Scharnhorst is alive, WT Naval not so much [War Thunder]

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@Robalogot 4 ай бұрын
The WT community is killing naval as much as the snail. I started in november and every single video geared to new players was to not bother with naval. But I have had a lot of fun, and it funds my SL.
@SpanishAvenger 4 ай бұрын
The mode is in a catastrophically disastrous state; 127mm HE one-hit killing Battleships via ammorack due to buggy spall, damage and armor models; maps still revolving around PT boats at Top Tier bluewater, slow, long and tedious grind, outwordly unbalance and compression, countless unfixed and unaddressed bug reports... No wonder some players recommend to stay away from this aberration so long as none of these issues has been even addressed. I love large warships, so I still try to play it and ocassionally even have fun, if everything goes well- but I understand if the frustration of broken things is too much for some players.
@fireproxy9707 4 ай бұрын
You must be the top 1% who likes naval haha 😂
@CmdrTyrael 4 ай бұрын
You've been watching the wrong CC's then.
@charliezw3287 4 ай бұрын
The WT community are 10 year olds who watch "The ____ experience" videos dude. Dont listen
@WTM_ID 4 ай бұрын
​@@SpanishAvenger Yes PT boat on Naval high tier is the most unskilled fck i ever saw I hate somebody capture that zone even for my teammate Big ship mean big time battle so need to rush to get victory Even your kill cannot pass max reward for time player in this game The combination of low reward RP, PT boat on high tier and overall short range battle due some bs player cap in zone in Naval high tier that making Naval is die in 2022-2024 Just fix the reward and make some point sytem only in Naval battle should be make player back in Naval My suggestion to increase 100-150% RP reward from Now
@hiderchrishop 4 ай бұрын
I think naval suffers mostly on 1. Last hits getting most of the rewards. Especialy bad when more than two engage the same target. Sometimes you can be shelling a ship for minutes from 90% crew to 20% only for someone to take the last shot and you not getting much. I even had cases where I wouldnt get an assist at all. 2. Massive unbalance in certain br ranges. Example: Marat is mostly unkillable in a downtier. Costal uptier into toptier are condensed suffering. 3. On some maps players cap rush with scout planes or coastal ships and you wont even be able to get to the caps with battleships before the match is mostly over. They could add some coastal AI defences or targets
@HamburgerMolester 4 ай бұрын
Same here with not getting assists. And when I did get credit they weren't counting towards my special task. Been playing since naval open beta and playing air battles for about a decade. Finally threw in the towel because I just had enough of the snail.
@C76Caravan 4 ай бұрын
#1 is my biggest gripe about naval... you can kill 90% of a ship and then some fast-fire Moffett bot spams shells at the target to whittle down the last 1% health and gets the kill reward, while you sometimes spend a minute doing the heavy work and get a simple assist or even worse nothing.
@Jadefox32 4 ай бұрын
They won't add FOBs in GF they sure as heck don't do much for maps that doesn't cater to COD brain (GF and NF) people were fine with the Heli set up for Heli EC we just wanted Helicopters with AA missiles seperated from Helis without. Some of these fixes are easy but they will not implement them and I've never had a Dev or a mod give a good explanation as to why.
@sydney4814 4 ай бұрын
Marat is borderline unkillable in any BR you mean, as is Scharnhorst... I've literally put 250-400 rounds of Japanese 380mm into a Marat and failed to sink them... that vs a single salvo from 320mm+ AP instantly killing ALL Japanese BBs from a shot to the front two ammo racks. easiest fixes to naval would be removing the magical invincibility of Scharn and the Russian BBs. (case-in-point; every time an event rolls around, it's just 10 Scharnhorsts, usually 8-on-one-side-2-on-the-other and then some bots/the poor fool trying to play an IJN ship. (or worse, a Frenchie or Italian)
@sydney4814 4 ай бұрын
@@C76Caravan Yeeeep, it ruined Naval for me, having insane, high-intensity slogging matches against ships, getting them to 1-3% crew after 8-13 minutes......just to have some lowlife scumbag in a 5.7-6.0 US Cruiser fire once into them with an HE salvo and take full credit for the entire kill. I hate it so, so much.
