Nemesis LISTS all Champions he would NERF 🧐

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@oldmanhopes3627 10 ай бұрын
You know it's a good list when you look at the bans and 3 of them are on the list and you look at champ select and half of them are on the list.
@verygrey 9 ай бұрын
More like 9 of them Bans: Orianna, Renekton, Poppy Picks: Kai'Sa, Akali, Syndra, J4, Senna, Neeko
@lighting7508 8 ай бұрын
@@verygrey9 out of 20 is basically half 🗿
@ItsAbysmal 10 ай бұрын
I haven't really been a fan of Nemesis, but he has grown alot over time which has changed my opinion. Agreed with the many comments of putting him as the lead balancer instead of Phreak!
@matthewskullblood9778 10 ай бұрын
You agree with him because you like him? Idiot
@TH-dg2mm 9 ай бұрын
@R3alSt3al 10 ай бұрын
As an ADC main (and as somebody who plays Xayah and Kai'sa 90% of the time) the problem with them, is Navori being way too broken for the 2 of them. Navori is just simply a stupid item same as Sojin. I don't know who the hell let it theough, but jeeeezhe made a mistake. Xayah: Navori gives you perma W and E on around a 5-7 sec cd. Which is stupidly broken if enemy start the engage or they have 3 melee champs, Don't forget the fact that she has a built in selfpeel. Kai'sa: Same problem Low cd Q becomes avaible in 3 sec insted of 6, E is perma active. Which gives you movement speed and invisivility so when you dive in with R you can even get out with it. Both of the got an attackspeed and dmg boost from their spells. Which is supposed to be avaible for a short amount of times, than you have to wait a little to get it back. Both required some skill to be played. With Kai'sa you had to know when to dive in and use your burst correctly. With Xayah a correctly timed E could have changed the outcome of the fight. Now none of it matters since all of their most important ability is up all the time.
@wispppp 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, the problem with xayah is certainly linked to Navori... Not that her E does obscene amount of damage starting from lvl 2
@GuitarAlex198 10 ай бұрын
@@wispppp You are clueless if you think her e damage is what makes xayah op, and not her ult or navori's insane synergy with her kit.
@R3alSt3al 10 ай бұрын
@@wispppp Her E can deal a ton of dmg yeah, but for that to happen you need to hit the enemy with 7 feathers at least. Which is impossible if your team start the fight, the higher elo you are a lot more people will keep track of your feathers and pilot around them in fights. So yeah in that regard it can deal a lot of dmg, but not really reliable. Before Navori you was able to cast E at best 2 times during a fight and a good R+E gave lot of extra dmg. Now you can cast E 4 ti es sometimes. With having all basic ability up every 5 sec if lost the value of vurst dmg. Xayah E became a rooting tool for peel in fights.
@Gojiradogzillagodzilla 10 ай бұрын
@@wispppp her E damage only gets high when she gets item my guy, what are you on? Her problem is definitely perma W and E spam when she gets Navori, i play a lot of Xayah and her W being such a strong skill (cause it also sets more feathers on the ground for her E) with low CD should NEVER be a thing.
@SplitPushLoL 10 ай бұрын
no the problem with xayah is that her ultimate inherently breaks the adc role, xayahs existence alone makes the entire assassin role none-functional,its fucking stupid, xayah is 1 of the 10-15 champions in the game that should be immediately removed and the game will be infinitely healthier as a result
@fastkiller8335 10 ай бұрын
Nemesis does better job in 5mins than riot balance team in 2 weeks, classic
@wilbursoderberg9533 10 ай бұрын
Same meta in high elo for 2 years.
@poro3246 9 ай бұрын
White knighting here for Riot, they don't only need to decide which champs to nerf but also exactly how to nerf. That being said, they probably could do more to balance elite play a bit better. It seems like they are currently focussing more on casual play though, since it's off season, and try to make as few changes as possible (only heavy outliers or to improve the champ play pattern) because the new items will fuck up all balance anyways. Simply doing -3 armor, +2 ad now makes little sense because they might need to be reversed after the big patch. It sucks that the meta can get stale, but honestly, even if they'd perfectly balance every champion, people would still stick to the same champs probably, at least for a while. People only change behaviour when the reward for the effort is high enough.
@oreal52 10 ай бұрын
"Rell... I can't forget that one" Seems like someone still has trauma from a previous encounter with Rell.
@evenjesuscantsaveyouanymor6163 10 ай бұрын
Rell is not balanced, not even remotely. If enemy team has a tank she as a support will always be tankier that that tank as she steals so much mr armor.
@zenthevanguard2778 10 ай бұрын
Looking at chat saying nerf yone aatrox and ekko mid, what the fuck are they smoking lmao.
@ansar4454 10 ай бұрын
ekko mid is so laughably shit rn like the best ekko mid main in the world is diamond/low master.
