Nevile Goddard: Resurrection -- Read by Josiah Brandt

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Josiah Brandt

Josiah Brandt

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@tracylutz888 Жыл бұрын
"You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy. When a woman is in travail she has sorrow because her hour has come but when she has delivered of the child she no longer remembers the anguish for joy that a child is born into the world" what we are feeling right now. We felt the sting and we felt the pain but we now feel the joy that comes in the morning/mourning. Blessings to one and blessings to all! 🤍🤍
@chriscoats2884 Жыл бұрын
This is truly the endgame. We will all experience this Before we leave for the last time, and we will merge with the father that is ourselves, because we are all gods, returning to ourselves. but expanded by the experiences we had as man. Like a drop of water in the ocean we keep our own individual consciousness. but we become one with the hole.
@davidmerced307 5 ай бұрын
This is true , i am witness to this, iam in the middle of it. If i had not found this reading id be lost to what is happening to me. Tyvm. To all who read my text , this actually happens to you. May the holy spirit be with you all.
@onesevenstreet8967 Жыл бұрын
I really enjoy the way you read Neville’s word.. I wonder if you have seen David in dreams.. I gotta say that last Feb I had this dream where I was in a great hall and to my right was the most beautiful light skin baby with golden hair smiling at me and I said this is my son and his name is David as I woke in shock.. can’t describe how pretty that kid was and I don’t even have kids.. but Neville is speaking complete truth.. I am is the Lord!
@MrDonteallen Жыл бұрын
❗️BECAREFUL❗️WITH UR DREAMS AND VISIONS! This is a huge problem scripture talks abt how hearing the true gospel does more damage to the person who's heart and mind is not prepared...yall will take the gospel and turn it into something far worst then these current religions further distorting the TRUTH, U should not be seeking for david nor should u pay any attention to ur dreams of david bcus u will be mislead! U have heard neville describe david but he never gave any details as to the look of david which is consistent with scripture, plus theres a sequencein which these events happen so be mindful the lord is very crafty very deceptive nd these words shud put u on high guard "It PLEASED THE LORD TO BRUISE HIM" (isaiah53:10) well who is the him? YOU! lets not forget scripture tells us the way of the lord is hard to travel and very few find it so just becus ur hearing it on youtube videos u Still have not found the road! Only god can reveal to u the road after u have died to self, and u will know when the lord has done this when ur eyes (which is understanding) has been opened nd u start to take on the characteristics of christ, read luke 2 and see the journey of christ as a child, bcus that will be ur experience when chist has been born in ur heart and the lord has opened ur understanding so u can be led into all truth, u dnt start out as christ the man u start as the child nd have to grow or mature into adulthood so its a journey! But most importantly NEVER ASSUME U KNOW ANYTHING just hold onto what has been said nd allow the lord to unfold or reveal truth to u in his own time, also u'll want to study as much scripture as possible over nd over so u can be aware of the traps all the prophets nd apostles have found themselves in after finding the true god
@onesevenstreet8967 Жыл бұрын
@@MrDonteallen thank you for the kind reply🙏 one thing I do have to say is that I wasn’t looking for David but I do say I am in the most positive ways at night before sleep. It’s been a wild experience since I discovered Neville’s books last summer.. I have even seen the liquid gold with turquoise color flowing in my head.. crazy stuff 😆 but one thing is that my life has turned into the best I have felt inside all my life.. combat veteran with ptsd.. my sadness completely went away when I started to understand where God dwells..
