Nemesis EXPLAINS how to IMPROVE in League & Mechanical Skill

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@Arejen03 11 ай бұрын
delete, and improve real life. Ultimate guide
@NoobNoobZug 11 ай бұрын
Or just have fun cause its a game.
@RainMood1 11 ай бұрын
Game not part of real life
@HamsterPants522 11 ай бұрын
Learning to have fun while developing a competitive skill is valuable. It's not separate from real life.
@Arejen03 11 ай бұрын
@@HamsterPants522 not worth it unless youre high elo and plan to stream or play competitive
@HamsterPants522 11 ай бұрын
@@Arejen03 According to who?
@Mohammad-ik6op 11 ай бұрын
most important thing to climb is think while playing, don't autopilot. even if you watch coaching videos if you don't think about them and imply them in your games you will not improve
@zaster500 11 ай бұрын
Im Dia 2 and i can tell u that , this is the main diff between Emerald and Dia. Mechanix are fine and basic knowledge but when u start Autopilot in Dia+ U LOSE. u dont even start with leash , cuz the enemy jgl doesnt know where u start at. Every game is situational ... every information u get and u give ... is way more important. In silver or Gold , your team doesnt even know waht to do with these informations.. There are just be like "why is the jungle always bot, jgl diff" and they doesnt even understand that ,this isnt the junglers fault most times.
@stefan9870 11 ай бұрын
@@zaster500 what region do you play in I'm in EUNE and about to hit Diamond
@di__rty 11 ай бұрын
I was iron 4, but then I started watching SoloRenektonOnly. I just followed exactly what he did and now I'm banned!
@lol_Ozma 11 ай бұрын
Good for you, now go focus on your life
@Kim-tr5op 11 ай бұрын
LS's coaching vids early in his career is a good source to get better
@dotmatrix9818 11 ай бұрын
fundamentals never change
@Kim-tr5op 11 ай бұрын
@@dotmatrix9818 correct :D
@peaky6622 11 ай бұрын
can you link me some of that sauce
@liaw330 11 ай бұрын
@@peaky6622 LS Tethering, zoning, pressuring for lane
@liammckenna1479 11 ай бұрын
One of the best things I ever learned from an old LS video is that you'll get better if you have fun, because when you have fun you're willing to practice the same thing over and over again so after a while you don't focus on learning how to play a champ and you can instead focus on fundamentals, other skills that apply more generally to the whole game
@jakublukas3676 11 ай бұрын
xd or you pick yone, go hullbreaker, press e, miss every spell and win
@brettwolven6390 11 ай бұрын
I literally became good at the game by simply watching Meteos way back in the day and copied his clearing and mechanics. Been Masters ever since.
@cfscarloscfs5567 11 ай бұрын
2:10 i cant understand the word just before POV... can someone help me?
@RobertCortez-mt3ir 11 ай бұрын
Now in league people don't have routine videos but they have stream pov's
@dziosdzynes7663 11 ай бұрын
It doesn't matter what you do. You are only 10% of the game. Team games aren't skill based but luck based. You can go to some voodoo tribal shaman to increase your luck or something cause that's the only thing that's gonna make you win more games
@briancomforti3890 11 ай бұрын
Sure, that's how a professional baseball player would feel too. He could hit three home runs and still lose since his team didn't contribute, but he's still on a professional baseball team. The difference between him and me is I can't even lose as well as he does. I can't even hit one pitch from a professional player. But even a losing performance by Nemesis is leaps and bounds past how I win games, let alone how chaotic my losses are (Gold-Emerald)
@HellfireGFX 11 ай бұрын
The more I watch these the more I respect just how in depth nem's game knowledge is.
@randomxyz87 11 ай бұрын
In my opinion sooo many people underrate him, he's actually so good
@taidadesu4879 11 ай бұрын
​@@randomxyz87agreed. Feel like ppl underrate him BCS of his personality etc
@suz1695 11 ай бұрын
​@@taidadesu4879i don't watch him to have any opinion on it but from what I've heard he's very calm and respectable besides that beef or whatever with ls
@ColbyNeblett 11 ай бұрын
Did Nem get a bad haircut or is he in his Eminem arc?
