Near Death Experience - Who you really are - You are ALL Powerful - NDE

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Drew Brophy

Drew Brophy

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@stocksconfidential8862 Жыл бұрын
Wow. This was actually the most powerful NDE I have ever heard. Because it was not about you. It was about everyone. You gave something to everyone to take away from this. Theres no words to describe what it meant to hear this. Please do more with this. A TED talk. A book. You were given this experience for all of us. Thank you for it. My young girlfriend is dying today. I asked the universe to give me something I needed. This was the first video to come up, which proves exactly that we are all connected.
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
"You were given this experience for all of us" - you are right, that is what keeps coming up for me. There is no dying - the energy just flows through our bodies. Nothing is ever lost. The body is a product of the earth. But the energy is everlasting. Your girlfriend will never die. She will always be with you. Sending prayers for your strength through this difficult time.
@Babka37 Жыл бұрын
Same. So powerful.
@angalmeida29 Жыл бұрын
Sending u all my love and healing light to your gf🙏🏽❤️
@rzone9546 Жыл бұрын
7:34”You’re powerful” lightning flashes
@nivinagiel6362 Жыл бұрын
The lightning!!! When you said you knew you are not the body, when you said you were the light, and when you said we are all powerful! Whoa!!! Like the universe going, "yup!" Thank you for sharing this amazing experience.❤
@irenebecker4815 Жыл бұрын
I was going to mention the lightning, too. It was emphasizing your words. Thank you for this amazing story.
@heyheey9953 Жыл бұрын
Yes i realized that too, it was wonderful😇
@Martyjerome Жыл бұрын
Yes amazed
@LizfollowsHIM Жыл бұрын
I noticed, too!
@shandinalani32 Жыл бұрын
Bring meaning to when Jesus said He was the Light of God. He was the Son of God.
@user-hq5bm9xr1z Жыл бұрын
Beautiful ............... We;re so much more...............And at 3:00 minutes.... he says I'm LIGHT and behind him it 's lightning in the air.................
@rebecasalmon9575 Жыл бұрын
"I was light" and lightening lit up the sky. Wow. What a synchronicity
@HEART2HEART-3 Жыл бұрын
It's because we think it's us, that's having this experience but it's not... Its God having this experience through who we think we are... We aren't the vessel... We all are a part of consciousness, the Living Light... All different expressions of God... Jesus was not God... God was Jesus ... Your friend, brother... Your sister, mother... The vicar, policeman... Your neighbour, your banker... I am the I in I am... I am Divine Love, the living Life... The Light ... Spirit... The body is expressing physically, the Divine Expression, the very essence of God~ Divine Love... With every Act of Goodness.... ✨💛✨🙏🏻🕊️🙌🏻🤗
@mariabrophy1 Жыл бұрын
Beautifully written 🙏
@4DTravelr Жыл бұрын
Lots of NDEs report basically feeling like "hell nah I'm not going back" once they remember who they are/return to a higher density haha. Fascinating that you felt drawn to return here. Thanks for sharing.
@cosmincosmin5802 Жыл бұрын
This guy is such a good speaker
@monicapaz9999 Жыл бұрын
The Bible says for God time does not exist. He is past, present and future. He is light and we’re created in his image. Amazing! Thank you for sharing. This reminds me of eternity with God and gives me hope. His wish is that we all go home to him and live eternally with him in the light. All we have to do is accept his gift of salvation
@SirFir1 Жыл бұрын
Drew, Thank you for sharing your experience. We all needed to hear it. I was a law enforcement chaplain for 24 years and heard other near death stories before. As you know there really is a life beyond this one that we see now. You story reminded me of another man that part way through his NDE journey asked, "What about Monk? (his wife) Who is going to take care of her?" and then he came back to the hospital and into his body. There was a little boy that I did CPR on after he "coded out." Everyone was crying as we thought he was lost, but then he started breathing again. His first question was, "Why are you all crying?" He then went on to explain where he was and that he was being hugged and kissed by angels. He was on 30 months old. Last week he and his family celebrated his 36th birthday. Please keep telling your story! People need to know that we are all somehow connected and are one...
