Nemesis reacts to Riot Phroxen on Riven

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@Kiran_Nath 10 ай бұрын
why does Riven deserve all this attention when she is still very playable, when there's plenty of other top laners that need serious balancing. i mean the whole top lane role is unbalanced, especially since bruisers are such high priority picks at the moment.
@emi9525 10 ай бұрын
She is playable 1 out of 5 games in which enemy doesnt pick a tank or any champion that can Just Rush tabis, and She has been like this for a while so idk what ur talking about. (in talking about high elo masters+ obvkously low elo might differ but same shit)
@Gojiradogzillagodzilla 10 ай бұрын
It's more that they're fighting shit takes rather than asking for buffs. Most of stuff being talked about Riven is plain misinformation coming from people who dont even play her, like her Q fast combo being hard and keeping people away from her is just ????????? you literally pick it up if you go to practice tool for one hour, and you dont even need to master it cause people only do Max fast Q DPS when warming up.
@MrMarbles0Xecution 7 ай бұрын
they can never balance top, they rotate the items too much to ever balance it. whatever balancing they do in 6 months will be thrown out the window just watch riot do it.
@onbushshifting4000 10 ай бұрын
riven wave clear isn't terrible w/ out hydra if you have gore. Q gore 1 shot ranged minions if your not behind and believe a 2nd q and possible add in w would finish melee minions. That said, we have a problem clearing cannons and it's not exactly easy to hit the entire wave w/ q and w
@AHK-ny2ix 10 ай бұрын
The thing is you cannot balance riven. Ever. Her kit is way too problematic. A low CD shield scaling on AD that is also a dash, 2 cc's where one of them is not reduced by tenacity and an ult that is both a steroid and a finisher. Like you can't ever balance this because she will either suck or be completely unbalanced like it has always been ever since her release.
@sinnis4993 10 ай бұрын
her kit is way more balanced than fiora, camille, akali and irelia. somehow all of these champions have a clear identity and work perfectly fine. riven having an overloaded kit is so 2014.
@hungerxhunger2548 10 ай бұрын
@@sinnis4993 She is overloaded in how she interacts with stats maybe nerf that and buff her stats?
@AHK-ny2ix 10 ай бұрын
@@sinnis4993 That is just flat out not true. Camille is weaker 1v1 than riven and always has been. She's just better against tanks. She always had a very clear trading pattern and glaring weaknesses Irelia's kit is kept alive only by item damage. Without item on hit damage her whole kit is just flashy dashes in minion waves. You can make her completely useless by just removing the heal from her Q. That's how fragile her whole kit is. Akali's and fiora's kits are problematic yes and they have the exact same problem riven has : their kit can't ever be balanced. It will either be broken or useless.
@sinnis4993 10 ай бұрын
@@hungerxhunger2548 Huh? but she is not? how can she be overloaded in how she interacts with stats if all her dmg is physical and she has no ap scaling, crit scaling or lethality scaling like other champions? the only stat that she used to abuse is cdr / ability haste, but nowadays every champion does that...but riven is still the problem child. you see how narrowminded that is? if you buff rivens base stats, you will create a monster that WILL stomp her hardcounter (renekton). riven is extremely strong with base stats, but her scaling is complete shit. simple solution: rework her passive into magic dmg / healing and lower the shield amount by 25%. now we can talk about balancing her. her kit never saw any modernization, it is time.
@gagecoutch3284 10 ай бұрын
The idea that she could be mid at all things and be a jack of all shouldn't be impossible. It's like the 80 overall character in madden.
