Altruistic Narcissist | The Type That Fools Everyone

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Danish Bashir

Danish Bashir

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@ljc0412 Жыл бұрын
Will do any chore for strangers but not at home.
@nancyjohnson5101 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely true! He would help neighbors and friends and ignore his children
@harlequinhead2008 Жыл бұрын
My ex was this way. He helped neighbors etc. He collected them according to his needs - a lawyer friend, a mechanic etc. Exactly transactional based performance!!! You word this video so perfectly. But he doesn’t help his loving son except every now & then to convince him that he’s loving. It has normalized for our son that breadcrumbs are loving & normal - don’t be greedy and want more. He told me i was the nicest person he ever met. But he would glue our son’s tennis shoes & force him to wear them even if he out grew them to save $ yet buys expensive scotch for his friends to come over & get drunk outside. His son would beg me to ask him just to come in to say good night but he wouldn’t till his friends left & by that point he was dead asleep. Even tho he had been a cable guy, i helped him become an engineer & now makes twice as much as me. Our son has autism & i bought him a guitar to help him with his anxiety over my ex’s pending divorce that he wanted as he felt he was being held back by us. One night he started to punch our son & tried to break his guitar hand. I used every credit card i could to get a restraining order as he acted like we were whiny babies about this. That is just the tip of the ice berg. Thank you for letting others know what destructive monsters they are when no one else is looking. And he begged me to get back together with him at some point. I may be nice but now I’m educated on what they are becuz if people like you!!! Big thx!
@SC-pm1pg Жыл бұрын
I hope you're OK, my son is also autistic and my husband is the same, has hit the children and broken their things in front of them, don't worry God watches everything and he will bring justice
@virginiaharvey Жыл бұрын
You are better every way move on stop using your energy to help him
@harlequinhead2008 Жыл бұрын
@@virginiaharvey Hahaha ... help him now? No way!!!! If he asked me anything now i say, I don’t really know! And he just got laid off. Oh well... thx
@harlequinhead2008 Жыл бұрын
@@SC-pm1pg Geez - they r insane! Thank you for your words. My son said im so happy living in a shoe box with you than with dad in a big house. Breaking their things & toys 🧸 what lunatics!!! And you’re right God is watching! He just got laid off! Wishing you the best! 💜
@rosettesionne9139 10 ай бұрын
My father burned my mother's clothes and called me disrespectful when I got angry at him because of that. My mother and I escaped and we live in a small apartment which is three times smaller than this man's house but I don't ever want to live on this prison again. The only thing I am missing there is my dog
@janedoe5229 Жыл бұрын
Yep. My ex: the nicest, sweetest, friendliest, most helpful yes-man at church. That was why I fell in love with him. After the wedding, it became clear I was the housekeeper, cook, and sex object to keep the house running, so he could keep shining at church. I meant nothing to him. And then he hated me because I was so unhappy. And everyone at church felt sorry for him, since I was so unhappy and he was so WONDERFUL! In retrospect, we had no friends. The only people he had over were people that he was trying to schmooze with so he could get more plumb opportunities to shine at church. Social attention at church was his "supply", and our church was a big church with LOADS of things to volunteer for and everybody gushing over how "spiritual" he was.
@elizabethd.2398 Жыл бұрын
I hope you left him.
@nevaehhamilton3493 6 ай бұрын
And that's why love is such an overrated concept. I hope you learned something from that awful experience.
@melaniebeaver2845 11 ай бұрын
There are SO many altruistic narcissists working or volunteering n homeless shelter and communal kitchen environments, it's gross. They are exactly as you say, and given time, they will show you exactly who they truly are, in it for themselves, exactly as you describe. The most extreme actively work AGAINST people getting housing or other things they actually need.
@patriciat4493 Жыл бұрын
the words 'pseudo-conscience, residing solely in the intellect, transactional and performance-based'............. An 'ah-hah'! moment that put into words what I always sensed but couldn't articulate. The president of a company I work for is admired by everyone in town for his thriving business. His altruism is constantly on display with photos, awards, citations etc on the walls of the lobby. He sponsors junior sports teams, serves on the board of two large charitable organizations and if there's a photo-op, he's front and center. The admiration, applause and accolades never end. Not surprisingly, he has a no relationship with his (grown) children, and his marriage is a shambles. This man has felt entitled to any female he fancies and his persona brings an unending supply. It's a well known secret around town. Although he hires educated and talented people for his offices, I have seen him turn on them as soon as he perceives that they have figured him out, unmasked him. In short order, these people are terminated. No one can be allowed to shatter his image. In spite of the pedestal that he has been placed on, I always sensed there was something very dark in him, and now I know what it is.
