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Everyday with Kris

Everyday with Kris

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に対するリアクションビデオです 「なんなんだ!この映画は!」SHOGUN将軍を見たジョニーデップが言葉を失った理由【海外の反応】
“What is this movie!” Why Johnny Depp was speechless after seeing General SHOGUN [Reactions from overseas]
公式ビデオ • 「なんなんだ!この映画は!」SHOGUN将軍...
このチャンネルのメンバーになる / @everydaywithkris
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“COPYRIGHTS: FAIR USE, Title 17, US code (Sections 107-118 of the copyright law): All media in this video is used for purpose of review and commentary under terms of fair use. All footage, music and images used belong to their respective companies.”

Пікірлер: 74
@青鸞-z3s 14 күн бұрын
真田さんが作った所作、作法や時代劇マニュアルは今の日本人の時代劇ヲタクにも貴重なものに違いない。 出版して欲しい。
@goodbye8784 15 күн бұрын
日本人から見ても従来の歴史ものにないリアリティがあったし感動した。 一見の価値あり。
@茂明濵田 15 күн бұрын
真田さん主演男優賞おめでとう御座います 浅野さん助演男優賞おめでとう御座います やはり唯一無二の国と言われる日本人が 出演しているからこそ これからも日本人俳優が世界に羽ばたいて欲しい 今がチャンス次は映画界で活躍して欲しい
@shigabiwako6436 16 күн бұрын
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻😊✨
@青鸞-z3s 14 күн бұрын
え?誰かな?多く?? 甲斐姫、誾千代、鶴姫とかレアでは? 巴御前は250ぐらい時代が違うし。
@to1469 15 күн бұрын
気になった史実と違う大きな点があります。按針たちが難破したとき映画ではひどい扱いを受けたように描かれているが実際は近隣の漁民、住民たちが救助して暖かい衣服、食べ物を与えています。役人たちも領主を通じて徳川家に事情を伝えて家康も大切に遇するように指示しています。 日本人は異人が困った状況にあるときは助けるのが常識であったと思います。 家康は按針たちから国際情勢を得ることに非常に関心が深くチャンスと考えたのです。
@青鸞-z3s 14 күн бұрын
実際に按針や難波した商人から、日本を植民地にする為の下準備として宣教師を派遣している事を聞いている。 キリスト教にNOをして、4国の商船を除いて鎖国したきっかけになる。
@平八-o2s 15 күн бұрын
@narimatsud7835 16 күн бұрын
@Tom-Edani 15 күн бұрын
@トヨシンコウジ 15 күн бұрын
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻✨😊
@yoshifumiT 16 күн бұрын
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻😊✨
@okamotoken6463 10 күн бұрын
6:56 Kris is totally KAWAII❤
@EverydaywithKris 9 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu ✨🙏🏻😊
@bakedmirror8973 15 күн бұрын
@大井降雪 3 күн бұрын
@shiroito1625 16 күн бұрын
One more addition. There is a famous apt mobile suit called “Zaku” in the Mobile Suit Gundam anime. It is an asymmetrical figure of “Zaku” with a shield on its right shoulder. The shield is, of course, inspired by an actual piece of Japanese armor called an “oosode”.
@カンチ-q7v 15 күн бұрын
@the.variable.japanese 16 күн бұрын
"Shogun" Golden Globe Awards: 4 Wins Best Television Series, Best Performance by an Actor, Best Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role, Best Performance by a Female Actor 🎉
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻😊✨
@飲んだくれ太郎-w1z 14 күн бұрын
@EverydaywithKris 14 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻🤗🫶
@ナチュラルグルーヴ 15 күн бұрын
Hi Konbanwa Kris. 真田広之さんは、昔は、アクション俳優で有名でしたし、若い頃は、歌も、歌ってました!テレビドラマでもヒット作もあり、高校の教師の役のような、アクションの無い作品でもすばらしい演技がありました!今回、助演男優賞を受賞した、浅野忠信さんは、受賞スピーチで、「僕のことを知らないと思いますが....」って言ってましたが、北野武作品で海外での露出も増えているので、知名度は、本人が思っているより、高いんじゃないかな?Krisも、Disney Plusで、見てみるのはいかが?Kris,Arigato Gozaimasu.
