NES Godzilla Fingerbones: Part III (FINALE)

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Transcendence Team

Transcendence Team

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Part II: • NES Godzilla Fingerbon...
Part I: • NES Godzilla Fingerbon...
I would like to extend warm thanks to everyone who worked on this project at all, as well as you for watching this all the way to the end. To the creator of fingerbones, you have created a truly exceptional piece of fiction and I hope you find success because of it. You too, audience are all awesome, and I hope you all look forward to future projects of our own.
Story created by: ‪@masterzucchini197‬
Music composed by: @buzzkillmusic

Пікірлер: 41
@masterzucchini197 6 ай бұрын
@gabrielecaruso7914 6 ай бұрын
Congratulations man
@draktheman3050 6 ай бұрын
@buzzkillmusic 6 ай бұрын
It's insane to watch this finally come together! Working on the music for this series was an absolute joy, and I'm so proud of everybody in the team for the work they put in! This does the original story and NGC as a whole so much justice, and I hope you all enjoy!
@MegaKnuckles777 6 ай бұрын
A short, but quite thrilling ride! I wanna hear that kickass ost later! 😊
@TranscendenceTeam-tm2ky 6 ай бұрын
be sure to check out Buzzkill's fingerbones OST, then. It'll be uploaded later today 👌
@lordlouie3550 6 ай бұрын
I made that screaming clip to complain about mic peaking, and buzzkill turned it into one of the coolest audio effects I've heard all week. Godspeed, Fingerbones. Maybe this'll break the curse of NGC stories never getting finished.
@PrincevonTwix 6 ай бұрын
I guess the real finger bones were the zero we along the way. But for real, it's amazing to see this fanstory get a video adaptation. It quite frankly, deserves it. Looking forward to what's in store in the future!
@overpoweredeternalhero1400 Ай бұрын
Looks like another mission for John Ward.
@badulakhemagiko 6 ай бұрын
Amazing, simply amazing. This trilogy of videos is peak, it's the story that feels more like a game. I had the the theory of zero becoming red somehow due of this being one of the last test of the team but I love this ending. Congratulations to everyone that worked in the project. ^^
@Virty_Laughs 11 күн бұрын
really good theory the creature at 27:09 in part 2 also looks like red
@triplehate6759 6 ай бұрын
Congrats! Always nice to see an NGC fan project that both finishes (instead of being cancelled after one or two episodes), and that isn't just garbage-tier shitposting.
@TranscendenceTeam-tm2ky 6 ай бұрын
hey you take that back arten kirsi's replay is peak and you know it
@captainkawaii666 6 ай бұрын
I'm a huge fan of lumberjack mythology and stuff, so I'm really glad to see the Hidebehind mentioned!
@T.B.C-CC-AM 6 ай бұрын
this was an incredible series the sprite work and audio is amazing and the story is nicely made
@the14thgamer31 6 ай бұрын
The ending is very surprising and a very nice twist too
@cybersnake16 6 ай бұрын
Hell yeah, it's doneso. Cool story, cool art and banger soundtrack.
@MarcosDestroyer 6 ай бұрын
After watching again the prologue warning, i finally understood that the protagonist probably died by the same fate, at least he is reunited with his mother. Still its sad tho
@infinityzer054 5 ай бұрын
Time to hunt for a hide-behind with a very large hitty-stick
@Nobody-y6i 6 ай бұрын
Oh boy finnally one ngc fan story with a satisfying ending :D (Sorry for bad inglish)
@therealrockstargamer 4 ай бұрын
9:28 this means I had enough of Nintendo re-releasing the thousand year door
@MarcosDestroyer 6 ай бұрын
A pretty nice story. It would be nice to have a playable version and what i got curious is that uncertain fate ending tho.