@edgreen8140 Жыл бұрын
They have contempt for those they supposedly are helping. It's an act. They are thinking of you as worthless but thats really how they feel about themselves. It's a facade.
@avanellehansen4525 Жыл бұрын
Yes. They put themselves out on a platter, then resent those who take from the platter. Very transactional. When you give, expecting something in return, (even praise or validation), it's TRADING!
@anniemoulinsteffen3465 Жыл бұрын
The most tricky horrible relationship. So much sweetness...poisonous. Always coming back to help
@avanellehansen4525 Жыл бұрын
Yep! I called mine a fruitfly because she was si annoying..
@Lisa-x3n5x Жыл бұрын
The recent trend of giving flowers to random strangers, or paying for their groceries while filming this largesse was dreamed up by a narcissist. I had an occasion not too long ago when a young man bought my milk. I looked for the phone filming it, and it wasn't there! It was a genuine act of kindness. I was stuffing around with my wallet and indicated he go before me. I hate holding up queues. It was so nice to receive a real kindness. 😊
@writer1986 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this explanation. I've always known my MIL is a narc, and now I understand that this is her type. My husband grew up emotionally neglected by his mother (his father was an enabler); he was sent to a private school--where he was bullied k-12--just so my MIL could boast about having kids in that school. She does little in her house but loves to "help" others, including us. But it's all at a cost, so I refuse. People think she's great because she volunteers and helps at church and other events, but she's lazy, manipulative, a gossip, and unempathetic behind closed doors. Again, thank you so much for giving me the vocabulary and knowledge I'd been seeking.
@tamasitarod3176 Жыл бұрын
Oh yes always being the big gift-givers always helping damsels in distress or whoever needs a helping hand but never doing it anonymously
@elizabethd.2398 Жыл бұрын
@goddessvibes08 Жыл бұрын
This 💯 they're always bragging about it
@melindasmith3713 Жыл бұрын
They give to use against you
@aklev5745 Жыл бұрын
@annstar2793 Жыл бұрын
Some have a covert side and a grandiose side.
@meowmeow7212 Жыл бұрын
Very useful video Danish. Thank you so much for speaking on behalf of all of us who have been victims of Narcissistic Abuse. Both my parents are Narcissistic. My father is a covert altruistic Narcissist. In private he would beat me up, Ill treat me and gaslight me and tell people that m crazy, mentally unstable and aggressive. He is pure evil. He gives a lot of money to people around, that why in the eyes of the people he is very loving, caring, generous and kind. But he never helps me in any way. Infact he tries to spoil evthg I do. He was very cruel to my granny (his mother) too. He would gaslight her so much throughout her life that she started losing her mental stability and she had become crazy. He would starve her and tell her that she is a bad mother. My granny was widowed at the age of 30 and she had 6 little children to look after. She worked as a maid and raised her children all alone. She put so much effort to educate them that today all her children are living affluent lives. Yet none of the children took care of her. My dad too would harass her a lot. They would not give her food and she would eat from people's dustbins. She was diabetic and My parents would lock her in the room and not allow her to pee for hours. She would keep banging on the door of her room and beg them to let her pee. If I tried to help her they would beat me up too and lock me in another room. But in the public domain my father is a very charismatic, helpful, affable person. He donates a lot of money to old age homes and when he visits the old age homes, he hugs the old ladies, and cries, gives them lot of money, food , clothes and addresses them as mother and father and does a lot of drama. I hate to see that. Coz my granny was a very kind and loving woman and he tortured her a lot. My father goes around distributing a lot of cash to people but does not help me financially or in any other way. People don't believe me and my father has slandered my image in front of everyone. He tells people that I do not take care of him and acts like a victim. Also he feeds a lot of stray animals and shows people that he is an animal lover. I hate him the most for the way he treated my granny. In the end my granny was lonely, abadoned. she died all alone, hungry, eating out of people's dustbins. She would remember my father and cry a lot. She would tell me to shoot her video and in the video she would beg my father to come and see her. Even in her final days my father never went to see her. She passed away at the age of 97 and at her funeral my father cried a lot just to show people how much he cared for her. I remember Mty granny every single day and pray for a happy life for her where ever she is coz I feel she has seen enough of hell in this life... now I want her to be happy. She was an angel. The most beautiful woman for me. Even while typing this there are tears rolling down my eyes remembering her. Love you granny... wherever u r...