@EverydaywithKris 14 күн бұрын
Konbanwa 🙋‍♀️✨Arigatou gozaimasu 🤗🙏🏻🫶
@hiromomoca2907 16 күн бұрын
Hi Kris HAPPYNEWYEAR There are many reasons why SHOGUN has been so well-received, but the underlying reason is that the history of Japan in Hollywood up until now has been haphazard. Japanese martial arts value the mind, technique, and body. If even one of these is missing, you will be disqualified from martial arts.As Kris, who loves Japan with all her heart, may have noticed, this BUSHIDO is the soul of Japan, and this idea of ​​Bushido is the very soul of the Japanese heroes who fought and died in World War II. Overseas, KAMIKAZE was called crazy, and Japanese people trembled with great sadness. However, I hope that through this SHOGUN, people will think about the lives and death of such people. I'm rooting for Kris' success this year as well. I hope you will come to Japan someday and experience the real Japan. From Japan with love
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Hello 👋 Happy New Year 🎊 Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻😊✨
@yasaijuice8717 6 күн бұрын
ジョニー・デップも当初からこの作品制作を知っていれば、どんな役柄でもいいからSHOGUNに出たかったんじゃない?私のと独り言です。 よく西洋では盾を持ちソード(剣)で戦うと言いますが、日本では日本刀の戦いで何故盾を持たない?と。しかし剣道でもやはり竹刀を両手で構えて戦います。では同じように競技だとしてもフェイシング(フェンシングはもともと軍事訓練の一形態であり、14~15世紀にドイツとイタリアでスポーツとして発展し始めた)はどうなの?それこそ片手で剣(フルーレ、エペ、サーブル)を持ちもう片方の手はバランスの為で盾は持ちませんよね。だから彼ら西洋人の言って事は、矛盾だらけで自分達と違うと異質で異端だと決めつけるんでしょうね。
@Rafasamu96 16 күн бұрын
Happy 2025 Kris, Shogun loved the series
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Happy New Year 🎊 Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻😊✨
@230s7 16 күн бұрын
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻😊✨
@shiroito1625 16 күн бұрын
While this is generally correct, in actual historical fact, it is the final phase of the battle, when the battle became a melee, that the sword is used. Before the final phase of the war, "Nagamaki" (big swords), as well as spears, were used by quite a few powerful warlords. However, after "Sengoku"priod, in the Edo period, the use of "Nagamaki" (big sword) was banned and most of its schools were cut off. Also, because the Edo period was a time of peace, more importance was placed on spirituality, and the sword was beautified as the soul of the samurai and given a religious character. As a result, realistic warring battles with spears and "Nagamaki" (big swords), are no longer depicted in period films, even those created by the Japanese themselves. Many young Japanese are therefore also unaware of the existence of "Nagamaki" (big swords), and the realistic use of wooden shields, which are used in a different way to their European counterparts. Nevertheless, SHOGUN starring Hiroyuki Sanada is the first ‘jidaigeki’ made in the USA that can be accepted by the Japanese, and is a departure from the stereotypical Japanese jidaigeki led by Westerners, which until then had continued to create misunderstandings. Many Japanese people appreciate it. It should also be mentioned that the “samurai” mentality, while certainly true, was an era of intrigue, treachery, and rebellion without end until the “Sengoku Period”. We should not have the misconception of beautifying the world into an ideal world without betrayal. It is important to note that this introductory video omits to supplement this information (i.e., there is a risk of misleading the viewer). However, even in the midst of such intrigue and treachery, the Samurai were willing to risk their lives to protect their clans and the lands they defended. This is the spirituality that is explained in this introductory video. It was loyalty on top of that, and a mentality that was willing to risk his own life for the life of his lord on top of that. However, in the “Warring States Period,” when so many people were lost in a whirlwind of intrigue and deceit, many samurai feudal lords regretted their actions. It is also important to understand that their regrets and their desire for a purer way of life were reflected in the attitude of the samurai of the Edo period.
