NASA | Beyond Einstein: Part I

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NASA Goddard

NASA Goddard

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@NASAGoddard 15 жыл бұрын
This video was uploaded in 2007, long before KZbin had HD and HQ options available. Unfortunately, we can't simply replace the video and keep the same link, but when we bring in new staff soon, hopefully we'll finally have the time to create new HD listings for our older videos. Thanks for the suggestion! It's always helpful to hear feedback from our viewer on what we can improve for you.
@bimalenduchowdhury31 4 жыл бұрын
Einstein the legend never passed away in our hearts.
@Mammadooo 11 жыл бұрын
I'm always entertained with the fact that despite however many missions to outer space we planned since Einstein's time, he achieved in his backyard more than we achieved in field. A true legend.
@BrianFedirko 2 жыл бұрын
Einstein Rocks!
@Mesqualito 17 жыл бұрын
All who are coming to this site-this movie is worth of watching :) After part one go on to part 2.
@USAneedsaChange 14 жыл бұрын
Not only was Einstein Einstein and came up with general and special relativity, but he was also very young at the time(I think 26 or so). It really is amazing how smart he was when one thinks about it. People can really be incredibly smart!
@bernzeppi 15 жыл бұрын
Feynman was famous for his sum of all paths idea that leads us to multiple universe theory. The answer to the perplexing dual slit experiment... an electron takes all possible paths to get from A to B (it travels the whole universe in this short time.
@evilblades 15 жыл бұрын
"the bowling ball on a rubber mat" is a 2D representation of a 3D phenomena, you can also think of it as a flat circle on a table that pull everything on the table towards it. even if you are floating in deep space you, or even something as small as a marble or a single atom do have a gravitational pull(or weight if you will) , no matter as far as i know is truly weightless. (albeit its pull can be so infinitesimally small that it is near non-existent)
@MarkArandjus 14 жыл бұрын
You know funny thing is that dark energy/dark matter perfectly fits Obi Wan's explanation of the force :D "It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together."
@MrEinsteinz 15 жыл бұрын
Were you the consultant for the one featured in Napoleon Dynamite a few years back?
@evilblades 15 жыл бұрын
actually the theory of black holes make perfect sense. we know that light bends according to gravity, and we know that the more matter you have in a limited area the more gravity you feel/have, and when you reach a certain point the gravity pull gets so strong no light can escape it and it thus become "invisible". and NASA didn't stipulate the theory of black holes, it was first penned in the late 18th century.
@medoelkorsan 15 жыл бұрын
that is like a promo not what i expected i thought it would be a long documentary
@orasatk 12 жыл бұрын
Oh my GOD, really your creation and human brain are awesome.....
@69drummerdude 13 жыл бұрын
@Greatermaxim You don't have to; Think about the difference between seeing the steamhammer and hearing it. If a star explodes and its light takes 1 milion years to reach you, than studying THAT light is like looking 1 million years back in time.
@saeedsnne 14 жыл бұрын
I wish he could be brong back to life at these times, And seeing all the technology and stuff that we created, most of cuz of him. I wonder what crazy new thing he would think of and create.
@PhantasyStarOST 15 жыл бұрын
Thanks, but why not in HD or HQ ?
@guess777 13 жыл бұрын
Einstein still alive :)
@oEQjet 15 жыл бұрын
you know how we view time as a dimension? What's forcing you to go down that dimension? That's the thing about the nature of movement, you're ALWAYS traveling at the speed of light, as a stationary object you're traveling through time at the speed of light, as you move through the 3 spacial dimensions, your travel through the fourth is slowed, when space is curved, your trajectory in this 4 dimensional spacetime is altered from directly down through time, to through space. It's not a force.
@69drummerdude 13 жыл бұрын
@Greatermaxim I think you're reaction is marked as spam (why?) but anyway; Time isn't being split up, Light is, and because light is much more than just the part that we can see AND because different elements absorb different freqency's of light scientist claim they can "see" what elements were there at that time and what happend. On a chemical level that is. Think of it as standing 1 mile from an explosion with measuring equipment and measuring what different marerials exploded and burned.