@recyclednew Жыл бұрын
I had several NDEs a few years ago. And I was very sick at the time and unable to eat much. Lost so much weight and muscle mass that I was bedridden for a long time. Lots of physical therapy and so on. I am now able to walk with a cane and braces on my knees and ankles. Nobody expected me to recover and everyone had prepared for me to die and went through the emotions and everything. A lot of it is still foggy. I lost all sense of time and everything felt very surreal for a while. Like how a lot of people say your life flashes before your eyes. But it wasn’t a flash. My mind was like a pinball game bouncing memory off of memory. I saw how everything connected. I saw people who I had lost long before this, and pets. Everyone thought I was hallucinating for a long time. But then I said things that I had no prior knowledge of but they were confirmed by family. At one point I truly wanted to die because I felt like I was trapped between worlds and everything had changed so much, people’s energy, the way they treated me, I felt like a ghost most of the time. I had been partially paralyzed and I wasn’t able to communicate very well. I felt so alone and broken and it was so overwhelming that I had thought why did I fight so hard to hold onto this life. I just wanted to go back to that blissful feeling of being loved and supported by the universe. I became very depressed for a long time. One night I was in the shower crying and I said if I have to live like this with no hope of improving and no hope of my family being able to cope and adapt to the way I am now, I would rather not be here! Please just let me peacefully leave this world in my sleep and let my family have peace. I feel like so much of my pain, despair, sadness and feeling overwhelmed was washed out of me. Sitting on the shower chair, I put my chest to my knees and just sat there for a while with the water coming down on me like rain as I cried. I didn’t realize how loudly I was crying until someone came in to check on me and see why I was crying. But that brief moment of “what’s wrong? Are you okay in there?” Was the sign that I needed to let me know that I was loved and wanted and I knew that I could not give up! I knew there was a reason why I was still here and no matter how hard it is, how many times I have to cry or scream, and no matter what comes my way, I simply cannot give up! And honestly I still have moments where I feel like I can’t do this anymore. And when that happens I just try to focus on how far I’ve come and how much my family needs me. It’s not always easy. There’s good days and bad days and everything in between. Sometimes when I’m alone in the house I just cry and scream at the universe “Why?” I don’t want my family to see and hear me like that. I try to get it all out of my system so that I can hold myself together in front of everyone. So many people talk about the wonderful experience of the NDE and how much they have improved since it happened but very few talk about the adjustment from the experience to adjusting to life again with this new profound insight. Maybe some people are able to process and adapt quickly. I have learned very well that the stages of grief are not a simple linear process that you can plan out, like I’ll be depressed for 2 weeks and so on. You kinda bounce between them in no particular order and cycle through them sometimes several times over. It’s like you are grieving for yourself. And you are in a sense. There’s a before and an after. And it’s okay to feel whatever you are feeling. So many people tend to say things like you should be grateful so be happy and celebrate your still here! And on one hand you are and you understand why they are saying that. But on the other hand it feels like you don’t know where you fit in anymore. Like the puzzle of your life changed and your piece just doesn’t quite fit in anymore. And creating a new puzzle is not as easy as you would like it to be. I know that my family loves me and are grateful that I’m still here but my relationships have changed significantly and I don’t really recognize my life anymore. Often times I cry at night when nobody can hear me and pray for my relationships to improve and my family heal from all that they have endured over the past few years. I know nothing is ever going to be the same again but I hope that we can the fear and everything and embrace every precious moment we have together while we can. Because tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone! Don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff!
@mariabrophy1 Жыл бұрын
Oh Jae, I'm so grateful for you sharing your story and your heart felt emotions and experience. What a long hard road you've been on. And how much you fought for the life you have now. Your story can help so many. Thank you for being here for us - for going through this for the collective. Your life has great meaning and is important for all of us. Thank you.
@wendyhall6609 Жыл бұрын
Sending love and hugs to you ♥️♥️♥️
@karamcdonald2947 Жыл бұрын
I have known since I was a little girl that this is not our home. Thank you for your truth and reminding us of all our truth. Nothing but love brother.
@MB-wi2wo Жыл бұрын
Every lightening flashing ! As if the divine was right there with you, so amazing. I, too, am recovering from pneumonia and miss my super active life as a surfer and scuba diver. Thank you for the inspiration, sometimes I get so down after spending the last 6 weeks on the couch… seems so insignificant now- thank you 🙏
@mariabrophy1 8 ай бұрын
Try the hyperbaric chamber - it does wonders for the lungs!