@helenahon Жыл бұрын
I feel for u and your granny. She spent all her life struggling to raise 6 kids and look what she got for it. I sometimes wonder what's the use of having children. They wind up turning into thieves and scoundrels and evil toxic narcissists who hurt society in anyway they can. May your grandma rest in peace.
@camellia8625 Жыл бұрын
I feel so much for your grandmother. You write about her in a very moving way.
@srishtithakur3846 Жыл бұрын
Jealous, oversensitive, demanding and insecure.. words they used verbatim on me!!!😨
@rubberbiscuit99 Жыл бұрын
My father, a leader in his profession, fighting on behalf of those done wrong by the larger institution, was and is lionized among his colleagues. At home, an alcoholic, critical abuser.
@marcilk7534 Жыл бұрын
He was a pastor. He would go to islands that had disasters and help people. In our relationship, he had all the behaviors of narcissism. The love bombing, stonewalling, gaslighting, weaponizing my insecurities, ghosting, manipulation, etc. He had no demonstration of empathy in our relationship. But he doesn’t believe he is a narcissist because he had a career helping people.
@E4439Qv5 4 ай бұрын
"But they don't know that _who you are_ is _not_ what you *_do."_* --Toby Mac
@lungatsominzlet4941 Жыл бұрын
My narc hubby is this type being too nice to everyone who needs help even if there's someone else who can do it but he can't help his family members in such manner..he does this to make you look bad
@lorainegardener559 Жыл бұрын
All this is true what this man is saying devious
@cefcat5733 Жыл бұрын
I hope that everyone is laughing about these experiences, or hopefully that one day you will enjoy doing just that. ❤
@LadyNoble369 Жыл бұрын
They only give and help in expectations of something in return..
@melindasmith3713 Жыл бұрын
One hand washes the other , my dad said , I see after 25 yrs of marriage yeas I married my dad by choice lol . After 25 plus yrs . I see
@Lyrielonwind Жыл бұрын
​@@melindasmith3713 By choice? I doubt we, victims, have rarely had "free choice" or "free will". We think we did but we didn't.
@saraswathyhanumankar2509 Жыл бұрын
Goes all out to help people, but refuses to even recognise the presence of another human in the family. All for optics.
@Ciara246 Жыл бұрын
My narcissist ex displayed himself as generous in the beginning…. Then years later it was all exposed that it was nothing but transactional… in the end he was telling me “I DID SO MUCH FOR YOU AND apparently I was ungrateful and a user!! 🙄 I lived as a house slave for 16 years He stopped me from working telling me I didn’t need to work and to stay home and look after the kids… In the end he drove me so mad ( he’s tactic) for me to leave and had no choice but to leave with nothing and start a life from scratch In the meantime he was funding a girl half hes age! ❤️🙏🏻🇬🇧
@deborahleslie6257 Жыл бұрын
“Altruistic” Narcissist describes my husband to a “T” Only me his wife sees the “real” covert person he really is.
@Lyrielonwind Жыл бұрын
Very few people can see a covert narcissist and less people when they play altruistic.
@taraoc1193 Жыл бұрын
This is my husband, too! He's the sweetest peach in everyone's eyes😂
@alexandria727 Жыл бұрын
My husband too- for 10 years I have lived in a vicious cycle of mental anguish…thinking he was a good man with bouts of badness but in reality he is a bad man with small glimpses of good. It is such a living mental hell because of the roller coaster ride of kindness, abuse, kindness, abuse. Living in a state of constant confusion!
@deborahleslie6257 Жыл бұрын
Everything you have said about this is true. Thank you for the revelation of their truly covert, narcissistic personalities/behaviors/traits!!!
@terrapintravels3829 Жыл бұрын
My ex is an altruistic narcissist. He helps all his friends and family buy doing handyman and mechanic work and even buys the materials he needs to do the job. He did this with me in the love bomb stage too. But in the devalue stage he would buy me gifts after he was emotionally abusive, silent treatment, rages, insults. I figured out that he did these altruistic acts for attention and praise I left him soon after.