@sfmlr1505 Жыл бұрын
@@MrDonteallen you warn to "never assume to know anything" yet simultaneously claim that we are "distorting the truth" which youre apparently in possession of as you speak so boldly. maybe you should follow your own advice and not assume someone is wrong just because it doesnt fit into your own narrative? we should not pay attention to dreams? seriously? while the bible reveals that the lord is speaking to man(kind) through dreams? neville didnt give any details about david? bullshit. he mentions 1st samuel 16:12 every second lecture you can listen to. heres a quote from his book even: "There, leaning against the side of an open door was my son David of Biblical fame. He was a lad in his early teens. What struck me forcibly about him was the unusual beauty of his face and figure. He was - as he is described in the first book of Samuel - ruddy, with beautiful eyes and very handsome [16:12, 17:42]." yet he also stresses the point numberless times that visions must not be identical and that such details as pigment of skin are unimportant; here another quote from 'walk on the water' lecture: "David is described in the Book of Samuel as ruddy, with beautiful eyes, and fair of skin. If you judge from appearance, then certain races would be excluded - but David is not of this world. David is he who rises in us because of the descent of the seed of God. Whether you are Caucasian, Negro, or Oriental, Christ - God’s seed - descends and plants itself in you. And when union between that descending, higher seed and that which is only an animated being takes place, you are individually lifted into a supernatural world, where you know yourself to be the father of God’s only begotten son, David." and anyway how many details do you need? do you recall everything about characters you have met during your nightly travels or only the general impression or their most important features? i personally saw david last december and he was just as he is described in 1st samuel, the moment i looked at him i immediately knew it was david, there was no doubt in my mind, and instantly i was stunned by his supernatural beauty, especially by his eyes which were blue and almost glowing. i judged his age to be max 13 but felt like 12 was more accurate, his hair was short and blonde, skin white (as in race) but reddish due to radiating health (in bible they say he was 'ruddy' and thats exactly it). when you see him these are the characteristics which you immediately notice, they are written into eternal history, the rest is unimportant. entire isaah 53 speaks about imagination crucified on man (thats the "he" spoken of who "has poured his soul unto (the state of) death"), it is not adressed to us "evil sinners". you are trying to scare people away from progress they are obviously making as their dreams inform. neville teaches that everyone was chosen and none can fail. why should we be afraid? why should we dread forging a new gospel if there is only one that is true and it is destined to be revealed in us? in the end there are no mistakes, no transgressions - "though your sins be as scarlet they will be white as snow".
@cgl8421 7 ай бұрын
​​@@MrDonteallen This is true. I have been trying to find God but he has not made himself known to me. So I continue my Godless walk blind and alone.
@DrawAHolisticViewOfYourLife Жыл бұрын
Your channel has had a profound impact on my personal growth and development. Thank you for being a guiding light on my journey.
@jonmcmahon90292 Жыл бұрын
thank you. thank your such clear reading and reading slow with pauses and no background music. it’s the best
@sheilagrayman7147 Жыл бұрын
Hi, Josiah.🌺 Thank you for this MOMENT. 🙏Happy week to you and everybody, everywhere!🤗
@alansolomon2863 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Josiah for your divine reading style, as though you're explaining Neville Goddard's writing, the anointed one.
@josephrobert7059 Жыл бұрын
God bless you
@maragambarini6825 6 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@888games Жыл бұрын
Josiah, thank you for this audios your doing, it's great👊👊
@Josiah.Brandt Жыл бұрын
You are welcome!
@PrinceChristopher-c9n 9 ай бұрын
Behold lord I have come to do your will
@PrinceChristopher-c9n 9 ай бұрын
Lord I have come to do your will
@PrinceChristopher-c9n 9 ай бұрын
God is in me
@PrinceChristopher-c9n 9 ай бұрын
I and the father are one
@simonchambers3900 Жыл бұрын
How does the kabbalah connect with nevile goddards work. I believe Abdullah was a kabbalist Is the Kabalah the original teaching of Jesus? Also Gnosticism, is there a connecting with this also?