@ShootBigBird 15 жыл бұрын
Why do you suggest that? If one event is linked with another, what mediates the event if not a photon? And why?
@aetherflow 13 жыл бұрын
"Einsteins relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists." -Nikola Tesla
@vinnievincent85 14 жыл бұрын
@BOSH45 i didnt want to learn when i were younger therefore i thought school sucked. now i want to learn and then school doesnt suck. you cant force anyone to learn.
@Joke9972 15 жыл бұрын
Freezing time and expansion of space into another definable universe, freezing dynamics in ours, and being 'redynaminized' (as it were) into the embracing universe, would mean that as from than on, 'our' universe could be percepted from another conciousness as the redefined dynamic frame (frozen percepted within our own). In which gravity (extended magnetism) merges or splits with or from the redefined spatial dimension of this perceptuated 'embracing' universe. Pity we still cannot find dim.
@omsingharjit 4 жыл бұрын
3:09 1 & 3 👍 2 is 🧐
@AGKoriginal 13 жыл бұрын
the best part is that, space and time are distorted, gravity might just be trying to pull everything back into Euclidean equilibrium.
@cycimian 16 жыл бұрын
Brilliant bold and correct. Working with in his own perceptions so unique its amazing. Suspending motion through gravity also suspending time. The science fiction alone enters the quantum relms of what is god.
@Novak2611 11 жыл бұрын
the weird thing is the fact that we can't use the word "outside" of the universe, or "where" the universe is expending, because words like "where" describe space, and space is only in the universe, and there's no time no space "outside" the universe, it sounds weird. and even inside the universe we only know 5%, the other 95% we are trying to understand it
@ModusPwnens72 14 жыл бұрын
I wasn't saying they have yet been proved wrong, just that past experience and humility tells us they almost certainly are. However, I am fairly certain that relativity is incompatible with quantum mechanics so both will probably be tweaked /at least/. More likely, another scientific revolution will sweep both of them away.
@ShunyaYoga 16 жыл бұрын
Knowledge is always limited, in a constant state of accumulation. There is no such thing as the attainment of absolute knowledge. Regardless of how much knowledge one posseses , one will find that intellctual knowledge alone is not capable of solving the problem of human suffering, nor is it capable of making one's life filled with bliss. One's experience of life is just the state of mind one carries around with oneself. To understand reality, both Observed and Observer need to be explored.
@54spiritedwill54 16 жыл бұрын
Excelente y muy interesante documental.
@JPHET37 14 жыл бұрын
Our loving father and mother created the Universe. They've send Einstein to this world with a formula for all understand the meaning of life and how it was created.
@TRiiKzZ1CoD 12 жыл бұрын
every time new things are discovered more and harder questions come up ! if the univers is expanding where is it expanding ? what is outside of the universe... ? if i can only know i will be the happiest boy ever ! :D
@goldensleeves 16 жыл бұрын
Who said that I said somebody said that you thought that? I wasn't implying you thought that at all. Rather, I was just trying to clarify for people who might happen to read it. In fact, I thought your comment was a credible thing to say.
@KaminariKatta 14 жыл бұрын
why are people calling einstein a fraud?it doesnt make much sense to me,His 1905 Annus Mirabilis.The four papers eventually were recognized as revolutionary, and 1905 became known as Einstein's "Miracle Year".He solved four fucking hard questions which probably none of u in that time could even begin to comprehend.The photoelectric effect,brownian motion,mass and energy equivalence and special relativity.Any of those 4 could have already gotten him a nobel prize.So grow some brains and respect!