@willyminaj7010 10 ай бұрын
List of champs I should play
@eebbaa5560 10 ай бұрын
for real i was taking notes lol
@יונתןשגב-נ4ל 10 ай бұрын
He litteraly stated the meta. It's hillerious
@soul0172 10 ай бұрын
gee I wonder why
@יונתןשגב-נ4ל 10 ай бұрын
@@soul0172 if different champs were meta he'd rant about them. I only agree regarding the champs that are now meta for eternity(Lee, jax, syndra, ori, rakan). The others are just good RN.
@SafetyKitten 10 ай бұрын
@@יונתןשגב-נ4ל sooo... hes right? and you dont like that? or...?
@Greedman456 10 ай бұрын
@@יונתןשגב-נ4ל Syndra or and rakan especially are on the toxic side right now. Syndra oneshots everything even tanks. Oriana cant be approached and is dealing way to much dmg with endless movespeed and rakan is.... well.... rakan, for far too long
@AdrenalineVideos1337 10 ай бұрын
They constantly buff more champs per patch than nerf XD
@Zerruno 10 ай бұрын
I think more than 95% of the players would agree with Nemesis on this list He for sure would do a very good job if he was part of balance team
@rykerh1 10 ай бұрын
Based list, wish Riot would do exactly this
@Thundrfox 8 ай бұрын
Genuinely curious. Why balance around high elo when the amount of players in high elo is less than a single percent?
@sharpasacueball 10 ай бұрын
Honestly so many champs esp older champs just seem abandoned. I wish riot would rework the older champs instead of continuing to release new ones but I know that will never happen because riot likes money too much
@StrangeJoe 10 ай бұрын
Shut up we don't care about ancient champs with 1-2% pick rate! We want more new champs look how many new champs Wild rift gets
@upsxace 10 ай бұрын
@@StrangeJoe Reworks are basically new champs without occupying an extra slot bro
@vicioo1122 10 ай бұрын
if they rework my Singed I am quitting league
@MH_VOID 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely not! I wish they'd never rework an older champion again, and just remove all champs added since 2019, and revert all reworks since 2020. They do that, and the game is instantly orders of magnitude better, no joke.
@vicioo1122 10 ай бұрын
@@MH_VOID yeah, revert all reworks except Urgot's.
@MonkeSquid69 10 ай бұрын
Bro just nerfed every balanced champ 😂
@Kudoxh 9 ай бұрын
average silver comment
@izshtar 10 ай бұрын
idk why Rell Jungle is even a thing..
@gengar3986 9 ай бұрын
fixing the hitbox of Q in naut kit would be a nerf
@tankenjoyer1891 9 ай бұрын
i am glad lil bro isint in the balance team he just nerfs champs he hates
@nathanspreitzer6738 10 ай бұрын
Yeah a bruiser item nerf fixes most jg and top champs
@dazeen9591 9 ай бұрын
I would nerf like 60 champions
@ExecutionerThel 10 ай бұрын
"Just RNG" Sure Nemesis suuure
@PaKuaKwon 10 ай бұрын
Vi with what build?
@mark5338 10 ай бұрын
Bruiser items are the problem, Jax Camille and Fiora are fine without devine. Once they get it game over. It's so funny to always see Camille get more dmg on her mythic as the rest of the 9 players combined.
@somerandomdudeOG 10 ай бұрын
Once camille gets divine doesn't matter if you're 4 levels up as a tank you will still lose
@qu2324 10 ай бұрын
Camille and Fiora are quite weak atm
@mark5338 10 ай бұрын
@@qu2324 maybe in Joe Biden voter elo
@wyzar202 10 ай бұрын
Yep Divine and BORK are insane, you can get easily +1k value (heal + dmg) every single trade with just one item, some Ap itens like protobelt there's games you not even get to this much
@qu2324 10 ай бұрын
@@mark5338 no I'm talking about Master+ elo here my gold friend
@svetoslavpopov2255 10 ай бұрын
Stop flaming the balance team and go touch some grass. These people are trying to balance 130+ champions for the whole spectrum from iron to challenger so you can play it FOR FREE. Don’t blame them for not being able to balance it perfectly so people who play for 12 hours a day can have a perfect 50% win rate. Show some appreciation ffs 😒
@rafisarif921 10 ай бұрын
plz uninstall this game and all champion automatic nurf
@mikeyt708 10 ай бұрын
I'm surpised Hullbreaker yone isn't on their
@jingkhaiong7169 10 ай бұрын
at this point, riot isnt being tone deaf anymore, they are delusional
@nhatbui9867 10 ай бұрын
Imagine nerfing engage support lol , playing with a bunch of enchanters are boring as fuck
@nhatbui9867 10 ай бұрын
@advancedapathy1531 rell can easily be countered by a high mobility adc or a thresh , hell even a decent nautilus, and gets kited out very easily. In a team fight it is your job as the support on the other team to lockdown rell so she cant be a CC power house. As for rakan i think hes just a tad bit too strong, so a nerf on his basic stats can do the trick to reduce his power. For nautilus,his CC is reliable sure, but he can be popped like a balloon in the late game, my suggestion is instead of a knockup on his uti,it shold be a cleanseable type of CC to give the other team counterplay. i would kill to not have an enchanter dominated patch lol.
