NDE Revelation: The Real Truth About Sin and Eternal Love | Jayne Smith NDE Story

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Laurie Majka

Laurie Majka

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@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
This channel is about LOVE not Fear! It is spiritually based, focused on love and empowerment and awakening. This video focuses on a BEAUTIFUL NDE encounter with the love of Source. Many in the comment are talking about the devil, deception and quoting bible verses - not what NDEs are about and this channel might not be for you. I will adress a common question about what happens then to people who do terrible things. If you watch many of the interivews I've done with NDE'er (over 100 of them) many had Life Reviews. I believe from the more than 2,000 accounts that I've studied and the many times I have been on the Other Side (my personal experiences - not based on faith) that EVERYONE goes to the same place and we ALL have a Life Review where we experience EVERY action and thought - big and small - from our perspective and from the others perspective, and we even experience the perspective others had as a result of the ripple effect of our actions. Depending on how you conducted your life this might feel like a form of "hell" to you. So no one gets away with anything. Therefore, as she states, sin is not what she thought it was. I believe we should approach this life with love - it is our most important lesson to learn and some are doing better here with that than others. These account conflict with much of the Christian doctrine- so as I always say, take in what resonate with you and leave behind what does not. I don't need to convince anyone of anyting because what's true for you is true for you! Period. I appreciate every view and every comment- and I'm so glad you are here regardless of your viewpoint- just please be respectful...xo Laurie 😍
@lawrencewilliamson5480 2 ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111 Nicely said! One of the most difficult things for me is embracing Love even when things are “ugly and scary.” Even something not coming from the space of love still deserves love. Maybe even more so! 👹😡🫶
@puddingpan 2 ай бұрын
Well said
@RobOnBusiness 2 ай бұрын
Hi Laurie - this is a beautiful video, and so wonderful for you to have compiled and presented it! I love watching, and being inspired by NDEs! I also watched Raymond Moody's movie "life after life", as well as read his book that the movie was based on. So much more encouraging and uplifting than my old religion. Would that we could all learn to interpret our religion through love, rather than interpret love through religion.
@ZEN-qb1lu 2 ай бұрын
​@@majormayco So why are you watching such devil worshipping things??
@stevekrause5931 2 ай бұрын
@@ZEN-qb1lu Oh, brother.
@guitarlight3935 2 ай бұрын
Fifty years ago, when I was just fifteen, (Now 65) ...I died from an intense and instant asthma attack and fell to the bathroom floor of our home. As I rose above my body, the house appeared to be glass, I could see through all three floors like an x-ray. There was the blackness some have called the tunnel....I was fully aware and conscious, even lucent one might say. Then there appeared a Light behind me in the distance which quickly grew brighter as it were pulling me toward it like gravity. There was no fear. The place in the Light was the most wonderful place I had ever known. I had a new body made of energy it seemed, one which did not have asthma, or any other ailment, and did not age. I did not want to go back. I did not want to return. ....Then I saw my Mother weeping without control, my lifeless body in her arms, I was shown, revealed, seemingly as if in telepathy, and without human words, that she would never recover from this death of her son. I saw her remaining life destroyed and decimated because of my leaving. ...And the Light said: " You must go back. You cannot leave your Mother in this way at this time. For she birthed you, and she will not survive this event. " Yet the decision to return was mine to make....and so I responded immediately...I will go back now, for I am able to see her agony. Upon thinking that, I returned, flew, was sucked back immediately to my body on Earth, I began to breath, as my Mother frantically squeezed the asthmatic nebulizer into my mouth for breathing, and found myself back on the bathroom floor, my Mother's face above me, conscious once more. Before all this happened and before I returned, I watched her travel up two staircases from the Kitchen below, where she had heard the thump of my body falling on the bathroom floor above, I watched this from the top of our house roof...like glass I could see through the roof and floors, and watched her run to my attic bedroom to get my asthmatic nebulizer, and then return to me lying on the bathroom floor as I was able to look back to the Earth, and with a single thought of "Where am I? ..was able to turn and see the Light, back and forth, in this new body I found myself in, which seemed to look just like my physical body, except that it was not physical, and my new body was able to penetrate physical objects like the house itself.... The Light could only be best described as "Unconditional Love." It was a Light of the Past...the Present...and the Future, all three, in a single beam of focused Light. There is so much more I experienced while bathed in that Light of Love on the other side. Too much to write here really. . . Then as I returned to my Mother...I heard these words delivered crystal clear to my mind from the Light, as if they were the whole point of this experience happening. " You are loved. You are not judged. Do not judge others, and you will not be judged." ...My life was transformed 50 years ago at age 15. Not a single day of my life has passed since that time, that I do not recall this experience in some manner. I am not able to look at death in the same manner as others who have not had this experience, because the experience taught me that there is no death when we depart Earth. ..... My Mother is gone now. And many years later after my event, I was called to her bedside from far outside of town at precisely 11 PM the night before Easter morning, and I was told in an urgent vision to go to my Mother's bed side immediately, that this would be her last night on earth. She was in the last stages of cancer. I left immediately in a panic, and drove the hour trip in darkness to her hospital bed arriving there just after Midnight...She was alone, and there she died in my arms as the vision had foretold. And so Mom was with ME when I died at age 15... ...This time around I was with HER ...when SHE died at 76. ...And just as the voice had directed me to her bedside in the middle of the night...I was given another directive just 30 seconds before she died...the words appeared in my head..and they were to be delivered to her specifically in this manner... they were to be delivered directly and quietly to her, and with great soothing and calm, to her ear. I was directed NOT to cry when I delivered the words to her lest she sense this, and pull back from leaving. ..." Follow the Light Ma" ...These were the words I whispered with great calm and control in her ear. ..and then again just once more I was directed, to whisper to her .."Follow the Light"... she drew her last breath, and immediately left the body.. and departed, and I was able to actually see her spirit rise up and fly away into that Great Light which now appeared on the ceiling above her hospital bed. It was the very SAME Light I had seen at age 15 when I died in her presence on the bathroom floor. .There just are no human words that can describe The Light. . No human language that can do it justice. No human utterance that can relay its depth or can describe the experience of the "New body." This Light is the place from which we all originated, it is the place we all return to. It is home.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
If I could heart this comment 100 times I would. I am so grateful that you took the time to share your magnificent NDE story @guitarlight3935 I would so love to interview you! If you are open to it please email me SignsSurroundYou@gmail.com Thank you so much for watching and commenting- I'm so glad and grateful you're here!!!! xo Laurie
@tinaanderson1061 2 ай бұрын
Beautiful 😍 The bond between Mama's and their baby boy. Truly a beautiful testimony. Blessings to you for coming back 🙏
@RubySun-ox5dn 2 ай бұрын
What a wonderful and true NDE - thank you for sharing it! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@lindalawson8848 2 ай бұрын
I love love love this
@jerimow8400 2 ай бұрын
Beautiful…beautiful…beautiful! I can’t think of anything else to say. Thank you for sharing! ❤❤❤
@Monika-g8f 2 ай бұрын
Some years ago i lost my eight years old son to pulmonary hypertension. Prior to his death i told him a lot about NDEs. He knew where he was going. Just before his death he said to me "mum why are you crying? You know that body is only a vehicle." Since his death NDEs have kept me alive, have sustained my soul. Thank you for sharing.
@miriambochenek9083 2 ай бұрын
My heart is with you. May God bless you and keep you in peace. . He is there waiting for you.
@lisabrickner6004 2 ай бұрын
I felt that....❤❤❤
@itsjustme8846 2 ай бұрын
He is in Heaven, enjoying the light of God and Jesus. He plays with the other children, has fun and looks in on you every now and then. He smiles and waits with excitement to see you when you go.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry for your loss @Monika-g8f Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us! And thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@GillAgainsIsland12 2 ай бұрын
He spoke the truth. And he is totally fine at this moment. We on earth are the ones who suffer.
@sharlottebrian8228 2 ай бұрын
I have heard her story back when she was young and it’s never changed. She has such a soothing voice and she knows how to explain her experience in such a beautiful way. What a pure blessing 😊
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing that @sharlottebrian8228! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@edwardkantowicz4707 2 ай бұрын
She has such a beautiful energy in this video. I've felt a similar peace before with others, but she is quite remarkable. I find her voice to be lovely and peaceful as well, but it goes beyond the sound of her voice. I agree with you, she is a blessing.