@mindyjones1184 Жыл бұрын
Yes, this is true. My ex told me that he only helps others when it benefits him. He understands that others will see him better and makes sure to announce to others that he was present to help or donate. It must be seen that he did something helpful. People don't see behind the curtain But, I noticed this and mentioned it. He admitted to feeling it is a waste of time otherwise.
@helenahon Жыл бұрын
I know a couple of big time communal narcissists. One runs a very established well known soup kitchen for the urban poor it seems. Oh she does all the necessary things to get glory and admiration but anyone who knows her knows she's a cruel woman. She also runs a company with her snooty nose in the air husband. One of her staff complained she never pays their salary on time and is a difficult, controlling boss to work for. She wouldn't help anyone who genuinely needs and in fact aids the perpetrator in hurting u more. She collects people or followers thru her charity foundation and thinks of them as animals. Once I was on the phone with her and she told me she had to cut me short cos "They're feeding". She actually used the word "feeding" She likes to watch her animals feed, gets a thrill out of it even though she's spending a lot of money providing the food everyday. Another communal narcissist I know is an animal rescuer. Has a big organisation that purportedly rescues abused dogs but is actually an animal abuser herself. She loves putting up graphic posts about badly abused animals, loves to rant about human cruelty towards animals but she herself has killed many of the animals she "rescued" or put them in situations where they wind up killing themselves. She mentioned one case where she tied a particular panicky, reactive, jumpy dog at her gate post while she let a whole bunch of cars and trucks and noisy ppl in. The dog tried to get away from the commotion and wound up hanging itself. After I read the post where she said she regretted tying the dog there, I knew what she was all about. I blocked her organisation and all other so called animal rescuers from my timeline. Not all animal rescuers are fake but most are. They want to be known for their bleeding heart and they want the money from public donations.
@Mikexception Жыл бұрын
Well said - my ex wife is like that. Now when in visit to family she underlines anything that makes her caring mom and wife and she is the only to be listened by all. Her beloved sentence : "children in life are most important" . She loves to talk about her recipes for cooking. At home in past when our chiden asked her to do something to eat she used to say "go to kitchen and make youself something" because she was "busy" with laying on sofa. Children developed enough "cook yourself" skills already since 6 years old. . She did not participate in dinners which I made for me and children excusing that she will not eat at all. She is now still very compassionate about another people and she entertains other with stories about it. Also about home works which when at home she used to excuse "I'll do it but not today" For many years when she was not working or part time she did not even touch them . She rejected some people, specially her family but also nearest neighbiurs and she described them with highest degree of negativity. I felt rejected for many years by all my family to whom she kept very close contacts. They just like frogotten about me and I had no contacts. She had tiime and she kept contacts for both of us. . Our surrounding looks surprised at me without understanding why I divorced her. I try to calm it by " you didn't notice how good we are actors"? But frankly it is only my ex wife.
@Deepz1412 Жыл бұрын
Totally relate to this exactly .. I have felt everything you mentioned here .. felt I was reading my own mind ! Thank you for this superb episode 🙏👍
@RondaGoldenArts Жыл бұрын
Amazing video.. thanks for the valuable information 🍀
@Blundabus1337 Жыл бұрын
I feel like ... I'm a type of narcissist? Benevolent narcissist? I see myself as better than the vast majority of my peers, I do selfless acts because that's what an awesome person would do and I'm an awesome person. . . . . . .but I don't really care for much in return? Like, in my mind I'm bragging, I'm telling myself oh how I am a beacon of light in this dark world. . . but if someone so much as gives me a minor compliment, I suddenly feel super awkward and weird. What's wrong with me? What's right with me? I thrive on negative attention but the moment somebody shows me kindness I freeze up.
@E4439Qv5 4 ай бұрын
...I feel I resonate with this on some level. There's a way to be outwardly-focused to boost one's ego through validation, and it's another thing _entirely_ to be "doing it as its own reward." I _want_ the challenge overcome, the need met, the friend helped, the family secured. The praise is a by-product of just... doing what needs to be done...? I could take it or leave it, tbh. ...Has to come from within tho. The 'optics' aren't worth a darn when you or everyone around you watching likely won't _be_ here in another 70 years anyway. So, I aim to do the right thing in terms of the _long_ game, and disregard the rest. Even my own feelings or self-image. Because, ultimately... Who cares?