@11Swakwan 10 ай бұрын
To give her more identity her sword shouldnt be broken in lane. When she is in combat sword fragments fall out. Maybe with a lighter sword she has more mobility but with a heavy sword more damage. When she ults the sword becomes whole again proividing mobility and damage and more. Who knows
@robinbill9629 10 ай бұрын
sounds absolutely ass
@bexclue3007 10 ай бұрын
How does that give Riven an identity or rather what identity would that even give riven?... First of all: what Nemesis means with "identity" is champion role. There are champion classes (like Vanguard, Diver, Burst Mage etc). Those classes are clearly defined and define both the skill set parameters of the champion as well as its base stats etc. But champion classes are NOT champion identities/roles. For example, most Skirmishers (like Jax, Tryndamere, Yasuo etc) are excellent split pushers. That's their identity. But not Riven's (also a Skirmisher). Her wave clear isn't as high, her dps to towers isn't as high and the best item in the game - a split push item - doesn't really fit her. So...what exactly is her identity? Trying to drastically change Riven's kit isn't really the point. It's neither what Riven players who love Riven (and her kit) as it is nor what Riot seems to want. And the worst part is: even if you made changes like that...she would still not have an identity. It doesn't address her problem, really. It just makes her look and feel different while having the same problems lol
@11Swakwan 10 ай бұрын
@@bexclue3007 You're opinion is about to be biased from what im about to say: I used to play a lot of riven. my ign is actually top łane. just play casually now. I agree with nemesis in his last rant vid, its mostly if you can still click. I can't sit here and say she needs a buff, but in the video he says she can't do anything against health and she is feast and famine. what I commented was simply a cool idea for her kit its terms of her identity as the "broken blade". Realistically, even though I don't care about a buff, just as aatrox got magic damage added to his kit on passive right?, why not riven if she can't eat through health? It can't be on abilities cuz that'd be crazy, but maybe the passive? Incentive to properly weave autos and q's if youre good enough, and if youre not u still have 3 hits of random early magic damage. same as aatrox no? Or another idea could be changing her q to do more damage on minions and monsters on the outer range of the q if her waveclear is bad. Lillia has that and aatrox also has a max range q bonus. All these new champs have all this extra damage and ways to get it off. and im not saying riven cant get her damage off but at "lower elo" she probably isnt. does it cause a problem at high elo. who knows.
@Gojiradogzillagodzilla 10 ай бұрын
Thats just making her more complex, way more than she needs to, and its unnecessary. She just needs a place on the meta.
@2SiKPr3daT0rZ 10 ай бұрын
Thinking along cool lines design wise though! Better than the guys who design the new champs 😂
@TheAndroidNextDoor 10 ай бұрын
The number of plastic 5 takes in this comments section is hilarious.
@Miggus7362 10 ай бұрын
Common phroxon W
@SuperSinSlayer 10 ай бұрын
Riven is too weak cos there are other champs that 1v9 better than she does nowadays LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
@Theoriginalmistwalker 10 ай бұрын
Thats kinda it tho, Riven has one job which is to snowball and carry games, but she's too easy to shutdown pasively, You rush armor and there you go she does nothing, hence her popular build tries to make up for this by rushing assasin items even if Riven needs bruiser items to survive fights, and i say this as someone who hated to play against riven in the past few seasons, but rn its literally just rush tabis and she literally doesnt have the means to deal damage to you
@SuperSinSlayer 10 ай бұрын
@@Theoriginalmistwalker bro you cant be serious. this is not a 1v5 game. If Riven gets any amount of support in any way, it's jover.
@Theoriginalmistwalker 10 ай бұрын
@@SuperSinSlayer yeah but if we reach the point where riven is good in teamfights why would i buff/peel the riven when i can play for my 4 item adc and have him do twice as damage without going into the enemy team and exploding, Riven is a top laner, she needs to be Self sufficient and currently armor rush just negates her completely without any way for riven to work around it unless she gets like 2-3 items
@SuperSinSlayer 10 ай бұрын
@@Theoriginalmistwalker Im not seeing any adc one shooting the enemy team? adc's are single target glass cannons; Riven is a multi target glass cannon which means she is the one doing the double or triple the adcs dmg. She deserves to explode in a teamfight cos that's her only counterplay. Also you are making the same arguments as midlaners: mY oNlY pUrPoSe Is To SuPpOrT tHe AdC. You're just jealous you're not main character in this game. Lower your Riven ego.
