of all knowing Jewel Chenrezig, we pray! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PED-ME HUNG By the power of reciting OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN May I and all beings, LHO-PEL DEN-ZHING DU-KYE WAR-SHOG Be born in the southern paradise. LHA PAD-MA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-KHYEN May you be always known to us, the Lotus Chenrezig! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PED-ME HUNG By the merit of reciting the OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN May I and all beings, NUB-DE CHEN-ZHING DU-KYE WAR-SHOG Be born in the western paradise of the Pure land. LHA-KARMA CHEN-RE-ZIG WANG-KHYEN To you the Lord of all knowing Karma Chenrezig, we implore! CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By reciting OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, MI-DAG DANG-MA GYUR-DrO WA-KUEN May I and all beings, JANG-LE RAB-ZHING DU-KYE WAR-SHOG Be born in the northern paradise of fulfilled action, NGAR DE-PAI SANG-GYE SHEG-PAI NE The place where the past Buddhas have gone to. CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG Through the Syllable of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, DUE MA-ONG SANG-GYE JUNG-WAI KHUNG Is the source of future coming Buddhas CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG Also from OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, DUE DA-TAI SANG-GYE JEN-PAI LAM Is the path where the present Buddhas dwell CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG In the Mantra of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, ZHI-NE LUG-THA DrEL-WU MA-NYID Is the base of nature abiding in non-duality. CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG In the Mantra of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, LAM-YOED SEL-CHAG GYA-CHEN PO-YANG Is the path of luminosity in Mahāmudra. CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG The Six syllables of OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, THAR-DrE BU-LHUEN DrUB-DZOG PA-CHE Are the final result of the spontaneous great perfection. CHOE OM-DANG MA-NI PAD-ME HUNG By the power of reciting OM MA NI PAD ME HUNG, LHA LA-NA MED-PA CHEN-RE-ZIG Thus, may the attainment of unexcelled lord, Chenrezig, CHOE LA-NA MED-PA YI-GE DrUG The supreme Dharma of the Six Syllables, SEM LA-NA MED-PA JANG-CHUB SEM The sublime Awakening of Bodhicitta MA DrO-WA KUN-GYI THOB-PAR SHOG Be achieved by all mother sentient beings.
@gardener800 8 күн бұрын
@KalsangZomkey 3 ай бұрын
@bhimlama902 Жыл бұрын
@tsultrimgyatso8652 3 ай бұрын
Name of the singers please. This is the best prayer melody or any sorts of songs Bhutanese have sanged ever. SALUTE
@happiestbhutan 3 ай бұрын
Here name is Phub Zam everyone called her as Chay chay..
@tsultrimgyatso8652 3 ай бұрын
@@happiestbhutan thank you
@OppoOppo-nx9jh 11 ай бұрын
@PunamTamang-c3u 9 ай бұрын
ओम मनि पद्मे हुम
@somkumarigurung6685 11 ай бұрын
Om Mani padme hum 🙏🙏🌺🌺🙏🙏
@nirmayatamang8658 9 ай бұрын
om mani pedme hung 🔥🌹🔥🌹🙏🙏
@bxbyten_ 27 күн бұрын
@dorjidenma2231 8 ай бұрын
❤❤❤ Chuebsue choe la, 🎉..... Ommanipemahung.
@kajimanyonjan4457 Жыл бұрын
Om Mani Padme Hum
@phurpalhadon3270 11 ай бұрын
@kesangbhutia409 10 ай бұрын
thanks very good
@JoelSoto-kf2yw 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your prayers.
@happiestbhutan 4 ай бұрын
Any time
@TharchenChagsanpa 11 ай бұрын
@lobzangchoton3226 13 күн бұрын
@gombasherpa707 10 ай бұрын
@vviv0y1s47 6 ай бұрын
@infinitebreaker5716 4 ай бұрын
@Max-ty4xm Жыл бұрын
@sukulama 5 ай бұрын
@MarioJorgeAmorim 6 ай бұрын
🙏🙏🙏Om Mani Padme Hung. 🙏🙏🙏
@DikiYuton-fg6pw 2 ай бұрын
@ParbatiTamang-ks9ec 9 ай бұрын
om om om 🌸🌸🌸🙏🙏🙏
@nilimadandale1971 2 ай бұрын
Just I Went to Bhutan
@BasSang-m8s 5 ай бұрын
Ом Мани Падме Хум 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@uuuu-ek5st 8 күн бұрын
Om Mani peme hung
@Rachedt 2 ай бұрын
@sasikalaraman6767 11 ай бұрын
Music sound is melting heart I am hindu brahmin.but i like and follow and admire budha. Melts our heart 4:58
@indiramanali3580 Ай бұрын
@g.u.r.a.smctangolee7741 6 ай бұрын
@ZongdenLepcha-oe4ge 21 күн бұрын
@dawatsheringsherpa8610 11 ай бұрын
@Rasmi719 9 ай бұрын
Tasi dhelek❤❤ 1:24
@BirkheGurung-o7m 9 ай бұрын
❤❤om mani padme hungg
@premlama7475 12 күн бұрын
@senadeeragunarathne1653 4 ай бұрын
Omm mani padme hum!!!.