@dcccharles4569 5 ай бұрын
The revealed truth in God's Word is that without faith, repentance of sins, and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ you will be cast into the Lake of Fire (Hell). Jesus Christ who has the keys to Hell and Death (Revelation 1:18) said the following as recorded in the Holy Bible: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it. Matthew 7:13-14 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:22-24 False teachings about the after life is pervasive globally and especially in the U.S.A. God's enemy is Satan who is the Father of Lies and whose purposes are to Steal, Kill, and Destroy. Satan knows his time is nearing the end of his rule on our planet as he continues to take as many with him to Hell. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23 READ THE HOLY BIBLE AND TRUST IN GOD'S WORD, AND PLACE YOUR TRUST AND FAITH IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
@thanostimestone6813 Жыл бұрын
Yo. I have had seizures since I was 3 months old. I have that wave you were talking about in that podcast take me under every time I have a seizure. I have also been in a coma and was talking to my spirit guide as if you can talk to your kid and wife. He opened up the door after saying be careful and I told him that I knew what I was doing. I stopped all my drinking, drugs, and other stuff. I have walked with an entity that was pure light. I said thank you for understanding father. I had never called my dad father in my life. Nor was it a priest. It was he. In reality most people today would consider you to be a schizophrenic or someone with dementia. You can’t really explain and they will never get it. Good luck and keep on the flow.
@CamMcNaughton Жыл бұрын
I've watched the video three times now, catching a bit more, each time. It's almost unfathomable, yet a tearing back of a curtain takes place, it seems, in the process of the experience being shared. What a journey, Drew and Maria! All the best going forward.
@poppopopp-k3j Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this. And yes, I heard your wife fighting for you❤. All the best to you both.
@ladeda532 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I had one when I was 14. Long time ago now. It changes everything. You realize anything is possible. 🙏🌱🕯️
@danawilcher8201 Жыл бұрын
Drew this is Dana Wilcher, I’m David Guyot’s cousin and I got to meet you and your your studio a few years ago. When all this was happening I was saying deep prayers for you, and this video brought me to tears- you are so inspiring and have lifted my spirit more than you know. Thank you for reminding us all of the light. Pura Vida, viva la medicina, y la medicina de vida ❤️
@mariabrophy1 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for praying for him.
@csgarrett1 Жыл бұрын
I agree that Drew Brophy's explanation of his experience is truly one of the most powerful I've ever heard. His humility is overwhelming. You can tell that this is not something he just imagined at all. He said it was more real to him than this life in this "realm"! Drew's understanding is so powerful and genuine that I absolutely cannot doubt it. Thank you Drew, as you helped me confirm that I can and do still feel and communicate with my older brother, mother and father all of whom have passed away but I feel their presence somehow and need their presence. YOu've given me permission not to doubt anymore because we all are one. Please do give a TED talk! Thank you so much.
@Alex_Justified Жыл бұрын
I keep telling people, LIFE IS IN THE PEOPLE. Humans are the pinnacle of creation.
@heyheey9953 Жыл бұрын
Thank you 😇 I am a consciousness/Nde researcher and your experience helped me a lot. I began this journey when i was an atheist, and when i was believing consciosness is just neurological phenomena. But now i am pretty sure near death experinces are real. I hope someday i will prove that and help to people remember everything. i really appreciate to people sharing their nde's. Every single one is uniqe and wonderfull 💎
@loganharrison950 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been researching and studying NDEs for over 15 years , and I know they are absolutely real! Because they line up with all the studies I’ve done into Jesus s teachings that he taught And the mystics
@m_c_d Жыл бұрын
@truditimmermann2812 Жыл бұрын
Wow!! The lightning behind you while you shared your truth was incredible. As a natural healer I found it fascinating the way you received healing from around the world of tiny lights all around you. What an incredible journey and thank you for sharing. 🙏🌅
@sionyevans Жыл бұрын
@jaymcnespey7213 6 ай бұрын
Drew, been a fan of yours for years. Glad that you’re doing better. You are here for a purpose and God has a plan for you. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one gets to the Father except through Him. He died for the sins of the world. Through His blood are we washed clean. Please accept Him as your Lord and Savior today because this life is not the end. Stay blessed brother 🙏
@tim59ism Жыл бұрын
Thanks for letting us hear about your NDE, Drew ! Very powerful and I believe you, but I don't think anyone would doubt that something incredible happened to you, it's obvious by your emotion and sincerity. Sceptics (I'm not one) would suggest it was caused by X Y Z whatever they can come up with, but explanations like that are so inadequate, I'm amazed anyone takes them seriously anymore. Just to add, your brain would have been shut down to the level of the brain stem (by a drug induced coma) so it should have been impossible for you to have any experience, let alone lucid well structured thoughts with reasoning and memory formation. Best Regards!