@HopeArk 10 ай бұрын
tbh I would also add xerath to the list. Same idea, nothing too big but he is doing way too much dmg especially compared to other mages.Otherwise, item changes and weaker champ buffs would be ideal. Maybe Nemesis makes a list for that or a specific nerf list on what part he thinks is too storng from each champ like he did for neeko
@cristianasoltanei7848 10 ай бұрын
You need to be good on Xerath to make him work and he's supposed to do damage. If you look at his nerf list most champs there are the kind you'd trip over your keyboard and still do fine. Xerath as a pure skillshot champion has a lot of counterplay
@ampharosgames7526 10 ай бұрын
Xerath is somewhat balanced by it all being skillshots, having to be a spacing god and being as durable as a caster minion. If you have ever played Xerath into 2+ "brainless run you down champs" before, then you know how unplayable that is. Sure you do hella damage, but pretty much only from 2 items onwards. And you usually cant do a full rotation in a teamfight anyways, since you cant be that close to the fight without getting one shot
@HopeArk 10 ай бұрын
@@ampharosgames7526 I would agree normally but I think his numbers/ratios are way too high. Landing 1 in 5 qs shouldnt half health me if Im ahead of him, that is what I dont like about xerath right now, unless you have insanely overloaded mobility champs, you can;t do anything to him and if he is even, ahead or has 1-2 items he does crazy dmg every time he does eventually land something. Its notlike landing a difficult skillshot that puts you at risk every time, its one of the longest range abilities and is also aoe
@kek_9866 9 ай бұрын
I would rather nerf kartus more
@alexheyyou93 10 ай бұрын
@Hashareth 10 ай бұрын
League patches have become so boring it’s insane…
@nunoamaro6518 10 ай бұрын
Vi is not even strong
@xXG3TPWNEDXx 10 ай бұрын
Bro still having the worst takes ever. Only one on that list that deserves nerfs is Ksante.
@kira-kz7zn 10 ай бұрын
Pretty sure everyone would agree except the blind balance team xD
@joaobrito2653 10 ай бұрын
Ksante and renekton can’t be nerfed yet because renekton has worlds skin and ksante has boyband skin
@bohomazdesign725 10 ай бұрын
@@joaobrito2653 Sadly true, but hey, surely they could finally nerf Jax. That champ has been stupid OP for longer than KSante and Renekton.
@Jasmineclark-h2r 10 ай бұрын
sonna literally got gutted when she was receiving her legendary psyops skin what is this logic@@joaobrito2653
@shadow50HD 10 ай бұрын
Makes you think…
@nathanielrobles3284 10 ай бұрын
They are not just blind but deaf and can't play the game. They only look at their statistics without knowing anything about the game.
@christtwitch4013 10 ай бұрын
Pretty good list to be honest. He can definetly do a good job as a balance designer
@thaib2724 10 ай бұрын
and he is toxic proof not like phreak
@XIplupIX 10 ай бұрын
How? he didnt even give insight how he would nerf them. Also most of the champs sit at ahorrible winrate in "high elo" dia 2 ( if you say this isnt high elo then grow up should we balance the game only around chall where 500 people are?). Not to mention al ot of them are not even popular how often do you see rell jungle in solo que? The thing you have to understand around balancing, you have different elos where different stuff is popular or good. You also have pro play which again is completely different even from high elo, then you cant only balance around making everything the same strenght, you also have to keep the game fresh, so force different metas or champions so the game doesnt go stale and keep the game also fun. There were a lot of balanced picks in the past which werent op, but made the game unfun. As much riot of course could improve stuff balancing wise, people flame them without having a ny clue on how hard it is to balance.
