Narcissism and Leadership - Part 2

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Tim Fletcher

Tim Fletcher

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The reality of a narcissistic leader is that they create an unsafe environment and some type of abuse will happen. Someone will get hurt, and the environment will become increasingly unhealthy. How can one tell if a leader is narcissistic? Tim presents 12 characteristics of a narcissistic leader.
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@Dobermanmomma 4 ай бұрын
This is a crucial topic for Christians to understand. So many pastors are narcissistic.
@comnandmentsdeadlysins 4 ай бұрын
I truely asked God for over 20 plus years everyday "When will people wake up?" Same answer everyday "The bigger they get the harder they fall" I stopped asking as I started to see both happening. We are at a time of major changes for humanity to take away from the few to allow the many to thrive not survive. God will not be mocked and the truth is coming out everywhere you look. No one can hide from God and that will be proven. Best to all healing and learning in preparation for a new way of living.
@ashsara9233 3 ай бұрын
I’ve just been fired by someone who’s done exactly this for the past 8 weeks in a new job. Genuinely I was suicidal the last two weeks and didn’t realise what was being done to me actually had a name! Best explanation of this character. Thank you 🙏🏼 ❤
@alexandrugheorghe5610 4 ай бұрын
You've just described my former workplace, Amazon Web Services, to a T. A nest of narcissists.
@kittencharm 4 ай бұрын
This is so revealing, thank you for your observations. Helps me understand my brother.
@Bar_Bar27 4 ай бұрын
I lost my last corporate job because of someone like this. He tried to control me through intimidation and he was successful for some time because i obviously needed that job, until i started to go against him and even complained about him to HR and other managers. I asked to move to another department because i couldn't even explain myself to him with his constant accusations and manipulation. Then he started to go after me because of my complaint. No one backed me up. He had this "power" that everyone was afraid of him and no one went against him.I got fired in the end. I filled a lawsuit for discrimination.. still going on.
@mayamichelle6741 3 ай бұрын
You’ve just described neocolonialism, the alphabet agencies, and Hollywood.
@laughoutloud3404 Ай бұрын
And the “west”
@SunnyJJJJ 4 ай бұрын
I haven’t heard of a single company that will evaluate their leadership’s health. I have always worked in places where the leaders are always protected and HR will always save them and kick out everyone who doesn’t agree with them. Every single place was like that. It’s beyond discouraging and disgusting.
@truthministry7462 3 ай бұрын
Another powerful study
@mancubthescrub 3 ай бұрын
For the entirety of the video, I am reminded of my prior boss.
@lindsay5305 3 ай бұрын
Thank you again. Helpful
@ziad_jkhan 3 ай бұрын
The most popular form of narcissistic leadership is religion though. Religion normalizes glorification of narcissism.
@mayamichelle6741 3 ай бұрын
One of the most popular. It’s a tool of Imperialism. I hear him describing neocolonial governments.
@rebbouhhind2580 3 ай бұрын
They're coacroaches down to anything to gain power ! From spiritual abuse to intellectual and emotional abuse etc.
@Kassia_Jobs 3 ай бұрын
It would be nice if you explained how to communicate and collaborate with this type of leaders in the way to stay emotionally and mentally intact. Not everyone can just quit an organisation, especially if they have a rather rare profession and work in a relatively small town. Thank you for your work. I appreciate it. It helps to navigate through difficult times especially when there's very few people to talk to..
@Martyna-j4e 3 ай бұрын
Thank you 🌻
@mayamichelle6741 3 ай бұрын
30:45 growth and innovation… the USA machine. This is how the USA projects and promotes itself. American exceptionalism, as if there’s no innovation and development anywhere else in the world, as if no other system besides the American one can be innovative.
@laughoutloud3404 Ай бұрын
Stop killing natives!
@mknels1299 3 ай бұрын
@cmay2840 4 ай бұрын
businesses, obiden
@meghanme7070 25 күн бұрын
Joe Biden and Donald Trump come to mind.