@Boat-jn6mg 11 ай бұрын
bad haircut
@jacobgiocondo456 11 ай бұрын
This isn't revelatory insight... "Watch other people. Get a coach. Play more games". Literally everybody says this. Most people aren't hardstuck because they don't know this. If you're hardstuck, you need to fundamentally change how you play the game. Play to practice, not to play. Watch coach Curtis. Fastest path from point A to B. Watching streamers like Nemesis isn't worth the time if you are trying to unstuck yourself.
@hugopinto6293 11 ай бұрын
I think you missed his point.
@Vogelchen 11 ай бұрын
Just watching isnt enough. You need to be actively watch people and try to unverstand what and why they are doing what they do. You need to think like its you playing. Watching smal high elo streamers is a very good way because they will respond to your questions if you have any.
@HendrikVolschenk 11 ай бұрын
After a game, watch the replay from your opponent's perspective.
@kardaneg112 11 ай бұрын
Pro tip: the world has 1000000 things to offer you, don't waste your time on improvement in this dogshit game since all that devs care about is making players addicted and getting money from them, not making the game more enjoyable. I'm not happy playing league, but since I got used to it I can't help myself but come back to it eventually. This is drug addict behavior
@kNowFixx 11 ай бұрын
modern world especially in big cities removed from nature sucks anyways. first off you are expected to work for a very large amount of your free time. in a time where your money doesn't get you jack shit compared to previous generations in the 1900. second off you are separated from friends & family due to everyone having to relocate around their job (it's either that or suffering daily long commutes; pick your poison). this creates an atomized society due to which almost everyone has less total friendships & romantic relationships compared to back in the day. I could list some more things but to keep it concise will keep it at those two most important points. in order to actually have some fun in life escapism is a good tool in this dystopian hellhole that we've created. Video games/tv shows/movies/etc. are all good options to escape the mundane modern lifestyle. If you were to take those away from my life for example I would be worse off in the end. Coping mechanisms have always been important for human beings, but especially in todays day and age. Just look at how many people resort to cigarettes, drugs, fast food (becoming obese in the process) or video games as a way of coping with their daily existence either subconsciouy or consciously. Damn near everyone in modern society copes in some way; precisely because the system makes you HAVE to cope in some way, because modern reality does not reflect how we as animals actually want to live.
@DiRkZ77 11 ай бұрын
How to get better at League of Legends - Stop focusing on the rank you want to have, that comes with time. - Take a champion you like and learn all the different match up's -> focus on yourself and not others, always try to win your lane no matter if you lose the game. - You win lane almost every game? next step try to use your lead to help your team (are you a midlaner) try to keep an eye on your jungler he wants to do Drake? get prio and follow him. - Watch streamers and try to copy what they do with there lead or how they play if they messed up. Don't try to be good at everything, but focus on one thing first. (farming, dying less, roaming better, hitting your spells) and so on.
@eebbaa5560 11 ай бұрын
the single most important thing is probably just to learn your matchups on one champion. also the concept of focusing on one thing at a time is pretty important for learning in general.
@thestoebz 11 ай бұрын
Honestly I watched faker too. Went from Plat to Master 400LP over the years Though I can’t play much
@gekkouken 11 ай бұрын
reviewing your own games is such a good tip actually
@eebbaa5560 11 ай бұрын
depends. alois mentioned this but low elo players might not have the necessary skill to review their games. if you're like silver or below you shouldn't watch anything past the first ten minutes or so imo. unless a higher-ranked player is helping you to see big things wrong with your gameplay, reviewing isn't as helpful in low elo. it gets more important in higher elos where mistakes are harder to see without getting into the details.