@christtwitch4013 10 ай бұрын
@@XIplupIX umm. Pick rate win rate and all those things mean nothing about the balance of a champion. Every point u can make about those stats can be made in the opposite way. A champion can be broken and have 40 percent win rate as well as being broken and have 70 percent win rate. Same thing for the pick rate. If u balance around those stats ur fckin up big time
@XIplupIX 10 ай бұрын
Yes they do, you dont balance about theory, but about what is acctually happening. If a champ is being played for years, and not new and he is underperforming winrate wise every patch and being litterally at 46% with a not incredible high pickrate why nerf it? what makes rell jungle broken currently, for solo que? if it is broken and op (also not a hard to play champion btw), why is it underperforming. (not talking about rell support right now that is a different story). How is she broken if she doesnt perform despite being easy to play.n Also so by your logic we focus our balancing around the 500 players, because champs that are bad for basicily 99% of the player base are annoying for a few players, how are you exspecting the player base to keep entertained? Should we nerf teemo cause one teemo chall otp is terrorizing high elo challanger?@@christtwitch4013
@bigknormanator 10 ай бұрын
​@christtwitch4013 I think that's an interesting statement, truthfully, because I don't think you're entirely wrong. Broken champs can have horrible win rates or really high win rates. But at the same time, how do you not balance around winrate and pick rate at some point? Like, it's unavoidable. And its a readily available and admittedly quite valuable statistic, and honestly will probably get more valuable the more stats we collect in conjunction, and the more we analyze these stats. Right? I'm curious why people are so resistant to using stats to balance league. I don't think we should use them exclusively, but I also don't think riot does that either? I trust they possess more nuance than that. How else can an individual tell if a champ is universally unhealthy or just happens to be good against my champ pool? Winrates are a good way to pinpoint potential issues, I'd say. I do disagree with some of riots archetypal choices, Champs that I think are unhealthy regardless of winrate. I don't think a champion concept like senna should exist. Support Carry as a concept is deeply flawed, characters shouldn't profit exclusively out of thin air. Sure, she gathers souls by poking, but the concept of a carry has always revolved around securing more income and leveraging that income better than other champs. Senna shouldn't "carry" like a marksman by playing the game in an entirely standard and expected way supports typically do.
@anthonyloia2589 10 ай бұрын
Who beat him on lane fiddlesticks?
@eebbaa5560 10 ай бұрын
i agree with him his abilities are pretty cancer in lane. you can’t out-sustain him at all. fiddlesticks shouldn’t be allowed in lane
@aR0ttenBANANA 10 ай бұрын
Lane Fiddle is like Kayn lane. They're not necessarily overly strong but their kit is made to survive in the jg, in lane they are basically infinitely regening and farm safely which makes for ass gameplay.
@binemisko 10 ай бұрын
@@eebbaa5560 if you have cc you just wait until fiddle starts using W, its pretty simple. if not, you dont trade and set up gank
@resist7822 10 ай бұрын
it was his teammates i think, toplane fiddle vs gp, they went even, in his opinion gp should take over the game, but fiddle did, not gp
@불루재이 10 ай бұрын
you haven't vsed it. He just rushes spirit visage or some shit and any ap champ becomes unplayable into him
@somerandomdudeOG 10 ай бұрын
But syndra and ori should be broken because someone has to be broken Literally what riot balance team said on twitter 2 hours ago lmao
@GeometryDasher-ng2bc 10 ай бұрын
Nemesis isn’t just complaining that these champions are broken: he’s complaining that they are so broken to the extent that they gate the viability of other champions, reducing champion diversity in high elo and pro play. You are conflating overpowered/broken with over-turned/strong. Orianna and Syndra are both so overpowered that they have practically 0 shortcomings. When her and Syndra are viable (especially with Ori having that much burst now), they gate assassins from being viable, as well as loads of other champions, reducing soloq and pro-play diversity (assassins isn’t the best example for pro, but you get the idea). When they are nerfed: it’s Azir, Sylas, Xerath, Yone (etc.) taking over, and that’s fine since these champs together don’t necessarily gate a whole class (like assassins) from being viable as hard as Ori and Syndra do with their current numbers. They also have their weaknesses/answers, Ori and Syndra in their current state do not and their numbers and range make them fundamentally uninteractive. But otherwise yes, it’s true that for a balanced games nerfs are needed as much as buffs as well. Your point holds up in that regard.
@masterblek608 10 ай бұрын
nemesis based 100% agree
@Erik_Arnqvist 10 ай бұрын
Prediction: Ksante, Ksante, Ksante, Ksante and maybe Kaisa
@Erik_Arnqvist 10 ай бұрын
Pretty right
@pasf4118 10 ай бұрын
Kaisa isn't even picked, Xayah Rackan are both S tier for so many patches
@vandillejones 10 ай бұрын
"kaisa isnt even picked" this dude is onto something
@SolaceV9 10 ай бұрын
@@vandillejones talking about competitive? he's right, both xayah and kaisa are completely dead as of now. both are high elo soloq champs essentially. I don't think straight up nerfing kaisa is justifiable but removing the w spam playstyle is fair.
@mistywww3199 10 ай бұрын
make it so she actually has to build crit again, Imo they should just remove the ap from her kit ik that will never happen.@@SolaceV9
@randuin1147 10 ай бұрын
he says at the end not a lot this game but it was 6 out of 9 💀
@zSwS 10 ай бұрын
Before watching, these are my predictions. 1. K'sante 2. K'sante 3. K'sante 4. K'sante 5. K'sante Honorable mentions - K'sante, Orianna, Syndra Edit: Oh, and K'sante.