@TranscendenceTeam-tm2ky 6 ай бұрын
seb died
@MarcosDestroyer 6 ай бұрын
@@TranscendenceTeam-tm2ky ye, just like i realized and mentioned in my other comment
@TranscendenceTeam-tm2ky 6 ай бұрын
@@MarcosDestroyerah, my bad
@MarcosDestroyer 6 ай бұрын
@@TranscendenceTeam-tm2kyno worries
@infinityzer054 5 ай бұрын
10:41 OI, HODZILLA 24:41 the skinwalker has been slain by some creature from the cartridge….it smells of petrichor
@infinityzer054 5 ай бұрын
12:32 that’s ironic, cause clearly one of the two of you actually cares, unlike you 4:03 my autistic brain finds that laugh slightly arousing
@moonlight-in3gq 6 ай бұрын
although i'm two weeks late to this, i just want to say that this is probably one of my favorite fan-made works for any media i've paged in recent times. the weird tonal shifts, the brief lapses from gameplay and the overall uncanny yet intriguing world presented in finger bones is just so wonderful -- and it perfectly mirrors the same feel of NGC itself while also standing on its own in many regards. and if i have one specific point of praise for this story, it's definitely the narrator character's way of connecting in-game events to his own life. as much as i love NGC, it always felt especially odd to me how the epiphany that the game is sentient would become somewhat muddled with the rest of entropy and most of extus. but here, the clarification as to imagery like zero strangling the "witch" character and the house at the art show is reserved for the very end where there isn't anything to slog the immediate impact and expansion of these revelations. and above all else, i feel that the narrator's comments on his life and his family were done extraordinarily well here -- their implementation of these memoirs felt organic and gradual to where these connections remained concrete. NGC's melissa subplot, to me, wasn't as impactful as it could've been since it is dropped as soon as it's introduced for the most part -- we only really get further elaboration on this point come zenith. and by then, we're already at the conclusion of zach's playthrough with acacius and red fighting to the death. it also helps that this narrator is much more open to talking about his life -- i know that zachary is written as a secretive person who hides his pain (even billy, zach's closest(?) friend since childhood, didn't know about melissa apparently), but that fact only makes it stranger that zachary eventually opens up in full about melissa the way he does. but with finger bones, our narrator establishes himself as being very much open to discussing his life, his thoughts and his values (albeit, he was kind of forced to) -- and thus, it's much more natural for him to continue adding fuel to this fire of "game-world-real-world" parallels. overall, this is legitimately peak. i don't know any other way to describe it without another hundred or so words. lastly, i want to point out 21:30 specifically. not even kidding, godzilla's words here legitimately brought chills down my spine the first time i watched this -- even now it still kind of does. the raw anger of the narrator in this moment and zero's face seething with rage suddenly being juxtaposed by soft ambience and a stoic godzilla urging the narrator to give him another chance to "be his strength"... it's just so good, dude. and i think it's perfect how contradictory this moment is. godzilla shouldn't be able to talk. he is a symbol of destruction, not strength. hell, shouldn't he be dead as the narrator presumed he was? in combination with the ending screen of him standing next to who i presume is supposed to be an in-game counterpart of the narrator's mother, it perfectly encapsulates that surreal yet warm feeling of finality that NGC's ending gave me when i'd seen it the first time. this segment and NGC's ending screen may be cheesy and out of place to an almost comical degree (the ending screen with everyone alive again in NGC was like a band-aid on a decapitation LOL), yet it's weirdly beautiful too. this scene also paints an interesting divide between zach and the narrator of finger bones with the above in mind. zach holds the godzilla IP very close to his heart and is well-versed in retro gaming, meanwhile our narrator here is much more invested in written literature and isn't much a fan of what godzilla is conceptually speaking. and yet, godzilla here still fights for both of them. perhaps finger bones in its entirety was just an ambivalent facade to cover up the actual journey of godzilla fighting a distorted ghidorah, and this interaction is that veil being ripped away. after all, the narrator has now proven that he can fight his way through an unfamiliar world -- that he can overcome this anomalous cartridge, even if he's very much unfamiliar with the medium its many perils are confined(?) to. yet, even if he wasn't, even if he hadn't, i still feel that godzilla's words here would've still been the same. "give me one more chance to be your strength." as dumb as this sounds, the mental image of this giant radioactive dinosaur standing firm as the only inalienable shred of hope against the complete infinity and nihility that this cartridge can create is weirdly powerful to me. and it only makes me empathize more with zachary, who frequently looks to the big g as a beacon of light in unfamiliar circumstances. i remember seeing a comment interpreting NGC as being representative of depression -- and while i don't agree with it in whole, i did agree on one particular aspect: godzilla represented courage. and that's peak.
@masterzucchini197 6 ай бұрын
AAHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS DISSECTION. You picked up exactly what I was putting down, and I'm glad it paid off. :DDDDDDD
@moonlight-in3gq 6 ай бұрын
​@@masterzucchini197 and an even bigger thank you to you and everyone else over at transcendence team for coming up with probably the best tribute to NGC i've seen yet! i could rave on and on about what i believe various elements of this story may mean, but it'd be better-suited for a doc or a video of some kind lol. again, massive kudos to you all for creating peak -- can't wait to see what you and this channel have in store for the future!