@valeriemckay7064 Жыл бұрын
Prayer is powerful. God is amazing.
@su.... Жыл бұрын
thank you. all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well, revealed julian of norwich. yess. bless you and your beautiful family.
@marianalazarevic1210 Жыл бұрын
Davide Icke is telling the same we are all a concessions . Remember the move Lucie in the end when she left her body . She said I’m everywhere.
@markshveima Жыл бұрын
Thank You. ❤🙏
@susanjos2315 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. Please share your NDE experience on the Jeffmara Podcast. I believe it would be helpful for you as well as his audience.
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
I did share on Jeff Mara's Podcast. It was a couple weeks ago. Thank you!
@timothysheehan Жыл бұрын
Drew,you are amazing my brother
@HelenQuail Жыл бұрын
Profoundly inspiring. I know this "place" that we all are. Thank you for your courage and thank you for sharing your story. It is our story
@randomAsh108 Жыл бұрын
Would love to hear your thoughts on this book: The Science of Self-Realization, by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (only 350 pages and it's also available as an audiobook on KZbin). Exactly 1 year ago to the day, I read it and my "worldview" has never been the same (was not and still not a "religious person". It's something else. More than religion. Whatever that word currently means). I've never been able to describe the paradigm shift to anyone or seen it anyone else. That struggle to remain here... Until this video. A 15,000 page rabbit hole later, and there's an answer to every aspect of the experience you describe. Still not sure how I feel about those answers, but the alignment with your experience is uncanny.
@shawn2380 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@OAMMeditation 5 ай бұрын
You're doing it - The universe
@earthconverse Жыл бұрын
"your intentions are powerful, they mean something" ' thank you for sharing your incredible story Drew. Like Charles Eisenstein wrote, it is medicine. The medicine we need (as shown by the decrease in the background noise as you talked to pin drop your audience became mesmerised by your truth)
@teresafraser3049 Жыл бұрын
Keep continue sharing your NDE experience which will help the masses 🙏
@pianorama 11 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. Much love to you and appreciation for sharing your experience.
@tashasmith1234 Жыл бұрын
Drew- so glad you came back to share your light, and share it with others! It opens us all up to know that miracles exist!! ❤️ What an interesting experience to see the other side. The colors? Now you can feel what really matters. It's interesting when it all shifts and you can see the world in a different way. My shift wasn't as sudden as yours, but a constant evolution. Thank God for Maria supporting you and never giving up on your recovery! ❤️ So happy for you both! ❤️ Sending you both love, always. -Tasha.
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
thank you Tasha!
@salberg1 Жыл бұрын
So wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing. The JeffMara Podcast loves interviewing people who have had NDEs. Has the experience changed your art style at all.
@rhondapelletier2141 Жыл бұрын
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I love Jeff and Mara!!! Watch him every day and live on Saturday! What a beautiful community!
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
Yes my art is changing
@taralisbah Жыл бұрын
i love the lightning shining behind your words, flashing in the sky each time you talk about the lights. Grateful for your bravery.
@sashapierce Жыл бұрын
Yes! I loved that too!
@stevebrown6215 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your powerful experience. I have been on a spiritual path of remebering my true nature. 2 of my younger brothers passed, at the age 20 and the other 37yrs old....your story brings me a sense of peace! Thank you !
@greentechco6518 Жыл бұрын
magic!! Please keep talking about your story!
@davehconner Жыл бұрын
This story rings true for me. I am not persuaded by smooth, articulate speakers. I am persuaded by struggles to express in words experiences that cannot be expressed in words.
@RickDelanty Жыл бұрын
Heartfelt and well-expressed, despite any man or woman's difficulty to describe our spiritual world, and the mysteries of God's kingdom. Thank God you are alive, that you are regaining strength, that you are supported by a loving family and community. You and your life are a miracle, Drew--you are an inspiration to me, as a creator, family man, and grateful and gracious citizen of our present time here.