@lol_RMS 11 ай бұрын
agree if you are very low elo its better getting the reps in playing a lot of games, focusing on a single fundamental until ur somewhat comfortable and then choosing a new fundamental to practice after that and so on @@eebbaa5560
@royloh87 11 ай бұрын
Getting other people to review your own games is better cuz then your not biased to your own performance.
@petarveljkovic4906 11 ай бұрын
All you need to hear is the start of the video. I got better every season and i only did it by watching youtube. Yassuo, Imaqtpie, Dyrus, Scarra, Tarzaned…i got better by JUST watching them. Started playing right at the start of Season 6, was Silver my first season and this season i finally reached Masters. Now you may say “wow you needed 7-8 years to get to Masters” but still how many people actually make it? Yea after i reached gold1 and platinum it was where i started being really selfaware of what i do in the game, what i should do and what calls to make for my team and etc. which i all learned just by watching high elo players play. If you just play the game on your own and dont watch others who actually know what they are doing to take some advice from them you’ll never improve
@stefan9870 11 ай бұрын
Brate moze li pomoc oko donosenja odluka u late gejmu? Igram jungle i uglavnom je coinflip late game
@petarveljkovic4906 11 ай бұрын
@@stefan9870 sve zavisi sta igras. I ja sam do duse doso do Mastera igrajuci jungle, ali moj stil igranja definitivno ne mora da znaci da mozes ti tako da igras jer je oko 90% mojih gejma odigranih na Ekku (maltene sam skoro onetrick). Moj stil igre je uvek bio agresivan early game, Herald obavezno uzimam uz prvu priliku, i pokusam samo sebe da nafidam. I kad sam bio u opasnom climbu tj. win streaku iz diamond 4 ka Masteru, 90% gejma sam dobivao vec u mid gejmu tako da nisam ni dolazio nesto do late gejma. Ako je moj tim gubio ja sam bas zbog heralda uzeo i sam split pushovao jer je Ekko sa nashorom logicno dobar u tome, sa time vrsio pritisak na protivnicki tim i tako iskoristavao prilike za objektive. Kako god okrenes ako igras za late game kao jungler tu si se vec zajebo, tvoje je da se fokusiras na early game sto se tice objektiva, uzmes heralda cim se spawnuje (logicno obracas paznju gde ce protivnicki jungler da bude u tom trenutku), dragoni ista stvar. U sustini igras za early game bas ZATO da ti late game nebi bio coinflip🤷‍♂️
@stefan9870 11 ай бұрын
razumem, ima smisla sve sta si rekao. Moj fokus je na objektivima, ali ponekad saigraci umru taman pre nego sto se spawnuje zmaj ili herald i onda ga protivnici uzmu. Provalio sam da kada god se to desi da ispadnem iz takta i izgubimo jer se nafidaju pre nas@@petarveljkovic4906
@randomnico6250 11 ай бұрын
clicked tab 500 times in 10 seconds 💀💀
@ibrahimismail5625 4 ай бұрын
Mechanical skill also really depends on the person cuz I've seen bronze players with insane kiting and movement and stuff but they just always running in 1v5
@thekilla1234 11 ай бұрын
Yeah but I see people in the comments watching challenger players and then flame them in the comments and say that there are better players in their Gold games.
@deadsh0tx523 11 ай бұрын
How to get better- play 8 hrs a day for 365 days. There you go .
@droid5785 11 ай бұрын
Lmao sure bud. That's why the highest mastery player in the world is a degenerate heimer main that said a bunch of racist shit and got banned off twitch.
@vellor9145 11 ай бұрын
My advice: 1. Stop the ranked anxiety, play games 2. pick one role; either one trick a champion or pick 2-3 champions and dont second guess yourself 3. if your unsure if you can do something, do it, limit test, make a note if it worked or not. 4. search up guides on roles, champion guides can be usefull, but dont stress to much about it, just get in the hours and play count. Hope it helps!