@SuwinTzi 4 ай бұрын
When I'm coastal, I hate being spawn camped upon spawning in at the start of the match. When I'm bluewater, I hate spawns instantly being within shooting range. It's a coin toss if I'm focused down or not. Encounter is terrible as coastal. Weather conditions screw over coastal so much.
@LastGoatKnight 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, I try to shoot with my Type 5 and all I see is that my shots are between 10m-1km miss around the target when the weather is "good" (it's a good weather to screw you up bit bad as the name of it and the experience)
@RudalThunder 13 күн бұрын
Scharnhorst is OP AF It can take down Kronshtadt, Alaska and Haruna SIMULTANEOUSLY Doesn't matter if we shoot at the belt/below waterline/turret or center mass, it's only a minor nuisance for shithorse
@nicholasleon7819 4 ай бұрын
i actually miss the bot players. i recently got back into naval. the ships are still cool to look at but you can feel how neglected the game mode is
@psychosocialpenguin5358 4 ай бұрын
When I spawn a US standard type at that distance, I find only a few options viable. You can reverse the entire match, turn around completely and full speed away, or go bow in and stay at an extreme angle (sacrificing most of your firepower in the process). I typically choose to reverse/turn around completely and use smoke/plane smoke to cover my retreat. I try to get 10-15km+ away before engaging to maximize my armor and penetration advantage. If you can survive the initial knife fight at spawn and get to a safer distance it can be fun...rare to get that far, and if you are stock it really is a roll of the dice if you make it lol
@Libarate17 4 ай бұрын
Go play something with 14, 15 or 16 inch guns after playing Scharnhorst and you will despair when the shells in your salvo scatter to the far corners of the world. Its not just Scharnhorst's armour that works well in Warthunder, Gaijin thinks bigger guns have higher dispersion. So contrary to real life where its guns were small and armour scheme outdated Scharnhorst is pure meta in Warthunder, and its pretty ridiculous.
@nicholasleon7819 4 ай бұрын
this is such a big issue, and guess which nation has no guns larger than 12” 🤔🤔🤔
@WrenchViewing 4 ай бұрын
I kinda feel bad for those 2 planes at 8:30. It’s rare to see teamwork in War Thunder, let alone Naval battles. They did everything right: using island cover, multiple planes, and even attacking a lone ship to minimize AA. Unfortunately (well technically fortunately for you) they didn’t accomplish much I try to play CAS in Naval because it adds another dimension to the match. As you said, Naval can get pretty boring so we try things to switch it up like laying mines on a choke point, or be a PT boat the entire match in top tier.
@SwissCowboy87 4 ай бұрын
lol those revenge bombing scum player
@ohiost74 4 ай бұрын
They need a full rework of Naval to get more people interested. They dont need to make it so realistic with the ship speeds and aiming to kill the fun for most people.
@YeEpIkAiYeI 4 ай бұрын
Naval battles is an absolute mess of a gamemode There's a youtuber called DollarPlays that made a VERY good video covering the many issues on naval battles. From the lack of content, to the absolute HORRIBLE maps and balance The only way to """enjoy""" naval battles is to buy premiums stuff, and if that's the case it means the game is shit
@wknight5595 4 ай бұрын
As i predicted, Gaijin just replaced the player bots with Gaijin bots that give you virtually zero reward for eliminating them. At least the player bots gave you full reward rp and sl. Screaming to remove them was dumb because there wasn't enough players to field full teams. Gee what a surprise, you still have useless bots except with the added bonus of getting nothing for them.
@LarryPigeon1 4 ай бұрын
And on those fkin open circle map those few players in your team just try to snipe the enemy 15km+ away missing salvos for more them 20min while the enemy bots cap the A point and u lose to ticket bleed...since even if you kill 3-4 players+7 or 8 bots u get bout 6/7k rp because u lost...time waste to the max i hate it
@russell33313 4 ай бұрын
I only play Naval now, its just a shane gaijin doesnt care about it, It has so much potential
@harryshuman9637 3 ай бұрын
Naval is the end game content, but there are very few of us who completed the game and are free to play Naval with no strings attached.