@Nachi77 15 күн бұрын
Ohayou dear Kris🙋‍♀️✨ A colleague of my friend in the UK saw this work and became very interested in Japan. He is very handy and is now making his own folding fans😁 My friend asked me for some calligraphy written with a brush to put on the folding fans😅
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Konbanwa dear Nachi, ✨🙋‍♀️ I’m glad that some people suddenly became interested in Japan and its culture because of this series 🤗
@bigmoon730 16 күн бұрын
武士道精神は今もなお日本人の精神性に生きている!今現在・現代においても日本人のDNAに刻み込まれている!それが重要なのです! 日本企業において武士道精神は人との関わり合いにおいて重要な物です!敵に対しても仲間に対しても愛する者に対しても武士道精神は生きている。 今現在、世界で活躍する数多くの日本企業は少なからず武士道精神を持った企業と言えるでしょう!
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻😊✨
@佐草泰恵 15 күн бұрын
日本の武士は、西洋の騎士と最大の違いは、侵略の為の『刀』では無いと言う事です。 武士道は、己れの命をかけて刀を抜く。 人殺しの武器ではありません。 武士道は、人間として尊敬される精神性を重視しています。 thank you!
@georgebunda-xn2lp 16 күн бұрын
I've always felt uncomfortable with all the movies with a Japanese theme. I wondered if they were really talking about Japan. The Last Samurai was a little good, though. As a Japanese person, when Chinese actors play the roles, it just seems like they're pro-China, and they're just spreading lies.
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻😊✨
@srno_ogiichan 16 күн бұрын
武士道とは死ぬことなりと見つけたり わかるかな?😄
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻😊✨
@Yu....... 16 күн бұрын
Hi Kris 😀 I've never been told I look like Hiroyuki Sanada 🙋 lol 🤭
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Hello Yu-san 🙋‍♀️✨ konbanwa, really? You are a handsome man, inside and out 🤗Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻😊✨
@Yu....... 15 күн бұрын
@EverydaywithKris Konbanwa Kris-san 🙋✨ When I was in school, girls confessed their love to me and gave me love letters 😊But I was shy and did not go out with them 🙋😀 Kochirakoso arigatou gozaimasu 🙏😊 Suteki na yoru wo sugoshite kudasai 🥳☁️ kumori H12L2 bainara 🤗
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Really?! You did not write back to them?
@Yu....... 15 күн бұрын
@EverydaywithKris I met and talked to the person who wrote the love letter 😀 The first time I was confessed to was in the sixth grade 🙋😆
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
@@Yu....... sixth grade? That was too young 😄 I also received love letters when I was in HS but I never wrote them back. I was too shy like you 😁 I believe you, you look like Hiroyuki Sanada 🤗🙏🏻
@akabankleintv3163 8 күн бұрын
Do you like Sanada-san??
@EverydaywithKris 8 күн бұрын
He’s a great actor 😊✨👍
@syber4935 16 күн бұрын
I think the spirit of Bushido has something in common with Western chivalry.
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
I think so too 🤔 honor and courage = bushido
@みどりん-q2e 15 күн бұрын
@EverydaywithKris 14 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu 🤗🙏🏻🫶
@hiroshiinoue-li8hf 15 күн бұрын
Hi Kris🙋‍♂ Mr. Sanada is a great actor, and Last samurai was also touching Hollywood movie. Do you like such dramas? What would you like to be if you lived in the era? Tono(lord), hime(princess), samurai, kunoichi(female ninja), or what? me? an invisible man PS I had a strange dream. My room was covered with lots of white powder. I guess I watched the news about Aomori has been heavy snow, the city (one meter), maximum(363 cm)☃☃ Do you have a good sleep? 😴 matane, Hiroshi😄 H8 L4🌦
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Konbanwa Hiroshi ✨🙋‍♀️ oh, you’d like to be a hollow man. Have you seen that movie? Perhaps, I’d like to be a kunoichi and learn some tricks 🥷 I always forget my dream When waking up 😅 one meter snow?!❄️ omg 😱 I hope they’re fine 🙏🏻 keep warm and safe 🤗 matane H31L25⛅️
@今井正志-c7h 16 күн бұрын
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻😊✨
@vlmair5288 14 күн бұрын
@さかえ花山 15 күн бұрын
@tsuyoshiokada8553 16 күн бұрын
話の内容が何度も 重複していて時間の 無駄ですね。
@EverydaywithKris 15 күн бұрын
Arigatou gozaimasu 🙏🏻😊✨
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