Cas koj yuav hais dag ua luaj na tus txiv tsev txog txij nws pauv li ntawv ces koj yeej phem kawg es nws thiaj pauv o yog koj zoo npaum koj hais ces nws yeej tsis pauv li mad txhob dag tus phem yog koj ntag ma
Tsis yog tim niam ntsuab teev os tim neb tsis xav sib yuav neb xwb os
@kuab502 ай бұрын
Yes, kuv hnov leej puav yeej kiam tías niam Ntsuab Teev cov neej thiab kawg, tab sis Kuv saib tos poj niam ho muab lawv lub neej los piv rau yus lub neej los tej zaum tus txiv no nws ua nws tus cooj pwm tshwm zoo li lawv qhov teeb meem thiab ces coj los sib piv ces yuav daws yus qhov teeb meem ces yuav tau ua li lawv ua, ces Poj niam thiaj siv li txoj neej neeg no daws teeb meem.
Tsis yog tim niam ntsuab Teev . Tim Koj Tus poj niam nyiam mloog neej neeg dhau es pauv siab xwb os Npawg…
@lenalo67362 ай бұрын
I listen to her story too but I don't learn anything because I listen left ear go through my right ear only never crazy
@thatasainboy13462 ай бұрын
Zeej neej neeg no mas luv xav mas tus txiv muab excuse xwb os tim neb 2 leeg xwb os
@metublor90962 ай бұрын
Mloog zoo li Kj tus poj niam g tshua puv pua
@tundratoyota4442 ай бұрын
Tej dab neeg neej neeg no yog hais ua rov ua rais kom yus tsis txhob xyaum tsis txhob ua li ntawd tsam yus lub neej tawg no xwb hos. Leej twg kom koj mus li cov dab neeg neej neeg mas. Yus xyaum yus ua ces kuj yog yus ruam dhau heev awb.
@lilythao19652 ай бұрын
Caag es cov tuabneeg nuav xij muaj Nam Ntsuab Teev cov neej neeg ua teebmeem rua puab lub neej. Tim cov tuabneeg xaav hloov xwb tsi yog tim Nam Ntsuab Teev. I love her stories - it does depict real lives that people have experienced. This lady took too far.....I admit Ilisten to May's stories as well as others, but just stories to learn about other people's lives. I listen when I cook (like right now) and when I'm cleaning or driving. But these rae stories - not my life. Sheesh....Another story to learn from 😛
@shouavang31652 ай бұрын
Oh yo cov neeg es mloog niam ntsuab teev es neej puas tas ntawd ces cov niag siab phem thiab Ruam dhaus lawm xwb os peb twb mloog mloog thiab peb kuj tsi xav li cas tsi ua li cas rau peb tej txiv li os
@TwoPlus-gr6cm2 ай бұрын
@BNP-HAWJ2 ай бұрын
Lmao I believe that too! If you tell your spouse that may vang say this and that, your spouse would be mad lmao.. My wife listen to May vang and now my wife become insecure smh!! Pretty dumb
@chuvang54872 ай бұрын
Niag pog ko ces mus thov nyiaj xiam hlwb noj los tau lawm, vim raws li mloog hauv no xwb ces twb txhom tau tias nws lub hlwb tsis txwm 💯 lawm.
@chyc-g4h2 ай бұрын
Zoo qhov koj muab nws tsij khib nyiab lawm
@richardly54192 ай бұрын
Niam ntsuab teev tej neej neeg ntawd twb tsis yog tseeb yog nws xeem khwv tswv yim sau xwb cas nej yuav ntseeg ua dab tsi os hmoob aw.
@noelhg6122 ай бұрын
Ib Tug Niag Neeg yeej Lom txwm Xav ua Phem Xav Rhuav Lub neej Ces Nws Lam Muab Tej Niag Dab Neeg Neej Neeg ntawd Los kiam xwb mas nawb hahaha. Niag Neeg yeej Xav ua Phem xwb os nawb hahaha. 🤣🤣🤣.???
@noelhg6122 ай бұрын
Koj hais Dag dhau lawm os nawb, yus yog ib tug Neeg laus 2 lawm Cas ho hais Tias Mus mloog Lawv Tej Dab Neeg xwb es Neej ho Puas no mas hais Dag dhau lawm os nawb, Koj Noj Mov Hlob Los Noj Quav Hlob Los yog Koj Haus Cua hlob es Koj ho haïs li ntawd na yod hahaha.???
@macymango41342 ай бұрын
Your wife is just crazy ..don’t blame it on other .
@BossPolly2 ай бұрын
I says your ex wife is just crazy… don’t blame the storyteller
@tongyang63142 ай бұрын
Cas kuv yuav pab nej cov txiv dev ntawm nej txaj muag ua luaj li lau, txhob muab liam2 rau NIAM TSUABTEEV thiab os nej twb tsis yog poj niam no ne cas nej tsis paub txaj muag rau neeg ntiaj teb li na. Nws twb tsis tau ntiav kom nej mus mloog nws ne, tim neb 2 niam txiv xwb es txhob muab lub txim liam rau lwm tus uas luag tsis paub txoj nej lub niag neej liam2 ntawm nej nawb.
@Thao222 ай бұрын
Peb cov hmoob ruam thiab poob qab ....tsi yog tim Niam Ntsuab Teev yog nej cov txiv hmoob 1975 yog tim nej tsis txawj coj nej neej thiab tawg. Txiv neej hmoob 1975 ruam li nej ces rov qab mys nyob nplog teb txhob nyob mekas teb
@thatasainboy13462 ай бұрын
Excuse lire story
@chanhdeeyang4152 ай бұрын
Koj muab khib dhaus lawm os txiv tsev ruam
@trulylee90552 ай бұрын
Tus poj Niam no twb hais tsis zoo npaum cas los cas neeg yuav ruam ua luaj. Story lady
Yup! That’s why I unsubbed that channel. Nothing but toxic women cruising that channel all day. They give each other thumbs up to motivate each other. They’re like the Amazon women of the jungle where men are the enemies. 😅