@karmachomuhyolmo4367 5 ай бұрын
ओम मणि पेमे हुङ । टाशीलीलेग स्यु 🎉🙏🎉
@ShankarSyangtan-gs6up 28 күн бұрын
@bhimlama902 Жыл бұрын
Om mani padme Hum
@kumarjimba1012 9 ай бұрын
@satendrakumar-ni4yy 10 ай бұрын
OM MANI PADME HUM.🙏👏🌺💐🪷♥️💜❤️🩵🩷💚🖤🤎💙🪻❣️🍡
@sonamtamang4039 11 ай бұрын
Sangay Chenreji la chyak chalo 🌹🙏🙏🙏 4:53 4:55 5:02
@PurnimaBomjan-u6m 6 ай бұрын
@재영전-q2z Ай бұрын
일체세존의게 힘을실어주라 자녀가 바르게성장하게돕는것이 부모이니라
@sunitalama1006 9 ай бұрын
@BasSang-m8s 5 ай бұрын
@shantitmg1080 6 ай бұрын
@tashiwangyol6208 8 ай бұрын
@ReenaLopchan-n4y 5 ай бұрын
@ziq2188 4 ай бұрын
❤ 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@전재영-l7c 11 ай бұрын
@SukMayaTamang-e8d 10 ай бұрын
@PrimaTamang 9 ай бұрын
@sangaydikilepcha5100 10 ай бұрын
@kukubhutia225 11 ай бұрын
@lindaandrews2351 Жыл бұрын
@ranjanagurung672 5 күн бұрын
@chhedenlama2776 9 ай бұрын
🌷🌻🌷Om Mani Padme Hum 🙏🙏🙏
@LakjemooLepcha 3 ай бұрын
@dawatsheringsherpa8610 7 ай бұрын
Lasso Happiest Bhutan Buddhism.
@infinitebreaker5716 4 ай бұрын
@nasalimbu3078 7 ай бұрын
Kubi chakra sento ninjatus
@SitaWaiwa 7 ай бұрын
@bkphaichulpa5492 4 ай бұрын
@KumariKweeeet 7 ай бұрын
@ConfusedAnglerfish-vg2xd 7 ай бұрын
@SonynaSonyna 2 ай бұрын
Rochiram choitram Sichuan mountains giant adil lulumall Trivandrum tamilnadu chenai marinamall chenai... 🎉😮😅Lions sheena😂😢😅Sichuan bayanmayan khaalistaan 😂😢😅amritsarajajhansimountainsardatvalabhaiairport sichuanmountains 😢😅😂😢😅😊Delhi airport 😂😢😅😊hionkiongkiradutemplechitorgarhpadmavatiphagwaraparisgaleryafghanistanswaminarayanbruneihiroshinanagasajisushmitasrnchinamongokiaphagwarthailandchinamericausauzbekistansunitairindiahijaccjingvandanakandachibnasanchankshusinghmongoliarollamall😂😢😅😊
@SonynaSonyna 2 ай бұрын
On chingapengapow
@SonynaSonyna 2 ай бұрын
India china war.......prithvi missile India china war.... Mahindertharmadinewr
@DemaDema-z9q 6 ай бұрын
In Bhutanese letters
@SonynaSonyna 2 ай бұрын
Kerelsichuanmountains sanjaydutt Padmavati bhanghadratnadevi😂😢😮
@SonynaSonyna 2 ай бұрын
@thankyoumoktan5622 2 ай бұрын
Om Mani Padame Hum 🌷🌼🌺🙏🙏🙏
@sarmilalama8171 11 ай бұрын
@igorsugirov5961 Жыл бұрын
@ashatamang8475 2 ай бұрын
@dawatsheringsherpa8610 7 ай бұрын
🙏🙏🙏♥️👍👌 Lasso thujise Happiest Buddha bless all beings. Tashi Delek Aryawaloketeswar Chenrezig lha.
@domatshringbhutia989 6 ай бұрын
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