@dougevans9975 2 ай бұрын
Maybe you could help me understand. The woman said that she couldn't take back with her, the knowledge of creation and she knew the answer in the afterlife but not hear on earth. That does not add up. How would she know that she received the answer if she can't remember it on earth? Just trying to comprehend.​@@lauriemajka1111
@marilyno8616 2 ай бұрын
Folks who are fixed on the misperception that this testimony is saying "go ahead and sin," seem to be missing the actual message. It's my understanding that the real purpose is to cultivate GENUINE, TRUE, PURE LOVE in our hearts - and in that Truth - we would NOT be "sinning" (making mistakes) naturally !
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Thank you @marilyno8616- you GET it! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@robynelliott5603 2 ай бұрын
And forgiving those who have hurt us is important to allow our own spirit to be free of any negative tie to this person and setting them free.
@kevinn5976 2 ай бұрын
Beautiful NDE. What a lovely lady. I had an Out of body experience in 1996. The feelings of bliss and love were unforgettable. Our Souls definitely survive independently of our bodies.
@LoveSumsItUp 2 ай бұрын
@LoveSumsItUp 2 ай бұрын
Yet he way she talks about the plants explains how trees hear us and can move to touch you if you ask them too.
@markgibson1813 9 күн бұрын
I had the same experience. Different but the same. Those who know, know. When I watch these videos, there is a joy inside that reverberates and I relive my precious moments again. To know all of eternity is something to behold...to have it gone but to know you know, is just as beautiful. ❤️
@johnmoorman6482 8 күн бұрын
@lauriemajka1111 7 күн бұрын
I soooo love that you shared that @markgibson1813 Your experiences confirm other people experiences and the reverse. Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@MarciaRoan 6 күн бұрын
Since I started watching NDEs now for a year.i have found so much peace and love in my life.i battle a lot of depression and anexity I always though I was not love by God because I been in a gay relatetionship with my partner for 36 years.and all I got from family and some friends I were going to hell.i let people make me suffer.i ended up in a mental hospital 4 times.because I felt like dieing and stayed in the bed and did not love on me like I should have.im an empath I knew all I wanted were love from everyone because that's all I wanted
@MarciaRoan 6 күн бұрын
For me.but when I started finding these stories.i walk away from the madness because My heavenly father love me dearly I don't need others oppion to whom i,am Thank to all that share your NDE with all that searching for truth.I feel so bless to be alive in these days and times.Ive learn so much and so Thankful for all the knowledge you good beautiful soul put ting out.❤🎉celebrating life at 67 yrs old never late than ever to learn truth!!
@harmonyofbeing 2 ай бұрын
Your exquisite story is is simply sublime, dearest Jayne!!!! Thank you for sharing your angelic experience in the Higher Dimensions, and for bringing back a very important message! Indeed, there is no sin ( the literal translation from greek is "missing the mark", or being derailed !) We all get off track from time to time, but eventually we do find the "True North" - the path of LOVE! Yes, I see the perfection of everything in this imperfect world, and this dichotomy is hard to explain... The darkness leads us to Light, the pain leads us to compassion, the lack brings us to GRATITUDE! In this life I have finally realized, that nothing is lever ost and no one disappears forever. We only need to remember...
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Love, love that @harmonyofbeing! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for watching - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie
@nicolecampling4335 2 ай бұрын
Wow. Beautiful. Thank you for letting us know we dont have to agonise and constantly feel we are condemned because of daily sins. The ultimate overwhelming love of God and people on the other side is something to really look forward to.. God truly loves us like no one on earth can explain. Thank you for a wonderful testimony.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Yes @nicolecampling4335 - I have also exprienced the love of God on the Other Side - it is beyond human understanding. Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@BigDsGaming2022 Ай бұрын
Religions punish you with threats God loves you with forgiveness learn the difference
@Donna-vh5ym 2 ай бұрын
Imagine walking through the beauty shown here with your loved ones and the love we will all feel. THIS is what we ALL have to look forward to. Just beautiful Laurie. I truly appreciate you sharing Jaynes' journey with us.❤️❤️❤️
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Awe yes, love that @Donna-vh5ym! Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you're here..xo Laurie 😍
@Cocoon68 2 ай бұрын
I love that she was being shown that love is the key to the universe!
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Truth, truth, truth @Cocoon68! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@DreamMonster7X 11 күн бұрын
Yup. In all the NDE's I been listening and watching the past 25 years. Love is always the overwhelming source. No matter what anyone believes, LOVE is it!
@davidm1149 11 күн бұрын
What's odd is that I was listening to a charismatic preacher earlier, and in his sermon was the question "What is in your heart?"
@dinahcolbert9103 24 күн бұрын
I truly loved her in detail NDE a very calm and pleasant voice. Thanks Jan for sharing. Much love to all ❤️
@brebrown5338 2 ай бұрын
What a beautiful soul this woman is…she’s so great.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I agree @bretbrown5338 Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@brebrown5338 2 ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111 aww thank you. 😊 you made my day.
@debradykstra8703 2 ай бұрын
Beautiful! RIP, dear Jayne. I'll bet she was an amazing mother after that experience.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I'll bet she was too @debradykstra8703! Thank you for watching- I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@mlthewi1287 2 ай бұрын
Well now...the word 'majka' in Croatian is "mother" in English. My own mother had an NDE in childbirth (her first child was stillborn) and she was told to go back because she had "more work to do." That's why I'm leaving this comment...I was part of her "work!" This was a beautiful video. Thank you.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Yes I have heard that for years about my last name @mlthewi1287. I LOVE that you were the work- that is amazing and thank you for sharing that. And thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@TheTempest73 2 ай бұрын
And so God said "I am". We are one with him, We are love.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Truth @TheTempest73! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@DreamMonster7X 11 күн бұрын
Not so much as God as describe by religion. But the energy of everything. Love & Light is that energy that never dies but only changes form. From one consciousness form to another consciousness form.
@reallyman9418 2 ай бұрын
I felt like that. I kept it to myself for a long time because the first time i tried putting it out there i got alot of negative attention. Then i realised it didnt matter what they thought they said " heaven doesnt work that way" and other things. But no. I know what i saw and felt. I finally gave an interview and felt great to tell my story once and for all
@lauriemajka1111 Ай бұрын
Oh wow @reallyman9418- I would love to have you on to tell your story- feel free to reach out to me at: SignsSurroudnYou@gmail.com Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@dinahcolbert9103 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. She had such a beautiful spirit. She didn't say their are no sins she spoke of the sin that is talk about is not what is not the same. So pray to God and not be so judgemental in the comments. Much love to all ❤❤❤
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
You are spot on @dinahcolbert9103! I can see you get it and I appreciate your comments. Thank you for watching - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@nwdixieboy 2 ай бұрын
On the one hand she said nothing new BUT she was such a beautiful motherly soul that it had real power when she said it. That was really beautiful!!!
@lauriemajka1111 Ай бұрын
I really love how she tells her experience too @nwdixieboy - but very few NDEs I've ever found address sin- so that was new. But I guess you could count that as almost all say they are not judged and that's not new. Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@richardhindley8043 2 ай бұрын
Jayne Smith's NDE is an important one for me. I have had two, what I presume were 'out of body experiences', both about 60 yrs ago where I experienced some of the things recounted by NDE people. Like Jayne and others I also was allowed 'total knowledge' and like Jayne I thought over and over again the very same words as her 'of course, of course'....... Jayne's NDE is the only one I have ever read to have had the 'perfect world' insight. I also was allowed the 'perfect world' insight and when back in my body' have thought for 60yrs what a very strange insight - how can a world of Hitler, Stalin and so many others possibly be perfect? I have asked God many times since to allow me to understand that. Unsuccessfully. I know the world is perfect because God told me so. But I take some comfort in learning that someone else has had that same experience When the veil was lifted for me it changed my life..... to KNOW that there is no death and that God is real. I just feel SO PRIVILEGED to be part of it.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Wow, wow wow @richardhindley8043! Thank you so much for sharing that!! If you would like to tell your story, I would love to have you on the show. Please email me at SignsSurroundYou@gmail.com Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@annahunter2192 2 ай бұрын
Ditto. I also had a similar experience to Jayne, with the 'downloads' in top of downloads, and the feeling I was going to explode from the feeling of unconditional love/light in my body (except that I did explode from it) I always watch ndes for similarities to mine. This one is quite close. Laurie interviewed me two years ago. Lovely lady! ❤
@littleo353 2 ай бұрын
Sounds like a 2nd "birth" - from one "world" to another just like a baby in a mother's woman experiences that "world" for 9 months and then comes into our world which is so different and the baby cries as a result of the transition from his/her world to this new world. This is comforting to me.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Nice @little353. Thank you for sharing and thank you for watching - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie
@Sherry-v2r Ай бұрын
This NDE experience story is very good, I felt very good listening, believable and well told. Thank you.