@botaccount5166 4 ай бұрын
@alexbannykh6603 4 ай бұрын
One thing I miss from last year was those sweet 2-3 Des Moines each match, so satisfying to pop those.
@TheBlueAspect 4 ай бұрын
Aiming at the Moines' ammo storage ABOVE the waterline in first shot was fun to play. Free EXP and money
@PvtPartzz 2 ай бұрын
Biggest problem in naval is the aiming system. It’s so unintuitive and frustrating. I still don’t completely understand it.
@Napalmratte 2 ай бұрын
watch my aiming guide
@MihaiAz 4 ай бұрын
I really enjoy naval battles. I have absolutely no problem with this mode. I don't mind the WT bots at all; they're actually welcome. I used to like those "chinese bots" more, I mean that bunch of Moffets and Helenas. It was easier to earn research points and SL and to unlock ships. Back then, having a premium account was really worth it. For me, it was super fun... but now it's also fun. I like the combination of PvP with bots. When the map is full of players, it's to crazy for me, but with some bots in there, it's more relaxed. You can breathe a bit. And that's how I like it-taking a sip of coffee, having a puff of a cigarette.
@wafiqa4777 4 ай бұрын
i often meet more bots in RB than AB
@SwissCowboy87 4 ай бұрын
Arcade shoudl be more arcady like wot (faster ships etc.)
@colbym7610 2 ай бұрын
Everytime I try naval it takes forever to get a match, and then I see how long I have to grind for the cruisers and battleships I want and completely lose interest.
@kennethmasters9329 2 ай бұрын
Everybody remembers the SL and RP rewards but nobody remembers getting detonated as soon as you popped in from bots or auto targeting you until you could break los on them and then being like 50 effective the rest of the match. I agree the SL has dried up somewhat however the Bot scourge was annoying and needed to be dealt with.
@kennethmasters9329 2 ай бұрын
Oh and Scharnhorst is not the beast it used to be if your still having issues with it it is a you problem.
@bullwinkle5445 4 ай бұрын
one of my favorite maps
@kahy026 4 ай бұрын
ty for this good video :)
@kruger6015 4 ай бұрын
Glad to see you casually posting again. There was a time where you posted subscribers replays and made a kind of analysis on then, it was very good and unique content imo, why dont you bring that back?
@esbam2002 4 ай бұрын
My biggest issue with naval, and why I never liked it was no historical placement of ships. PT boats are cool, but above that I just can't get into it.
@lordwintertown8284 4 ай бұрын
G'day Napalmratte, Hmm, interesting take on maps as I thoroughly enjoy South Kvarken (especially the old version) & outright despise African Gulf due to the plus 6000 tonne ship spawn. Sidenote, That was a Project 159 AI not a Project 35, still post some changes half a year ago these vessels can be easily countered if firing from astern of it as the aft magazines are as weak as the pre war/ early war Porter class (late war one imo doesn’t pop as much). While the Battleship Scharnhorst might be the best, I still so wish the Armoured Cruiser Scharnhorst was added. So question, What are your thoughts on this but what are the chances the Vanguard class Battleship is added soonish as afterall its guns are in game already & it would be the first of the big names no doubt.
@Broken_ora 4 ай бұрын
Scharnhorst in EC is just stupidly it takes over the hole match if u have 3 or 5 it gets game breaking. they camp the spawns the only way to kill them is to bomb/torp them or u crew kill them if u have 200k SL and 1 hour of ur time :l
@WrenchViewing 4 ай бұрын
Yea if I see more than one Sharn in regular matches it’s basically GG. It takes a monumental effort to take one out, let alone 3!
