00:08:03 バルエニア 00:27:53 アルタリア 00:31:02 vs 鳥人兵士 00:32:51 vs 鳥人兵士 00:34:53 vs 鳥人兵士TAKE3 00:36:02 vs 鳥人兵士TAKE4 00:37:12 vs 鳥人兵士TAKE5 00:38:37 vs 鳥人兵士TAKE6 00:40:23 vs 鳥人兵士TAKE7 00:41:43 vs 鳥人兵士TAKE8 00:58:05 カタリス 01:00:24 vs 実験体Z-57号 01:03:05 vs 実験体Z-57号TAKE2 01:05:25 vs 実験体Z-57号TAKE3 01:08:35 vs 実験体Z-57号TAKE4 01:10:59 vs 実験体Z-57号TAKE5 01:14:11 vs 実験体Z-57号TAKE6 01:21:41 アルタリア 01:43:11 バルエニア 01:46:37 vs ロボット鳥人兵士×2 01:49:48 ガヴォラン 01:53:51 vs ゴッヅーナ 01:55:28 vs ゴッヅーナTAKE2 01:56:45 vs ゴッヅーナTAKE3 02:02:30 ハヌビア 02:07:23 フェーレニア 02:13:34 vs セントラルユニット 02:25:12 ハヌビア 02:28:27 vs 鳥人兵士 02:29:58 vs 鳥人兵士TAKE2 02:32:33 vs 鳥人兵士TAKE3 02:39:24 ガヴォラン[アイテム収集] 02:58:18 バルエニア[アイテム収集] 03:31:07 アルタリア[アイテム収集] 03:51:52 バルエニア 03:54:28 フェーレニア[アイテム収集] 04:21:22 ダイロン[アイテム収集] 04:54:18 カタリス[アイテム収集] 05:32:56 ガヴォラン 05:35:49 エルン[アイテム収集] 05:45:32 ハヌビア 05:52:27 vs エリート鳥人兵士 05:54:52 vs エリート鳥人兵士TAKE2 05:58:00 イトラシュ 06:03:03 vs レイヴンビーク 06:04:39 vs レイヴンビークTAKE2 06:06:15 vs レイヴンビークTAKE3 06:09:09 vs レイヴンビークTAKE4 06:14:33 vs レイヴンビークTAKE5 06:21:19 vs レイヴンビークTAKE6 06:25:56 vs レイヴンビークTAKE7 06:29:08 vs レイヴンビークTAKE8 06:40:10 ZDRからの脱出 06:43:34 エンドロール 06:48:24 ミッションリザルト 06:50:06 ギャラリーモード 06:55:08 ボスラッシュ 06:55:20 vs コルピウス 06:59:51 vs クレイド 07:01:46 vs クレイドTAKE2 07:03:17 vs セントラルユニット 07:03:50 vs ドロギーガ 07:05:27 vs ドロギーガTAKE2 07:07:01 vs ドロギーガTAKE3 07:08:34 vs ドロギーガTAKE4
@user-hololivesaikou2 ай бұрын
@n.n72592 ай бұрын
@srhth00782 ай бұрын
@SagatHyoga2 ай бұрын
thanks man
@GreenKaigaiNiki2 ай бұрын
The somber diary commentary while loading between zones is my favorite part.
@reverieneko2 ай бұрын
お疲れ様でした!クリアおめでとう~ Congrats on clearing Metroid Dread! As someone who has never played Metroid series before, watching Okayu play has made me want to try at least one of the games! Hopefully there will be newer 2D/2.5D Metroid games in the future so Okayu can play those too!!
@구겸정2 ай бұрын
@deshawnwilliams5032 ай бұрын
Its a fantastic franchise. Please give them a try.
お疲れさまでした~! Huge congratulations on clearing Metroid Dread! This is my favorite game of all time, so I was super happy to see you enjoying the story and clearing it 100%! To be honest, I learned from your gameplay, and I'll be attempting a 100% clear again myself!
@ろうす_41712 ай бұрын
お疲れ様でした&クリアおめでとう! シリーズを遊んできた人は特に面白いゲームだったね…!
@Pierah2 ай бұрын
It was very fun watching Okayu play Metroid Dread. Congrats on the 100% clear!
クリアおめでとう! All Metroid streams were a joy. Getting 100% without a guide but a little help from the chat in under 10 hours is impressive. I think I needed 16 hours for that. One thing you only half figured out was the counters, it's always important to spam missiles on a success movie and sometimes you didn't do that and it wasted the counter but overall you performed pretty well. It's not an easy game with that many inputs and moves some players can easily forget. I really hope they will make another 2D Metroid game and that we don't have to wait again for 19 years.
Very fun playthrough! Thanks for the stream, Okayu! Glad you enjoyed playing through Dread! めちゃ楽しかった!お疲れ様でしたー
@Vegito71202 ай бұрын
Gracias por el divertido stream Okayu y felicidades por el 100% de los objetos Metroid Dread, ha sido una aventura genial desde el primer juego hasta el más actual de la saga siendo primer contacto de la saga, sin duda es un juego increíble que toma todos los elementos en la línea principal