@purrrlicious1 10 ай бұрын
Yes! Thank you! My ex pastor-narcissist was the nicest person on the surface, most of the time. But at the core he was exploitative, manipulative, lying, and deviously self centered. And when the real work of fixing our relationship came up, I was victimizing him for having my own take on things. He would become indignant about how wrong I am and how wonderful he is. This is why I don't like it when you or other content creators on this subject make blanket statements about narcs. Because key church members found out and they watch videos that say "the narcissists look down on you when you are compassionate", or, "the narc will never do this..." without disclosing the eerie pseudo loving serenity of the benevolent, altruistic narcissist.
@irisainsworth187 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, for giving me an opportunity to learn about how the narcissist mind operates. 🙏
@naowright9308 Жыл бұрын
This describes the narcissist in my life to a T.😢
@saudikasingh7778 Жыл бұрын
Thank u 🙏🏽 for your videos change my life .
@John_is_Weak Жыл бұрын
Wow, this was to the point. I have observed all the traits but categorising was the problem. Narcs are different types.
@izawaniek2568 Жыл бұрын
If your help does not come from your pure heart and good intention, it is calculation and manipulation and some people will see and feel it. Altruistic narcisists will organise parties and galas for others but thei kids will live on bread and Jam sandwiches. Kids suffer the most. Thank you Danish.
@irisainsworth187 Жыл бұрын
I always feel like a cinderella person from being a child. Comments like, ( "she will never be anything ") I felt isolated.
@Lyrielonwind Жыл бұрын
So did I and still I am. When I found out the truth I felt like Cinderella, Snow White and My fair lady all mixed up. Another sentence to be added: you will be a disgraced woman when you grow up and envy your sisters... but I don't feel jealous about them. I don't want to feel alike. Just want to be me as hard as it is.
@miriamhavard7621 Жыл бұрын
Love yourselves. You are worthy. 🌺🌺🌺
@tarey05 Жыл бұрын
Recognizing and acknowledging this type of narcissism in today's society is critical, as it's so prevalent and insidious. In the US, the political Left considers itself to be more culturally astute and sophisticated (snobbish and arrogant to control the narrative) in the arts, music, media, and academia by constantly bestowing awards, recognitions and initiating programs and foundations for artists, academics and the physically disadvantaged for its own self aggrandizement. Several years ago, one particular entertainer was advised to start a foundation for the poor in her country in order to gain star status in the US market. Every Christmas, my sister would annoyingly out-gift everybody for years to appear like the most generous in the family. I walked away from all that years ago, but apparently she's still doing it. It's her way of garnering respect and appreciation to avoid criticism and scrutiny in the midst of her covert narcissistic antics. Thank you, Danish! Great work!
@m.f.richardson1602 Жыл бұрын
My NM gave her time and money to the church. The "church" gave her lots of framed awards. She was so proud of those awards. Awards, awards, and more awards. I think she went to Staples and had some made-up for herself Thank you Peace 💕🇺🇲
@Keith_Mikell Жыл бұрын
That’s a real sickness.
@BlueJean751 Жыл бұрын
Danish, these are perfect descriptions of an altruistic narc. Help us with some powerful steps we can do, to counteract thier sickning syrupy sweetness they portray to others and family. . .yet they come out like a vicious viper to the spouse, when no one is around. Everyones is so fooled.
@markyungboo8586 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this one Dr. Danish this was right on time I just left said person after yet ANOTHER LIE followed be gaslighting
@wer45635 Жыл бұрын
Everything is about admiration
@E4439Qv5 4 ай бұрын
Yup. Being _seen_ as good, over *_doing_* good. It's insidious.
@tidycoat 10 ай бұрын
Omg this is my husband to a “T”. He’ll do anything for strangers or neighbours but next to nothing for his own family which is me and my son. He has admitted that he’s jealous of our son and that just blows me away…why wouldn’t you be happy for him if he’s doing well??? He does stuff for other people for the main reason that they praise him up and down!! He’ll talk behind their backs but loves their compliments. He doesn’t get anymore praises from me because now I know what he’s all about so there’s no feed here for him…then he tries to irk me into a fight but I stay quiet and I don’t give him any attention or reason to get angry. He can’t cut the grass or wash his car EVER without wanting praises and compliments on how good he is and how lovely the grass or the car looks. He’ll do the dishes or sweep the floor( half assed I must say) then he makes sure he tells me and describes everything he’s done…it’s so annoying!!! I could go on and on actually I could write a book about him and his NPD!
@vijayacharya8561 Жыл бұрын
Yes, they are Altruistic one of my friend poured financial support when I needed the most. They use that as a leverage to exploit you financially, emotionally and sometimes they feel so entitled as they own you.
