New cards from BLB! Myrel, Shield of Argive, deck tech EDH Magic the Gathering

  Рет қаралды 806

Blake, Scholar of Magic

Blake, Scholar of Magic

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@anyone1209 Ай бұрын
Nice deck! I have to point out though that coppercoat vanguard gives buffs to humans not soldiers. Myrel's soldiers are colorless artifact creatures meaning they would not benefit from the buff. Adeline is also a good choice for the deck, but I choose not to run her in my Myrel deck because while her power can reach crazy highs with a big board, her ability only creates human creature tokens, not soldiers. Would recommend swapping her out for Hero of Bladehold! 4 mana 3/4 with battle cry and whenever he attacks he creates two 1/1 white soldier tokens that are tapped and attacking. Synergies much better with Myrel.
@titanovixdecktechmtg Ай бұрын
@@anyone1209 nice! These are very good points, I had a great run at lgs with it, and definitely want to go full soldier, copper coat does keep our stuff safe so I do like it in general.
@titanovixdecktechmtg Ай бұрын
@@anyone1209 oh my, hero is so gas, thank you so much!
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