@XionTheSylveon 11 ай бұрын
One thing I'd actually add to that is actually get a structure to your practice. As much as just grinding out games can get you better, studies have proven that deliberate practice with goals sees stronger, quicker growth than just playing without aim and trying to do whatever you can and 'intuit everything with no guidance'. Playing games where you spend extra focus on your early game trading & gank safety. Playing games where you focus on your mid-game map presence and macro. Playing games where you focus heavily on your R usages and how much you can get out of them. You rotate/cycle between goals and also have periods where you simply play just for the sake of playing without focusing on any particular thing. The one role w/ 1 - 3 champions do have an amusing side effect of providing you things to focus drilling on because certain skills are more heavily rewarded (assassin players getting good roams and target selection, artillery mages having higher than average skill shot accuracy, fighters/skirmishers having stronger micro & limit awareness for duels, control mages having strong macro and teamfighting) but, it isn't going to be as quick/effective a process if you don't deliberate play to apply these things.
@phantomdancer3279 11 ай бұрын
bro ranked anxiety is actually a bit neccesary now. i did this on one of my accounts and got stuck around d3 while my main is masters plus because i picked the right lobbies and dodged bad games. i literally have to have around 70 percent winrate plus on that account to climb and for some reason my games on that account consist of much heavier feeding than the main too..i dont wanna say it but i think loser q might be a real thing.
@danmkng 11 ай бұрын
@@phantomdancer3279 It's just a probability/rng thing, yes it can happen that you get really bad teammates or bad experiences multiple games in a row like you can get good ones (or very even), but at the end of the day, there's always a chance or an existing angle/win condition to reverse the odds that are against you, depending and how you play and manage to affect/lead or play with your teammates, if it's a loss then it's a loss, maybe you should've dodged it if you really felt it was going to go bad, and if you couldn't do anything to avoid the loss, just accept it, your mistakes and those of others, you have to lose at least a few you can't 100% control it or dodge every losses. But here you already determine the game as lost, so you dodge. What if you actually thought the game was winnable and didn't see anything wrong with the game going well even if it's chaotic at times? You could've maybe won, it depends on your feeling and knowledge of limits, also the elo you're playing in. Imagine this mindset in games you cannot dodge. There's a part of your own mental involved. Be sure that the ranked anxiety has an actual logical conclusion and isn't a *fear of losing*, cause then if you can't deal with just the idea of losing or can't stop thinking about losing, you'll get tilted, stop playing, potentially lose track of how to actually play, and then it's the downfall of your "grind". Maybe you got some more shit to learn aswell to climb efficiently who knows, it's part of the proccess, switch accounts that can help for some. At the end of the day just play and don't stress too much or this *can* limit you from actually playing the game.
@phantomdancer3279 11 ай бұрын
@@danmkngight tell me the probability of getting 18 games in a row where you either have inters or people running it down...i am not even kidding it was the worst experience i ever had. and u would think i would atleast get some winning teams after that experience...nah. it was the same shit over and over. i play yasuo and the champs whole kit literally depends on the team so its really hard to carry these type of games. then u add the fact that i had to be 70 percent plus winrate just to climb cuz u lose 30 lp on losses and 20 on wins even with a 60 percent winrate.
@vellor9145 11 ай бұрын
@@XionTheSylveon 100% agree ! very well put
@JCDGAMING01 11 ай бұрын
“It’s like… *moans* yeah” 0:20
@cubeislife1675 11 ай бұрын
It's always good to watch people better than you.
@lonemichi5289 11 ай бұрын
Who’d he say is insane at the end there?
@Squidmoto3 11 ай бұрын
bro you can see his chat on the screen... it was Demon1 the person in the Valorant video he pulled up
@lonemichi5289 11 ай бұрын
@@Squidmoto3 too small on phone screen papi
@kusovlr 11 ай бұрын
Former pro literally showed us demon1 who is the current active best player in valorant as an example XD Btw he is right i was diamond in eu west in s9 and i stopped grinding for league then i came back here to be a challenger in eu west most important think is drop down your arrogance to the ground and learn from who is better than you invest your game knowledge and game sense you will be as good as this guys.