@lauriemajka1111 Ай бұрын
So glad you thought so @Sherry-v2r I get it @Airbender131090- Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@caleyjoseph4124 2 ай бұрын
Hello, I have just come across this wonderful channel and listened to Jane Smiths NDE and read your comment Laurie…. So beautifully articulated. It’s lovely to have a space to share these stories. I for one have been on this Love journey, having come out of being under the laws of religion into the understanding of Love. Through my work I was sitting with a gentleman who wanted to confess somethings that he had done before going to prison. It was in this room with only him and I but also making itself known was the spirit of Love. Whose sole intention was for this man to understand how much he was loved. It was absolutely clear to me that the Spirit was not at all interested in what the man had done. For a split second I felt that I was given insight into how the spirit worked and it was incredibly beautiful. This man had never experienced love in his life until that point but he did on that exceptional day ❤❤❤
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Wow what a beautiful experience of love you shared @caleyjoseph4124! Thank you very much for sharing it!! Wecome to the channel. I hope you enjoy the content! And thank you for watching- I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@gregjohnson7270 2 ай бұрын
Laurie, thanks for sharing Jayne's story as it is one of the most descriptive NDE stories I've ever heard. I've heard so many people say that Raymond Moody's book changed their lives, because as she said, now she finally knew that she wasn't the only one who had gone through an NDE themselves. Thanks again for sharing, you have an incredibly beautiful smile. All the best
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Thank you very much @gregjohnson7270! You just made my day! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@cattisbergqvist 2 ай бұрын
This is the most heart-opening NDE testimony I have ever seen. In tears
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Awe so glad @cattisbergqvist! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@johnmoorman6482 8 күн бұрын
I have seen this brilliant light twice in dreams. Amazing
@lauriemajka1111 7 күн бұрын
That IS amazing @johmoorman4682! Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@SMMore-bf4yi 2 ай бұрын
yes can relate, I’ve had 2 NDE’s one at 11 yrs & one at 33 yrs… the colours this lady describes, from my childhood NDE these colours exist here on earth, our vibration is such we can’t perceive colours in true form & as the movement of energy from tree vibrating in out the body ( as in my case ) yes all is one & euphoric…no words for that experience as she says, to come back from, remaining ungrounded & walking , no feeling of ground beneath feet & filled with energy, no words for that either … the grounding process & the timing, all is timing, there’s no true time…NDE’s in reality take hours to explain, & kids unlike adults don’t try to conceptualise, they accept, nothing else to compare to.. we lucky ppl talking, yes would have been ridiculed, told no one but made my mother buy me every colour Derwent pencils, looking for these colours with not much luck
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for shaing that @SMMore-bf4yi I would love to have you on the show if you would like to share your experience. You can email me at SignsSurroundYou@gmail.com Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@SMMore-bf4yi 2 ай бұрын
The word sin is termed & used rather loosely, what one person considers sinful another not..this includes any & all Biblical writers .. We’ve continued to create what’s deemed acceptable morals, many now somewhat more moral than Biblical times ie: slavery, treatment of women, be seen & not heard… just to name a couple … If not, then a world that has no perception of “ fault” ie: sin… what then would you have to compare ? Like a smile or a frown .. How would you then have any insight, the basics of right verses wrong ? or do unto others…The Lord… understandably had days of great anguish like all, if correct & flipped tables over in the temple….would you condone your kids doing same…probably not.. We can’t forever play the blame game…infused with the idea of the devil…God gave us a free will…do unto others… Meanwhile the belief in God, perfect energy, well yes…if you look for beauty everywhere you’ll find unimaginable beauty… seek & you’ll find…joyful within, hence the kingdom within, yet to seek such negative thought then yes, that you’ll encounter…your learned process …NDE’s, sorry no, not the work of some negative force as you perceive, Jesus returned from a deathly state of being & so too NDE’s …working thru us from the experience & ongoing…again your own perception.. The idea of higher & lower vibration illusionary, there’s no higher or lower in outer space…the universe, vibrations expanded /contracted dimensionally, not higher or lower…. There are no 2 ppl who precisely vibrate with the Lord in sameness, likewise no 2 ppl have same fingerprints yet our fingerprints are everywhere… Blood sacrifice not condoned by God in certain Bible scriptures, the Lord, most certainly not condoned by a loving God, unthinkable… yet a violent deterrent to any other teacher willing to disclose what were considered to be temple secrets.. the high priests , how do you perceive their reaction to…? Have you ever considered why so many branches of Christianity ? or why the Lords teachings not exactly in keeping with his own heritage ..In fact the Lord not even heard of 3 rd century Christianity nor did he condone which scriptures made it to the book called the Bible.. The Lord seeking a “new” testament not an old one.. To each their own perceived experience, what you think is …your choice & well meaning… As you can see from this ladies NDE experience, one of love & compassion
@thesjkexperience 2 ай бұрын
Yes, we can only perceive what these human body’s can sense. Once our spirit gets out of the body those filters are gone. 😊.
@thesjkexperience 2 ай бұрын
@@user-uh6vy4mo3jYou would benefit from studying Jesus’s words directly. The church has very little Jesus in it anymore. Men wanted money, but Jesus is the one to listen to 😊. The light is YOU.
@remixandkaraoke 2 ай бұрын
I resonated every well with all of this. Thank you for posting this woman's NDE experience story! I needed to hear this very badly!
@lauriemajka1111 Ай бұрын
That's amazing @remixankaraoke- so glad it helped! Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@paul6338 Ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111 Did I read in one of your comments that everyone that you've spoken to that has had a NDE have all gone to the same place ? Because I've read about some people having a NDE and their description of where they went [ to begin their E ] is in complete contrast to the ''same place'' you talk of.
@WaldorfStatler 2 ай бұрын
This was the most beautiful testamony I’ve ever heard and from such a beautiful Lady. And I’ve listened to hundreds. God bless us all💙💖❤️
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Yes, that's why it's in my top 5 favorites too @WaldorStatler. Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@Veronicawardwell 2 ай бұрын
You are a beautiful soul. You describe it so well. I had a NDE in 1995. Sending you love ❤️
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I would love to have you tell your NDE account @veronixawardwell. You can email me at SignsSurroundYou@gmail.com Thank you for watching and listening - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@GillAgainsIsland12 2 ай бұрын
She confirms what A Course in Miracles teaches.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
That's great @GillAgainsfsland12 Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@159awi 2 ай бұрын
I thought exactly the same thing. And it's a wonderful book too.
@gabbe5130 2 ай бұрын
What an ABSOLUTELY lovely lady, testimony and experience ! WOW ! One of the best one I've heard as well !