@WhiskeyPhysics 13 жыл бұрын
I have a teory but its not quite perfect due to actual knowladge of me: well can the light speed change due to deformations of space(ex: blackhole)? And since the velocity can me measure with v=deltaX/deltaT when the actuall deltaX is bended and the time is change cuz of the gravitational field will it stay with the same speed? or will it increase with a prespective outside of the black hole gravitational field but still remain the same speed(insde the field (due to the space-time changes) ?
@Kando0615 15 жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more
@jaapaap5 16 жыл бұрын
It takes a second Einstein to go beyond Einstein. And appart from people that talk a lot, nobody even comes close to the original.
@TakesTwoToTango 14 жыл бұрын
@ftjax Yes
@zodiacthug1980 15 жыл бұрын
hey if thats wotz gonna make u feel good..i'll be happy to make someone smiling..and ya basiclly u can say that my personality and the way i treat ppl is souly based on my belief...which honestly ppl respect...BROTHER lol
@saweet999 16 жыл бұрын
einstein has a big carrot
@JohnFHendry 9 жыл бұрын
Relative to an Initial Inertial Frame of Reference there is only one Observer: O=E. Call it what you like... Life's Mass has always existed and always will exist. The speed of light is created by Mass Oscillation and is Life's pendulum and it's rate of Mass oscillation connected to time is fixed and time dilation does not change that fact. Sorry Professor, you have no one to blame but yourself for doing such a good job in describing what the equation for the Unified Field Theory must do: create the first particle via the 4 forces and keep on going which exposed Life's particle making clock and the realization that the weak force must have asymmetry. Credit goes to SLAC's E158 team for supplying it's ratio value which adds one hour every thousand years. The weak force is an oscillator. Consciousness has Mass as I believe Rosalind Franklin discovered explaining why she was withholding the DNA's X-Ray. We see the photon move just as we see the Sun rotate around the Earth... and the observation is reference frame dependent. History repeats itself unless something very unusual stops it which would require an asymmetry of some type added and the next step in physics is made by accepting what the photon's non-moving clock tells us. Both views of the Sun and the photon are real, but one is an illusion we rely on in our daily affairs and the other is a technical fact. The neutrino has a function in Nature in providing the photon's needed force carrier space separating the weak force from the strong force and this is easy to prove if you can do (very) simple math thanks to CERN and SLAC that created the needed data. The neutrino is not a true antiparticle as once thought but it certainly can appear like that because it is an empty shell of transfer space left over stuck in time where it separates the weak force from the strong force. And because E=T where time like energy must be conserved it has an asymmetric partner not yet observed outside of the theory that supports it connected to the other elements of the theory have been verified... explaining well known mysteries. The asymmetry of the weak force is exposing the cause of gravity despite in all likelihood it is also confusing those holding a loose cable seeing that it's asymmetrical subtrahend of 0,20e-5 sec. in 453.6 light speed miles does not match the value of G. But the gravity created is just as real as Universal gravity outside the area of separation and as stated many years ago the two cannot mix their phase timing of force but that is a post for a later date so as not to repeat the same mistake twice as the truth like glue sets up and hardens. Related to the discussion of Time... in Sept 2011 CERN shocked the world when CERN's scientists announced that if their measurement following Fermilab's less accurate observations of muon neutrinos moving @ (v-c)/c=2.48e-5 sec. in 453.6 miles was correct then Einstein was wrong. The same guy who was "wrong" when he refused to accept the uncertainty principle and use dice to make measurements. And if you are paying attention to what's going on in astronomy then you know it is being said he was "wrong" again. Truth is he just wasn't finished with the equation E=mc2 and the E158 data he