@erikwhite1313 Жыл бұрын
Wow. Thanks for sharing your story. I sent you a very long personal note that I thought was posting onto this post. Lol😂 oh well. This was amazing. You are brave and we are all more powerful than we know. Thanks for reminding us that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. My favorite part was the little lights tickling you and those turned out to be peoples prayers on the river of light. It was all so perfectly simple and profound and sounded like a memory not a dream. You are a miracle and a true example that God is love. Thanks again for sharing your story. Bless you and your family. ❤🎉😢😂😊
@sashapierce Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing🙏 It is powerful to hear such truth about the power of prayer and love. I love how the lightening and your story were connected. Everything is light ✨
@Technicolor_granola Жыл бұрын
Viva ❤🙌🏽✨
@cindyjames1167 6 ай бұрын
So beautiful. Thank you for sharing the magic of forever in this way.♾️💖
@brucesmythe739 Жыл бұрын
Drew, that's an eye opener for sure That Light was heaven Brother and it wasn't your time yet! Your story is a testimony of what God can do through intercessory 🙏 Prayer. ...There's strength in Numbers he's not done with you yet.... It's great !! That your doing better these days dude 😎 dig those new skate decks.
@grahamdewayne Жыл бұрын
That was beautiful! I loved the part when you said the word light and lightning flashed in the distance. Thank you. We are so proud of you! You still have your southern accent. ❤️-Myrtle Beach mom and daughter, Catherine MBHS Sophomore.
@bonnielawrence8748 Жыл бұрын
I am so happy that you are here with us. You are an inspiration for all. May you enjoy great health and happiness moving forward. Happy. Joyous holiday season. Bonnie
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
Thank you Bonnie, I appreciate the kind words!
@Nas-uu1xx Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your amazing story. 🇬🇧
@easystar123 Жыл бұрын
This was so heartwarming to hear. Thank you for sharing your experience. Jesus I trust in you.
@susansakka4874 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this! 💗
@slowexec7951 Жыл бұрын
What an extraordinary testimony. I've listened to perhaps hundreds of NDE accounts in researching my album, and all share similarities but are no less powerful - indeed, are more powerful for these shared themes and experiences.
@lisawagnerart754 Жыл бұрын
Drew-This video moved me to a river of tears. I prayed so hard for you and your family. I deeply believe in the power of prayer and of our heart’s intentions. We are so powerful and made up of pure light. We can all choose to shine and be a beacon of truth and love. You are the embodiment of that. Maria is too! You both have always inspired me more than words could ever fully express even before this. Now, you are moving me to grow my light so that others may shine, too. (Makes me start crying all over again saying that and feeling it in the depths of my soul.) Please continue to share this experience. You and Maria are some of the most amazing and loving people and we are so blessed to have you be a part of this earthly realm. Continued good health, joy and inspiration to you. You are the light!
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
Thank you Lisa for sharing your thoughts and feelings on this. And so much gratitude to you for the prayers. They meant something and they were powerful.
@epiphanydrums5427 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, I really feel that is all I can say. Your open and honest sharing moved me and encourages me in my journey which has been very rough for a long time now. Blessings to you
@leaveonlywake Жыл бұрын
Brother Drew - Gladdest of all that you are here and able to tell your story. Your progress of 'coming back' physically has been amazing - I know this is due to your willpower (of which there has never been a shortage), and also and as much, because of the love of Maria and the work she has put in with you on the journey back. The power you share together is stronger than what you have individually, and in that you are Blessed. :) Interesting also, to say some of the exact words you said, as you were saying them, based on the experience of what happened to me during an NDE. Mine was brief; I was gone for only a few moments (Earth time). Accordingly, on return, I did not have to go through anything at all like you have. But while there I did experience much the same as you. I was 'back Home', a part of 'Is', in the Light, the Understanding, the completely unconditional and total Love from where we come, and where we return. Beyond amazing, hard to describe with our limited (in comparison) vocabulary. So, now that you've returned, you know for sure that your Mission here is not done. :) We, your family and friends, are all selfishly glad for that... :D I look forward to seeing what unfolds. Wishing Peace and Love to y'all, and more physical healing to you in your continuing recovery. Aloha!
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
Thank for this - really appreciate you taking the time to watch and write this. I appreciate it!
@sutterkane Жыл бұрын
I am continually amazed by the blessings NDE'rs continue to share, many thanks. It is really weird that people weigh in on behalf of a particular point of view or belief system purporting to explain what an NDE does or does not mean rather than take on board anything of what the person involved is saying. It is kind of like trying to stuff the cat bag in the bag - humans are a very weird bunch.