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Yay- so glad you thought so @gabbe5130! Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@Elibee9 2 ай бұрын
Such a beautiful soul with a soothing energy, speaking nothing but the truth. Thankyou for sharing her NDE with us. 🤍💜
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@teacup-g4n 2 ай бұрын
What an uplifting message she had to give us! Her recounting of the experience was so beautifully done! Thank you 🙏
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
So glad you thought so @melissahawley-norris4343. Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie
@Paradys8 Ай бұрын
Absolutely beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing!🙏🏻🩷
@lauriemajka1111 Ай бұрын
So glad you liked it @Paradys8...xo Laurie
@lorrainelavin764 Ай бұрын
Very fascinating story from a loving peaceful beautiful lady thx for sharing
@lauriemajka1111 Ай бұрын
Glad you thought so @lorrainelavin764- I thought so too! Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@zuska168 2 ай бұрын
Thanks ,very nice lady.She shares her wonderfull story with us about afterlive,just positive things❤
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
You're welcome @zuska168. Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@eddiediesel9035 2 ай бұрын
What a wonderful NDE testimony. Thank you for sharing.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
So glad you thought so @eddiediesel9035! Thank you for watching- I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@JFairhart 2 ай бұрын
Jayne, you’re a delightful lady. Thank you for sharing your NDE with us. -John
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
You're welcome @JFairhart! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@kennyrumrill1860 2 ай бұрын
You are right, Laurie, this is a powerful, meaningful and instructive NDE recounting. I am so happy you shared it with us. Jayne is a Lovely woman.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
So glad you thought so @kennyrumrill1860! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@guloguloguy 2 ай бұрын
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Yay - so glad you thought it was AMAZING @guloguloguy - me too! Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you're here..xo Laurie 😍
@LampManTruth 2 ай бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:00:33 *🌀 Jayne asks about sin, and is told there are no sins as understood on Earth.* 00:01:27 *👶 Jayne had a near-death experience (NDE) during childbirth, feeling her soul leave her body.* 00:02:47 *🙏 Jayne felt gratitude as she realized life continues after death.* 00:03:29 *🌟 Jayne was enveloped by a powerful, dynamic, and loving white light.* 00:04:35 *💖 The light communicated deep, unconditional love, beyond human understanding.* 00:06:18 *🌱 Jayne received knowledge, learning she was an immortal, eternal being.* 00:08:02 *🌍 She was shown that the world is perfect and part of a divine plan, even if it appears cruel on Earth.* 00:10:01 *🌸 Jayne entered a beautiful green meadow with vibrant, glowing plants.* 00:12:43 *👥 She encountered a group of people in robes, including a wise man who communicated telepathically.* 00:17:10 *💫 Jayne was shown that at her core, and humanity’s core, is perfect love.* 00:18:53 *❓ Jayne asked for the meaning of life, but was told she couldn’t bring that answer back with her.* 00:19:45 *🔔 Upon returning to her body, she heard a loud click, signifying her soul’s reintegration.* 00:23:36 *📚 For 23 years, Jayne kept her NDE private, until Raymond Moody’s book validated her experience.* Made with HARPA AI
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Whoa - amazing @LampManTruth- I should hire you to do that for my videos. I actually do have chapters for all of the videos. Yours are better. Thank you for taking the time to do that. Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you're here..xo Laurie 😍
@DarrenCarrie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for Sharing this Beautiful testimony. I believe with pure love you won't sin that much. Thank you again. God bless you both ❤
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I'm glad you thought so and I agree with you @DarrenCarrie! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@anitamontgomery3590 2 ай бұрын
This is the best nde I've heard and she is so sweet. I think I'll need to rewatch this in the future.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
That's great @anitamontgomery3590! Thank you for watching and listening - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@merncat3384 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this Whenever I hear a NDE, I wish that I could make digital animation to give a visual while they tell their experience, the details and descriptions are amazing
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Thank you @merncat3384 That makes my day! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@priyaramdoo4762 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this lovely sharing..so wise to wait for the correct time to share her amazing experience..so helpful🤍
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
You're welcome @priyaramdoo4762 And thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie
@vincenttiene 2 ай бұрын
If you are not willing to give up your earthly possessions and share them with the world, then please do the same with your religion - keep it to yourself. Those of us who believe in NDE and are here with a single unified message - God is LOVE. I want to thank Jayne for such a beautiful story and Laurie for hosting it.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Thank you very much @vincenttine. I 100% agree with you from my personal experiences on the Other Side and from studying NDE - God is LOVE period! And thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@RandallSGregory 2 ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111 what religion says GOD isn’t love? Beside satanist
@mwheelerb 2 ай бұрын
The Bible says God is love
@vincenttiene 2 ай бұрын
@@mwheelerb You are correct. The bible also says God is the truth. Love God with all your heart and love thy neighbors as thyself. And judge not... However, people love to judge using the bible.
@GillAgainsIsland12 2 ай бұрын
@@mwheelerb It also says many other things about judgment and punishment. We have to be careful about the parts of the Bible written by men and their interpretations 1000s of years ago. And we must be wary of alterations made in the Bible by men to further an agenda.
@TheSacredTempleofLight 2 ай бұрын
How beautiful to hear this. My own life experience has been identical in so many ways. In a time of darkness these words are a balm to the lost who are searching for Home.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I'm so glad @TheSacredTempleofLight! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@ervin10able1 2 ай бұрын
Wonderful, so beautiful and also so convincing and true!
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
So glad you liked it @ervin10able1. Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@_StopComplaining 2 ай бұрын
OMG That was a beautiful account of an amazing experience! Thank you so much for that. I've had friends/family pass in the last few years, since I've learned about NDEs and I am sad for the folks left here but I can't be sad for the person who has died (I tried). I just can't. I feel happy for them because I know they are not just fine but better than fine. I wish everyone can understand that.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
It is true freedom right?! @_StopComplaining! So glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@bigwu100 2 ай бұрын
I enjoyed her testimony immensly. And i believe every word.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I'm so glad @bigwu100- and I do too! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@Monik_ocha 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing her story. It was beautiful. ✨
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
You're welcome @Monik_ocha! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@douglasgrant8315 2 ай бұрын
I've watch Janes video more than a decade 15 years ago. Its an old I.a.n.d.s. video that was done during a conference where they recorded a lot of other experiencers. Jane has long past away now but her story lives on!
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I know, how beautiful is that?! What a gift @douglasgrant8315! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@suzannescheve9070 2 ай бұрын
What a beautiful story. Thank you Jayne, up above! ❤️
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Glad you thought so @suzannecheve9070! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@suzannescheve9070 2 ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111 Thank you! I love listening to NDEs. Thank you for sharing 🥰❤️
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@alicearcturus8610 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! You helped me today. I read the hateful, judgmental comments. Sad. Hope they don't bother you a bit. It is the reason I left Christianity and became a follower of Buddhism. All the hate and Hell. I know we go on as I had my own spiritual experience when I was a child. I was with someone else who experienced it also. I believe I was given it because my life became a struggle, lots of abuse. I am elderly now and so grateful that I have something beautiful and peaceful to look forward to.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
You are the reason I do this @alicearcturus8610! I appreciate all that you shared. Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@einwd 2 ай бұрын
buddhism is definitely wiser and a product of more mature and deeper thought
@KJ-lb4tj 2 ай бұрын
This is not a criticism, but just asking how you know that your reincarnation into another person will be a beautiful and peaceful experience? Surely you will suffer as the next person?
@GillAgainsIsland12 2 ай бұрын
@@KJ-lb4tj You have to learn not to focus on the negative, but rather, overcome through God’s Love in you and spread love to others. Suffering is relative and subjective.
@nosedrip007 2 ай бұрын
@@KJ-lb4tj I believe in reincarnation but it's a choice we make as soul to continue learning on earth while experiencing the good and bad.
@g.noreau291 2 ай бұрын
Wow!!! I love this video.!! Thank you for posting this❤🙏👍. Thank you Laurie!!🙏
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
So glad you loved it @g.noreau291 And thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@g.noreau291 2 ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111 🙏👌❤️
@Angela-io2ks 2 ай бұрын
I have listened to Jayne’s NDE several times over the years because I experienced a very similar NDE. We are so loved and adored by God. The love of God is pure and unconditional. The story of the prodigal son in the Bible is true. God welcomes us Home with only love. No judgement. Live a life of non judgment as Jesus taught. We all have light and love at our core. Some people have a light that is covered by such pain and trauma, that they can’t feel the love of God within them. Have compassion for them because they are significantly suffering. Focus on living a life of love and peace. Help others. Let them know they matter.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Love, love love this @Angela-io2ks. I would love to interview you if you were open to it. Email me at SignsSurroundYou@gmail.com Thank you for watching and listening - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@GillAgainsIsland12 2 ай бұрын
Yes. The parable of the prodigal son is Jesus’ true teaching.
@stevekrause5931 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for posting this. I've listened to countless NDEs throughout the years, and Jayne's is my #1 favorite. She also seems like a wonderful lady. I would loved to have met her before she passed. (By the way, for what it's worth, there's another video of Jayne's story on KZbin that was filmed many years ago -- perhaps when she was in her 40s or 50s. It's equally compelling).
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for lettin me know @stevekrause5931 and thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@WalktheWalk-ki9kj Ай бұрын
The Bible says in Romans 3: 23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The Lord Jesus died on the cross for our sins. However, according to John 3: 16 we must trust in Jesus to be saved from sin.
@luzfelipe2964 Ай бұрын
Well the Bible lied 🤥
@WalktheWalk-ki9kj Ай бұрын
@@luzfelipe2964 The Bible says that we are sinners and proves it over and over. Romans 3: 10 is a good one to look up if you have a Bible. The only one who has never sinned is Jesus Christ.
@runningamok Ай бұрын
@@luzfelipe2964 How many lies have you told? Have you ever stolen anything? Ever used the Lord's name in vain? Have you ever looked with lust or hated someone? Jesus said to "look with lust" is adultery in your heart and to hate is to _murder._ That's how HIGH God's Standards of Goodness are. Are you a liar? A thief? A blaspheming, adulterous murderer-at-heart who has to face an all holy God on Judgment Day?
@alisonyahna8041 25 күн бұрын
When you die and pass over you too will have a direct experience that will far surpass any need for belief in a human belief system. Thank you, God that we are all perfect in this perfect world. We can just love more.
@WalktheWalk-ki9kj 25 күн бұрын
@@alisonyahna8041 Are you in your right mind? This world is far from perfect. You are far from perfect as well. Death brings either to heaven or a burning hell. If you have chosen to follow Jesus and put your faith in Him for salvation you will go to heaven. If not you will go where lost soul end up. Turn to Jesus before its too late.