@dianaalyssa8726 Жыл бұрын
@melindasmith3713 Жыл бұрын
They say want pity, but you pity them
@Lyrielonwind Жыл бұрын
This type might create their own cult but often fall under some other cults. Narcissists become victims when they meet a psychopath.
@annekerotterdam7499 Жыл бұрын
Exactly!! The 'founder' of the Scientology Church LR Hubbard was obvious a psychopath. My ex husband and one of my sons suffer from NPD and belief all this bs.
@goddessvibes08 Жыл бұрын
@andydufresne8034 Жыл бұрын
I've been thinking about changing my avatar to Shrek because I'm the "mean" ogre who the "nice" villagers keep coming after with pitchforks and torches, but in the end I'm proven to be the good one. Narcissists value themselves over the greater good while altruists value the greater good over themselves. Narcissists' brains are incapable of computing the concept of valuing the greater good over themselves and get hung up on the fool's gold of niceness. Just one of the ways they've bent society to their insanity and molded it in their image is making niceness the standard by which we judge. They confuse goodness with niceness and have trained society to do the same. My mom is a terrible person, to me first and foremost, but she is also adorable and sweet and lovable and charming and a Jesus freak and does THE nicest things while at the same time projecting guilt for the terrible things she does outward and painting me as the bad guy when I'm a zillion times better human being than her. I was a pushover niceguy (because she trained me to be) until well into my thirties when I finally started giving myself credit for having been a good person and standing up to bullies, and they have labeled me mean because of it and I'm not alowed to defend myself against the terrible stuff they do because they're the superior nice ones and I'm going to Hell.
@humeraahmed6477 Жыл бұрын
This is so true
@Ben_M_D Жыл бұрын
This is 💯 my father. Your description was so much on point that it was a little scary.
@nawazmodisinghania3365 Жыл бұрын
Just superb!! 🎯💯
@marcginthe5d Жыл бұрын
Yes that’s what she is and does
@miriamhavard7621 Жыл бұрын
Makes me think of Joan Crawford.
@rachelrose9348 Жыл бұрын
God looks at the heart
@goddessvibes08 Жыл бұрын
If it's a covert contract, you will find out. It's all an investment for them
@Keith_Mikell Жыл бұрын
I think mine was altruistic to a point. They would help me do anything. Help anyone do anything. Is it possible for one to be a regular narc and then morph to altruistic when they realize it benefits them greatly?
@tigerspiritjourney 11 ай бұрын
My ex-husband is a covert narc, but when he is low on Narc supply, adoration and attention he will switch to the altruistic narc. In fact he switched just before Christmas and helped out a single mother by buying expensive ice cream for her 2 kids, which was of course posted on the local town FB page for the whole town to see. Then, this single mother turns out to be mentally unstable and started squeezing more money out of him, texting him every day like a stalker, crying, asking for more money, and more money. He helped her a couple times, and now has blocked her... The reason I know this, is that my ex- and I still talk and sometimes meet up for coffee, ( I moved to his country when we got married, alone here now, and still working my way out of the trauma bond with him, sometimes he is nice to be around, but I understand his disorders and keep him at arms length most of the time ). He recently opened up about this mess with this woman because I think he realized how his thirst for adoration with this single mother has blown up in his face, and he got a bit scared. I've seen her around the neighbourhood for a few years now, and my first gut instinct about her was that she is really psychologically unstable and to avoid her at all costs... Funny how my ex-husband zeroed in on her. Like attracts like sometimes!
@mejo419 7 ай бұрын
He was the sweetest. But when it came to my emotions all narcissistic responses. Gaslighting, blame shifting, no accountability, disrespected boundaries. He didn't really lie or try and manipulate like a malignant narc. It was really confusing. Moved mountains for others but I had to beg for bare minimum. Would be loving and nice but in what he wanted for me. Never really cared what I needed from him.
@linab.6586 Жыл бұрын
Dear Danish, I love your content. Your insights are very helpful to many people. Your audio quality is unfortunately quite bad, so please invest in a better audio system so that your content can reach even more victims of narcissistic abuse. Thank you.
@linab.6586 Жыл бұрын
@@jbrown2908 I also can hear and understand what Danish says but the quality of the sound recording is fairly bad. I do not criticize his content whatsoever, I appreciate his insights very much. If Danish would have a better microphone, his videos could reach even more people.