@Mermare 4 ай бұрын
The abuse causes the most talented staff to abandon ship, and eventually the leader will tank the whole department through lack of truth telling and loss of talent.
@comnandmentsdeadlysins 4 ай бұрын
I experienced it and it was not pleasant. It did not help the company I worked for and liked working for was sold to entitled brats that inherited their grand parents company before they bought the one I worked for. It was non stop disrespect. Upside I know they will loose it all in time and leave their next generation with nothing. The world does not operate as many were taught to believe. No worries for me as my life is flourishing with little to nothing as I value people not money.
@thebluebutterfly5177 4 ай бұрын
Whilst this is absolutely true, from what I have experienced from a narcissistic partner who has been riddled with this complain his entire working life, it’s mirror of how he treats those he claims to love. I’m not saying that is how it is in every situation but it most definitely is, in his. He gets treated poorly because he doesn’t understand boundaries in anyway, then complains and moans after betraying, cheating, lying, deceiving etc etc. very unhealthy behaviours with myself and our children. He gets to put in a grievance against them, I don’t get to claim the same justice in how and what he has done to me and my children.
@Ominous89 3 ай бұрын
This is exactly what happened at the company I walked away from, after 7 years work. I was the first one to ragequit that company. 5 years later I heard the exact same thing "all the good and talented guys, either quit the job with a severe burnout or they abandonned the sinking ship to better companies." That was an old coworker wich I encountered at the streets. He was sitting at a clinic for alcoholics, 2 years after he also quit the job with workrelated burnout and alcoholism. I think my angry departure from this narcissistic company made a huge impression on some guys. Other guys simply didn't know or didn't dare to quit. Some even joined the narcissists boss's side. I can only hope it opened their eyes and motivate them to also leave that narcissistic company.
@AtHisFeet777 3 ай бұрын
Wow ain't that the truth
@stephm5877 3 ай бұрын
This literally happened where I was at. Many talented people came and now there's only one left who acts just like the leader. It's sad to watch such potential get wasted like that.
@frederick2video 3 ай бұрын
In 40 years of working, I now realize that I seldom worked in a healthy environment. I wish that I would have had all of this information years ago.
@CynthiaSchoenbauer 3 ай бұрын
I took demotions and "expulsions" very personally when it had to do with politics I would not comply with and really nothing actually bad about me.
@mayamichelle6741 3 ай бұрын
You’ve just described Corporate America, the Western Political Class, elites, Globalists, most religious organizations… and my ex-husband.
@rebbouhhind2580 3 ай бұрын
It's world wide!
@CynthiaSchoenbauer 4 ай бұрын
I love this topic! I want to help create a world with good leaders who don't have a core wound of shame.
@stephm5877 3 ай бұрын
Are there any churches without this kind of leadership? I'm exhausted with churches. It would be so great for cptsd to have some help finding healthy churches.
@mayamichelle6741 3 ай бұрын
Maybe Baha’i?
@danavigoren6748 3 ай бұрын
The ambiguous part. It happened to me, and it was awful. My life ended up in shambles working under that leadership.
@lizzi437 3 ай бұрын
You describe my former boss to a tee. I did end up leaving, but really should have left sooner.
@mancubthescrub 3 ай бұрын
For the entirety of the video, I am reminded of my prior boss.
@dianahill5116 Күн бұрын
I'm atheist.
@tmking7483 3 ай бұрын
Bingo u win the jackpot
@AtHisFeet777 3 ай бұрын
I have a question, if you have had a malignant narcissistic ex partner that has stalked, gangstalked and refused to allow you to live a normal life even after 20 years of seperation, and then also come under a narcissistic leader that the Lord has put you under, with all these years of being subjected to narcissistic behaviour, is it possible to become a narcissist yourself or portray some traits through the constant pain and defending yourself? So xan you become one because of being subjected to it for so long without being able to escape from it?