@richardcbower 2 ай бұрын
This is fascinating. I can relate via similar experiences.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
That's amazing @richardcbower. If you had a NDE I'd love to talk to you. You can email me at SignsSurroundYou@gmail.com Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@richardcbower 2 ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111 Thank you for your invite! I'm not sure my experiences were 'near death' (they might have been. ?) ... they were out of body experiences, in the least, and they had certain similarities with what are talked about in this video. I am willing to talk about them if you are interested? Thank you for your time and best wishes. Richard C. Bower.
@robynelliott5603 2 ай бұрын
Lovely message Laurie.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Thank you @robynelliott5603! And thank you for watching and listening - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@robynelliott5603 2 ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111 yes Laurie, I have been there too and agree totally with you. I was told I had a deep need for love, I saw my grandfather and telepathically spoke to him and him to me. He was looking after a garden of American Beauty deep pink roses and behind him was the most beautiful gate I knew he had come through to meet me in this garden. Then he told me to go back and that everything was alright, there was no sin and he understood.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
@@robynelliott5603 That is AMAZING!! Thank you for sharing...xo Laurie
@soniavelez5569 2 ай бұрын
Sins are mistakes that should turn into your lessons .
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for commenting and watching @soniavelez5569 - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie
@bethezebra 2 ай бұрын
Wow I like that. 🔥
@DreamMonster7X 11 күн бұрын
No. Mistakes are part of our humanity, and we must face and acknowledge them and evolve beyond them. We are not sinners!
@sarahmurphy-nf4yl 2 ай бұрын
Beautiful NDE. So glad she shared it with us.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
So glad you liked it @sarahmurphy-nf4yl. Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@francesdibartolomeo7219 2 ай бұрын
what a beautiful experience, especially the concept of sin, I have struggled with "sin" and what it is, it has been used to fear people
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I'm so glad it helped @francesdibartolomeo7219! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@nubYaH 2 ай бұрын
1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. You are all deceived and you are loving it!
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
@@nubYaH Ok enough of the devil talk- 3 comments about this is enough - I let you make your point
@stevekrause5931 2 ай бұрын
@@nubYaH Perhaps you're the one who's deceived and loving it?
@seed_of_the_woman 2 ай бұрын
@@nubYaH you worship a book, a book which says calling the works of human hands perfect is idolatry. you can look that up for yourself, if you doubt me and care. do you deny that it was constructed by men’s hands? it also says we are gods, also that we are all the Elohim. what are you afraid of, Gods’ love? or man’s lies? you do know they lie, don’t you? do you trust man or God? 🤍💭 david
@rmil9104 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this! ❤
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
You're welcome @rmil9104 Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@cynthiabowkett4082 2 ай бұрын
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
So glad you found it inspiring @cynthiabowkett4082. Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@Cricketchirps39 Ай бұрын
That's beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
@lauriemajka1111 Ай бұрын
So glad you thought so @Cricketchirps39. Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@Cricketchirps39 Ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111 I'm glad to have been here!
@ptt3975 2 ай бұрын
Great video. The churches have led so many of us astray with their harsh, fleshly teachings keeping us in bondage, while all of them are still engaging in inappropriate relationships. We need these videos to give us hope from the doom and gloom of self effort that the churches are teaching.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I don't think they purposefully try to do that - I think so many things were changed and left out that meanings are now confusing @ptt3975. Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@gracebressi8622 2 ай бұрын
What a nice lady thank you for sharing your experience❤
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
You're welcome @gracebressi8622 Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@chapmaned24 2 ай бұрын
I don't know what it is, but there is a LOT of NDE's being told these last couple years. It's fascinating. What I'm learning is that MOST testimonies are SO SIMINLAR, yet so different, and some are tailored. Some can only quess what the White Light is, others know, and some don't know, but they all acknowledge the LOVE from it, as it can be felt, tangibly. I love listening to them all! It's a huge HOPE for existance after we die!
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I agree @chapmaned24! I love how much it helps people to let go of the fear of death. Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@markcleaver6573 Ай бұрын
Yes I watch many of these NDE's as well. And God is using the modern day medium of KZbin(and others) to help enlighten us all.
@Stay.curious8 2 ай бұрын
This interview touched my heart 💕
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
So glad @Stay.curious8! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie
@chessmaster2649 2 ай бұрын
It's highly possible that the teachings of people like Buddha, Jesus, and Laozi - being advanced - were not fully understood. What often comes through for many in those teachings is empathy, interdependence, and care for our planet. It sure seems we could use more of those in the world today!
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I completely agree @chessmaster2649! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@GillAgainsIsland12 2 ай бұрын
That’s true. Not even his disciples fully understood Jesus’ teachings which is why they wrote some things he never taught such as judgment of people and damnation of their souls.
@cassandra2382 19 күн бұрын
When I was four, I had an out of body experience and was surrounded by the gray mist she’s talking about. I was choking and I saw my father giving me the Heimlich maneuver in front of the fridge, but I was in a kind of room or tunnel made of gray mist. He saved me from choking before I saw the light though. I wasn’t scared or anything in this gray as a child, I didn’t even realize anything out of the ordinary had happened until later on.
@IamAloha 5 күн бұрын
Thank You for sharing .
@JohnHMarsden 2 ай бұрын
Wow…an amazing NDE.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
So glad you thought so @JohnHMarsden. And thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@AlphonsodeBarbo 2 ай бұрын
What a lovely recount!
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Thank you @AlphosodeBarbo- I thought so too! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@genelynrabino9722 Ай бұрын
Jesus is still the best experience being on the other side. Please be warned of the fake heaven during NDEs. May Jesus my King bless everyone with His Mercy Grace and Truth. Love you all
@DreamMonster7X 11 күн бұрын
Maybe what Christians are experiencing is fake. Any wonder why Christians don't have the faith to do the great works Jesus supposedly said about those that believe in him can do. Peter supposedly walked on water... what can today's Christians do? Nothing but quote from the bible. Christians need to take a GOOD look at their own selves before calling these possible fake anything!
@tmprunelladeng9269 2 ай бұрын
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Wow- thank you very much @tmprunelladeng9269- your support both financial and in watching and commenting is great appreciated! I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍😇💞
@jenl5992 2 ай бұрын
What a beautiful NDE story. She's just lovely. thank you.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
So glad you thought so @jenl5992! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie
@ManuDibango-n4c 2 ай бұрын
Oooh very nice to hear the testimony
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
So glad you thought so @ManuDibango-n4c. Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie
@valjadsplodgny4455 2 ай бұрын
We all can enjoy warm, loving, quasi-spiritual experiences. However, what we all need is a meeting with Jesus Christ and an acceptance that He alone is the Way, Truth and Life.. John 14: 6. We need to be aware that the spiritual enemy of God can present himself as an angel of light. Counterfeiting is his speciality. Thus a word of caution is, I believe, appropriate when reviewing NDE and other spiritual experiences. I hope this impressive lady found Jesus. 🙂
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Not sure what you mean by "quasi-spiritual" @valjadsplodgny4455... Most NDEs - no matter what religion they went in with, they find their experiences NOT to be biblical- they experience ONLY the love of God - experience not faith. This was also my personal experiences on the Other Side - love was the only thing that existed, there is no hell. We do have life reviews, and for some that could feel like a form of hell depending on how you lived your life. We all go to the same place. This channel is about love and not fear, spirituality and not religion. I say take in what resonates and leave behind what does not. Thank you for watching...xo Laurie
@user-kz2zq4kj6n 2 ай бұрын
Jesus preached and lived unconditional love. That was his message and he believed in it so deeply he died for it. He would be the first to support the testimony of this woman. It IS about love.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
@@user-kz2zq4kj6n Thank you!! xo Laurie
@GillAgainsIsland12 2 ай бұрын
Many people have met Jesus in their NDEs. He didn’t condemn any one of them, nor send any of them to hell.
@danielargo7221 2 ай бұрын
​E​@@lauriemajka1111 That's not true. There are many NDEs of hell and the heaven the Bible speaks of. You're ignoring all of those when you tell people that it's not what the Bible explains.
@k.w.2651 2 ай бұрын
Wow! Thank you! She is fantastic…so believable!