@lordwintertown8284 4 ай бұрын
Now you say that's the counter yet if the Battleship Scharnhorst gets into the enemy spawn.... Yeaaaaaaah, umm, GL with that as torpedoes self-destruct at around 400 metres (such a stupid fucking mechanic), resulting in the need to get nutty with mines or depth charges or F it rockets (Feels like the film The Admiral at that point). An bombs pfft GL with that, especially if the player mans the AA over letting AI's do it like napalm here.
@Broken_ora 4 ай бұрын
@@lordwintertown8284 unless the ship is making like a snake a bomber such as the he111 also in the German tec tree it doesn't matter if u miss as long as u get close it will fuk u. It's not hard to aim from 6 to 7k up *freedom units*
@Broken_ora 4 ай бұрын
@@lordwintertown8284 some time the fleat will go to where the ships spawn and most times the bb's will spawn and not move then 10mins later u might be able to spawn 2 feet away from them=free kill
@Broken_ora 4 ай бұрын
@@lordwintertown8284 also pr206 bots are the best goddam AA in the game. Bravy is it's own category:)
@yashma4187 4 ай бұрын
I'm a long term WoWS player just starting to try out War Thunder naval. I can see potential with a more realistic game play.....but it's a little sad just how awfully it's been implemented. I'm having fun putting around in low tier destroyers.....but I'm questioning how much it's worth actually grinding the higher tiers. I think naval combat is a little better suited to WoWS' arcade style....but I would still really like a more realistic naval game centered around surface ships to supplement it. It's sad that War Thunder seems to be the closest we have.
@terminallydrunk1900 4 ай бұрын
It's not worth it. Could try naval on wt mobile. It's more enjoyable
@PARDUS-IX 4 ай бұрын
France was done bad, very bad, there should be compensation for how incredibly stupid gaigen has been with the french naval tree. i gave up having grind the lorraine paris and 1/2 the bretagne without even getting the premium BB. I have suffered indeed ...
@jadedketchup515 3 ай бұрын
As a person that just started playing naval , I bougth the Rusia batleship pack and already riched at rank 5 , love the mode and any tips for me to help me ? . Loved the video by the way. :)
@Napalmratte 3 ай бұрын
@@jadedketchup515 well watch my other Videos 😉
@S071-bread 4 ай бұрын
Does anyone think that the bigger battleships and submarines can still save WT naval ?
@russell33313 4 ай бұрын
Also my Mutsu loves eating Scharns
@Eruthian 2 ай бұрын
I really enjoy naval battles. But the naval enduring confrontations, not the standart maps which are far too cramped. Still, after having paused the game for three years and coming back now, I have to say, the big tanky ships did hurt the experience big time. The class, which suffers most, are light and even some heavy cruisers. They are too sluggish to dodge shells at short ranges (aka 10 km standart map range) and can`t take hits of the big boys. The most fun I get on sandart maps is playing a 4.7 DD. If you have a map with cover that is. 3 years ago CAS was still worth a try but now it`s mostly useless. Dunno what they changed except the stupid 7.0 Br, but it`s not as much fun in enduring confrontations anymore too.
@Lord.Kiltridge 4 ай бұрын
Doing the daily War Bonds missions in naval is a pain because you _usually_ have to gain points or score kills against players. Gaijin bots either pay less or don't count. _Player_ bots pay better and count.
@clay9181 17 күн бұрын
AA needs a massive nerf. Like the AI gunners on the bombers some years ago. It's so OP it's not even fun when the AA shoots down planes because I don't do anything. Let the AI gunners engage only when really close not sniping planes with Oerlikons from 3 km away
@obsidianjane4413 4 ай бұрын
"Being in an OP vehicle is not a nice thing, not being in it is not as nice." Pretty much Gaijin's game model. Make the suffer so great you break down and pay. Gaijin's boat botting battle wasn't to make the game better, it was to prevent players from gaming the game to reduce the their ability to bypass the above pressure to monetize.
@rekamtihgaming1 4 ай бұрын
I rather play Atlantic Fleet than War thunder Naval right now
@legamernat 3 ай бұрын
Atlantic Fleet is very cool !