@lynnlsmith8577 Жыл бұрын
Dearest Drew i have no words that i can say after hearing you speak, but, i have the deepest love coming from my heart for you and maria- it helps me smile knowing brad is feeling what you felt on the other side
@icreatemyday Жыл бұрын
So inspiring and thank you for sharing!
@lajuanaadams9816 Жыл бұрын
beautiful u can feel this
@rememberthefuture4894 Жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing 💛
@God4all777 Жыл бұрын
God bless you. I see your honesty and feel everything you say. Talk about your experience. This changes wrong mind and heals those that are lost…
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
thank you
@berdalee8468 Жыл бұрын
heartfelt sigh of gratitude and respect for you drew...a true light warrior whose journey thrust him into the vast beyond. such perspective! to know out of time our small concepts of who we are, where we are, why we're here and that we are completely capable of mending and healing ourselves and each other on team humanity currently residing on our precious mother earth. i am deeply appreciative of all you overcame to so beautifully, heart-fully and sincerely bring back the story of humanity's majestic magic, a force of Beingness that is compelled by a LIFE WISH and repelled by the death wish of an ever dying energy that wants to drain everything and everyone if of it's God-ness-given life energy. we each must find our OWN truth, stand firm in it and say the biggest NO imaginable to ANYthing that seeks to enslave or disable that sacred wish. may the God-ness residing within us all give us strength, wisdom, creativity, connection, alignment, and the grace of knowing that pure love will ever guide us all!
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
thank you
@saraswatirobin5540 9 ай бұрын
I appreciate this. Thank you.
@denisesaxton6421 Жыл бұрын
What a beautiful presentation of an experience that truly moved you. Of course you will never be the same. I was pleased that you acknowledged God …. because it was from him. He has something planned for your life which will help others understand his power and love for them.
@rhondapelletier2141 Жыл бұрын
Aaaaaaaamazing 🙏🙏❤️❤️🥰🥰 Love how you expressed you Experience ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@rayray9620 Жыл бұрын
Thank You for that. It was so beautiful. It made me a better person hearing it. God Bless you!
@sionyevans Жыл бұрын
God Bless You Ray Ray ! 🙏
@paulahawkins3786 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your very powerful story - it helps us all remember who we really are - so glad you made it - loved your latest art.
@kdiskindnessdaily8049 Жыл бұрын
TRANSCENDENT soul what a deep honor to be the universe all together now ♾️💫🌌💞you and maria are forever my soul angels & inspirations!! thank you & your family for the courage to be light in truth!
@mariabrophy1 Жыл бұрын
thanks friend, we love you so much!
@erikwhite1313 Жыл бұрын
Wow. Thanks for sharing you moving testimony. I know what you are saying is real and it brought tears to my eyes to hear you tell it, because I have been going through a divorce and second spiritual awakening simultaneously. Your heartfelt story was very powerful. I am listening again. I am also an artist and have been feeling unseen and unfulfilled in my spiritual journey mostly for my lack of patience. But I have Recently learned to love myself again, and have realized that everything that has happened to me has been necessary for me to get to this point of self love and self awareness, and awareness that I am a microcosm of the universe, it is complete in every cell, and it is the same amazing construction within each of us, so we are all connected on a level deeper than we know or think about on a regular basis. I commend you for you bravery and struggle, and for sharing your truth with everyone so we too may be awakened to the spiritual life we are living. I always have loved your surfing paintings, but this is a whole other level. “You are the universe. You are the power.” Amen. Jesus loves you. Thanks for sharing your story. I hope we get a chance to paint together someday. ❤😂🎉
@tunieishere Жыл бұрын
Powerful Testimony. Please keep continuing telling your story, it will impower you and all those who will listen. God Bless you for sharing as I feel Blessed from you.
@Babka37 Жыл бұрын
Incredibly inspiring - your survival and miraculous recovery was no accident. You were meant to share this information with the masses.
@vracan Жыл бұрын
loved the bakground lightning and story
@michaelw.2909 Жыл бұрын
You are Mighty! ❤
@andrewmarkham1073 Жыл бұрын
Wow amazing story! Your story is very inspirational and I wanted to say thanks for sharing! I recently had the chance to purchase a few of your prints and a skateboard deck and I love them! Maybe you should try and paint things you saw!!! Pura Vida! 🤙
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
Thanks Andrew - and thanks for ordering my prints and decks. I hope you love them!
