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NEBESKI GREBEN - dokumentarni film
Zanimljiva odiseja sarajevskih istraživača Ahmeda Bosnića, Envera Imamovića, Adija Krdžalića i Samija Abadana na pacifičkim otocima Mikronezije. Na otoku Pohnpei otkrivaju najveću arheološku tajnu današnjice: misteriozni grad Nan Madol, u nauci više poznatog pod nazivom Venecija Pacifika.
Riječ je o ostacima megalitskog grada podignutog na koraljnom grebenu. Za izgradnju ovog nevjerovatnog grada, čiji temelji dosežu do neistraženih morskih dubina, korišteni su vulkanski blokovi teški između pet i pedeset tona. Ko su njegovi graditelji, čemu je grad služio, na koji način su prebacivani teški bazaltni megaliti sa dalekih kamenoloma, pitanja su na koja niko nije odgovorio. Istraživački tim dolazi do zapanjujućih informacija, a istraživanja su vršena najnovijim arheološkim metodama, ekskluzivnim snimcima iz zraka kao i dubinskim istraživanjima pod morem na mjestima na kojima niti istraživala niti jedna ranija ekspedicija.
Copyright Explorer Sarajevo 2018. All rights reserved.
Contact: udexplorer@gmail.com
Interesting odyssey of Sarajevo explorers Ahmed Bosnic, Enver Imamovic, Adi Krdzalić and Sami Abadan in the Pacific Islands of Micronesia. On the island of Pohnpei, they unveil the greatest archaeological mystery : the mysterious city of Nan Madol, more commonly known as the "Venice of the Pacific".
The documentary unveils the remains of a megalithic city erected on a coral reef. Volcanic blocks weighing between five and fifty tons were used to build this incredible city, whose foundations reach unexplored sea depths. Who are its builders, what did the city serve, how the heavy basalt megaliths were transported from distant quarries are questions that no one has answered. The research team comes up with astounding information, and research has been carried out with the latest archaeological methods, exclusive aerial surveys as well as in-depth exploration under the sea at sites where no previous expedition has ever explored.
Copyright Explorer Sarajevo 2018. All rights reserved.