needed providing the ratio of weak force asymmetry to add was not available until 2004 Here's a copy of some simple calculations handed to the director of LIGO regarding CERN's “Superluminal” Neutrino Abnormality announced September 2011 @ (v-c)/c=2.48e-5 sec in 453.6 miles. They show using basic math that CERN's Muon phase neutrinos @ (v-c/c)=2.48e-5 sec in 453.6 miles match SLAC's E158 asymmetry of the weak force ratio @ 2.48e-5 sec in 453.6 miles creating an asymmetry in time of 20e-5 sec. A year after this was shown on Nature's Forum next to CERN's scientists trying to figure out why their data was showing Einstein was wrong if it were correct SLAC went back over their BaBar experiment's data and confirmed "looking at it differently) time has asymmetry. Of course... gravity is real. Open up a calculator and it's easy to follow along. "{a}" is the algebraic symbol of the value in effect of WF Asy: Weak Force Asymmetry {a} adds 1hour/3600 seconds every 1000 years: Re: SLAC E158 "using clocks". Muon Neutrino's do not exceed the speed of light because they were created at the SOL. Einstein was right, not wrong: 3600sec / 1000 years = 3.6 seconds WF Asy {a} added in one year. So we put that into the speed of light distance because space is relative to time. They are one and the same outside the atom. 3.6 sec x 186282 (speed of light) = 670615.2 which is the {a} WF asy in distance added to the speed of light in one year so.... 670615.2 / 365.2425 days in a year = 1836.082055072999 is the {a} WF asy SOL distance added to speed of light in one day 1836.082055072999 / 24 hours = 76.50341896137498 is the {a} WF asy time/distance added to speed of light in one hour 76.50341896137498 / 60 minutes = 1.275056982689583 is the {a} WF asy added to speed of light in one minute 1.275056982689583 / 60 seconds = 0.021250949711493 is the {a} WF asy added to speed of light in one second Now if the Earth were bigger and CERN's neutrinos had traveled a little over 186282 miles (one second + WF Asy gained @ SOL) we would be done, but since they only traveled 453.6 miles we need to keep going till we get to the amount of {a} added in 453.6 miles. So we divide the miles light travels in one second by the miles CERN's neutrinos traveled. 86282 miles or one second/453.6 miles, the percentage of a one second gain which is = 410.6746031746032 Now we divide it into the WF Asy one second gain from above (.021250949711493 ) 0.021250949711493 / 410.6746031746032= 5.174644243208279e-5 That just gave us the total forward and back total neutrino oscillation WF Asy {a} time gained in 453.6 miles. Now notice it is almost exactly double CERN's 2.48e-5 sec SOL gain announced Worldwide before the politics SLAC ignored stepped in. So pay attention because the next two simple calculations dividing it in half and using CERN's 2.48e-5 as a forward arrow "stopping point" to add the .10e-5 sec remaining difference to the other half to make it fit is a game changer from the "dice" (uncertainty principle) to two sided cards (two oscillation arrows connected to time) because CERN's data matching SLAC's E158 ratio shows time has a reverse Mass oscillation phase arrow direction, and that means the neutrino has an asymmetric reverse direction partner that measures a little bigger than the neutrino giving time an asymmetry. And note the specific and exceptionally long SOL distances that create the asymmetry of the weak force ratio SLAC's E158 team measured. Add to that I had been quoting the E158 data for years after finding it and expected it to match like this to add the asymmetry to space calling it a lesser diesis harmonic comma and you can see this was no coincidence. (This was written before SLAC went back over their BaBar data and confirmed the asymmetry in time giving the discovery a sigma 14 level of certainty in Nov 2012.) 