@tomsak9844 10 ай бұрын
I think you forgot to mention K'sante
@zSwS 10 ай бұрын
@@tomsak9844 Shiiiiiii, my bad
@taekwon4980 10 ай бұрын
I'd sure appreciate an adjustment to renekton to boost up some stuff he's dogshit at and nerf some stuff he's too stupidly strong at but a raw nerf? that would make him unplayable
@diablo6250 10 ай бұрын
yeah his late-game damage is a joke, you can legit just stand there begging the enemy champion to die and yeah, he's a monster when fed, but honestly a fed irelia and yone are way worse, so what really is renekton's strength here in mid elo solo q (I know he dominates pro play)
@deveiq2765 10 ай бұрын
He didn't mention sylas who's also broken just like ori and syndra. Third highest pick in midlane with even higher win rate
@da3kdevil234 10 ай бұрын
This is just based on Sylas beeing an extremly good counterpick through his R and current meta state
@cristianasoltanei7848 10 ай бұрын
That abomination out-trades everyone at lv 1. His base damage early often surprises me and scales well too. They should at least tone down his scaling and make him more of an early game champ.
@ansar4454 10 ай бұрын
tbf syndra, orianna, ali, rakan, rumble, etc. all have good ultimates for him to steal.
@shotgunammo 10 ай бұрын
Sylas outtrading at level 1? What the fuck?
@Thr111ce 10 ай бұрын
@@shotgunammo yea he does, against most mid laners that is
@ClanVirtuality1 10 ай бұрын
Funny how 9/20 champions he talked about are in the draft counting the Ori and Renek bans, really unexpected draft riot :):):):):):):):)
@urbigbro4025 10 ай бұрын
You mean to tell me high elo mfs only play meta champs because meta champs are strong and more likely to win?!?!?!?!? WTF??? you mean to tell me high elo mfs WANT TO WIN?!?!?!!??! 😂 Just like how they have always played meta champs in every meta, in every patch, and every year ?!??!?!?! 🤣
@ClanVirtuality1 10 ай бұрын
@@urbigbro4025 NAAAH BRO THAT WOULD BE TO CRAZYYYY 😆🤣😂🙃😆😅🤣🤣😂🤣
@urbigbro4025 10 ай бұрын
@@ClanVirtuality1 That is TOO insane bruh 🤣 There's NO WAY they only care about WINNING and only WINNING 😂 I mean that's just ridiculous, don't they want to have fun and play different champ??? it's a game afterall 🤣
@skdjakhuhsadk2863 10 ай бұрын
@@urbigbro4025in lower elo toplaners dodge if they dont get last pick and easy lane. they cannot mentally handle a hardlane
@urbigbro4025 9 ай бұрын
@@skdjakhuhsadk2863 They'll be aight lil bro 💀
@danielortega6035 10 ай бұрын
Yeah Poppy is broken lil bro
@davidkunakovsky3155 10 ай бұрын
Aint no way he wants to nerf Vi
@purefitnesslol977 10 ай бұрын
You forgot yone
@vansitcodarring8855 10 ай бұрын
So nerf anything is meta..ahahah
@wyzar202 10 ай бұрын
Nerf Illaoi E Cd, is not fair she being to perma E in lane without any CDR
@Smile-ui1gv 9 ай бұрын
did u think about dodging?
@DaFishy2 9 ай бұрын
Jax absolutely needs to get destroyed by riot. Probably the most overpowered champ in the entire game right now
@stuckinobamalow4559 10 ай бұрын
u Guys think it would change anything in ur elo there is not a single person that would benefit from this changes if ur below master
@selu7644 10 ай бұрын
"just rng" yeah but look at the bans as well akali lee sin poppy renekton orianna neeko jarvan "not many"
@thocc5437 9 ай бұрын
Go ahead and put syndra on that list too, idk if that's your champ hahaba
@davuvuvbro649 10 ай бұрын
Naaa it’s only 19 champs rell is repeating too
@kevin15535 10 ай бұрын
Anybody have a perspective for Lee Sin nerf? Im only diamond so idk if this is a high elo perspective to nerf lee sin
@vaale0006 10 ай бұрын
Bruiser items abuse
@nathanspreitzer6738 10 ай бұрын
He’s invulnerable at 2-3 items, it’s like a top bruiser in the jg
@kusovlr 10 ай бұрын
Biggest problem is top lane. Not sure but years ago very very years ago they changed exp gains for each lane. I believe they nerfed mid exps and they buffed top exps. Also Champions on top are individually way too better than the other lanes champions trust me. I would rather to have 5-0 orianna than 5-0 aatrox or 5-0 renekton on enemy comp. Like there are bunch of broken champion on top. Nemesis didnt mention them all. Fiora also is broken. Btw why do you guys think Nearly we can say all the time finals mvps are top laners? Is because of exp gains and champions individual performance. Last year kingen ofc i am not underestimating his performance he really dominated that final with his singlehandedly carry.And now Zeus is again MVP as a toplaner. This not a coincidence.
