Great presentation Ken , I’m new to the area originally from New York (don’t hate me) just moved to punta gorda, I originally have a navionics platinum plus in my simrad 12 evo 3 on my new bay boat, me being use to fishing offshore waters instead of back country it has been tough for me learning where I can go and cannot, the navionics chip was useless to me, then I found the strike lines 4K pine island chip, best 99 bucks I ever spent, the detail is amazing, it was a game changer for me, as you do I still have the navionics in one slot and the strike lines in the other and I toggle between the two as needed, keep up the great work Ken, I heard nothing but great things about your personality, skill, and knowledge of the area. Carl skinny g
@dsktsunami3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for those kind words. Let me know if I can help you with your journey
@striper83113 жыл бұрын
@@dsktsunami thanks so much Ken, will definitely take you up on that
@NAUTILYFE2 жыл бұрын
Can you also overlay the contour depth lines on the strikelines satellite chart? They’re shown in the first example but not on the strikelines
@1FishinAddict2 жыл бұрын
Not all Strikelines have those Satellite overlays. I got my card for NorthCarolina region and all I can see is the relief shading, all the satellite/land are are just white and have written warning on them. Nothing like what is shown here. I tried all the different options to display those overlays but nothing seem to work except for relief shading- none nagivation aids ect ect . Its on a Lowrance Elite Ti2 unit.
@dsktsunami2 жыл бұрын
You need the 4k chip for this imagery.
@Choctawhatchee_Trash3 жыл бұрын
Really wish garmin would support this style of mapping.