@mamunrashid9402 Жыл бұрын
Superb Content ❤
@nlitininnertransformation7306 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! Keep speaking as much as you can my friend. Sending you my loving vibration to help assist you in holding your frequencies. I myself am also one that knows that my purpose is to hold that light of love to help others just by holding it. We are all in this together my friend. Sending you my love always!!!!!!
@nlitininnertransformation7306 Жыл бұрын
Hope you and your family have a wonder Christmas!!! How can I get a hold of you? I just want you to know I am here to help share your message and my message and others and so on to help everyone learn to LOVE once again...
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
@@nlitininnertransformation7306 you can either email me at or message me on Instagram @drewbrophy thanks!
@nlitininnertransformation7306 Жыл бұрын
@@drewbrophy Thank you very much. I just emailed you!!! Merry Christmas my friend...
@msmeyersmd8 Жыл бұрын
Thank You for this, Drew.
@RichFicker-we4ss Жыл бұрын
I get inspiration from the relating of your experience. I had one of my own a few years ago. Mine wasn’t as intense or of the duration of yours. I was only briefly deceased, but it gave me a renewed appreciation of the diversity of existence on our earthly plane. I’m glad that you pulled through. Thanks for sharing 🤙🏻🎨
@redtornado1722 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I remember logging onto y’all’s zoom classes during the pandemic and it being the highlight of the day. You helped inspire me to paint and just find zen in the whole process. It’s great to see you doing so good after everything.
@MarkKap Жыл бұрын
3:01 !!!
@daveshongkongchinachannel Жыл бұрын
Very powerful and thought provoking.
@ceciliaryan5748 Жыл бұрын
Dude welcome to (LAD) LIFE AFTER DEATH. The walking dead. Were here with you and for you don't ever forget. I have been in contact with you and Maria for about ten years. Here's my story and I feel liberated after watching your video last night. It's good to know I am not the only one who is living in the AFTERWORLD. I'll be here to talk with you, compare notes, and journey through this journey of darkness and light. In 1985 my son and I were involve in a tragic auto accident, we were hit by a drunk driver. I was only 29 years old, my son was 4. I sustained a severe head injury that day. Upon impact I was knocked unconscious and had a near death experience- I felt the warmth of my body when my head hit the windshield and saw the vision of angels and God motioning me to come to his kingdom of light. I later learned that the so called "seeing the light was merely a function of the brain". The former Cecilia Ryan died that day in the accident. Even though I survived I live in a state of amnesia each day, my brain has never fully recovered. My son Ryan had to take over the job of raising himself and me. He had to be the parent. His father was not present in his life, he was an alcoholic. From that day forward I never took my life and those around me for granted again. My life was spared. I strived to remain spiritual, following my heart and faith, and be the most productive person possible. I went back to school and got three degrees to help my brain work harder to remember. I obtained an Associates Degree in Engineering Design Graphics from Austin Community College, a bachelors degree in Radio Television Film from University of Texas at Austin and later my Masters Business Administration from Keller Graduate School in West Hills California. I thought that the only thing missing in life was to get an education. While the time spent there was valuable I now realize that the things I love the most are my teenage years, the art, the music, the experience and the people. Thirteen years later I left Austin in 1998 and headed for California. . I have drawn on my faith a great deal. In doing so I have reconnected to my roots and spiritual upbringing and found that my mission is to show others how they too can have the beautiful, spiritual life that was intended for each and every one of us. I strive to help others remain as spiritual as possible to heal both their physical and emotional pain as well as calm their fears surrounding DEATH. I offer my artwork and products as a way to share the beauty of the ceremonial rituals that transform faith into a unique and enlightening experience. I love to share my story and how with the help of my son, and several lovely dedicated healers I have regained my true authentic self and spirit. If you would like more information on how you can work to heal yourself please feel free to contact me. Peace and Love Cecilia Ryan YOUR GONNA MAKE IT DUDE YOU WERE CHOSEN FOR THIS JOURNEY IT WAS NOT AN ACCIDENT. HAVE FAITH AND KEEP LOVE IN YOUR HEART.
@mariabrophy1 Жыл бұрын
Cecelia, THANK YOU for sharing this story! OMG I had no idea all that you experienced. What an incredible story. Your life has so much meaning, your art is so important.
@dnvnd9902 Жыл бұрын
You did it bro!! Man… I’m glad you made it 🥹🙏🏽. Heaviest experience I’ve ever heard. ... The war you fought after you woke up … man. You effin did it !!!!!!!! ❤Donovan.