@rachelrose9348 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@AnaLucia-wy2ii Ай бұрын
What’s sad about this is that you have to be wary of those in helping professions and charity work. Most people are genuine and kind, but some are not.
@mumo9413 Жыл бұрын
He use to leave the marital home, no notice, not knowing where he went or for how long? Found out he was " serving" at the mosque, he'd taken the family meal that I had prepared for us & 3 children. He was sleeping on the floor, cleaning, cooking, praying etc! After the 4th time, I said next time will be the last & final time! Police had to escort him away as he threatened to throw one of the children over the stair bannister. Then, he clain domestic abuse from me to the police and please help him escape. Of course he portrayed being a wonderful human 🙄
@kennethlapointesongwriter3330 Жыл бұрын
The narcs I've known operate with 'superlatives'...when describing themselves or their acts (including acts of altruism)'s always 'best' 'biggest' 'most' 'greatest'...of course always from a vainglorious standpoint, it's all about acclaim for themselves. Just another way to blow their own horn. Which real heroes DON'T do.
@Lyrielonwind Жыл бұрын
And "never", "always" and "everyone says..."
@crystalclear5397 Жыл бұрын
Oh freaky, I never heard this term before. Kind of sounds like the ex. I would call the cops when it got physical yet they would take Me in. What??? Why don't you people do a background check while you're here? It was like tv, where they listen to the words of the pretty image on screen for sale only to find out later the product is Nothing as described in the Add. They just assume like we were in high school. Can you not see our physical differences right now? He's a giant compared to my reconstructed self! But he's 'perfect', he's got a job, he's trying to support you, he has friends, he knows the landlord etc they think 🙄 oh lordy it's nuts. Did you forget the classic fraze 'Never judge a book by its cover'
@positivepraveen9141 Жыл бұрын
It's true bro❤❤❤
@streaming5332 5 ай бұрын
They give lots of many to the grandchildren but only what they have to to their own children. That way everyone thinks they're marvellous.
@k.mcdaniel8378 Жыл бұрын
Great Video!!
@arshitahir4258 Жыл бұрын
Must be a way to know or recognise these people
@cefcat5733 Жыл бұрын
A lady who tried to make herself important in our gradeschool, was finally insulted in public, by other parents, who couldn't listen to her character-revealing efforts, at being the most generous, well-to-do parent. She took us out and spent a lot, as if she was being kind, showing 'how she loves us.'she said. Later,she took the receipts and claimed it on her taxes, as a business expense. She was so fake and thought that she was a higher authority, everywhere, as seen by her many traffic tickets. The Judge told her, 'don't leave the city. 'She told me many of her health problems, forgot that and at a birthday party, mine, screamed at me, 'do I.... tell YOU all of my problems????' (I thought yes, you do. ) She had married a wealthy, very nice man. She had a daughter in our school. I heard later that the daughter was not allowed to study, in the area she wanted to make a career. This woman who told me not to be so protective of my children by bringing them to school with buses and trains in a big city, during gradeschool, told me 'let them go! 'She said this over and over. Meanwhile her daughter was driven to school, by her Dad. That was not exactly letting her child go. She met my favorite Narcissist and told this person her observation. They replied,' maybe that's because, that's all she has.' Later her daughter met a young man and went miles away, 18,000 and stayed for over a year. This woman was fuming. The daughter eventually came back, only to steal a credit card and disappear. Her parents can see where she is, when she makes a purchase. I could say, let your child go... after all, she is an adult now. I am glad to have lost track of this family. I hear about their adventures, which is nice of fate, to be so generous, to come and visit me, with a story about how they go to Dubai 3 times per year. How exciting it must be to be a world-wide fake. She gave us so much and used it all to her advantage. We might have been useful in befriending her daughter, so that she could learn English. She could have paid for an English tutor but faked friendship, to get friends with whom her daughter could practice conversation. What a joke.
@CherrysJubileeJoyfully Жыл бұрын
My grandfather was mother was the female psycopath because he was a narcissist.