@Smile-ui1gv 9 ай бұрын
im pretty pretty pretty sure u cannot compare soloq to esport cause there are literal worlds between them and i agree that toplaner are stronger than the average champion cause they are stuck on the island for at least 10 min and cant snowball as hard as other lanes like compare a fed renekton to an adc+supp that is peeling
@takensteak4485 9 ай бұрын
literally if u wanna know who to nerf u can usually just look at who ahs a higher than 50% pick/ban in pros. he basically just listed every champ that was played a lot at worlds lol
@kek_9866 9 ай бұрын
What server and elo are you? In my Masters gm games those are the champs that are played which is getting stale and it's not just exclusive to pro play because if it's pro play azir should've been included
@pasf4118 10 ай бұрын
Oh and neeko W can tank 3 million tower shots
@mystiqueslol 10 ай бұрын
10/10 list. Based Neme
@idontlikeyou.7192 10 ай бұрын
mostly nerfs are very good and i personally thinks almost the same But There's a consequences for every nerf and it will be too huge shift for the meta. But ye, neeko, poppy, jax, ksante, xayah and kaisa deserves nerfs.
@minhnguyenquang7220 10 ай бұрын
Isn't it supposed to be good? More champs variety. Also you can nerf them and still make them playable
@MH_VOID 10 ай бұрын
Nah that "too huge shift for the meta" is completely fine. Let people play what they like (and that isn't cancer), not what's seemingly the most OP.
@vaale0006 10 ай бұрын
Ye supports are totally fine lmao
@idontlikeyou.7192 10 ай бұрын
@@minhnguyenquang7220 what basically happening by riot is literally the same process i've said earlier. They're shifting meta, but not that hard and they have all shit planned and scripted. Just remember, Orianna and Syndra will disappear from being pick-or-ban in 2 patches. Ksante also.
@idontlikeyou.7192 10 ай бұрын
@@vaale0006 its about support role being broken as fact, not support champions
@jorne6863 9 ай бұрын
Renekton is broken because of meta/items not really because he is too good. For a bruiser his stats are meh. But yes in high elo since jungle play more arround him he is way more successful, but I think direct nerf to renekton will just make him feel useless in lower elos.
@arty_hunter3698 10 ай бұрын
bro missed pyke
@robertbauerle5592 10 ай бұрын
Wait he says not a lot are on the list but over half the champs in the game were on the list, and there’s only 19 even on that list out of like what… 130-140 champs now?
@dziosdzynes7663 10 ай бұрын
actually agree with this about 100%
@joshaltea 10 ай бұрын
I feel like Xayah and Kai’sa aren’t that amazing atm. I am fine with them nerfing AP Kai’sa though bc that shit can be very toxic. Pls also gut Twitch AP ratios.
@elrond7887 10 ай бұрын
Bro my boy renekton has been in the shitter for so long! Let him have a few patches of being viable outside of pro play lol
@kyan5358 10 ай бұрын
My guy hasnt played against Cait or what? If youre not a tank she can half health u with just a storm rasor
@ZehManelCigano 10 ай бұрын
@WinterXI 10 ай бұрын
100% nerf bruiser items that'll make such a huge difference but riot only cares about money lol
@MihaelZmaic-h7u 9 ай бұрын
jax is too op
@davidcosta1586 10 ай бұрын
Ok so, just go watc proplay picks and its the all list except fidle lane. Lol
@frxstyyzzz 10 ай бұрын
amazed he didnt say eve, he permabans it every game until ori became meta LMAOOO
@vandillejones 10 ай бұрын
with all the lists and champs in the comment, i now figure out the average elo of the people who loves backseating nemesis in every videos on this channel 😂
@jasonyang6150 10 ай бұрын
Personally I hate ziggs apc and Kench sup a bit
@goldenarmour7975 10 ай бұрын
I hate tristana with all my soul. Sad that she couldn't make it.
@GriffinHQ 10 ай бұрын
everything i see on here i would agree with LMAO
@rohacjustrohac3581 10 ай бұрын
Syndra nerf is a must this shit scales way too good
@charohazard 10 ай бұрын
nerf renekton, i thoughht he was dogshit this patch
@manishkulasekara3408 10 ай бұрын
bro really thinks renekton needs a nerf
@urmommahouse494 10 ай бұрын
I love playing syndra rn
@Wonback 10 ай бұрын
Notice how the majority of them are bruiser/tanks
@iSinsir 10 ай бұрын
Rell need huge nerf I hate it
@shano-bankai 10 ай бұрын
Take notes! @riot
@aprameyaneopane7766 10 ай бұрын
Do we all agree that Rell is BEYOND BROKEN ??
@OmnipresentPlatipus 10 ай бұрын
I'm an Akali main and I think a little nerf is deserved xD
@piotreus5631 10 ай бұрын
6/9 "not a lot honestly"
@wightknight7056 10 ай бұрын
Better nerf Irelia
@knightwik 10 ай бұрын
i don't think you guys realise that him wanting to nerf all these champs will make other champs that aren't as strong rn be so op that he would want to put those champs in version 2 of the list, turning into a cycle (guess what is already happening with the meta?). also just knowing which champs to nerf is not even close to knowing how specifically they should be nerfed. This cannot be understated.