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I agree and I'm glad you thought so too @chromosomexy8327! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@rapture1949 2 ай бұрын
If you don't have Jesus you have nothing 😢 Jesus is the only way to get forgiveness of sin ❤
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Most NDEs - no matter what religion they went in with, they find their experiences NOT to be biblical- they experience ONLY the love of God - experience not faith. This was also my personal experiences on the Other Side - love was the only thing that existed, there is no hell. We do have life reviews, and for some that could feel like a form of hell depending on how you lived your life. We all go to the same place. This channel is about love and not fear, spirituality and not religion. I say take in what resonates and leave behind what does not. Thank you for watching...xo Laurie
@stardustgirl2904 2 ай бұрын
If our Heavenly Father wanted us to be spiritual, he would have told us that in the Bible! Everyone today seems to believe in anything else but what is said in the Bible! I prefer to believe in the creator ✨️of the Universe and the world and all of us rather then something someone says! The Bible is filled with God's wisdom 🙏🏻 that man doesn't have. Sin, absolutely matters, because we're on earth to learn and grow and become perfect in the next life! So we can become like our Heavenly Father! The Bible is a road map that leads us back to where we need to be to live with God again ❗️Every channel 🙏🏻 is the same way that profiles NDE ! Everyone acts like they have no problem pushing the Bible aside! I don't believe in that! The Bible is true and it talks about the three degrees of glory we will each receive after resurrection! This is just my opinion!
@GillAgainsIsland12 2 ай бұрын
Have Jesus? What does that mean? You already ARE as Jesus was created by God, a son of God. Made perfect. You only forgot. Jesus did not.
@courdferguson7225 2 ай бұрын
@@stardustgirl2904 At least understand the original form of the Bible (hopefully you grew out of KJ version), The Vatican literally gives the public a different version of the Bible. Source: Paul Willis, Mauro Biglino among other clergy that were tasked with helping new priests learn it at the Vatican itself.
@nataliekramer4234 2 ай бұрын
It is hard to believe all of the Bible because it is been doctored in so many different ways... God was not a Christian. The Roman Church produce Bibles and people were forced Christianity and that is why it is so widespread. However Jesus was a real person and a huge light and example of love
@donnawoodman3303 2 ай бұрын
I’ve had a similar experience while sleeping at the first time I fell asleep while a woman named Rita Suliget was praying for me. I wanted to tell everyone but was told to keep quiet about it, some people close to me didn’t believe me, But it kept happening for ten days at night. Not everything she described just the first part with the love and cradling. I wonder are there others out there like me? I also had the knowledge she talked about and it was so simple and I also can’t remember ,this happened when I had a drug problem and I was immediately healed and off drugs. I was told not to go to AA but to go to Catholic mass every day which I did for 7 years. That’s all I’m 72 yrs old now
@lauriemajka1111 Ай бұрын
Whoa @donnawoodman3303- divine interventions for sure. Amazing to have that kind of healing. Thank you for sharing your experiences!! Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@charlesrochfort1228 2 ай бұрын
Sin ... 'to miss the point'. From the ancient greek.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
True and to "miss the mark" yes thank you @charlesrochfort1228. And thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 ай бұрын
Hello! PLEASE PLEASE READ! Just 2 minutes PLEASE! Sin is an archery term. It means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to reveal to us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! God says that there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell, and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. It is a FACT that you are a sinner and that you have the death penalty. And it is Just. But WAIT!!! Yes GOD us LOVE! There was only ONE WAY to save us and it cost God Everything! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! John 3:16! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus! Pure Grace! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day, either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day! Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! If Jesus doesn't wash you White as Snow you don't stand a chance. Jesus is The ONLY WAY to Heaven! The devil is a LIAR who appears as an Angel of Light and he is orchestrating these NDE'S that directly contradict what God says about your Eternal destiny. Believe Jesus! He is The TRUTH! 💖💖💖💖💖
@kaekeegan7032 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing!❤
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
You're welcome @kaekeegan7082. And thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@MeaganEater 2 ай бұрын
The mistake I see people make, is thinking what they experienced in another province of Heaven is how it is for every individual in other provinces of Heaven. Nobody visiting Nevada would think it is exactly the same way for everyone in Florida and those who live in the roughest parts of the world know it is not the same for everyone else in other parts of the worldly that are the complete opposite. Most people have no idea Earth is a Provence of Heaven. they think in terms of Here and There, but Here is There, just not the Capital City of the Kingdom of Heaven. They think they go to Heaven when they die but they're already in Heaven here on Earth as it is a Provence / State of Heaven. In reality they are thinking of going to the Capital City of Heaven. This is why so many people say they went to Heaven and say they never seen Jesus nor any of the Disciples nor any Angels. They were not in the Capital City, just like here on earth is not the Capital City of the Kingdom of Heaven, but it is a Provence of Heaven. Some people think all Prisons are the same, they are very different, and some are almost like hotels in some parts of the world. Likewise, all parts of God's Justice (Judgment) are not the same for everyone under God's Judgement. Some get Purgatory because they believe they get Purgatory, but others do not get Purgatory because they believe only what Jesus teaches about the other life after this life and others never heard any teachings of any main religion, so they get a different experience, but Sheep are Sheep even if they are not Jesus' personal Sheep. Everyone is not a Sheep, likewise everyone is not a Shepard nor a Servant. Every individual can only be judged by what they do know. Nobody can be judged by what they do not know. Each individual is only obligated to what is expected of them based on their level of maturity of understanding. They may THINK something (based on what someone was teaching a lot of people) but individuals are judged based on their individual level of understanding, what they THINK may be ignored or overlooked or cost them less. Just like in society the wisest will overlook some things children say or do and not overlook the same things said or done by other children and not all children get the same lessons as all children have different responsibilities. This is why so many NDE accounts are so different in some ways. One may feel like they are falling and go back to their body, but another just wakes up in their body. One may say they were rising up through a tunnel towards a light and another says they were walking through a tunnel towards a light, and another says they are floating in space towards a light or portal, and another says they were instantly at a large gate or with their loved ones in the grass. People get the experience meant for them and they come back with it impacting them the way it was intended. Some remember everything and some remember nothing, some do not remember at first return but over time they have flashbacks when some situation, conversation or smell triggers the memory. The common lesson is this. / Be this LIVE EVIL \ Not this Love (to be Loved) Forgive (to be forgiven) Help (if you are able) Teach (even if by example) Encourage Righteousness Be one with True Knowledge Reject False Knowledge Do Not Make It Too Complicated Do not Judge too harshly. Judge with Equity, so you can try to save others and not entrap your future self. The Greatest Miricle is the Miricle Needed. Do not expect yourself to do what you can't. Do what you can and grow in your doing. Drinking is to Listen for learning. Eating is to Do what you learned. If you are feeding on Godliness, you are doing Godliness. "I have food to eat you know nothing about. It is to do the will of the one who sent me.", Jesus.
@kemikole-emmanuel3744 2 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ is my shepherd. He is the King of kings.Hallelujah Thank you @MeaganEster for sharing this inspiring piece
@maverickjoseph5478 2 ай бұрын
This is thought provoking, I'm curious how did you come up with this interpretation? Thanks for sharing
@MeaganEater 2 ай бұрын
@@maverickjoseph5478 Suffered multiple life-threatening injuries and Died Multiple times (once in the Hospital) from lung damage from chemical exposure. I have had hundreds of Near-Death Experiences. First time I was age 3 and had an exterior solid core wooden door kicked shut on my head by accident. By a teenage brother who was kicking the door shut because our mother was yelling at him to shut the door. One can only go to the other side and go near the other side so many times before it starts etching into them the frequencies of those other realms. I am 58 and can sometimes hear them communicating their jobs they have to do while here on earth and sometimes hear them planting thoughts into people's minds and catch them trying to plant thought inside of my mind also. They have even told me they were going to put thoughts in someone's head and then I see the person come into the room and do exactly what they said they would do. EXACT! They told me about 911 years before it happened, Fukashima 5 years before it happened. They even woke me up on 9/11 by letting me smell the burning fuel and that was almost 20 minutes before the first jet hit the first tower. If you spent decades listening to them, how much do you think you would know about how it all works. The bible says how it works and there are examples of how they do things. They told me where to find those scripters. They told me, Learn Whole Chapters, not sermons from preachers and priests. Then when you hear someone lying you know they are misusing the scriptures for their own ideologies or personally preferred doctrines that are not true.