@jimig399 3 ай бұрын
Yes, transference is a real thing. My mom was a malignant narcissist. I couldn't wait to get away from her. When I finally did get away I kept having the same problems for many years and I couldn't understand why. It took a lot of reflection and accountability for me to realize that I had picked up her characteristics just by being exposed to her for so long. You can become a narcissist or you can choose to be honest with yourself about yourself and embrace what you are. Most people cannot because of ego, pride, shame and fear.
@AtHisFeet777 3 ай бұрын
@@jimig399 Thank you for taking the time to answer and yes, I am becoming more self-aware and realise that over time I have changed, I also know its not my true self but I have noticed that I have definitely picked up some traits, I think my mom was a narc too on reflection. Its good to identify and recognise these things as I don't want to hang on to these things. I think a lot has come from having to defend myself constantly and being in fight or flight mode, i isolate and really have become a shell of who i used to be. I've been in survival mode alone for so long that I have put walls up so high that i no longer let people in, not truly anyway. I keep people at a distance at arms length so to speak so i am not my true authentic self. Also deeply wounded and need to be healed, so triggered easily, defensive hurt, insecure and lost my confidence even though often I tend not to show tgat but I'm sure it's probably blatantly obvious to others. OK thank you, I believe there is nothing the Lord can not deliver and heal us from so I will journey on so that all toxic traits are eliminated and restoration xan begin. Again thank you.
@jimig399 3 ай бұрын
@@AtHisFeet777 Your welcome. It sounds like we have a lot in common. For me the change began when I had kids. I realized that the man I wanted to be and wanted my kids to look up to was not the man that I was. I did not enjoy living in denial of it all. Fortunately I was able to turn it all around and make changes. Health problems actually helped me with that because I was immobilized for a time and had plenty of time to reflect. From there I made a real effort to change my life. It doesn't happen over night. I struggled for many years and lost everything including my business, my house and my family. I had to start over again at 47. I'm 54 now and I'm finally able to be authentic and my genuine self. It does feel good because I know how hard I worked to get here. When you get there you'll know because people will be drawn to you again and opportunities will open up to you. I wish you all the best on your journey. God bless 🙏
@jimig399 3 ай бұрын
AtHisFeet777 Your welcome. It sounds like we have a lot in common. For me the change began when I had kids. I realized that the man I wanted to be and wanted my kids to look up to was not the man that I was. I did not enjoy living in denial of it all. Fortunately I was able to turn it all around and make changes. Health problems actually helped me with that because I was immobilized for a time and had plenty of time to reflect. From there I made a real effort to change my life. It doesn't happen over night. I struggled for many years and lost everything including my business, my house and my family. I had to start over again at 47. I must say that if not for some of the tragedy and losses I've suffered along the way...i probably would not be the man I am today. Suffering seems to build character in that you must bury your pride, ego, anger, fear, etc in order to survive it. It fosters humility. Humility is in short supply right now. It need not be such a hard lesson to learn but for pride, ego, fear of shame and these days ... being cancelled for wrong doing. Too much pride and shame in the world today. The 2 most potent sins and drivers of trauma. They can turn worlds upside down. Anyways...I'm 54 now and I'm finally able to be authentic and my genuine self. It does feel good because I know how hard I worked to get here. When you get there you'll know because people will be drawn to you again and opportunities will open up to you. I wish you all the best on your journey. My journey has taken 40+ years but I'm happy with who I have become so it's worth the effort. For me the biggest motivation was that I did not want to have regret or shame in my life when my death comes calling. I lived with regret and shame for many years in this world. I knew I did not want to spend eternity feeling regret and shame so I eliminated both from my life. Hope it helps God bless 🙏
@Kassia_Jobs 3 ай бұрын
The Lord does not put anybody under a narcissistic leadership neither in churches, nor at work, nor in family. In all of these areas we put there ourselves, because we are responsible for our choices of places and people.
@sponkmcdonk3898 Ай бұрын
So.. 3/4 of all orgs out there?
@mayamichelle6741 3 ай бұрын
You’ve described the WHO and the response to covid by the western political class.
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