@jidiplaygames1244 10 ай бұрын
Makes sense, but, there are just soooo many toplane champs that are worse than those he would nerf, you sure that just three or four of all top lane pool would rise just because 4 champs are nerfed? Idk...
@paweuuu1369 10 ай бұрын
And thats exactly why he said that he would do only small nerfs for this champions and buff a lot of the others
@spectreshot8536 10 ай бұрын
Lane fiddle really isn't much of a thing. His heal is so low on lane creeps for that reason, unless I'm missing something?
@SolaceV9 10 ай бұрын
it's not being played, but that doesn't mean that it's not playable or even good. there are few examples of lane fiddle being played but he is supposed to be very good in certain matchups and just has a cringe playstyle. LS plays it in soloq iirc and some people think it's a very good pick.
@itailvl1 10 ай бұрын
In midlane you can heal from the raptors camp. Aside from that his poke is decent with E and comet scorch and his Q is good to stop engage point and click fear. Then I would say he is really useful later on in the game but that is no different from jg fiddle it's just that fiddle is really underrated champion in general.
@wasmachensachen6473 10 ай бұрын
was expecting graves aswell
@callisto4205 10 ай бұрын
graves is balanced
@no.4779 10 ай бұрын
already nerfed read patch note 🤦‍♂️
@zezanje1 10 ай бұрын
graves should be removed from the game, not nerfed or buffed, its the most degenerate champ in the game, a good graves can never lose a game
@stefanandrejcik571 10 ай бұрын
​​@@callisto4205lmao 😂😂😂😂 maaaaaaaybe now after nerf but prenerf absolutely no
@muhammedterzi5640 10 ай бұрын
Basically nerf all of the pro stage champs
@manishkulasekara3408 10 ай бұрын
nemisis forgets zed exists
@kek_9866 9 ай бұрын
If you realized it , nemesis list is consist of either high elo meta or pro play meta, zed isn't in a good spot meta wise , in my gm games I would rather pick orianna or sydnra/Akali because I want to win
@vetleholen4708 10 ай бұрын
the major problem here is this only applies to 1% of lol players. 90% of players below diamond would find these changes bad. balancing for high elo isnt a problem, but disregarding low elo is.
@AlexandreTorres-y5c 10 ай бұрын
A game should never be balanced around bad players.
@Mr_Hoppykwins 10 ай бұрын
nor should it be balanced around the 1% of good players@@AlexandreTorres-y5c
@urbigbro4025 10 ай бұрын
@@AlexandreTorres-y5c If you want money you revolve the product around the majority lil bro 🤣 just how business work 😂 plz don't try to rebuttal by saying a game is not a business
@vetleholen4708 10 ай бұрын
@@AlexandreTorres-y5c thats why im saying its not a problem to balance it for high elo to some degree, but you can never disregard the majority of you playerbase for that 1%
@asdfjkl1337 10 ай бұрын
in pisslow these champs need chemotherapy as well.
@popamihnea6695 10 ай бұрын
Funny how he doesnt mention Yone or Azir :)
@EricGiby 10 ай бұрын
Oh..true actually
@deveiq2765 10 ай бұрын
He states that yone is weak
@popamihnea6695 10 ай бұрын
@@deveiq2765 very weak champ one shots you in a knock up... but he plays it so yea
@darth3261 10 ай бұрын
Give Phreak's job to Nemesis. Nemesis hit top 2 in KR Challenger, used to be a pro player and is surprisingly unbiased (Syndra is his most played champion in KR and still asks for nerfs). Nemesis forgot more things about this game than Phreak ever knew.
@Keurgui1 10 ай бұрын
He would balance solo for his challenger games and likely ruin the experience for the rest of the playerbase There’s more to balancing the game than knowing how to win games.
@shotgunammo 10 ай бұрын
Nemesis is biased towards pro/challenger level, not sure why the f ud call him unbiased
@bgthereformer 10 ай бұрын
ksante 13.23 changes incoming! they "nerfed" his early game and some of his shield scaling but buffed his lategame dmg a bit. feels disgusting. Also from a nautilus abuser point of view, nerfing nautilus sucks cuz the champ is hard to balance, so much cc and early damage but as soon as you nerf him he becomes non-existant champ. His late game is already iffy cuz he gets blown up but point and click R is dumb. Not to mention the damage nerfs from previous years. I'm not in necessarily in favour of buffing/leaving as is/nerfing him. I just don't know how u balance him. But he feels so good at controlling games in early-mid game low elo.