@MeaganEater 2 ай бұрын
@@maverickjoseph5478 I answered you, they (Google AI) deleted it before it posts for anyone to see. Maybe it is in que so they (moderators or AI) can read it to review for approval. It will likely not get posted as it contains what I know, and the Ai is programmed to reject it as misinformation. Which would make most people uncomfortable, and they want Safe Spaces for most people. I know it got deleted instantly as I refreshed the screen, and it is gone. I typed this one and refreshed and it is here, but the first one is still gone. The first one was several paragraphs as I explain about myself and about what I learned and some of how I learned it. What I post above in my first post is 100% correct and in line with what Jesus told me on several lessons with him and is in perfect line with his words in the bible as I verified them. It however does not align with most Christian / Catholic people's teachings as they like to tell people they must confess Jesus to be spared Judgment. Only Jesus never teaches that applies to everyone. MATTHEW 25 (Sheep and Goats) has no such conversation about confessing his name at all, neither does Jesus' sermon on the Mount. Just like how Jesus says to a few people, "If you said you did not know you would not be guilty, but because you say you know, your guilt remains." Also like when Jesus asked the woman, "Where are your accusers?" and she says, "there are none." and Jesus says, "Then neither do I condemn you. Go and stop sinning." But now about people saying, everyone must be confessing Jesus' name to receive Jesus... What about where Jesus says, "Anyone who receives you receives me and anyone who receive me receives the one who sent me." We see Jesus teaches that people can Receive YOU and be saved because if they RECEIVE you, they RECEIVE him and they RECEIVE his father GOD. Who is lying there? Jesus or the Catholics and Christians who were lied to by their preachers and priests? What about when Jesus says, "You do not know the scripters nor the Power of GOD, in the next life we shall be like the Angels, we shall not marry nor be given in marriage." So, what will we be like, the Angels or like humans or like animals? In Luke Jesus says because we are like the Angels we can never die. In Revelation when John bows to an Angel the Angel says, "Do not do that, I am just like you and your brothers and the prophets. I carry the testimony of our Lord." Why does the Angel know John is an Angel, but John does not know he and his brothers are Angels? Catholics and Christians and others say they are the children of the most High God, but they do not even know what they are saying. They think they are Christians or Catholics, so they act like them instead of acting like the gods they are. See PSALMS 82 the whole chapter. Jesus quotes from PSALMS 82 in JOHN 10, proving he agree with his Father God in SPALMS 82.
@maverickjoseph5478 2 ай бұрын
@@MeaganEater many thanks for shedding more light, your rendition is very helpful in that it's also scripturally based, plus I have resonance with your logic and this elaboration further affirms it, be blessed.
@taergehtsiram 2 ай бұрын
The biggest sin she can remember with herself was taking God's name in vain? She did a lot better than I'm doing as a human.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Please go listen again @taergehtsiram - she was 7 when she remembers commiting her FIRST sin. At no time did she say that was her biggest one. Thank you for watching and listening - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@taergehtsiram 2 ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111 Got ya! I think I get caught up at times, in the fact I've made so many grievous mistakes in my life as a human. I've also done a great many loving things as well. But sometimes I get hung up on my mistakes.
@miriambochenek9083 2 ай бұрын
There are a lot of my sins...I learned when we are sinning...we are loosing Gods blessings. Many times when I repeat my sin ...the blessings went away. And I suffered horribly
@NikkiLifeInBloom 2 ай бұрын
Sin is fundamentally the mistaken belief that you are separate from God. In reality, you are not. To move beyond "sinning," it's essential to observe your ego without judgment. The ego is an illusion that exploits your belief in it, leading you to think you are something other than the being God created you to be. Therefore, instead of criticizing yourself, begin practicing non-judgmental awareness, and your true essence will reveal itself. Remember, avoid judgment
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
@@taergehtsiram No worries at all - we all do!! You are doing great!! xo Laurie
@gordon5004 2 ай бұрын
God bless and keep you dear woman.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Awe @gordon5004 Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie
@Widda68 2 ай бұрын
Well, the narrator said that she's already really passed away..(2021?) . That was not a near-death experience. The 2021 time was a real once and for all time death.
@4everseekingwisdom690 2 ай бұрын
Study the ancient mystery tradition.. All sin is theft.. If i kill you i that's theft of life, if i lie that's theft of truth....all sin is theft and what you take will be taken from you.. But the opposite is also true for what you give will be given to you
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Very interesting @4everseekingwisdom690! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@rickmiller8893 2 ай бұрын
Oh I'm stealing THAT!
@4everseekingwisdom690 2 ай бұрын
@rickmiller8893 truth is free my friend no need to steal it
@TheSacredTempleofLight 2 ай бұрын
Sin is from Hebrew. It means a space that is not real, that seems to be real, between oneself and ones Creator. Every other interpretation was added to this. Out of fear. And hatred..
@GillAgainsIsland12 2 ай бұрын
A Course in Miracles teaches that all sin is error which comes from identification with the human ego instead of our Real Self.
@philbophilbo4945 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Jayne. God bless
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
I agree @philbophilbo4945! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@Jenny-ew7qg 2 ай бұрын
I know i wont go to hell because at my core beneath all my layers is pure God himself
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
There is no hell @Jenny-ew7qg We are all God - we are love! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@sofiadaly2992 2 ай бұрын
I trust the Word not someone's narrative of NDE. Fix our eyes on Him for he is the Author and Peefector of our faith 👏. He is Holy and nothing unholy will ever enter his throne without being washed with the blood of the Holy Lamb. Anyone who has a personal relationship with Christ, don't be mislead by demonic spirits. They come dressed up in sheep clothing but awaiting the right time to devour your spirit. Be covered with the blood of Jesus 👏👏👏👏👏
@virginashaffer172 2 ай бұрын
You can’t go there as it doesn’t exist!
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
@@sofiadaly2992 So much fear and not much love. This channel is about spirituality and not religion. We all go to the same place. Love is what we are. There is no devil from my personal experiences of being on the Other Side - not based on faith. I don't believe in accidents, perhaps you were led here by God or your Higher Self/Soul to undercover the true power and love that you really are and that God and Jesus are. So I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie
@amyschlegel1180 2 ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111 Don't deceive yourself. Hell is very real, and many, many people go there!
@piperpan5516 Ай бұрын
God she told her story so beautifully, she has grown to have a beautiful nature. Her husbands acceptance and respect toward her would have helped allow her to grow from what this gave to her. Because that's what the good does, it's how love works
@lauriemajka1111 Ай бұрын
Yes I love that too @piperpan5516 Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@Postoasted 2 ай бұрын
In the spirit realm as well as in the physical world, evil demonic forces are able to disguise themselves as angelic beings or even pretend to be Jesus. Don't be deceived, because the consequences will be eternally dreadful. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Pray the following with conviction to ensure your eternal salvation and entry into heaven. Sinner's Prayer: "Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin. You said in the bible that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus as my Lord. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Amen."
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
This channel is about LOVE not Fear! It is spiritually based, focused on love and empowerment and awakening. This video focuses on a BEAUTIFUL NDE encounter with the love of Source. Many in the comment are talking about the devil, deception and quoting bible verses - not what NDEs are about and this channel might not be for you. I will adress a common question about what happens then to people who do terrible things. If you watch many of the interivews I've done with NDE'er (over 100 of them) many had Life Reviews. I believe from the more than 2,000 accounts that I've studied and the many times I have been on the Other Side (my personal experiences - not based on faith) that EVERYONE goes to the same place and we ALL have a Life Review where we experience EVERY action and thought - big and small - from our perspective and from the others perspective, and we even experience the perspective others had as a result of the ripple effect of our actions. Depending on how you conducted your life this might feel like a form of "hell" to you. So no one gets away with anything. Therefore, as she states, sin is not what she thought it was. I believe we should approach this life with love - it is our most important lesson to learn and some are doing better here with that than others. These account conflict with much of the Christian doctrine- so as I always say, take in what resonate with you and leave behind what does not. I don't need to convince anyone of anyting because what's true for you is true for you! Period. I appreciate every view and every comment- and I'm so glad you are here regardless of your viewpoint- just please be respectful...xo Laurie 😍
@Jnb-p7t 2 ай бұрын
​@@lauriemajka1111 Who taught love more than Jesus? Who did love to another more than Jesus?
@lisabrickner6004 2 ай бұрын
I feel your comment but in my worst suicidal state 20 years ago I experienced this in a dream... Yes its true.. This was not a deceiving spirit.. It was the Lord God almighty.
@2009cmiller 2 ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111I’ve heard of this. People thinking they are in heaven but it’s not. Why is that? I also heard of people thinking they did good and still went to “hell”.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
@@Jnb-p7t I agree Jesus was one of the most powerful Ascended Masters on the plant! I love him!!! He taught love - no disagrement there! I just believe his teachings have been greatly misconstrued - again spirituality vs religion. I love what he did from ages 12 -32 that were left out of the bible...xo Laurie
@Pace1818 2 ай бұрын
Jayne Smith had a positive and beautiful experience because of the goodness and righteousness and the true justice that lived in her Heart. She looks to me as she is a very kind and a Saintly Person. She is living in Christ! In the Love of Christ. He does not always reveal His name to all the NDE’rs . They just see His BRIGHT Light but He sometimes remains behind that Light without revealing His Identity! Only He knows why He does this to some and not to others! God’s ways are mysterious ways!