@CherrysJubileeJoyfully Жыл бұрын
@J Brown This is true. I am an American follower of Shaktism, and while I honor Lalita Tripura Sundari, it is Kali Ma who fules my fire, Durga who inspires my voice, and lucky for all of us Krishna dances between them in my heart. I am starting a non-secular Bhakti yoga organization. With 6-9 inter weaving nonprofit devoted to finding helping and healing people of all ages who have been victims of childhood abuse and neglect or people suffering from narcissistic trauma. I am starting a movement💪🙏❤️‍🔥
@terriwhalen3618 Жыл бұрын
Hi Danash nice to meet you. Yes, this was a so called long distance friend whom I thankfully blocked after 5 weeks. I didn't know this happened in friendship. I know the red flags, thankfully and this lady outdid herself as I am recovering eye surgery. She sent loads of delivery groceries, clothes etc. I didn't feel comfortable. As I began listening to her which it was all about her, hijacking conversations, I started seeing red flags. She gossips, bad mouths other people, cursing, and claims to be a Christian, called all hours day and night, numerous text messages. And never asked how I was doing. She also is on shaky ground at her job and I figure she sent all the gifts 🎁 in order to make me indebted to her in the future. Thankfully I never allowed her to put me down, control me ect. I know this is a long story and thanks for listening but the worse part, she is paranoid delusional. She talks nonstop verbatim about bizarre details of being watched, phone tapped and this list goes on. She tried to convince me they were out to get me as well. Finally, I told her I wouldn't listen anymore, my peace is important and that was a week ago and I have not heard from her since. I blocked her and now I have peace. 😊
@dZeNa. Жыл бұрын
My ex narc fiancé discarded me 2x. 1st time I didn’t know what he was, but i understand his patterns now: always leaving for an unhappy girl who is in an unhappy relationship & sees him as the rescuer, the hero. He changed his whole personality for the new supply, she’s a Latina; he’s acting like a Latino. But he’s Iranian🤦🏼‍♀️ his whole appearance & new „social group“ are partying dancing drinking substances taking young people with Latino background acting cool & gangster-like. But we live in Germany. Hilarious
@rozdoyle8872 Жыл бұрын
The Narc I know had his Co Name on the Shirts he gave to the local Rugby Club , he was the Big Man , nobody knew he was visiting houses of I'll repute, when his dirty deads laid him low , his Name quickly came off the shirts. Silly Fool.
@mizkaponi4853 Жыл бұрын pops is like this. Wow.
@black-sheep-me 8 ай бұрын
I have come across couple of them in the non profit organizations I worked. I was silent for a while, when it became too much I reported it and they make me question my reality. Wtff
@wittesneeuw Жыл бұрын
Hi Danish, is this the same type as other youtubers call them the communal narcissist? I would like to add that a lot of them have the Florence Nightingalesyndrome.....And they get angry if you don 't want their help......The devil.......ughhhhh......Nonono.....and also don't take their dirty money..... Жыл бұрын
😮 my mom
@mishi144 10 ай бұрын
Characters/people I can think of when I think of altruistic narcissism would be Gus Fring from Breaking Bad, Taylor Swift, and Lucy Letby.
@gracegarce8026 Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of Taylor Swift's song KARMA where a line says "Did you hear my covert narcissism disguised as altruism.." Oh well.
@angelsface200 11 ай бұрын
Hmm, my current boyfriend is like this... We'd go out to restaurants, and he'd rearrange the plates, cups, napkins in order to help the wait staff out. But when he came over to my old apartment, he'd leave his plate and cup out, never putting it away. He also is attracted to becoming a police officer to help people out. And yet, he laughs at jokes about people getting raped, jokes about shooting people, etc
@faymoosa5064 Жыл бұрын
Yes 💯💯💯💯
@Dee_Snutz Жыл бұрын
I don’t know if you have already. But could you make a video to help identify Narcissistic traits within YOURSELF? I do enjoy learning about others but I also wanna identify my own issues
@rayluby6659 Жыл бұрын
I’d hear about my mom supporting her LGBTQ students while she told me my whole adolescence “it’s just a phase”.
@shaanz2.087 Жыл бұрын
Sahi kaha. Danish ki accent acchi lagi❤
@Lyrielonwind Жыл бұрын
Está aumentando el acento latino... pero no te enteras 😂
@cebu7777 Жыл бұрын
MUCHAUSEN ? please forgive spelling
@emmamonroe3311 Жыл бұрын
@charlieromero8992 Жыл бұрын
Dude I learn so much from your videos but I'm not gonna let you get away with having horns on right above your head You did that on purpose or at least looked like it. They are perfectly placed above your head like you are growing them
@Dazz3881 Жыл бұрын
@LRB04 Жыл бұрын
To watch this being done to clergy/churches is horrible.
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