@Beizzangv69 11 ай бұрын
Max attack speed draven in practice tool was a good one for me; I don’t even play draven but it improved the precision of my clicks just kiting around dummies catching axes.
@caymansharp623 11 ай бұрын
what does he say at 2:13? they have stream pov's?
@TH-dg2mm 11 ай бұрын
Your skill level in League is based on what you think about during the game. Bronze players only think about last hitting minions and are constantly surprised by enemy abilities and jungle ganks. Diamond players rarely think about last hitting (because it's muscle memory at that point), are always aware what the enemy can do with their spells and always consider where enemy jg is. If you want to improve in league, pay attention to the things you're worst at, and think about those things more often in game.
@glassshards5840 11 ай бұрын
if you think diamond / low master players are anything like that or even care about jungle tracking i have some bad news for you... 😂
@TH-dg2mm 11 ай бұрын
That's fair enough, my point was just that if you want to improve you need to pay attention to what you're thinking about during the game. @@glassshards5840
@binemisko 11 ай бұрын
Im diamond and i miss cannon 30% of the time 😂
@cahallo5964 11 ай бұрын
You sound like you haven't played in diamond much
@TH-dg2mm 11 ай бұрын
Based on your personality, I'd guess you generally play league by yourself.@@cahallo5964
@LordIvor6 11 ай бұрын
Also note that every elo is different, you might see Challengers stomping in lower elo, but pay really close attention to their playstyle change when they do. Challenger players play completely differently when they smurf in low elo than how they play in high elo. So watching smurf videos in your particular elo is something I've been doing (though note that sometimes their MMR is crazy high, so they could be in silver but playing vs Emeralds already). Also, players in lower Elo aren't 'bad' per-se - they are not consistently good across the board and some are not consistent enough even in the things they did well (so a lot of flukes, but the fact that they made the play showed a lot of confidence). You can be locked in laning vs a really good mechanical player that really understands the match-up, but then he falls apart in macro, maybe takes one wrong back etc. I've gone 0/2 vs Golds before, but then capitalize on their inability to capitalize on their lead. Also... check on the other players constantly, look at the items they buy. So many times you can just stat check even in counter match-ups cause the enemy laner is saving their gold or didn't spend it properly. Check their prime stat, hp then resistances. Stop getting Anti-heal so early (like first buy) - the opponent will be doing the 98% of their healing of the wave not you, so anti-heal items do not get the value they should, if you just put the same amount of money into a resistance item of the same value you'd be in a better spot. Don't get me wrong anti-heal is good, just dont get it as a first item. Had a darius buy it vs an irelia and I'm like dude...why delay your all important first item for this?!?! 800 gold for essentially 15 ad and if lucky about 100hp heal denial really?!
@willywonkalol 11 ай бұрын
this is just pretty much completely wrong. as a challenger player when I play in lower elos I do not change my gameplay fundamentally at all. the main difference is the amount of mistakes that the enemy is making and the lack of punishment that comes from enemies. The last part is also wrong. Early anti heal can be very useful to avoid being run down (even through your wave) or cheesed in an all in. I understand anti heal can often be a waste but this is still a very bad take.