@Theoriginalmistwalker 10 ай бұрын
@@SuperSinSlayer except Riven is not meant to be a glasscannon teamfight champ, she's a duelist bruiser, like Fiora or Camille or Irelia, she is meant to be tanky and dish out enough dps to be dangerous, Riven rn is built as an assasin because otherwise any armor item fucks her up because she doesnt have access any tank busting tools like almost all other bruisers do, she doesnt have hybrid damages or %hp damage or true damage, hence rushing tabis feels so unfair because she has No way around it until she gets a few items, Which is like 20 minutes into the game where you already lost lane because its toplane, Im a gwen main and i can recognize that Riven isnt in the best spot rn cause she doesnt have access to tools all other bruisers have, durability update destroyed Riven's bruiser build hence you see her as a glass cannon nowadays
@powerpaul1995 10 ай бұрын
The first season riven is not hidden op 53% wr, chill out league player
@Paul-mu8ik 10 ай бұрын
Riven is completely fine idk why anything has to be done
@Gojiradogzillagodzilla 10 ай бұрын
"Riven is completely fine" until you play against 70% of the top lane roster and they rush Tabis lol, you do no damage and you need all dashes to catch up to them, at which point you are on top of them with no damaging abilities and just die.
@C5Z06CarGuy 10 ай бұрын
@@Gojiradogzillagodzilla Skill issue. Riven has above a 50% win rate in every high elo rank, peaking at 53% in challenger. Has been that way for years.
@SuperSinSlayer 10 ай бұрын
@@Gojiradogzillagodzilla Riven tears... so salty yet so delicious
@Gojiradogzillagodzilla 10 ай бұрын
@@SuperSinSlayer And shes getting buffed, so thank you lmao
@Gojiradogzillagodzilla 10 ай бұрын
@@C5Z06CarGuy Except that shes barely getting to 50% winrate at masters+ and even has low sample size in GM and Challenger. Guess high elo players are all suffering from skill issue right? Literally proving nemesis point on low elo doing shit takes 💀💀
@nosc_c 10 ай бұрын
it's not that riven needs buffs, it's more like the other toplaners needing nerfs. top has became such a braindead inflated role these days.
@geoDB. 10 ай бұрын
Agree too much powercreep
@yussifzz6076 10 ай бұрын
best way to get her back is by giving her more mechanics, like R animation cancel, W animations cancel and maybe a little buff to w or e to make stronger in 1v1
@dingker5932 10 ай бұрын
the issue here is that she doesn't have an identity
@nsum2885 10 ай бұрын
A simple buff to her w or e won’t change anything. Buy steel caps into riven and every lane suddenly becomes a farm lane, where riven can’t snowball and gets outscaled Either she needs significant ratio/ base stat buffs or she needs armor pen, % hp dmg, mixed dmg, or true dmg
@yussifzz6076 10 ай бұрын
She has, its snowballing early mid game with her setup but she cant achive that cuz she lose 90% of the matchups in the top lane, so just a buff will fix everything@@dingker5932
@yussifzz6076 10 ай бұрын
I dont think its about pen or %dmg, any buff will do, but since shes considered a high skill champ would be cool if they buff her by adding more mechanics.@@nsum2885
@C5Z06CarGuy 10 ай бұрын
Bad take by Nemesis.
@taigashizuma3556 10 ай бұрын
what if they will rework her?
@ryanoops123 10 ай бұрын
god I hope not, they just need to tweak her passive
@ufukakkoyun6969 10 ай бұрын
Like no, Riven plays so good and feels really good to play. Just tweak some stuff but her core is 1 in a kind like lee and yasuo.
@ph8808 10 ай бұрын
Remove her E shield completely, make it give you %armor pen, healing off the bonus damage it deals for a few seconds.
@momobec1 10 ай бұрын
Not a bad idea. The e is mostly used to combo anyway.
@sush6084 10 ай бұрын
I like it too
@perky7957 10 ай бұрын
She’s so squishy, especially for a bruiser
@yudeoyude852 10 ай бұрын
Ahh the more damage aatrox
@ExeLietuva 10 ай бұрын
Make the shield duration shorter. Make it so that Riven has to mindfully use it instead of mindlessly spamming it off-cooldown and benefiting from it.
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