5.174644243208279e-5 /2 = 2.58732212160414e-5 sec That gave us the forward arrow of time WF Asy gain in 453.6 miles that is .10e-5 sec over CERN's 2.48e-5 sec in CERN's equation @ (v-c)/c=2.48e-5. So we subtract the difference: 2.58e-5 - 2.48e-5 = .10e-5 sec And add it to the other half: 10e-5 + 2.58e-5 = 2.68e-5 giving the second reverse arrow an asymmetry in time of .20e-5 sec, the difference in size of the forward arrow @ 2.48e-5 2.68e-5 - 2.48e-5 = .20e-5 sec So using basic math we see that CERN's muon neutrinos @ (v-c)/c = 2.48e-5 sec in 453.6 miles creates an asymmetry in time (Einstein's Comma) of .20e-5sec just as I predicted it would simply by using CERN's forward arrow gain of 2.48e-5 sec to shopw where we "fold" space and SLAC's E158 ratio that fits filling in the second reverse Mass oscillation arrow with 2.68e-5 sec. If you add an asymmetry to time you must end up with one and to create gravity it must occur in the second half so the rever arrow is a little longer. This shows Gravity is caused by the subtrahend of the electromagnetic wave where one side points up relative to the observer and the other side points down. Gravity is created by the remaining weak force asymmetry gained in the second reverse arrow of time with the forward arrow measuring 2.48e-5 sec in 453.6 miles. If it were wrong the numbers wouldn't say it was correct and someone would have corrected it in the last 4 years. BTW, I left something quite startling and important out related to the effect of weak force asymmetry in both physics and astronomy for a very good reason. I should have waited a few months after CERN's Sept 2011 announcement to show what caused it so the politics would not have tried to hide the solution not that it stopped SLAC from confirming the asymmetry in time exposed by the E158/CERN data match. But then again anyone following my work over the years would know what caused it so I had no choice if I wanted credit for the discovery in a world too often controlled by greed and a desire for power. Lucky for all of us that requires knowledge. JFH^^
@86redemption 14 жыл бұрын
"Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass (ratqan), then We clove them asunder (fataqna)? And We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?" Al-Qur'an 21:31
@petestrat07 15 жыл бұрын
Re-incarnation is far from science but you're right about Buddah being human. Bad example.. Exclude him and pick one of the 50 others to replace him just for sake of argument.
@TENJHOTENGE1 14 жыл бұрын
if Einstein is still alive today what would be the world look like?
@goldensleeves 16 жыл бұрын
dat1youngdude, Einstein sort of believed in "god" but not in the traditional way. He rejected the idea of a personal god. Many of his references to "god" such as "I want to know god's thoughts" are more poetic than literal. I'm not trying to be a wise guy, I saying Einstein believed in "god" can be misleading to some people who might assume that that must mean he believed in the same "god" as they do. In fact, Einstein referenced Spinoza's "god" which is somewhat synonymous to nature.
@ProttoyEinstein 13 жыл бұрын
@egli001 Me too. I dream to be the next Einstein. But I know that how hard I try, I would never be able to be like him. He was a Great Man, the guy who guided us through darkness.
@Burnz2much 13 жыл бұрын
Hrm, the key lies within the center of each galaxy.
@eddiemperor 15 жыл бұрын
Mozart= music. Einstein = Science. :)
@MAXKC1 12 жыл бұрын
240p ?
@rkelley0375 14 жыл бұрын
@mupp33n ...does the word "God" bother you? well what differance then does it make... there was a point to the mesg. and i think you missed it
@Mastermind12358 14 жыл бұрын
to answering the questions at 3:00 1. yo-mom 2. youremom 3. yez indeed youre mother.
@zodiacthug1980 15 жыл бұрын
fiesta 181..i really dont mind listining to ur opinion if u really wana try to make sense to me and ur self....other wise ur just gonna make a fool out of ur self infront of each and every single 1 on that reads ur comment on you tube again ur point might be stronger than mine but the way u represent came out rooten...again good luck to u..
@ShunyaYoga 16 жыл бұрын
Humanity will be forced to advance themselves as beings simply because of the limited instruments of perception one is trying to use in order to understand a universe which contains things which are well beyond the capacity of the human mind to comprehend, at least in it's current state of evolution. This brain is not a perfect device, it is still undergoing evolution. Hence, one will have to upgrade their perception. For this, there exists inner technology for the expansion of consciousness.
@maitrelame2 16 жыл бұрын
So true !
@sntience 5 жыл бұрын
2007!?!? Scientist proved ALBERT EINSTINE'S THEORY!
@frankdimeglio8216 5 жыл бұрын
Einstein was a weasel who never nearly understood physics.