@tmaioli 2 ай бұрын
Kabbalah and Neville Goddard's Work Neville Goddard's teachings are deeply rooted in spiritual and mystical traditions, including Kabbalah. While he didn't explicitly teach Kabbalah, his ideas on the power of imagination, the importance of assuming one's desired state, and the concept of the "I AM" principle are all reflective of Kabbalistic thought. Abdullah, a mystical rabbi, was indeed a Kabbalist and a significant influence on Neville Goddard. Abdullah's teachings on the Kabbalah and the Zohar (a foundational text of Kabbalah) likely shaped Goddard's understanding of the spiritual realm and the human condition. Kabbalah and Jesus' Teachings The Kabbalah is an ancient Jewish mystical tradition that predates Jesus' time. While Jesus' teachings are not directly based on Kabbalah, there are similarities and parallels between the two. Some scholars argue that Jesus' teachings, particularly those found in the Gospel of John, reflect Kabbalistic ideas, such as: The Unity of God: Both Kabbalah and Jesus' teachings emphasize the unity and oneness of God. The Power of the Word: Kabbalah teaches that words have creative power, which is echoed in Jesus' teachings on the importance of faith and the power of prayer. The Inner Kingdom: Jesus' teachings on the Kingdom of Heaven being within (Luke 17:21) resonate with Kabbalistic ideas on the inner, spiritual realm. However, it's essential to note that Jesus' teachings were not a direct expression of Kabbalah. Instead, they reflect a unique blend of Jewish mysticism, prophetic tradition, and his own spiritual insights. Gnosticism and Connections Gnosticism, a philosophical and spiritual movement that emerged in the 1st century AD, shares some similarities with Kabbalah and Neville Goddard's teachings. Gnosticism emphasizes: Esoteric Knowledge: Gnostics sought spiritual knowledge (gnosis) that was not accessible through external authorities, but rather through personal experience and introspection. The Divine Within: Gnostics believed that the divine spark is within each individual, which aligns with Kabbalistic ideas on the inner, spiritual realm. The Illusion of the Material World: Gnostics saw the material world as an illusion, which is similar to Kabbalistic concepts on the impermanence of the physical realm. Neville Goddard's teachings on the importance of imagination, assumption, and the "I AM" principle also resonate with Gnostic ideas on the power of the human spirit to shape reality. While there are connections between Kabbalah, Gnosticism, and Neville Goddard's work, each tradition has its unique characteristics and emphasis. Understanding these connections can enrich one's spiritual journey, but it's essential to approach each tradition with respect and an open mind. 20240731
@simonchambers3900 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to reply in such depth. I have done some research since asking the question and what you replied echos much of what I learnt. The Hermetics teaching and the kabalion,( which is very probable where the Kabalah came from) Is also very interesting and the universe being mind, the same ideology as neville goddard. Infact the more you expand the more you come back to the same thing. As above so below. So interesting.
@IAMinfiniteandfree. Жыл бұрын
But why does God need a man out of billions, why does God not reveal himself to many and how many have experienced this after him? It sounds like strange to me that hardly anymore out of 8 billion people have experienced this....
@jjt53 Жыл бұрын
God gives EVERYONE the power of FREE WILL. if you choose to seek Him, He will come but what your faith is let it be unto you.
@IAMinfiniteandfree. Жыл бұрын
@@jjt53 i want to believe that, i was raised that God doesn't exist. And what i am seeing for all my life already he forgot to be there during many genocides of faithfull people. Like in WO2.. our children being raped in pedofile doesn't make any sense..
@IamHzwyfee Жыл бұрын
*Not everyone believes do they? Does he not know the hearts of people? LOSERfer does evil right in front of people and they still follow the darkness instead of the light. Trust that God knows what He’s doing. You would know too if you read His word and develop your relationship with Him. First up: You must be born again.*
@MrDonteallen Жыл бұрын
Sweety if god became u how cud he reveal himself to u? 🤔 thats why scripture says "no man can see god and live" now we know why bcus when u (the identity god has assumed) sees ur true self(god) then ur identity ceases to be! And also asking questions is ok but u cannot attempt to understand this with ur unrenewed mind it will only lead to more confusion so its best to hear and hold onto what has been said and meditate on it by thinking abt it, replaying it over nd over nd over etc until god begins to shed some light on what ur hearing...remember jesus spoke as if he nd god were 2 differnt ppl nd yet he was referring to himself the whole time, so it is with u, u the identity is not aware of u the true god so only with a sincere heart shud u even begin to seek ur trueself
@MikeSadala 6 ай бұрын
​@@MrDonteallenJacob saw God face to face. Also neville said that when you look at God face to face it's actually the end result of your wish fulfill in your imagination
@PrinceChristopher-c9n 9 ай бұрын
The i am is the who's is in me
@lupitamacedo193 10 ай бұрын
@Brucec-x6r 28 күн бұрын
@PrinceChristopher-c9n 9 ай бұрын
I am the son of God
@PrinceChristopher-c9n 9 ай бұрын
I am the son who's Name is i am
@PrinceChristopher-c9n 9 ай бұрын
I am The Son who name is I am
@naturallyyounaturallyme1324 8 ай бұрын
Thank you
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