@bear76009 2 ай бұрын
I disagree , its easier now for me to get matches at both low and top tier than it has ever been since the first few years of naval.
@hazeldsr 4 ай бұрын
its kinda funny, i really love playing naval in war thunder apart from the bad maps. But the grind is super long and gaijin wont even let me throw money at them. Removed the Iron duke after 6 months of being ingame is insane to me
@JelverTomII 4 ай бұрын
Man why is that i cant play naval, im the only player waiting for a match sometimes when i do find a match its full of bots
@CmdrTyrael 4 ай бұрын
Set your servers to more than one region and turn ON "Join battle in progress" this will alleviate the problem
@russell33313 4 ай бұрын
problem is that there is no game like WT so gaijin can do what they want, its sad
@Subha95 4 ай бұрын
The Shiny Horse?
@Napalmratte 4 ай бұрын
@@Subha95 yes
@yuridreamski2812 4 ай бұрын
@ironduke3780 4 ай бұрын
It's not worth it though, they nerfed the SL and RP gain in naval battles. The maps are awful too!
@kingjames4886 4 ай бұрын
I'm kinda over spawning 20km away form the enemy and having to sit there for 10min while my ship gets anywhere... don't wana spend 10min waiting for a game and 30min floating around for about 5min of actually playing the game.
@CmdrTyrael 4 ай бұрын
What game mode do you play? Exaggerations Confrontation? 😂 90% of games last 20 mins and are combat from the start.
@kingjames4886 4 ай бұрын
@@CmdrTyrael and I'm fine with that.
@larshaas2658 3 ай бұрын
Naval is rotten to the core. Ship combat takes place at maybe even more km than in war thunder with WAY fewer ships. Due to the curvature of the earth they cannot see eachother and it is almost always you doing indirect fire assisted by your fire control system and radar to try and confirm your hits. These battles take hours before real damage is taken by a ship. Next to this ship combat is zigzagging searching ships weeks on end using your radar. In war thunder the ballistics and damage are also totally wrong since it is very simplified and uses a hp system (it would take gaijin actually effort to get this right). And the maps are also way too small.
@YamatoPower9000 4 ай бұрын
Annoying bot "problem" vs Unkillable Sharnhorst/// Gaijin and players really put priorities straight.
@Napalmratte 4 ай бұрын
@@YamatoPower9000 Scharnhorst ist Not unkillable.
@superduperhoopertrooper116 4 ай бұрын
I'm still waiting for Submarines in Warthunder. I miss Naval Forces.
@LivingUnderRock 4 ай бұрын
The NA servers seem to be more full, IDK why you get so many bots
@YeEpIkAiYeI 4 ай бұрын
Maybe because you're laying? 90% of Naval Battles are against bot, but that's a good thing because if wasn't for the bots we would NEVER find a match
@LarryPigeon1 4 ай бұрын
Why should we have more reasons to unalive ourselfs with 200+ping and PL when we live in the EU lol
@slimygrimy-l7m 3 ай бұрын
WT navel should go modern ships instead of focusing on WW1 / 2 ships all matches on EC maps missile frigets anti ship missiles radar ect ect... Think top tire coastal ships idk I think it would've been more engaging for people and WT has good damage models it's just kinda boring in navel
@PrinceOfParthia74 4 ай бұрын
I don’t play the game anymore after 10 years I’m free from wt let alone naval
@PsyTramper 4 ай бұрын
So free you still follow its content :D
@PrinceOfParthia74 4 ай бұрын
@@PsyTramper i do, takes 100th the time of playing it 2 to 4 hours a day
@gwalchavad6855 Ай бұрын
I hate this map. As many others. I spawn in my cruiser and get immediately killed by all the enemy BBs. You can't play to the advantage of cruisers (speed, flanking) with these mini-maps with destroyer-range spawn points.
@speaklesspoimore6327 4 ай бұрын
Yes Scharnhorst is fun, but how to get Scharnhorst is not! I kinda feel like what you play matters more than how you play in naval, making tech tree grinding unbearablly painful. And stock grinding makes it even worse.
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