@MirkotheGreat 16 жыл бұрын
Umm acutally, the theory i have heard over and over again watching a lot of scientific videos on tv and you tube such as this one is that, this constant acceleration will lead to the Universe ripping and tearing apart, Time and Space. 0.o kind of like what he said where it would retract and then go boom again 0.o. After it tears.
@vibol03 17 жыл бұрын
@blackXSpr 16 жыл бұрын
Thats somewhat logical, but who says gravity just dissapears when matter dissapears? Who says energy doesnt ahve its equivelent to gravity?
@Th0usandMaster 15 жыл бұрын
and one more thing it's not TRILLION DOLLARS but ONLY $17.318 billion dollars in 2008 that's only 0.6% of the $2.9 trillion United States federal budget
@fuckwhoeverbannedme 15 жыл бұрын
A wise man once said "Science is my religion and Einstein who is worship"
@adijotaikido 15 жыл бұрын
and if there is no god, there will still be a religion about it.
@ueks69 16 жыл бұрын
Ok lets look at your statement then. You say, predict that we live in a static universe, a universe that has always been, and is the same at all times, and will never end. But our Theories, and most important the observations that underline the theories, shows the universe is expanding, and even speeding up. Can you explain that, other than your statement ?
@jileel 16 жыл бұрын
politics is for the moment my equation is for eternity-Albert Einstein (E=mc2)
@virgozero 15 жыл бұрын
seriously, "precise cosmology" ? Im not a smart guy but I do know that the universe continues to complicate itself. The more we know, the less we seem to know. Its called the "Law of Complexity/Consciousness" I mean even if you understsand what makes up atom you have to find out what makes up quarks and then find out what makes that up and then what makes that up... and so on.
@PetterCR7 14 жыл бұрын
@ftjax prolly but when we dont know.. could have happened tomorrow or maybe in 500 years...
@SuperToFue 12 жыл бұрын
Einstein calculated the rise of Chuck Norris..
@jessi2077 13 жыл бұрын
who skipped to 5:45 to see the turnip hand?
@Latrocinium086 15 жыл бұрын
Nuclear fusion, yes. But lasers are Tesla!
@kenster85hero 14 жыл бұрын
@ftjax einstein not einstien. and yes we would have discovered relativity. there are many works that slowly would have lead to the theory. einstein just happened to see it before anyone else. he was well ahead of his time.
@Greatermaxim 13 жыл бұрын
Is the deepest question why is it here? Besides using religion as an answer I'd like the idea of the big bangs origin. If we are studying something after the fact, it means it's like finding out what a 40 year old looked like when they were 4 months? How would you reverse the aging and time process?
@NizzBomb69 13 жыл бұрын
what if you could use dark energy like jedi's do?
@cc3814 15 жыл бұрын
First of all if that analogy was supposed to suggest Einstein believed in God, it is false, Einstein was a pantheist meaning he used God as a poetetic device when talking about the universe but if you look closer at his writings it is quite obvious that he believed in no God.
@soccom8341576 15 жыл бұрын
Show me.
@boxa888 15 жыл бұрын
its on my youtube site and i show you the basic setup which in itself might have the ftl properties on teh small scale. tesla sent industrial energy and internet faster than light 110 yrs ago!!!
@Mikael602 13 жыл бұрын
I farted = The Big Bang , there! problem solved!
@bardhan.abhirup 15 жыл бұрын
4:09 - doesnt he sound like peter griffin from family guy?
@SovietUnion181 15 жыл бұрын
I don't hate any one. I don't know how...
@kureem 15 жыл бұрын
I'm wondering where einstein got his first intuition. That all the answers lies in light itself.
@voodoomanboy 16 жыл бұрын
The Bible is full of symbolic allegory, "God" stretching out the heavens like a curtain can mean many things to many different people. Also, which edition and rewrite/interpretation of the Bible are you referring? No matter that you think of the Bible it is a collection of primitive documents and interpretations, how can you prove that statement was referring to spacetime as the author intended and not just because you want to believe that?