@TranscendenceTeam-tm2ky 6 ай бұрын
Channel owner here. Genuinely, comments like yours are the reason why I wanted to start TT in the first place. Hearing someone appreciate the beauty of an NGC fanstory on this level makes me feel an insurmountable level of joy. We hope you enjoy what we may post next, as we have many, many, things planned.
@spacehunternebulanm7003 6 күн бұрын
nah, godzilla IS a symbol of strength. he develops past just being an arbiter of destruction, he goes on to protect people's lives once the shobijin get through to him. and you could argue he could be both, but to argue he solely causes destruction would be disingenuous. at least in the showa era's timeline, anyway. and the godzilla in the GMOM video game is the showa era godzilla, so, nothing out of order there.
@karlhnedkovsky5214 6 күн бұрын
That was creepy as f@#$! Well done! **chef's kiss**
@spacehunternebulanm7003 6 күн бұрын
alright, so my interpretation of this is essentially - even though all the monsters seem "evil" in fingerbones, i think the king dragon thing might actually be telling the truth. especially after zero strangled the cave lady. he's going around killing other monsters, and while they were hostile to him first, he's also had the choice not to leave his residence, or around hiding sections, he could simply hide and then run away. he also had the choice not to kill the cave lady, but he did it anyway. and that's an example of zero disobeying the player, so while he points out to them that they're no better, it's not a good faith argument, because he seemingly has always had the power to act independantly, and if he really cared for the creatures of the world, he just wouldn't kill them when the player presses the buttons to do so. meanwhile, in godzilla's world, godzilla is the force of protection, and ghidorah's the force of erasure. with fingerbones glitching out like it does at the end, the king dragon, seemingly a good guy, gets melded together with the lovecraftian ghidorah. and i'd think in godzilla's eyes, especially since i don't think he has any knowledge of what actually happened in the fingerbones world, he's not viewing this from a "help zero kill the king!" angle, he's viewing it from a "we need to kill this thing right here and right now" perspective. we don't know what would've happened if the king had defeated zerozilla, but presumably fingerbones would turn out like the other world affected by the distorted ghidorah. there is a moral quandry here with those who believe in the game having some form of sapience vs the legitimate human life we find out gets taken away from the protagonist, so it's kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation in that aspect. only one option really seems good. if zero had been able to defeat the king alone - well, okay, but you just let this POS kill the king. and the player might also die too, but i don't know. if everything starts glitching out and godzilla helps the player out, okay, you beat the king apperation, you saved the fingerbones world, but zero's alive, so he's gonna go kill the player now. if the king glitches out and gets overtaken by ghidorah, then killing zero or zerozilla, okay, zero's dead and the player's safe, but then the world gets erased. it seems like the best option would have been the king killing zero before any of the glitching started. maybe just not saying anything to him and the player, and just outright attacking. perhaps leaving traps or something beforehand, too? maybe bringing out a whole army. maybe bringing out the lobster. maybe bringing out the whole ocean! i don't think it's the king's fault, and if the game had simply not glitched at that point, he totally could have won. it was just a wrong place, wrong time kind of thing.
@spacehunternebulanm7003 6 күн бұрын
buzzkill also did a terrific job on the music used in this so somebody should go find their address and start mailing them solid gold bars or something.
@spacehunternebulanm7003 6 күн бұрын
now wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, this is something that came together after i posted the comment, but i kinda realized that if zero had just let the lady live, and kissed her foot... he might have been able to kill the king!! she was one of so few people who were never willing to hurt him. i can also get not wanting to kiss her foot, because most people wouldn't wanna do that either, even if it makes their centipede form last longer. and his unwillingness to just leave her be is what kind of causes his downfall until godzilla shows up to help.
@donbototo5068 19 күн бұрын
i hope that the protagonist actually fighted back and beated the shit out of zero, or the cultist or whattever the hell that was at the end after finding his own strenght
@hyperinvox9129 6 ай бұрын
do the zero wero !!!
@Bigfathunkleberryisyummy 6 ай бұрын
@therealrockstargamer 4 ай бұрын
That's what I would do to princess peach 12:26
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