@LordIvor6 11 ай бұрын
@@willywonkalol Ah I see the confusion, I didn't say the fundamentals get changed out, I said the play is completely different (i.e application), as you said more mistakes to punish. For the observer like us this looks like a completely different playstyle despite all running on the same trail of though. So for example you would see far more 'aggressive' play even in match-ups that shouldn't go in your favor simply because of mis-match in skill. So watching smurf vods to learn and identify mistakes to punish (especially early game - pre fed) are pretty good. Didn't see you challenge the basic premise so I assume you don't have an issue with that. As for the anti-heal, I can't think of a single champ where anti-heal would be more beneficial than not. Against sustain champs like vlad they will sustain off the wave and range sustain off you, you'd have to apply constant harass to him (so Ziggs/Zerath/lux maybe in the mid, but your looking for prio than kill against Ghost/Flash vlad with pool, plus at worst he can heal off jungle camps out of reach which heal for 3x the amount as lane minions so even better for him). Against Darius/Renekton/Tryn/ (Aatrox), sure but you got far bigger things to worry about than their sustain. You can beat these match-ups really easily if you can stat-check them, otherwise an outplay is possible. You might even be on the back-foot if they are good, no use wasting 800g it will not negate their all-in potential by even an iota, better things to spend the money on. Again I can't stress enough I said First item like first back getting an 800 gold anti heal is bad, I didn't say anti heal is bad.
@stefan9870 11 ай бұрын
@@LordIvor6 do any of you guys play in EUNE? I'm a jungler about to hit Dia and I find it hard to make good decisions in the late game. Can you give me some advice?
@Aarona11 11 ай бұрын
I’ve been playing league for almost 9 years now.. i think i got most knowledge of the game but i still can’t apply it all into my games idk why
@cbsalty7207 11 ай бұрын
Probably playing on autopilot and not actively thinking about the decisions you make
@whistler1266 11 ай бұрын
What rank are you?
@Aarona11 11 ай бұрын
Plat peak before emerald was added, playing like max 150 ranked games/season, I don’t play that much cuz i’m stuck with 85+ms regardless the data plan.
@Aarona11 11 ай бұрын
@@cbsalty7207 Kinda, cuz i got bored and lost the passion towards the game since S9 as the down curve of the game started anyways.
@Zimmortal29 11 ай бұрын
I hope no one here plans on buying a coaching session. It sounds good to get that instant knowledge from someone but its much better to play the game through experience and learn from your own gameplay because when you learn from your own gameplay then that knowledge sticks with you for a long time rather than someone just telling you what to do then a month later you are back to playing how you were before. I think people rush themselves on getting good. Just stick with a 3-4 meta champs in each role and split the dmg types (AD/AP) so you can easily adjust to your team comp.
@maverick9312 11 ай бұрын
bad take
@particle3257 11 ай бұрын
Rank is not 1:1 with skill
@randomxyz87 11 ай бұрын
true, but it gives a good indication in general
@LeeSong325 11 ай бұрын
depending on games played it is
@hypa656 11 ай бұрын
this is only true at the super super high levels like 1k+ lp
@Dezu123 11 ай бұрын
it is, stop coping
@ogaimon3380 11 ай бұрын
it is,assuming whoever is playing is playing his best champ and not against a hard counter
@goncalolourenco2876 11 ай бұрын
He should take his own advice
@pranavganapathisubbu5174 11 ай бұрын
what are you talking about?
@Fumershisha 11 ай бұрын
The truth is climbing in this game is super boring. I'm diamond 3 and im sure I could get masters or GM but it's super boring to get there. You literally have to play almost perfect macro and decision going for high percentage plays only. F*** it, I'd rather go for the 5050 fun play
@citizen6458 11 ай бұрын
sure bud
@jansettler4828 11 ай бұрын
Not cope at all bruv
@HonorViego 11 ай бұрын
@Digger-Nick 11 ай бұрын
Having to stop playing my main role (adc) and being forced to play some hypercarry mid or top and sweating my ass off every game just to get a win because my teams are terrible is exhausting. Everyone saying "cope" to you is hard coping themselves.
@bearonwheels2698 11 ай бұрын
​@@Digger-Nickyeah man,true ! You are the absolute best and EVERYTIME your teammates are bad. Truueee.
@mcdick1621 11 ай бұрын
play stat sticks and learn fundamentals. ez way to emerald
@libangeldon2532 11 ай бұрын
Emerald is not high elo tho😂 do you want to improve or plateau
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