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Love that @Pace1818- I appreciate your kind thought. Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@Random_user_8472 Күн бұрын
I've been doing shamanic master plant dietas in the Amazon since years now. There's one specific tree that connects you directly to the divine truth. This tree is named Chuchuhuasi and it's considered to be one of the most spiritual trees there is. When I did a dieta with this tree, at a moment I stood in front of the divine itself. I simply said: God, please help me and I was overwhelmed with love, pure love. Love without any conviction and it kept flowing. There is no punishment, no retaliation. The main question is: How much did you love and what do you think about your life yourself? There's no way to lie, because God is everything, it's pure consciousness, it's existence itself. It's you, me and the rest. There is only consciousness and with that, we all are a part of God, a part of existence itself. We are not similar, we are the same, the same consciousness. Hurting another means hurting yourself. Even a hungry stray animal is you, feed it and you are feeding yourself. In a ceremony with the mother of all plants, I once experienced total connection, to be one with everything. This experience gave me so much freedom. It sets you free to realize that there is no end and there is no beginning, there only is and we are, I am.
@JenMarco 2 ай бұрын
There are sins. Sins hurt you and other people. Living in sin will destroy your life.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
This channel is about LOVE not Fear! It is spiritually based, focused on love and empowerment and awakening. This video focuses on a BEAUTIFUL NDE encounter with the love of Source. Many in the comment are talking about the devil, deception and quoting bible verses - not what NDEs are about and this channel might not be for you. I will adress a common question about what happens then to people who do terrible things. If you watch many of the interivews I've done with NDE'er (over 100 of them) many had Life Reviews. I believe from the more than 2,000 accounts that I've studied and the many times I have been on the Other Side (my personal experiences - not based on faith) that EVERYONE goes to the same place and we ALL have a Life Review where we experience EVERY action and thought - big and small - from our perspective and from the others perspective, and we even experience the perspective others had as a result of the ripple effect of our actions. Depending on how you conducted your life this might feel like a form of "hell" to you. So no one gets away with anything. Therefore, as she states, sin is not what she thought it was. I believe we should approach this life with love - it is our most important lesson to learn and some are doing better here with that than others. These account conflict with much of the Christian doctrine- so as I always say, take in what resonate with you and leave behind what does not. I don't need to convince anyone of anyting because what's true for you is true for you! Period. I appreciate every view and every comment- and I'm so glad you are here regardless of your viewpoint- ...xo Laurie 😍
@christelvonderpost298 2 ай бұрын
Love without truth isn't love.
@mariacompton1416 2 ай бұрын
@@lauriemajka1111you are 100% wrong…and you are enabling people to believe lies and misinformation about God and His plan for Mankind. You are turning people away from The Truth which comes only from God who created this world. Jesus Christ is THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE! There is no other way to Heaven and eternal life without God the Father and Creator..Your self made way to Eternal bliss is a deception from Satan who is the father of ALL LIES and is the archenemy of God and Mankind.He is the master deceiver and comes as an angel of Light. And false teachers will face a greater judgment from God at the Great White Throne Judgement.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
@@RandallSGregory those helish accounts make up less than 6% of NDEs according to the many people who have studied the more than 2,000 I've studied. Most of them had a hellish experiene and did ultimately go to heaven. The theory is that most of the ones reported to go to hell had very specific faith beliefs and it may have influenced what they experienced. I have also listened to a few that felt like they were pushing an agenda not reporting an experience. These NDEs are as different as people are. I will say from my own personal experiences on the Other Side that there is only love when we become our Souls. We are very powerful beings having a very - from a Soul perspective - simple human experience. We do this for many reasons I could name and probably hundreds I could not even comprehend from this human perspective. Hope that helps. Thank you for watching...I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
​@RandallSGregory re-read what I wrote...I have ONLY studied more than 2000 but others - who have studied far more - statistics show of all studied ndes only 6% are hellish the other 94% are not. Take in what resonates, leave behind what does not. You specifically asked for my opinion then wanted to debate it. I'm not here to convince you of anything. What's true for you is true for you and I've talked about this a lot in the longer videos I created called Uncover Your Souls Purpose- if you want to know what I think, watch those. I already give a lot of my time to this channel- I've been on the other side I know from experience- not faith - that we are love and powerful Souls and hell does not exist. That's all the proof I need...xo Laurie
@MusoStuu 2 ай бұрын
Really amazing NDE - very clear ❤
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
So glad you thought so @MusoStuu. Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@BigDsGaming2022 Ай бұрын
Sin is produce by Churches who want us to repent so they remain in charge of our lives . God never punishes us and is all love so sin all you want you will stop after your body dies and when you will meet God it will forgive you .
@lauriemajka1111 Ай бұрын
I think you are spot on @BigDsGaming2022 Thank you for watching and commenting- I'm so glad you’re here...xo Laurie 😍
@paleomagicksr.9880 Ай бұрын
​@@lauriemajka1111 Mega-churches remind me of the saying, "Where there is a crowd, there is a fraud."
@paleomagicksr.9880 Ай бұрын
Hafiz, the poet, says that religions are ships, while poets are the lifeboats... and every sane person he knows has jumped overboard from the ships😂
@BigDsGaming2022 Ай бұрын
@@paleomagicksr.9880 4000 religions and 18,000 Gods on earth what could go wrong
@donalddotson-cw5ll 2 ай бұрын
Something created us just as we are. That should be good enough for any one to feel thankful for.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Love that @donalddotson-cw5ll...xo Laurie
@BengBayong 2 ай бұрын
Love alone does NOT Save.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
Most NDEs - no matter what religion they went in with, they find their experiences NOT to be biblical @BengBayong- they experience ONLY the love of God - experience not faith. This was also my personal experiences on the Other Side - love was the only thing that existed, there is no hell. We do have life reviews, and for some that could feel like a form of hell depending on how you lived your life. We all go to the same place. This channel is about love and not fear, spirituality and not religion. I say take in what resonates and leave behind what does not. Thank you for watching...xo Laurie
@ChristinaKM 2 ай бұрын
Start watching NDE’s lots of them. They all say the same thing it’s all about love and that’s it. Yes, it does.
@BengBayong 2 ай бұрын
@@ChristinaKM When it comes to the matters of this world love is supreme, because Love binds and perfects everything (Colossians 3:14). But we should NOT forget the First and Greatest Commandment of all: Deuteronomy 6:5/ Matthew 22:37 You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. That's why Jesus said: Matthew 10:37 "37Anyone who loves his father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me; 38and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. Of course, we ought to love all our family, but who do you place above all? This is the reason why many people turned to agnosticism and atheism, because it's the easier way out of accountability, without accountability we cannot be responsible humans, and if we cannot be responsible for anything which is accountability - there would be CHAOS. Because believing in Jesus Christ will COST YOU EVERYTHING. Jesus did not promise that after you put your Faith in Me you'll live an easy life in Lala Land. No. Jesus said, "if they persecuted Me, they will persecute you" (John 15:20). Actually, being a Believer in Christ is not a comfortable place to be. But Jesus said: John 16:33 I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!” Because when we put our Faith in Jesus, we become adopted children of God through Christ. When we become children of God, we become royalties that we're also given the Authority and Power over the devil through Christ. We become coheir with Christ, and we become OVERCOMER just as Jesus overcame the world. I know that's deep for starters: 1 John 5:4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. 1 John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he (The Holy Spirit) that is in you, than he (Satan) that is in the world. The question is, who do you prioritize and love the most? Yourself and your family, or the One who gave you your life and your family?
@BengBayong 2 ай бұрын
@@ChristinaKM I guess my reply to you just got erased. That's definitely not an example of love, not at all. Hope you were able to read before it's chopped. Wow, CENSORSHIP is real here, isn't it?
@Smooth_justice 2 ай бұрын
@@BengBayong That seems to be YT and their auto censoring thing? It blocks your whole comment if it doesn't like a word?
@movingloz 2 ай бұрын
I believe her. I also hope it’s the way it’ll be for me. I just hope I haven’t done anything bad enough to be sent to the bad place. Really great to hear her story.
@lauriemajka1111 2 ай бұрын
We all go to the same place - you don't go to the good place by earning it - it is literally where we are from - from my personal experiences on the Other Side and from studying over 2,000 nde accounts. But we are here to show up in love and the ripple affect we have on the world matters greatly!! Thank you for watching and commenting - I'm so glad you're here...xo Laurie 😍
@GillAgainsIsland12 2 ай бұрын
Who did the bad things you fear? Only a false self that you identified with. We all have made the same mistakes. Realize that who you real are is a being of Love, as God created you. Then there is nothing to fear.
@HerGodHerHustle 3 күн бұрын
​@@lauriemajka1111 Thanks for sharing your view however, are you asserting that there is no hell?
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