@alexanderj8297 10 ай бұрын
nerf CC buff his tanky stats, the end
@inaz9745 10 ай бұрын
Phreak haters foaming out of their mouth when nemesis said buff adc
@aR0ttenBANANA 10 ай бұрын
I wish every day that Phreak had to lane agaisnt Tayvon1 any time he has to make a decision. He'd win 0 times and get kicked in 2 minutes.
@EricGiby 10 ай бұрын
Put Graves on the list and it is perfect. THIS guy should've been on Riot.. not that fraigle, triggered freak
@happypunky4129 10 ай бұрын
Why Poppy and Vi? How would you even nerf Rell and Xayah?
@Nielsper 10 ай бұрын
I think vi point and click ult or her oneshotting you with hail of blades is a bit problematic so when she's in meta it can be infuriating and poppy is pretty strong in high elo, has good burst and counters many champs
@Nielsper 10 ай бұрын
Another thing about poppy is that her only "DMG" ability is Q and that's already maxed at 9, when most high elo games are short so that could be a reason
@oneshotkia5480 10 ай бұрын
rell abilities do like 2k burst to jg monsters/drags. its difficult to outsmite her, so literally just tone down her monster dmg on EQ. xayah feathers are really strong late game so just minus 5-10 dmg scaling on E if not more. Just imo tho
@happypunky4129 10 ай бұрын
@@oneshotkia5480 Issue is imo Rell is super fun to play as a tanky jungler and I'd like her to stay a jungler. To me as long as she can still jungle I don't mind nerf's. I do like Xayah but mostly cause of her cc and play-making potential so less dmg on E is fine as long as it'll still do a lot of dmg if you land a shit ton of feathers.
@happypunky4129 10 ай бұрын
@@Nielsper I guess... But Vi's strength is supposed as a diver is that she can dive champs, so mobility, dmg, and enough endurance to keep her from getting popped when she does it. Vi's quirk as a diver is that she has super reliable cc that can come from range via mobility (long dash on Q that knocks up, semi-long range on ult that silences.) So in essence she needs to be able to have enough dmg to pop a squishy, and enough cc to lock said squishy down, the weakness there-in being that after she used her abilities she has a lot of downtime where she does little, and against tanks she doesn't do enough dmg, as well as falling off late game. Though I get that when she builds lethality she pops people way too quickly, and it eliminates part of her weakness of falling off late game, she just oneshots harder late game with lethality. Poppy is meant to counter mobility, ofc she counters mobile champs (blinks like flash or Ez Q aren't affected by her W, champs with cc in their dashes like Vi will still cc Poppy.) Her w dmg scales with ap, she never builds ap so while its base dmg is good it won't scale well. Her E needs to hit a wall and thats her only cc outside of her ult, and so her q has to do good dmg cause it is her only really dmg'ing ability without some sort of caviate (W dmg low, E needs to hit terrain, ult has long cd.) once again tho her lethality build makes her oneshot, but idk honestly, her shield passive scales with hp so she loses that with lethality, maybe make her Q scale more with hp than ad so it'll emphasize building bruiser more.
@lonewanderer1249 10 ай бұрын
K'sante needs nerf. on lane without ult he plays ok but with ult active k'sante becomes the definition of unbalance. It's impossible to 1v1 him in ult state and even without it he can take you out overtime.
@urbigbro4025 10 ай бұрын
Play a champ that excel in 1v1 like fiora or yone lil bro 🤣 Surely you've thought of that before right? 😂Want to win 1v1 split style? play champs that good at 1v1 split style
@lonewanderer1249 10 ай бұрын
@@urbigbro4025 1v1 impossible doesn't mean I have to take the 1v1 right but in K'santes case you can't even do that cuz he has 2 dash as normal abilities and another normal ability that slows you plus knocks you back to k'sante. If k'sante is ahead or equal then it doesn't matter what you play you can't run from him or avoid him.
@urbigbro4025 10 ай бұрын
@@lonewanderer1249 If ksante ahead then that means he dogged your shit lil bro 😂 and usually when your lane opponent dog ur shit, you play weak side and get carry; not try to 1v1 the mf that dogged ur shit 🤣 be a good passenger and sit under turret and farm then TP to teamfight whenever it happens and DIE for the team lil bro 💀 if you wanna win that is, I understand that's boring and so nobody wanna do that but that is the "wincon"
@lonewanderer1249 10 ай бұрын
@@urbigbro4025 you like to trash talk too much lil bro calm down a bit. We play games to enjoy ok and he makes the game not enjoyable for everyone from pro to a casual. Everyone is saying he is not balance that's the point here in this video. Now you gonna say play league to enjoy ah lil bro or something then yea I do play league to enjoy.
@lordtrollage2819 10 ай бұрын
@@lonewanderer1249 i don’t know, I think there’s definitely a way to kill ksante 1v1 but if he has the slightest amount of advantage upon you, you are done for. At least a lot of cdr will be removed next season so maybe he won’t be able to spam E and W like that, we will see. Also that other dude looks retarded or mentally challenged, I doubt you should pay him much attention
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