@CelMaiMort 13 жыл бұрын
@egli001 u can't :D
@ueks69 16 жыл бұрын
No, the Universe will not retract into a big crunch. The Oberservations shows, that the universe is infact speeding up, and in the end billions of years in the future, it will die a slow death of decay. Stars and galxies will bink out, and in the end even the black holes, will decay into nothing.
@Greatermaxim 13 жыл бұрын
Jokingly you'd need an I.Q. of 2011 to know how to control the universe. We only found relativity at 160ish according to our standards.
@voodoomanboy 16 жыл бұрын
OK genius, why aren't you working for NASA as opposed to making a comment here at YT? :P
@nathanbolingo9 11 жыл бұрын
@ujgilani 11 жыл бұрын
dark energy is not a mystery any more
@Qsdd0 13 жыл бұрын
@JoeOf91 But what if there was a universe before ours and for some reason it blew up this cant either be proven wrong!
@infantry031 13 жыл бұрын
@CelMaiMort way to break dreams bro haha
@tecramos 15 жыл бұрын
im very annoyed nasa is sooo slooow, we actually have to wait 100 years until we have the tech to explore space like in sf movies
@eeirertomb 15 жыл бұрын
Nasa IS not a waste of taxpayers money you look at the stuff there doing it helps us draw the big picture,only if you have a open mind, sadly not a lot of people do
@Aivbro 15 жыл бұрын
Exactly there is a change there are parallel universes which means its 100% surerly we are not alone. If you dont believe it just go check it out with your spaceship lol
@tjallew 15 жыл бұрын
maybee "Opium fore the people" when the one tthat pi highest on the wather-post delivering it. Ore emortel Mr:Clemens (Mark Twain) -A withe Cristian at the poker-table is a person with very high MORAL". Tank you!
@Renato404 15 жыл бұрын
Nevermind your arguments; they are all nonsense. This discussion is about Science, not religion. There´s no such thing as discussion in religion anyway; you already own the ultimate truth. keep it for yourselves
@zodiacthug1980 15 жыл бұрын
it says in the holy quran 1400 years ago that 1 day up there is equal to 50,000 years from what we count...litterly...
@Novak2611 11 жыл бұрын
really ?
@rkelley0375 14 жыл бұрын
If the Universe is Speeding up...How come it cant be related to the life it is supporting...Life on Earth is moving at its fastest pase ever... Seems to me, that the Universe will Speed up to Support the Life that exsist in Our present time. The Universe (A.K.A) GOD, I think changes as we change or vise versa... Just a thought
@ziemass 15 жыл бұрын
The space and TIME will show that he was wrong in many aspects and that's for sure...
@firebirdcas 15 жыл бұрын
@bobfrank82 people will never wake up from that dream, It gives them hope that there is something more. But they'll fail hard, they could develop them selves and accept there isnt a god, just all kinds of atoms merged. Wich maked the earth, leading to the poined where life was possible. I agree totally with you, Religions holds the knowledge of humanity back.
@ModusPwnens72 14 жыл бұрын
Um the theories have never been proven, you can't prove a theory. In fact, they're almost certainly false if the history of science teaches us anything. They may be more useful and penetrating than the previous theories, but doesn't it seem naive to think that they will never be replaced with something even closer to the truth?
@omega4chimp 11 жыл бұрын
i think albert einstien eat alot of beef.
@sylnderproductions 16 жыл бұрын
The universe began in a point with zero volume and infinit density. Makes you wonder doesn't it? matter came from nothing. There must be a creator, but it's not a God. It's just too complex for our capacity. The universe is an insanely giant place. And who knows if this is even what is? the universe? we probably see nothing. just perhaps a simple dust particle somewhere of what actually is. Outside of this universe? It's kinda scary, but yet we'll never know.
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