@MikeAulin-ef4gt Жыл бұрын
@francesco5581 Жыл бұрын
Some questions... if possible A) while "on the other side" did you get the impression that time does not exist ? That there is only the "now" ? B) were you religious before ? C) you tie this experience at the beginning or the ending of your induced coma ? or was all along it ? D) are you now scared of death ? E) did you get the impression that what there is after goes beyond religions ? I have 2 familiars who had an NDE in very different occasions and their experience was very similar to yours.
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
There is no time, I believe all religions are trying to articulate something similar, I am not religious now or before. I think the experience was during the entirety of the four week coma. There is no death, just a seem less instant transfer to the infinite. There are no words to convey the enormity of who or what we really are. I think everyone who returns from this experience does their best to tell the story, but there is no way to tell it fully or accurately.
@francesco5581 Жыл бұрын
@@drewbrophy thank you very much !
@francesco5581 Жыл бұрын
@@drewbrophy can i ask you another couple of questions ? 1) how you felt about evil actions and regret, have you felt a kind of judgement, remorse , do you think evil is something active or that is part of free will ? i remember that some have a kind of "life review" in which they feel remorse during an NDE. 2) this "connection" between living beings is extended to animals ? have you felt something about that ?
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
@@francesco5581 There is no good or bad, it's just contrast. The Universe seeks contrast. We are the energy and it is in everything. In animals, everything. The energy is animating animals bodies as well as ours. Plants, rocks, everything contains the energy. That's the best way I can articulate what I experienced.
@francesco5581 Жыл бұрын
@@drewbrophy thanks, i hope you recovered 100% and that now you can enjoy life again (and without the fear of death is a great thing !!)
@allatones Жыл бұрын
medicine…🙏 namaste
@kennyrumrill1860 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Drew, for sharing this inspirational, motivational and enlightening experience. It reached me as an answer to prayer at exactly the right moment. Namaste.
@nikkiday9169 Жыл бұрын
This is so inspirational and heartfelt ❤ thank you for sharing and reminding us who and what we are Drew. 🙏🏻❤✨🌟🌠🌌
@PalangaLivingTheDream Жыл бұрын
Amazing, I had felt very similar on Ayahuasca. I forgot there about my husband and before I completely forgot about my human experience I came back - and I cried knowing about it.. there’s more truth than the one that is physical ❤
@mariabrophy1 Жыл бұрын
Incredible - I want to experience Ayahuasca one day....
@brianswelding Жыл бұрын
Drew, thank you so much for sharing your message of love and truth of what we really are. Saw your testimony on the Jeff Mara podcast and had to come here to say thanks. Love and gratitude ❤ 🙏
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
THank you Brian!
@gemcool16 Жыл бұрын
Amazing! I wish this comforted me more, I saw this on Jeff Mara. I connect to it but also fear it. The fear is loosing the connection to my daughter and partner, basically the people I love so deeply, that I’ll forget them like you say you did and all the love I had for them won’t matter once I’m gone. Maybe I’m misunderstanding these experiences but this fills me with terror. Is there anything you could tell me to help me understand and be less afraid? You seem so peaceful and full of love after this experience, I wish I could understand this on a level that took away my anxiety, and maybe because I have PTSD I struggle to understand this love you felt and connectedness. But beautiful all the same!
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
I feared this as well, but came to understand that you never lose the people you love. But the transition from here to there is so disorienting. When I did the plant medicine nearly a year later after my NDE, I had this fear all over again that I would lose those 2 people I love so much. But in the same thought, I remembered and understood that you are a part of them and they are a part of you. You never lose connection to the people you love. Essentially, there is no "you" and there is no "them" it's all one thing. Have no fear. You will always be connected to them.
@mrz6921 2 ай бұрын
at 3:01 he says i was light and there is lightning, again... and in several other moments when he says in the instance... and there is a lightning in the sky... syncronicities
@craiglalumiere6852 Жыл бұрын
Glad you made it back. The world would suck a little more if you left.
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
thanks Craig :)
@mariabrophy1 Жыл бұрын
@nbeizaie Жыл бұрын
Nice experience. Thanks for sharing. Poor guy, being on ventilator and being in bed is a killer when your lungs are under stress. The lungs lose their ability to breath when a machine is breathing for them (similar to astronauts losing their leg function while in space because they don't use it). NEVER go on a ventilator even if breathing is hard.
@drewbrophy Жыл бұрын
I never will again
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